The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Black n That which is destitute of light or whiteness; the darkest color, or rather a destitution of all color; as, a cloth has a good black. 2. a black pigment or dye. 3. a person whose skin is of a black color, or shaded with black; esp. a member or descendant of certain African races. 4. a black garment or dress; as, she wears black; pl. (Obs.) 5. mourning garments of a black color; funereal drapery. 5. the part of a thing which is distinguished from the rest by being black. 6. a stain; a spot; a smooch.
Black vb To make black; to blacken; to soil; to sully. 2. to make black and shining, as boots or a stove, by applying blacking and then polishing with a brush.
Black adj Bleak pallid; destitute of light, or incapable of reflecting it; of the color of soot or coal; of the darkest or a very dark color, the opposite of white; characterized by such a color; as, black cloth; black hair or eyes.

2. in a less literal sense: Enveloped or shrouded in darkness; very dark or gloomy; as, a black night; the heavens black with clouds. 3. (fig.): dismal, gloomy, or forbidding, like darkness; destitute of moral light or goodness; atrociously wicked; cruel; mournful; calamitous; horrible. "This day's black fate." "Black day." 5. expressing menace, or discontent; threatening; sullen; foreboding; as, to regard one with black looks.

Black adv Sullenly; threateningly; maliciously; so as to produce.
Black phr "A Black Day(For Somebody)" - a day, or some less specific point of time, when something sad or disastrous happens.
Black phr "A Black dog on his Back - to suffer depression and melancholy.
Black phr "A Black Look" - a look of strong dislike, disapproval, resentment etc.
Black phr "Beat One Black and Blue" - to beat or thrash someone severely, causing deep bruising.
Black phr "Be In a Black Mood" - a fit of depression, bad temper, etc, usually temporary though perhaps recurring.
Black phr "Be In the Black" - be in credit at the bank.
Black phr "Be In Somebody's Black Books" - be out of favor or looked upon with disfavor.
Black phr "Be In the Black' - to show a profit, to have a credit balance.
Black phr "Black as Coal" - completely back; jet black.
Black phr "Blacken Somebody's Eyes" - threaten to hit somebody in the eye and so make it black and bruised; punish or assault somebody.
Black phr "Blacken Somebody's Name" - make somebody character (through idle chatter) seem worse than it really is.
Black phr "Black Out" - to faint, loose consciousness. 2. make invisible from the air at night by covering windows, lights etc. 3. not allow news, information to be released. 4. to bring a television transmission to a halt by a strike, or at the order of an official.
Black phr "Black Ox" - symbolic of old-age
Black phr "Give (Someone) a Black Look" - a lok of bad-temper and/or anger.
Black phr "Have A Black Day" - experience a day of disaster or misfortune.
Black phr "Have a Black Mark Against One's Name" - to have a tarnished reputation.
Black phr "In Black and White" - writing or print; as, I must have that statement in black and white (clear and unambiguous.) 2. not colored; having no other color but black.
Black phr "See Things in Black and White" - to see things simply and uncomplicated. 2. look at life in a very basic way.
Black phr "Say Black and Anyone's Eye/eyebrow' - to find fault with.
Black phr "Swear Black is White" - tell a gros lie.
Black phr "Things Look Black" - there is little hope of success, prosperity or a favorable outcome.
Black acre n An arbitrary name given to a theoretical portion of land, especially used to distinguish it from a second, ‘white’ acre, and perhaps a third, ‘green’ acre.
Black-and-blue adj A term used to desribe a bruise or bruising.
Black-and-white adj Of art, photography, using shades of color. 2. a TV or monitor, displaying images of shades of color. 3. fig. classifying people, objects or concepts as two opposites, as 'right and wrong.' 3. dichotomous, inflexible, that is, as alternate forms of black and white.
Black bear n The common American bear.
Black-beetle n A cockroach found indoors.
Black Belt n The southern part of the Atlantic coastal plain of the US, so called for its black soil on which cotton thrives in. 2. that part of a State, or the Southern States, where the black American population outnumbers people of other races. 2. a black belt worn by an expert in judo, karate etc.
Blackberry n A fruit bearing shrub of the species Rubus fructicosus and some hybrids. 2. the soft fruit borne by this shrub, formed of a black (when ripe) cluster of drupelets. 3. in some places, known as a blackcurrant.
Blackbird n Common true thrush Turdus merula, found in woods and gardens over much of Eurasia and introduced elsewhere. 2. in the C19th century, a term used by slavers and pirates, for peoples kidnap from of Pacific Islands and sold into slavery in Austalia.
Black birders n Slavers who enslaved peoples of the Pacific Islands during the C19th.
Black-birding n The act and crime against humanity of slavers who enslaved peoples of the Pacific Islands ad transported them to Australia during the C19th.
Blackboard n A blackened surface, for marking upon with chalk.
Black-boding adj Ominous.
Blackbook n A book compiled in the twelfth century, containing a description of the court of exchequer of England, an official statement of the revenues of the crown, etc. 2. book containing details of the enormities practiced in the English monasteries and religious houses, compiled by order of their visitors under Henry VIII, to hasten their dissolution. 3. book of admiralty law, of the highest authority, compiled in the reign of Edward III. 4. a book kept for the purpose of registering the names of persons liable to censure or punishment, as in the English universities, or the English armies. 5. any book dealing with necromancy.
Blackbox n Informal name in aviation for the brightly colored (orange) cockpit recorders in an aircraft designed to aid in determining the cause of an accident. 2. (by extension) any similar recording device, to the aircraft blackbox, used in trains, motor vehicles, and ships.
Blackbox-warning n A written warning regarding the serious adverse effects of a prescription drug, required by the American Food and Drugs Administration with packaging and usually contained within a black rectangular border.
Black bread n Rye bread.
Black-browed adj Having a dark brow or front. 2. dour, sullen, scowling, frowning.
Black-death n A pandemic outbreak, often attributed to bubonic plague; the Black death. The disastrous mortal disease known as the Black Death spread across Europe in the years 1346-53. The frightening name, however, only came several centuries after its visitation (and was probably a mistranslation of the Latin word ‘atra’ meaning both ‘terrible’ and ‘black)’. 2. The Grath Death.
Black-dog n Melancholy, depression of spirits, ill-humoured.
Black-dog phr "A Black-dog on His Back - to suffer depression and melancholy.
Black earth n Chernozem.
Blacked adj Obliterated with black. 2. with lights extinguished or obscured to conceal from enemy bomber.
Blacken vb To make black. 2. to sully, denigrate or defame another. 3. to become dark.
Blackened adj Made black or dark, denigrated, slandered, defamed. 2. sullen, morose.
Blackener n One who or that which blackens. 2. a denigration.
Black English n A form of English spoken by many black people, esp. as an urban dialect of the US.
Black-eyed adj Having or suffering a blackened eye.
Black fish n (Chiefly Scotland) The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, especially a female after spawning. 2. any of various dark-coloured fish of the Old World, especially the rudderfish (Centrolophus niger). 3. a pilot whale, genus Globicephalus (occasionally also used for various other whales). 4. (Canada, US) either of two dark-coloured fish of the west Atlantic, the tautog of New England (Tautoga onitis) and the black sea bass (Centropristis striata). 5. (Australia, New Zealand) any of various dark-coloured fishes of Australasia, especially the luderick, Girella tricuspidata, and a freshwater fish, Gadopsis marmoratus.
Black-fishing n Fishing carried out illegally during dark.
Black Friday n Any Friday on which a public disaster has occurred.
Black frost n Frost without rime or dew.
Black hat n A villian's or bad guys in a story, especially in the Westerns. 2. a malicious hacker who commits illegal acts. See: "White-hat, Gray hat, Red hat."
Black haw n The sloe. 2. the sweet viburnum, the sheepberry.
Black head n A dark plug of sebum in a hair follicle.
Black heart n Internal rotting condition of wood.
Black hearted adj Displaying a malevolent spirit.
Black-heartedness n State or quality of being treacherous, traitorous, evil, malignant.
Black-hole n The punishment cell or lock-up in a military barrack; the guard room. 2. a place or confinement for punishment. 3. a deep-dark pool with a waterfall. 4. a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter and radiation can escape.
Black-hole vb To confine to a black-hole.
Black-house n A prison, jail, gaol. 2. a business where working hours are long and wages are small.
Black ice n A mixture of thin ice, and sometimes with dirt and vehicle oils that form on a road making driving road slippery and dangerous for motorists.
Blacking n The action of making black. 2. a preparation used to make shoes black.
Blackish adj Somewhat black; inclining to black.
Blackishly adv In a manner, way or attitude that is somewhat blackish, melancholy, depressive.
Blackishness n The property of being blackish.
Black knight n A villian, an evil character.
Black lead n Graphite
Blackless adj Without the presence of dark-skinned people. 2. lacking the colour black.
Blacklight n A lamp used for decoration that gives off ultraviolet light.
Blacklist n In law, a list or collection of people or entities to be shunned or banned.
Blacklist vb To place on a banned list. 2. to mark a person or entity as one to be shunned or banned.
Black-listed adj That or those placed on a blacklist
Blacklister n One who blacklists.
Blacklisting n The act or practice of blacklisting.
Black lung n The chronic disease of the lungs, Pneumoconiosis, caused by long-term inhalation of coal dust.
Blackly adv In a black, gloomy, frowning manner. 2. darkly, gloomily, dismally.
Black knight n A literary stock character who masks their identity and that of their liege by not displaying heraldry. ... They are often contrasted with the knight-errant. The character appeared in Arthurian literature and has been adapted and adopted by various authors, in cinema and popular culture.
Blackmail n An extortion of payment in return for not disclosing discreditable information, secret. 2. any payment extorted in this way. 3. the use of threats or moral pressure.
Blackmail vb To extort or try to extort money etc from a person by blackmail.
Blackman n An obsolete name for a person with black skin.
Blackmark n Something that negatively effects someone's good-standing or reputation. 2. a mark of discredit.
Black monk n A Benedictine monk; of the Order of St Benedict.
Blackmouth n A black-mouthed person or animal; fig. a foul-mouthed person, a slanderer.
Black-mouthed adj Having a black-mouth; fig. caluminous, slanderous.
Blackneb n A popular name for various black-billed, as the Crane and common crow.
Blackness adj Quality or state of being black. 2. the quality of being Black, spec. self consciousness of US Blacks, as a matter of pride.
Black-on-black adj Idiomatic of something that is invisible or intentionally obfuscated, such as a warning in fine print.
Black-out n To censor or cover up by writing over in black ink. 2. (fig.) to censor or cover up. 3. to lose consciousness; to suffer a blackout; faint, swoon . 4. to mark in black or dark color.
Black Ox n The ox as a symbol of old-age
Black rain n Rain contaminated by fungi spores, soot or other particulate matter. 3. a radioactive rain that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki following the atomic bombings in 1945.
Black Rod n The Usher of the Black Rod in Britain and other Commonwealth countries.
Black root n Colic root.
Black rot n A disease of grapevines, attacking the first leaves, covered by fungus Laestadia.
Black Sea n An inland Sea between south-Eastern Europe, Causasus and Asia Minor.
Black shadow n Depression.
Black sheep n One, among a herd of white sheep, that is black. 2. a nonconformist; an unusual rebellious or unconventional person. 3. a dislike person; one who is not liked or disfavored; a misfit. 4. an evil-disposed or disreputable member of an otherwise decent family.
Blackshirt n A member of a fascist party, organization having a black shirt as partof its uniform, esp. an Italian fascist.
Blacksmith n A person who forges iron, including a wainwright, cartwright and others. 2. a person who shoes horses (a farrier.)
Blacksmithing n The business of a blacksmith.
Blacksmithy adj Pertaining to the blacksmith or smithy.
Black snake n A snake of various species, black in color and found in regions throughout the world.
Black-snake root n The bugbane, rattleroot, rattletop or black-snakeroot, Cimicifuga racemosa.
Blacksome adj Of a black character, dusty, darkish.
Black-souled adj Having a depressive and melancholy spirit. 2. evil, nefarious, somewhat wicked.
Black speak n The dialect of English spoken by people of Sub-Saharan African ancestry living in the US.
Black spot n Any of the various diseases in plants or animals, producing black spots. 2. a place or area of trouble, anxiety or danger, as a section of road known for it's high frequency of accidents.
Black swan n An Australian swan, Cyngus atratus.
Black thorn n Prunus spinosa.
Black Thursday n Any Thursday on which a public disaster occurred, as the Crash of the New York Stock-Exchange on Thursday (24/10/1929.)
Black tie n Evening dress, less formal than a white tie event, consisting of a black dinner jacket or Tuxedo jacket and matching trousers, etc.
Black Tin n The raw ore of tin, usually cassiterite, as sold by a tin mine to a smelting company. After mining, the ore has to be concentrated by a number of processes to reduce the amount of gangue it contains before it can be sold. It contrasts with white tin, which is the refined, metallic tin produced after smelting. The term "black tin" was historically associated with tin mining in Devon and Cornwall.
Black top n A type of road-surfacing material. 2. a road itself surfaced with this top. 3. a 'bitumen' road.
Black Tuesday n Any Tuesday on which a public disaster has occurred.
Blackware n Any pottery of a black or nearly black color.
Blackwash n A public campaign of advertising such as the one funded by the coal industry to draw attention away from environmentally unsustainable practices (opponent's claim) to justify excision of carbon taxes. 3. a term used by Indians in India for the sea. (whale road). 3. to blacken the character of; to cast aspersions, disparage. 4. to wash or color with a black liquid.
Blackwash vb Opposite of 'to whitewash' - to blacken the character of, asperse, denigrate, calumniate, as, ' he black washes the whole human race.' 2. to launch a public campaign of advertising such as the one funded by the coal industry to draw attention away from environmentally unsustainable practices (opponent's claim) to justify excision of carbon taxes. 3. a term used by Indians in India for the sea. (whale road)
Blackwashing n The application of a coating of black-wash. 2. the revisionist portrayal of something as evil.
Blackwater n A stream stained brown by the peat of the mosses from which it flows.
Black widow n Any of several species of venomous spiders, particularly Latrodectus speciosa. 2. a woman who kills on or more of her lovers. 3. a woman who has a number of husband who are killed in accidents. 4. a female martyr whose husband has been killed or die as a martyr.
Blackwood n Any of several species of trees yielding a dark wood.
Blacky adj Somewhat black, blackish.
Bladder vb To swell out like a bladder with air; to inflate, to puff up like a bladder; swell out. 2. to put up in bladders; as, bladder lard.
Bladder n A bag or sac in animals, which serves as the receptacle of some fluid; as, the urinary bladder; the gall bladder; -- applied especially to the urinary bladder, either within the animal, or when taken out and inflated with air. 2. any vesicle or blister, especially if filled with air, or a thin, watery fluid. 3. a distended, membranaceous pericarp. 4. anything inflated, empty, or unsound. "To swim with bladders of philosophy."
Bladderful adj As much as a bladder can hold.
Bladderless adj Not having or without a bladder.
Bladderwort n A genus of water plants, Utriculous.
Bladder wrack n The common black rock weed of the seacoast (Fucus nodosus and Fucus vesiculosus) -- called also bladder tangle.
Bladdery adj Of the nature of a bladder.
Blade n OE: leaf. - the sharp cutting edge of a knife, chisel, or other tool, a razor blade. 2. the flat functional end of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, skate, etc. 3. the narrow leaf of a grass or cereal. 4. botany) the thin, flat part of a plant leaf, attached to a stem (petiole). 5. the lamina. 6. flat bone, especially the shoulder blade. 7. a cut of beef from near the shoulder blade (part of the chuck). 8. the flat part of the tongue. 9. (poetic) a sword or knife. 10.(archaeology) a piece of prepared, sharp-edged stone, often flint, at least twice as long as it is wide; a long flake of ground-edge stone or knapped vitreous stone. 11. (ultimate frisbee) a throw characterized by a tight parabolic trajectory due to a steep lateral attitude. 12. (sailing) the rudder, daggerboard, or centerboard of a vessel. 13. bulldozer or surface-grading machine with mechanically adjustable blade that is nominally perpendicular to the forward motion of the vehicle. 14. dated) A dashing young man.
Blade vb To take off the blade. 2. to put forth blades or leaves.
Blade phr "To Blade it Out" - to fight a matter with swords.
Blade-bone n The scapula
Bladed adj Formed as a blade, lanceolated. 2. having a blade, sword.
Bladeless adj Without a blade.
Blader n One who makes a blade; a bladesmith. 2. a user of a blade; a swordsman
Blading n The shooting out into a blade; sprouthing. 2. fighting with blades or swords. 3. the blade of a turbine.
Blady adj Characterised by a blade or blades.
Blae adj Of a dark colour between blue and black; dark. 2. blackish-blue; of the colour of blaeberry; livid;. 3. also of a lighter shade, bluish-grey, lead-colored. 4. the color of the sea. 5. of weather: bleak, sunless. 6. tawny, somewhat dingy-coloured. 7. grey as opposed to white.
Blædfast adj Prosperous, glorious (blaed: prosperous)
Blaeness n Livid color or blue hue of a wound.
Blain n Inflammation swelling or sore on the body, blister, blotch, pustule.
Blain vb To effect with blister.
Blake adj Also "Blayke" becoming pale, ghostly, 2. pale, pallid, wan, implying deficiency or loss of colour, esp of the waning hue of death. 3. ash-coloured, withered yellow. 4. abashed, spiritless, awkwardness, shamefaced, timid, bashful, diffident, slow, sheepish, insipid
Blake vb To become pale, to make pale.
Bland vb Superseded by blend, to mix, intermingle, blend.
Blast n A violent gust of wind.  2. forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. hence: the continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace; as, to melt so many tons of iron at a blast. 3. the exhaust steam from an engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast. 4. an explosion, especially for the purpose of destroying a mass of rock, etc. 5. an explosive charge for blasting. 6. a loud, sudden sound. 7. a sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight. 8. (fig, informal) a good time; an enjoyable moment.) 9. a promotional message sent to email, etc.
Blast vb To confound by a loud blast or din. 2. to make a loud noise. 3. to shatter, as if by an explosion. 4. to open up a hole in, usually by means of a sudden and imprecise method (such as an explosion). 5. to curse; to damn, as 'Blast it!'. 6. (sci-fi) to shoot, especially with an energy weapon (as opposed to one which fires projectiles). 7. to criticize or reprimand severely; to verbally discipline or punish. 8. to blight or wither. 9. to be blighted or withered.

10. (obs.) to blow, as on a trumpet.

Blast phr "At Full Blast" - at maximum speed or force.
Blast phr "Blast It!" - a mild imprecation.
Blast phr "Blast Off" - (of a rocket etc) taking off from a launching pad.
Blastedly adv In a blasted way; damnable, confounded.
Blast freezing n The freezing of a foodstuff etc by means of a rapid current of chilled air.
Blast hole n A hole containing an explosive device or charge for blasting.
Blast-off n The launching of a rocket. 2. the initial thrust of a blast-off.
Blawort n (Blaywort) - from "bla' & 'blae' and 'wort' : herb, plant. The name in Scotland of the' harebell' (campanula rotundifolia) and the (corn bluebottle) - (centaura cyanos)
Blaze n A torch, firebrand, lamp. 2. a bright glowing flame or fire; a bright flame or fire.. 3. the flames of hell: 'The Blazes." 4. a flash of lightning. 5. clear of or as of full light, as noon. 6. a blazing star or cynosure; a brilliant light, brightness; brilliancy of glow or bright hue. 7. glory, splendor, brilliant display. 8. a bright, hot gleam or glow: the blaze of day. 9. a vivid coruscation: a blaze of jewels. 10. a sudden, intense outburst, as of passion or fury.
Blaze vb To burn brightly (sometimes fol. by away, up, or forth): The bonfire blazed away for hours. 2. to shine like flame (sometimes followed. by forth). 3. to burst out suddenly or intensely, as a fire or flame does; flare (sometimes followed. by up). 4. to shoot steadily or continuously (usu. followed. by away).

5. to be brilliantly conspicuous

Blaze phr "Blaze Away" - to fire continually with guns or artillery. 2. fig. to work away with fire, passion and vigour. 3. to burn brightly.
Blaze phr "Blaze Forth" - to shine like a flame, burn brightly.
Blaze phr "Blaze Out" - to cause to flare away. 2. to exhaust in a blaze of excitement or passion (said of a person and their feelings.)
Blaze phr "Blaze Up" - to burst out suddenly or intensely, as a flire or flame does; flare.
Blaze phr "Go Like Blazes" - go very quickly.
Blaze phr "Go to Blazes" - go to hell!
Blaze phr "Go to Blazes" - go to hell; be damned!
Blaze phr "Like Blazes" - with great energy.
Blaze phr "What the Blazes!" - what the hell!
Blazed adj Set in flames; hence, fig. inflamed. 2. published, made famous.
Blazingly adv In the manner of a blaze; burn or flare like a blaze.
Bleach n Bleaching liquid or power. 2. the bleaching process; also a bleached condition. 3. a disease of the skin. 4. whiteness, paleness.
Bleach vb To whiten linen, etc. by washing and exposure to sunlight, or by chemical processes. 2. to free from stain, purify, to deprive of colour, esp. by exposure. 3. to become white; whiten; to free from from stain, to become pale, pallid or colourless.
Bleached adj Whitened by exposure to light and air; made pale, bleached.
Bleacher n One who bleaches. 2. a vessel used for bleaching.
Bleaching n The art or process of whitening or cleaning by washing and exposure or by chemical agents.
Bleaching adj That bleaches or whitens; fig. cleansing, purifying. 2. becoming white by exposure.
Bleachy adj Somewhat bleached or whitened. 2. pale
Blead n Breath, blowing, inspiration
Bleak adj OE: blaec, blac: bleak, pallid, wan, livid, pallid, bright, shining. ON. - bliekr. 2. without colour, pallid. 3. desolate and exposed, swept by cold winds. 4. unhappy, cheerless, miserable, emotionally desolate.
Bleakly adv In a bleak manner.
Bleakness n The characteristic of being bleak.
Bleaky adj Bleak.
Bleat n The cry of a sheep, goat, calf. 2. a similar sound of the human voice. 3. a feeble complaint.
Bleat vb To cry as a sheep, goat or calf. 2. to give forth or utter a bleat. 3. used contemptuously of the human voice. 4. to give mouth to, babble, prattle.
Bleating n The crying of a sheep, goat, calf. 2. contemptuously of the human voice and utterances.
Bleaty adj Having the sound like the bleat of a beast, esp. or the human voice. 3. that bleats.
Blede n Flower, blossom, bloom, fruit.
Blee n Colour, hue. 2. colour of the face, complexion, visage, appearance, form, as in the phrase 'three fair sisters bright of blee.'
Bleed vb Of an animal):to lose blood through an injured blood vessel. 2. to let or draw blood from. 2. to take large amounts of money from. 3. to steadily lose (something vital). 4. of an ink or dye - to spread from the intended location and stain the surrounding cloth or paper.5. to remove air bubbles from a pipe containing fluids. 6. To bleed on; to make bloody. 7 .to show one's group loyalty by showing (its associated color) in one's blood. 8. to lose sap, gum, or juice. 9. To issue forth, or drop, like blood from an incision.
Bleed vb An instance of bleeding. 2. a cut or wound that bleeds profusely.
Bleed vb Of corn: to 'bleed well' - to give a large yield.
Bleed phr "The Heart Bleeds Inwardly" - to express grief, anguish, great sadness, sorrow or pity.
Bleed phr "Bleed Dry" - of a slaughtered animal, to wait until all its blood has drained out. 2. to cause someone hardship by cutting off all their supplies; taking all their money.
Bleed phr "Bleed Out" - To die due to excess blood-loss; to bleed to death; exsanguination, hypovolemia.
Bleed phr "Bleed (Somebody) White" - take away (almost) everything it possesses, often by drastic or unfair means.
Bleed phr "Bleed to Death" - to die from massive blood-loss, usually for severe arterial loss; to die from loss of blood.
Bleed phr "One's Heart Bleeds for Somebody/Something" - one feels truly sad for a person's fate.
Bleed phr "Slowly Bleed to Death" - to be heading in gradual steps towards total ruin.
Bleeder n One who bleeds profusely from hemophilia. 2. to extract money. 3. a very stupid person, unpleasant person. 3. also used in inoffensively, as in 'silly little person' 4. a pipe, valve or the like used for bleeding.
Bleeding n Flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel. 2. bloodletting.
Bleeding adj Extreme, outright.
Bleeding adv (sl) Extremely.
Bleeding phr "The Bleeding Edge" - something very current or modern, where there maybe actually a hazard or risk in using it. 2. cf. cutting edge, leading edge.
Bleeding edge n Something too new and untested to be considered reliable or to have an assurance of safety. (concern, fostered by Edison, with Nikola Tesla's alternating electrical current proposal. 2. fig. such place where such things exist, 'as the 'bleeding edge' of drone technology.' cf. 'cutting edge.'
Bleeding-edge Software n Unstable, risky to use; experimental software.
Bleeding heart n Popular name of several plants; eg. the Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheira.) 2. any of the several species of pigeons native to the Phillipines, (Callicolumba). 3. a person considered to be sympathetic to the plight of the under-privileged, exploited, helpless, or to the casualty of circumstances.
Bleedy adj Relating to bleeding or spillage
Blench vb (Blenk) - cheat, deceive, foil. 2. of a ship: to turn over, heel over. 3. to elude, run away from, flee from lack of courage. 4. of eyes: turn away, to lose firmness, 5. of a glare: to flinch, turn away or aside, shirk
Blencher n A person who is employed to turn or frighten others away; also a scarecrow. 2. one who blenches, loses courage or flinches. 3. in hunting, one placed to turn the deer from going in particular direction.
Blenching n The action of the verb 'to blench.' 2. turning to one side, swerving, shying. 3. the turning away of the eyes. 4. blinking, winking. 5. flinching, quailing, loss of courage.
Blenchingly adv In a blenching way or manner.
Blend n Fusion of Old English blendan; (mix) & Old Norse "blanda' (mingle). Old English had a verb 'blendan' but it meant 'make blind' and 'dazzle' . Modern English 'blend' appears to come from 'blend- , the present stem of Old Norse 'blanda' a relative of Old English blandan 'mix'). The ultimate source of this is not clear , but it does not sto be restricted to Germanic )Lithuian has the adjective blandus 'thick' in relation to a liquid), so it may be related to 'blind' whose Indo-European ancestor 'blendhos' meant among other things 'confused.'
Blend vb To mix, mingle.
Blend vb To make permanently blind. 2. to blind the understanding. 3. a judgement of moral sense. 4. to put out of sight or conceal.
Bless vb To make something blessed; to confer blessing upon. 2. to make the sign of the cross upon; to cross (oneself). 3. to praise, or glorify; to extol for excellences.  4. to esteem or account happy; to felicitate.  5. (obsolete) to wave; to brandish. 6. (archaic) to secure, defend, or preserve from.
Bless phr "Bless Into" - to change into; cast out in the name of the cross.
Bless phr "Bless Me!" - an expression of wonder.
Bless phr "Bless My Soul" - an interjection expressing astonishment or surprize (about something that has happened).
Bless phr "Bless Oneself" - to make the sign of the cross upon; to cross (oneself.
Bless phr "Bless Somebody's Heart" - expression of admiration, affection, close attachment, etc.
Bless phr "Give One's Blessing to" - approve of.
Bless phr "God Bless You" - an interjection made when somebody sneezes. 2. may god reward you for your kindness.
Bless phr "May God Bless You" - a short prayer for the recipient. 2. idiom: said to someone who has just sneezed, as a polite prayer.
Bless phr "Not Have a Penny to Bless You" - be impovershed.
Blessed adj Having a divine aid or protection of a blessing. 2. veneration and sanctity of those who died as martyrs. 3. held in veneration; revered, worshiped. 4. worthy of worship; worship-worthy, holy, hallowed. 5. as an intensifier. 6. hallowed, holy, sacred.
Blessedful adj Full of blessedness, either imparting it or enjoying it.
Blessedfully adv Full of blessing, veneration, sanctity. 2. extremely holy, hallowed sacred.
Blessedfulness n The state or quality of being blessedful.
Blessedhood n Blessedness, beatitude.
Blessedly adv In a blessed manner.
Blessedness n In the state of being blessed, esp. in divine favour, felicity, beatitude. 2. the state or condition of being blessed. 3. holiness, hallowedness, sanctification. 3. happiness; heavenly joy, bliss, felicity.
Blessed-thistle n Carduus benedictus; peony?
Blesser n One who blesses.
Bless fight n Where two or more people fight however not in an aggressive way but more a test of strength.
Blessing n Hallowing, consecrating. 2. the making the sign of the cross; to cross oneself. 3. authoritative dedication of divine favour and countenance. 4. the beatitudes pronounced by Christ.
Blessing phr "Ask for a Blessing" - say a grace.
Bletch n Shoemaker's blacking.
Bletchy adj Smutted with bletch; inky, sooty, attery, dirty.
Blete adj Miserable
Blethe adj Weak, timid, spiritless, timid. gentle. 2. without force.
Blethely adv Kindly, generously, graciously, benevolently, gladly, fainly.
Bleving n (Beleavin)-remaining, perserving, beleaving.
Blewart n Blaewort or Veronica chamaedrys.
Blick n Gold
Blike vb Shine, glitter, glimmer
Blin n Cessation, end, delay, failure.
Blin vb To cease, desist, leave off, stop, come to stop, put to a stop, to cease from. 2. delay, tarry, stay. 3. to cease speaking, to keep silent.
Blind adj Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors. 2. unable to be used to see, due to physiological or neurological factors. 3. failing to see, acknowledge, perceive. 4. Of a place, having little or no visibility. 5. closed at one end; having a dead end; as, a blind hole, a blind alley. 6. having no openings for light or passage. 7. smallest or slightest in phrases such as a blind bit of notice. 8. without any prior knowledge. 9. without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating circumstances, etc. 10. unintelligible or illegible. 11. abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit. 12. the blind as a group.
Blind vb To make blind; to render insensible to light or colour. 2. to hard or difficult to find or hide. 3. to deprive of light. 4. to eclipse. 5. to become blind or dim.
Blind phr 'Be Blind Drunk" - so intoxicated as to appear to have difficulty seeing.
Blind phr "Be Blind-hearted" - to be hardhearted, unfeeling; unable to see or understand the plight of others
Blind phr "Be Blind to" - unaware of, fail to see or consider (something that is clear, evident, or significant etc)
Blind phr "Blind to the World" - extremely drunk; blind drunk.
Blind phr "Follow Someone Blindly" - to follow a person unquestioningly.
Blind phr "Go It Blind" - act recklessly or without proper consideration. 2. undertake anything thing without reasonable inquiry.
Blind phr "None So Blind as He Who Cannot See" - nobody is less persuadable than somebody who refuses to listen to argument.
Blind phr "Not a Blind Bit of" - (slang) not the slightest bit of; not a single one.
Blind phr "In the Land of the Blind, the One-eyed Man is King" - in a situation where somebody has a little ability/knowledge has an advantage.
Blind phr "Swear Blind" - be adamant, even if one is swearing.
Blind phr "The Blind Leading the Blind" - a situation in which an unqualified person is attempting to guide, train, or advise others.
Blind phr "Turn a Blind Eye To Something" - to pretend something doesn't exist or is happening.
Blind-booking n The booking of films by cinema proprietors without regards to their merits.
Blind coal n Coal which burns without a flame or smoke; anthracite.
Blind drunk adj Extremely drunk.
Blinded adj Unsighted, not be able to see, to lose one sight. 2. without understanding, indifferent.
Blinder n Something that blinds. 2. a bag or cloth put over the head of a difficult horse while it is being handed or mounted. 2. an exceptional performer.
Blinders n Blinkers for a Horse.
Blind fish n A fish of subterranaen streams without functional eyes; especially a cave-dwelling fish, as (Amblyopsis spelaeus).
Blind-flying n Relying on instruments for direction whilst flying an aircraft.
Blindfold n A covering, usually a bandage for the eyes, blocking light to the eyes. 2. something that obscures vision (lit and metaphorically).
Blindfold vb To cover the eyes with a blindfold, so as to make someone unable to see (blind fell). 2. to obscure understanding or comprehension.
Blindfolded adj With eyes coverd with a blindfold. 2. obscured, difficult to understand..
Blindfolding adj The action of blindfolding. 2. hoodwinking.
Blindfoldly adj In a manner obscuring vision, or understanding; hoodwinking.
Blindfoldness n The state or condition of being blindfolded.
Blindful adj Totally blind; 2. completely failing to comphrehend.
Blindgut n The cecum.
Blindhead n A cover for an alembic or retort. 2. with retort with such a cover.
Blindhood n Blindness.
Blinding n he action of making blind.
Blinding adj Very bight (as to cause blindness. 2. making blind or as if blind; depriving of sight or understanding, as blinding snow, blinding ignorance. 3. (sl) brilliant, marvelous.
Blindish adj Somewhat blind; dimly sighted.
Blind-landing n Grounding an aircraft by depending on radio signals for the glide path.
Blindless adj Of a window without blinds; having no blinds. 2. eternally vigilant.
Blindlessly adv Obeying and follow another without consideration and with unquestioning faith and devotion.
Blindling adv Blindwise, blindly, heedlessly.
Blindly adj In a blind manner, without sight, sightlessly. 2. without consideration or question. 2. blindlily.
Blindman n A worker or business which makes, supplies and fits blinds and other window coverings.
Blindman phr 'Blindman's Holiday - (in pre electric light days,) a humorous phrase for the time candles were lighted, when it was too dark to work, and one was obligated to rest or 'take a holiday.'
Blind-mindness n A cognitive disorder where an individual is unable to attribute mental states to the self and other. As a result of this disorder the individual may be unaware of others' mental states, or incapable in attributing beliefs and desires to others. 2. mind-blindness.
Blindness n The condition of being blind; or unable to see. 2. (fig.) - want of intellectual or moral discernment, mental darkness, ignorance, heedlessness. 3. concealment. 4. ablepsy, cecity, sightlessness.
Blindness phr "Love and Blindness are Twin Sisters" - love can daze and confuse one's thinking.
Blind-nettle n A species of lamium, henbit.
Blindpool n In finance, a collective investment ( as a company or syndicate) where the investors with little or no idea of what is being done with their money. (sometimes used a pejorative for a company provding poor information to investors)
Blind-side n A drivers field of blindness around a motor vehicle. 2. the side on which one's peripheral vision is obstructed. 3. the side away from which one is directing one's attention. 4. the unguarded side; a weak point in motoring; sport and other activities.
Blind-side vb To take someone by surprise. 2. to attack where a person is vulnerable: their blind-side.
Blind-siding n The action of taking someone by surprise; attacking them on their vulnerable side or where their peripheral vision is obstructed.
Blind-wharve(n) vb To turn.
Bliss n Perfect happiness, joy.
Bliss phr "Bliss Out" - to reach a state of ecstasy. 2. to be overcome with happiness. 3. to cause someone to be overcome with happiness.
Bliss phr "Blissing Out" - to be overcome with or experience great joy, happiness, euphoria. 2. to cause someone to feel intense happiness and relaxation.
Blissful adj Full of bliss, joyful, joyously happy. 2. carefree, heedless, cheerful. 3. a state of ecstasy; ecstasy.
Blissfully adv In a blissful manner. 2. happily, joyously.
Blissfulness n State or quality of being blissful, joyfulness, happiness, eadness.
Blisshood n The state of bliss, blissful condition, joy, beatitude.
Blissless adj Without bliss, hapless, miserable.
Blithe n OE: joy, cheer, pleasance, grace, well disposition, friendness, kindness, agreement, willingness, quietness, peace, gentleness.
Blithe vb To rejoice, be merry, to make rejoiceful or merry, to gladden, delight.
Blithe adj Cheery, cheerful, joyous, pleasant, gracious, friendly, peaceful. 2. indifferent, careless, lack of concern.
Blithedom n Condition or state of being blithe. 2. heaven, paradise.
Blitheful adj Kindly, friendly. 2, joyous, joyful.
Blithefulness n State or quality of being blissful, joyfulness, happiness.
Blithe-hearted adj Of joyful, happy, cheery, benign disposition.
Blitheless adj Without bliss, hapless, miserable.
Blithe-looking adj Happy, relaxed, joyful, benign of appearance.
Blithely adv With kindness, benignly. 2. in a blithe manner; joyfully, joyously, meerily, gadly. 3. heedlessly, carelessly, taking no consequences, free, lacking or showing due concern, blithe ignorance of te true situation. (frequently used to intensify negative consequences.)
Blithe meat n (Blithefood)- an entertainment provided upon the birth of a child. 2. food (meat) and drink consumed or partaken at such a gathering.
Blithe mood adj Of cheerful disposition
Blithen vb To make blithe
Blitheness n The state of being blithe; joyousness, cheeriness, merryness, happiness.
Blitheship n State of being blithe.
Blithesome adj Cheery, joyful, merry, happy. 2. carefree, light-hearted, heedless
Blithesomely adv In a blitheful state or manner; cheeriness.
Blithesomeness n The state or quality of being blithsome.
Blood n The fluid that flows in the principal vascular system of human beings and other vertebrates, in humans theplasma consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 2. the vital or essential principle or essence of life; life itself. 3. a person or group regarded as a source of energy, vitality, or vigor. 4. one of the four elemental bodily humors of medieval physiology, regarded as causing cheerfulness. 5. bloodshed; gore; slaughter; to avenge the blood of his father. 6. the juice or sap of plants:the blood of the grape.

7.temperament; state of mind: a person of hot blood.

Blood vb To blood (hunting dogs and greyhounds) 2. to stain or cover with blood.
Blood phr "A Blood Bath" - a scene, an occasion, of much slaughter and bloodshed.
Blood phr "A Bloody Shovel" - the calling of something by its proper (or perhaps coarse) name by analogy with 'call a spade a spade".
Blood phr "A Young Blood" - a youthful member, who brings brings youthful and fresh vigor to those around him.
Blood phr "Be in Somebody's Blood" - be something about which a person is very knowledgeable about.
Blood phr "Blood and Guts" (fig.) anger, tension, strife, acrimonious feeling.
Blood phr "Blood and Iron" - military force as distinguished from diplomacy, esp. in the term 'man of blood and iron,' (referring to Bismarck who advocated this as his policy.)
Blood phr "Blood and Thunder" - bloodshed and violence, used attributively, as blood and thunder tale - describing the murderous exploits of bandits.
Blood phr "Blood in the Water" - lit. blood in the water; by extension the associated emergence of predators(and, possible feeding frenzy) observed in its prescence. 2. in a comprehensive situation, the exhibition of apparent weakness or vulnerability by one party, especially when this leads to a feeling of vulnerability of greater pressure to perform on the part of the weaker party, and the enhanced expectation of victory by the other.
Blood phr "Blood is Thicker than Water" - family loyalty, kinship and commitment are greater and stronger than other ties.
Blood phr 'Blood Will Tell Out" - inherited tendencies will eventually make their presence known.
Blood phr "Bloody Hell" - an expression of dismay, disgust, anger, surprise.
Blood phr "Do in Cold Blood" - to be cruel without feeling any emotion about it.
Blood phr "Flesh and Blood" - the distinctive characteristic of the animal body; hence 'humanity' as opposed to deity or disembodied spirit.
Blood phr "For the Blood of Him" - for the life of him, though his life was involved.
Blood phr "Get a Bloody Nose" - to suffer an undignified rebuff.
Blood phr "Go After Somebody's Blood" - be keen to make a person a victim of an angry confrontation.
Blood phr "Have a Thirst for Blood" - to be eager for revenge.
Blood phr "Have Blood On One's Hands" - to be the person responsible for the predicament of others.
Blood phr "In Blood" - in full vigour, full of life.
Blood phr "In Cold Blood" - not in the heat of passion, deliberately.
Blood phr "In Hot Blood" - in anger and bad temper.
Blood phr "It Makes My Blood Creep" - to cause a person to feel fear, horror, dread, or strong forbode. 2. to make one's blood run cloud.
Blood phr "It Makes My Blood Run Cold" - to cause a person to feel fear, horror, dread, or a strong forboding.
Blood phr "Let Blood" - to allow some harm as the price of achieving some greater benefit .
Blood phr "Of One's Own Flesh and Blood" - one's near kindred, children, brothers and sisters.
Blood phr "Of Good Blood" - pedigree.
Blood phr "Of Half Blood" - person of mixed race ancestry. 2. humanity.
Blood phr "Of the Blood" - royal or noble blood.
Blood phr "Of Whole Blood" - born of the same race or relationship of both mother and father. 2. full-blood.
Blood phr "One Blood Runs Cold" - be filled with horror a supernatural, event, and/or fear (because of an extraordinary, perhaps supernatural event, a terrible crime, an accident that has happened.
Blood phr "One's Blood is Up" - one's blood boils, one's anger is high.
Blood phr "One's Own Flesh and Blood" - one's offspring.
Blood phr "Out for Blood" - determined to defeat someone; succeed.
Blood phr "Out of Blood" - not vigorous, lifeless.
Blood phr "Runs In One Blood" - something is inherited from a parent. 2. in one's blood.
Blood phr "See Blood" - to be very angry; see red.
Blood phr "Shed Blood" - injure or kill.
Blood phr "Smell Blood" - to divine imminent victory.
Blood phr "Stir the Blood" - inspire oneself or others.
Blood phr "Sweat Blood" - suffer intense emotion pian. 2. work extremely hard.
Blood phr "There's Is Blood in the Streets" - much damage has been done to a cause.
Blood phr "There's Blood in the Water" - something likely to cause a person to go crazy.
Blood phr "Through Blood, Sweat and Tears" - with hard work and much effort.
Blood phr "To Breed Blood" - to stir up strife, cause ill-feeling.
Blood phr "To Get One's Blood Up" - to cause or cause to be angry and upset.
Blood phr "You Can't/Draw Get Blood Out of Stone" - you can't do the impossible.
Bloody-back n The Lobster. 2. a British soldier: a redback; a lobster-back.
Bloodbath n Indiscriminate widespread killing and slaughter, a massacre. 2.butchering, genocide, massacre. 3. a confrontational, aggressive or very violent incident. 4. in sport, a very extensive defeat. 5. a large financial loss or massive layoff caused by negative economic condition.
Blood-being n Human or animal life; a human or animal.
Bloodbird n An Australian honey-sucking bird, Myzomelo sanguineola.
Blood-bond n Consanguinity.
Blood-borne n Carried by the blood.
Blood-bought adj Bought with the sacrifice of life.
Blood-brother n A sibling brother, a brother by birth. 2. one bound to another person in commitment and ceremonial mingling of blood.
Blood-brotherhood n State or condition of being blood-brothers.
Blood-clot n A mass of red blood cells coagulated, a white blood cells and platelets of fibrin; a thrombo.
Blooded adj Stained with blood. 2. having hot or cold blood. 3. introduced or iniated into a contest etc for the first time. 4. of good stock; pedigreed.
Bloodedness n The quality of having blood of as particular kind; as warm-blooded, full-bloodness.
Blooder n One who or that which draws or lets blood.
Blood-flow n The continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system.
Blood-freezing adj That makes one's blood run cold or curdle.
Blood-friend n A utmost loyal friend and confidante.
Bloodguilt n The guilt of unrighteous blood.
Blood-guiltless n Guiltless, free from blame, innocent of shedding blood or murder.
Blood-guiltness n Guilty of shedding blood or killing someone.
Blood heat n A normal body temperature of healthy human beings about 37C or 98.4F.
Blood horse n A thoroughbred horse.
Bloodhouse n A bar or hotel noted for violence and disorder.
Blood-hot adj As warm as blood.
Bloodhound n A dog known for tracking down criminals and those lost in the bush by following a scent or drops of blood. 2. a hunter of men; a bounty hunter.
Bloodhound vb To pursue ruthlessly.
Blood-hunter n A person who or creature which seeks blood or bloodshed.
Bloodied adj Made bloody, covered or smeared with blood.
Bloodierly adv More bloodily, bloodful, full of blood, bloody.
Bloodily adv In a bloody manner, with bloodshed, bloody.
Bloodiness n A bloody state or condition. 2. a sanguinary condition. 3. tending to bloodshed. 3. the action of giving hounds the taste and appetite for blood.
Blood-iron n A lancet
Blood-iron n The iron component of haemogllobin.
Bloodish adj Of the nature or appearance of blood.
Bloodkin n Near relative; family member; kin,
Blood-kinship n The state or condition of being a near relative or family member.
Blood-knowing adj Knowing one's own blood group, essential in a medical emergency requiring transfusion as not all blood types are compatible.
Bloodleaf n Plant of the genus Iresine.
Bloodlesing n The letting of blood.
Bloodless adj Without blood, hence lifeless (also fig.) 2. pale from the diminished supply of blood throughout the body. 3. pallid.
Bloodlessly adv In a bloodless manner.
Blood-lessness n The characteristic of having blood; bloodiness.
Blood-letter n One or who hat lets or sheds blood.
Bloodletting n The action or process of letting blood; phlebotomy.
Bloodlike adj Resembling blood. 2. like one of good blood.
Bloodline n An abstract link between a person and his/her ancestors.
Bloodloss n The loss of blood; bloodloss; bleeding.
Bloodlust n A desire for extreme violence and often crossed in the heat of battle and leading to uncontrolled slaughter and torture.. 2. the desire for bloodshed.
Bloodlusty adj Exhibiting blood lust; violently aggressive, bloodthirsty behaviour
Bloodmonger n A cruel, bloodthirsty tyrant who deals in voilence and brutality, such as Dracula.
Blood moon n The phenomenon whereby the moon in total eclipse appears reddish in colour as it is illuminated by sunlight filtered and refracted by the earth's atmosphere. See also: Wolf Moon, Cold Moon, Ice Moon, Hunger Moon.
Blood nose n A nose that is bleeding internally, a nose bleed.
Blood nut n A person with red hair.
Blood rain n A red rain (red-rain) which falls in areas in various regions of the world, and traced to red-dust from desert areas.
Blood red adj Red like the colour of blood: crimson.
Bloodroot n The popular name of several plants 'tormentil', such as Crimson Cranebil, Red Puccoon.
Bloodshed n The shedding of blood, taking life, manslaughter, murder, death. 2. the shedding or spilling of blood. 3. slaughter, destruction on a large scale.
Blood-shedder n One who sheds blood on a large scale. 2. a murder, killer.
Blood-shedding n The act of shedding blood on a massive scale.
Bloodshot n An effusion of blood in the eye.
Blood-sister n A sister by birth. 2. a bond between females committing to loyal and friendship by a ceremonial mingling of blood.
Blood-soaked adj Soaked or saturated in blood. 2. marked, stained or spotted by blood.
Blood-soul n Blood as the currency of the soul; life's blood. 2. an living being. 3. body's soul; life's breath, spiritual being.
Blood-spiller n One who spills blood.
Blood-sprent n Sprinkled with blood.
Bloodstock n A thorough-bred animal in general, especially a horse. 2. the breeding line of a thorough-bred horse or other animal.
Bloodstone n The name applied to precious stones spotted or streaked with blood-red colour.
Bloodstream n The flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal, human etc.
Bloodsucker n One who feeds upn the blood of another, esp. by sucking through a puncture wound. 2. a cruel extortioner. 3. haemovore.
Bloodsucking adj Of an animal that sucks or draws off blood from another animal. 2. a vampire. 3. fig. one who attempts to take as much as possible (money, property, possessions) from others.
Bloodsweating adj Where a patient sweats blood or blood pigments, usually as a result of extreme physical and mental agony.
Bloodthirstiness n Characteristic of being bloodthirsty.
Bloodthirsting adj Avid and eager for bloodshed.
Bloodthirsty adj Ready to use violence, characterized by massive bloodshed.
Bloodwealth n Money or goods given as compensation for a murder.
Bloodwite n A penalty for bloodshed. 2. in OE law, a fine paid to the alderman or king, in addition to a were-gild. 3. a penalty for murder.
Bloodwood n Any of various trees having red wood:(Australia) certain Australian eucalypts. 2. woody-fruited bloodwood, genus Corymbia (formerly Eucalyptus subgenus. Corymbia) 3. paper-fruited bloodwood, Corymbia subgenus. Blakella (formerly Eucalyptus subg. Blakella). 4. (Jamaica) a loblolly bay (tree) (Gordonia haematoxylon). 5. Brosimum paraense, a tree found in Central and South America. 6. any of several trees from the genus Pterocarpus, of the African and Asian tropics. 7. Haematoxylum campechianum, a tree from Mexico. 8. The wood of such trees.
Bloodwork n Medical test involving taking blood from the patient.
Bloodwort n A name applied to various plants having red roots or leaves, popualrly supposed to staunch blood; among those 'Bloody Dock' (Rumex Sanguineus); Dwarf elder or Danewort(Sambucus Ebulus), Sanguisorba officinalis.
Bloodwreaker n To cause, inflict severe injury upon, reulting in the shedding of blood.
Bloody adj Of the nature of, composed of, resembling or pertaining to blood. 2. covered, stained, smeared with blood; bleeding. 3. of animals, having blood in the veins. 4. accompanied or involving bloodshed,sanguinary. 5. of thought, words, etc. - concerning, portending, decreeing bloodshed. 6. blood-thirsty, blood-guilty. 7. blood-red. 8. in slang and vulgar language: an epithet expressing devastation. 9. the great australian adjective.
Bloody-minded adj Eager for blood. 2. obstinate, pig-headed, stubborn.
Bloody-mindedly adv In a bloody-minded manner.
Bloody-mindedness n State or quality of being bloody-minded.
Bloody murder n A gruesome, gory murder.
Bloody rain n Rain with a red color; red rain..
Bloody Sunday n Sundays when bloody and violent events have occurred in places throughout the world.
Bloody sweat n A sickness causing extreme sweating, sometimes bloody.
Bloom n ON: flower, blossom - not OE: for the OE synonym, see 'blossom'
Bloom n OE. 'bloma' fig. of great beauty, fair, attractiveness.
Bloom n OE; bloma - a rough mass of twisted metal; identical in form with bloom but probably a different word.
Bloom vb To hammer a lump of iron into a 'bloom' 2. to shingle.
Bloom-tongs n Tongs used in puddling.
Blossom n Originally the generic word for flower: a flower, (single flower) especially indicative of fruit as seen on a fruit tree etc.; taken collectively as the mass of such flowers; a flower that grows on any plant. 2. The state or season of producing such flowers. 3. fig. a blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise. 4. the colour of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs.
Blossom vb To put forth blossom, flower, bloom. 2. fig. to progress, show promise, start to succeed. 3. each a developed or mature state.
Blossom phr "Blossom forth" - to appear in a new role.
Blossom phr "Blossom Out Into" - to flourish, bloom, prosper; finally develop into.
Blossomless adj Not having or without blossom.
Blossomy adj Of the nature of, composed of, resembling or pertaining to blossom.
Bloom n A rough mass of twisted metal.
Blow n A puff of air.
Blow n A strong hit, to strike with hand or weapon" is not OE. from mid-15c perhaps from Middle Dutch blouwen "to beat," a common Germanic word of unknown origin; no connection with Old Saxon can be made. NB: This is not an Anglish word.
Blow n Flower.
Blow vb To produce a current of air. 2. to propel by an air current. 3. to be propelled by an air currrent. 4. to create or shape by blowing; as in to blow bubbles, to blow glass. 5. to force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means. 6. to clear of contents by forcing air through. 7. to cause to make sound by blowing, as a musical instrument. 8. to make a sound as the result of being blown. 9. to exhale visibly through the spout the seawater which it has taken in while feeding. 10. to explode. 11. to cause to explode, shatter, or be utterly destroyed. 11. to cause sudden destruction of. 12. to suddenly fail destructively. 13. to be very undesirable (see also suck). 14. (sl) to recklessly squander. 15. to leave. 16. to spread by report; to publish; to disclose. (obs) to inflate, as with pride; to puff up.  17. to breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff. 18. to put out of breath; to cause to blow from fatigue. 18. (obs) To talk loudly; to boast; to storm.  
Blow vb To bloom, florish, flower.
Blow phr "Blow a Kiss" - to kiss one's hand ten blow on the hand in a direction towards the recipients.
Blow phr "Blow Away" - kill, destroy, defeat.?
Blow phr "Blow Dry" - to dry with a hair-dryer.
Blow phr "Blow Hot and Cold" - be alternatively enthusiastic/ friendly and the the reverse. 2. to vacillate.
Blow phr "Blow In" - (slang): to visit casually.
Blow phr "Blow Into" - arrive, come into, especially in a noisy way.
Blow phr "Blow Itself Out" - exhaust itself; dwindle to nothing.
Blow phr "Blow Off Steam" - release pent-up energy, feelings and emotions.
Blow phr "Blow On" - expose; inform, reveal.
Blow phr "Blow One's Brains Out" - kill oneself by shooting in the head.?????
Blow phr "Blow One's Horn" - to praise oneself; brag.
Blow phr "Blow One's Mind" - give or receive, an extreme sensation of pleasure , excitement or shock, especially from taking hallucinatory drugs etc.
Blow phr "Blow One's Socks Off" - astound, amaze.
Blow phr "Blow One's Top/Stack" - to lose one's temper; show anger (as a volcano).
Blow phr "Blow Out" - to incur large expensive and charges. 2. of petroleum vapors escaping from a well and coming to the surface suddenly. 3. be put out, extinguished. 4. to burst as a tyre on a motor vehicle.
Blow phr "Blow Over" - subside, fade away; pass away. 2. cease to excite feeling, no longer be thought important; die down.
Blow phr "Blow Smoke" to say something or speak in way that conceals or hides the truth.
Blow phr "Blow Someone's Mind" - cause hallucinations or mental discomfort or amazement
Blow phr "Blow Someone Up" - to kill or maim by use of explosives
Blow phr "Blow Something" - to unintentionally destroy or lose an opportunity.
Blow phr "Blow Something/ Someone Out Of The Water" - to destroy, diminish or dismiss something or someone.
Blow phr "Blow Something Wide Open" - to reveal a secret. 2. as a whistleblower: to report a person improper behavior to the authorities or publicize it.
Blow phr "Blow the Cobwebs Away" - to revive an old issue; to see an issue more clearly. 2. make the mind and spirit active and lively again.
Blow phr "Blow the Lid Off Something" - to expose something no matter how embarrassing this might be.
Blow phr "Blow the Whistle On" - to reveal someone's guilty secret.
Blow phr "Blow to" - shatter to small pieces by explosion. 2. kill by explosion.
Blow phr "Blow Up" - to lose one's temper with; reprimand severely. 2. to inflate or exaggerate the facts of a matter. 3. of a photograph etc enlarge. 4. arise, work towards a crescendo or crisis. 5. explode or smash to pieces. 6. inflate, pump up.
Blow phr "Blow Upon" - (slang): inform on; expose, reveal, blow on..
Blow phr "Have One's Head Blown Off" - to be severely abused.?????
Blow phr "See Which Way the Wind Blows" - postpone a decision until one has more information. 2. to establish the factors relevant to a situation.
Blow phr "Blow Something Wide Open" - reveal a secret, scandal.
Blow-back n The escape from the rear of a gun of gases formed by discharge of the projectile. 2. an unintended consequence.
Blow-by n The exhaust fumes of a car, truck, etc. 2. a device on a motor vehicle, etc to reduce the amount of escaping fumes
Blow-dryer n An instance of drying hair with a hair dryer.
Blower n A person who blows. 2. any device which blows. 3. (sl) - a telephone. 4.a ducted fan, usually part of a heating, ventilation, and/or an air-conditioning system. 5. a braggart or loud-hailer. 6. the whale: so called by seamen, from its habit of spouting up a column.
Blow-fly n An insect, such as a blue-bottle, which lays or blows its eggs in meat.
Blowhard n A person who talks too much or too loudly, esp. in a boastful or self-important way. 2. braggart, big-mouth, loudmouth, windbag.
Blowhole n An opening or one of a pair of openings for breathing, located on the top of the head of whales, dolphins and other similar creatures: muscles open the blowhole when the whale comes to the surface and it is closed by the pressure of water upon diving. 2. a hole in ice to which aquatic mammals, such as dolphins, come to breathe. 3. a vent to allow air or other gas to escape..
Blown-out adj Alcohol or drug intoxicated. 2. (of surf) unfavourable for surfing due to strong (onshore) wind causing rough, unstable, or choppy conditions and waves unfit for riding.
Blow out n A sandy depression formed when wind erodes into patches of bare sand on otherwise vegetation-stabilized sand dunes at the margins of coastal and arid ecosystems.
Blowpipe n In chemistry, a narrow tube through which a jet of air is directed onto a flame, used in the analysis of minerals etc and in jewllry manufacture. 2. a weapon through which darts may be shot by blowing; a blowgun. 3. a narrow, long pipe, rotated in the hands, upon which glassware is blown.
Blowth n (archaic) - bloom or blossom, blossom collectively; the state of blossoming; compare growth, dryth, slowth, coolth.
Blow-up n An explosion (physical or emotional). 2. an enlargement of a photo.
Blow-up vb To explode or be destroyed by explosion. 2. to cause (something or someone) to explode, or to destroy (something) or maim or kill (someone) by means of an explosion. 3. to inflate or fill with air. 4. to enlarge or zoom in. 5. to fail disastrously. 6. (slang,) to become popular very quickly. 7. (slang) to suddenly get very angry. 8. slang, to relatively quickly become much more fat or rotund. 9. to inflate, as with pride, self-conceit, etc.; to puff up. 10. to excite. 11. to scold violently.
Blow-up adj Inflatable; able to be blown up.
Blowy adj Windy or breezy.
Blue n Common terms can be very slippery things and blue is a prime example. Its ultimate source 'bhlewos', seems to have originally meant 'yellow'. Old English had 'blaw' (German:Blau) but it did not survive, and the modern word was borrowed from French. Woad, a blue dye-stuff obtained from the plant 'Isatis tinctoria' is sometimes used for the colour "blue." See: "Blae" A few terms included in this list; but not true Anglish.
Blue phr "A Blue Film" - an obscene or pornographic film.
Blue phr "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" - to be faced with two equally unpalatable alternatives which cannot both be avoided.
Blue phr "Bolt from the Blue" - something totally surprising.
Blue phr "Come Out of the Blue" - be totally unexpected.
Blue phr "Feel Blue" - be sad.
Blue phr "Have The Blues" - be melancholy, depressed, sad.
Blue phr "Man In Blue" - a policeman.
Blue phr "Once In a Blue moon" - very rarely.
Blue bird n A small American passerine bird.
Blue blood n A person of noble or aristocratic family.
Blue star n U.S. denoting a relative of a person serving in the armed forces during wartime, (a blue star mother).
Bluestone n A durable basalt rock or blue stone used in the construction of buildings.
Blush n An act or instance of blushing. 2. a type of facial make-up, frequently a powder, used to redden the cheeks. 3. a reddy-creamy colour.
Blush vb To redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment. 2. to become red. 3. to suffuse with a blush; to redden; to make roseate. 3. to express or make known by blushing. 4. to have a warm and delicate colour, like some roses and other flowers
Blush phr "At First Blush" - at first impression or consideration; seeemingly, apparently, ostenibly.
Blush phr "Blush is off the Rose" - person, object, thing has lost its novelty, freshness, appeal, acceptability. 2. business or te economy is not prospering and ia in a downturn.
Blush phr "Put to the Blush" - to shame, put to shame, cause to blush or embarrass.
Blush phr "Spare Someone's Blush" - to save or spare someone from embarrasment.
Blusher n One who blushes. 2. facial make-up that gives the cheeks a rosier hue.
Blushful adj Suffused of blush; embarassed.
Blushfully adv In a blushful manner.
Blushfulness n The quality of being blushful.
Blushing n A blush. 2. the act of one who blushes.
Blushing bride n A bride who is a virgin or lacks sexual experience and is nervous about her wedding night.
Blushingly adv In a blushing manner or that which becomes a blush.
Blushless adj Not prone to blushing; shameless.
Blushy adj Full of blushes or blushlike hues. 2. of a person embarrassed; feeling as one must blush.