The Anglish Moot
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|Brain ||phr||"Be Hare Brained" - to be stupid or very impractical.
|Brain ||phr||"Be Hare Brained" - to be stupid or very impractical.
|Brain ||phr||"Be of the Same Brain" - to be of the same train of thought. 2. something similarly thought or conceived.
|Brain ||phr||"Be of the Same Brain" - to be of the same train of thought. 2. something similarly thought or conceived.
|Brain ||phr||"Of the Same Brain" - similarly conceived. 2. the same strain of thought.
|Brain ||phr||"Of the Same Brain" - similarly conceived. 2. the same strain of thought.
|Brain ||phr||"Have a Dry Brain" - a dull or barren void of thinking power.
|Brain ||phr||"Have a Dry Brain" - a dull or barren void of thinking power.
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|Brain-picker ||n||One who acquires information, learns ideas and thoughts from others by careful listening and questioning.
|Brain-picker ||n||One who acquires information, learns ideas and thoughts from others by careful listening and questioning.
|Brains ||n||Intelligent, smarts, cleverness, know-how. 2. 'The brains" - the cleverest persons.
|Brains ||n||Intelligent, smarts, cleverness, know-how. 2. 'The brains" - the cleverest persons.
|Brain sand ||n||The plant corpora arenaceae
|Brain sand ||n||The plant corpora arenaceae
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|Breathiness ||n||The state or quality of being breathy. 2. the result or product of breathing.
|Breathiness ||n||The state or quality of being breathy. 2. the result or product of breathing.
|Breathing ||n||The act of respiration; a single instance of this. 2. time to recover one's breath; hence, a delay, a spell of time. 3. any gentle influence or operation; inspiration. 4. the breathings of the Holy Spirit. 5. aspiration; secret prayer.
|Breathing ||n||The act of breathing or respiration; a single instance breathing. 2. time to recover one's breath; hence, a delay, a spell of time; breathing. 3. any gentle influence or operation; inspiration. 4. the breathing of the Holy Spirit. 5. breathing, aspiration; secret prayer.
|Breathing ||phr||"To Be Breathing Sweat" - to sweat profusely.
|Breathing ||phr||"To Be Breathing Sweat" - to sweat profusely.

Revision as of 21:26, 31 May 2017

Old English sb English
Brack n OE gebraec, cracking noise, parallel form of break. 2. noise, outcry, clamour. 3. a breaking, breach, rupture. 4. a rupture, a quarrel. 5. a broken piece, fragment, atom. 6. break, breaking, violation. 7. a strip of uncultivated ground. 7. a sudden breaking out of water. 8. a sudden heavy fall of rain. 9. a flood where the ice breaks. 10. a quantity of snow, earth or debris shooting from a hill.
Brackle n OE: brecan -to break. 2. to carry away rubble, or brackle from an old decayed house.
Brad n Spike, blade of grass
Brae n An eyelid.
Brae n A slope, a steep slope. a hill-side.
Brae-head n Head of the slope. 2. a fire blazing from the brae-head.
Brae-man n A man who lives among the hills; spec. one who lives on the slopes.
Braeside n The slopy or inclining side of a hill.
Braid n Partly OE. and ON. a sudden movement. 2. a brisk movement, jerk, twist, wrench, strain. 3. a sudden assault, or onset of attack. 4. with aim to strie or launch an attack or blow. 5. fig. an outburst of passion, envy, anger, whim. 6. deception, trick, subterfuge. 7. an adroit turn, trick of subtilty. 8. anything, plaited or interwoven or intertwined or twisted, as a plaiting of the hair. 9. the string or band with which the hair is confined or entwined.
Braid vb To move with a sudden jerky movement (with the hand or foot). 2. to jerk, snatch, wrench, fling. 3. to deliver with a brisk action. 4. to startle out of a sleep or swoon, to awake; to startle out of one's wits. 5. to start or burst into motion. 6. to rush, spring, jump. 7. to break forth abruptly into speech; to break into a cry. 8. to change in colour or appearance; to assume an appearance. 9. brandish a spear; to draw a knife. 10. to deal a blow. 11. to plait or interweave the hair.
Braid phr "To Braid After" - to take after, resemble, be like. 2. to bind or confine the hair.
Braided adj Trimmed with braid.
Braider n One who, or that which, braids (in the sense of the verb)
Braiding n Action of embroiding. 2. a braided trimming used as a decoration on clothes or curtains.
Braidlike adj Resembling a braid.
Braids n A hairstyle in which the hair is interweaved into thin locks.
Brain n Mass of nervous substance contained in the skull. 2. fig. rippled as water by the wind. 2. applied to a stream that divides, esp. at low water into several channels.
Brain pfx -brain, as in featherbrain, hairbrain.
Brain phr "Bear a Brain" - to be cautious, thought, having brains or inteeligence.
Brain phr "Beat One's Brains Out" - to think very hard to solve a problem.
Brain phr "Be Hare Brained" - to be stupid or very impractical.
Brain phr "Be of the Same Brain" - to be of the same train of thought. 2. something similarly thought or conceived.
Brain phr "Of the Same Brain" - similarly conceived. 2. the same strain of thought.
Brain phr "Have a Dry Brain" - a dull or barren void of thinking power.
Brain phr "Have a Hot Brain" - have an inventive fancy.
Brain phr "To Have a Hot Brain" - an inventive fancier (he is a 'hot-brain.'
Brain phr "Have Something on the Brain" - to be obsessed, preoccupied with something.
Brain phr "Make Someone Brain Hurt" - to be very difficult to grasp mentally, or be incredible.
Brain phr "Pick Somebody's Brains" - to learn ideas and thoughts from others by careful questioning.
Brain-ache n A condition under which the suffers brain physically aches, shuts down normal function and refuses to pursue or attempt to achieve anything. 2. a mental state caused by extreme and complex mental exercise.
Brain-being n "A mere witwork, or brain-being" - without any real existence, a inventive fancy.
Brain-bending n Mentally challenging; difficult to understand; cf. 'mind-bending'
Brainborn adj As in the phrase 'Brain-born dreams of evil' - born of the imagination.
Brainbox n Skull.
Brain-break n A conception that overtaxes or overtasks the brain.
Brainchild n A creation, original idea or innovation.
Brain cloud n To temporary inability to think properly, or to remember something.
Brain-dead adj Having an irreversible loss of brain function and cessation of brain activity. 2. having no useful thought, stupid, ditzy.
Brain-death n An irreversible loss of brain function and cessation of brain activity.
Brain-drain n The immigration of educated or talented persons from less economically advanced nations, esp. from large, poorer cities to richer countries.
Brained adj Having a particular kind of brain, as described by the word with which this term is combined, (also used fig.)
Brainedness n State or quality of having a particular type of brain, as 'left-brainedness.
Brainer n Something that requires consider thought.
Brain food n Any food consumed for the purpose of energizing the brain or thought to increase the power of intellectual thought.
Brainily adv In a brainy or intelligent fashion; with clear use of the brain or wits.
Braininess n Smartness, intelligence, cleverness, know-how.
Braining n The action of striking another on the head.
Brainish adj Somewhat headstrong and passionate.
Brain-less adj Devoid wit or intelligence. 2. without a brain (lit). 3. that has had the brain removed, pithed. 4. insane, wanting in intelligence, thought or self-control.
Brainlessly adv In a brainless manner; stupidly, foolishly, stultfully.
Brain-like adj Resembling a brain or some aspect of one.
Brain-lit adj Enlightened by thought, illuminated mentally.
Brain-pan n That which contains the brain; the skull.
Brain-picker n One who acquires information, learns ideas and thoughts from others by careful listening and questioning.
Brains n Intelligent, smarts, cleverness, know-how. 2. 'The brains" - the cleverest persons.
Brain sand n The plant corpora arenaceae
Brain-sick adj Diseased in the brain or mind, addleheaded, mad, woody, foolishly frantic. 2. of things prceeding from a diseased brain.
Brain-sickly adj Disorded in understanding, giddy, thoughtless
Brain-sickness n The condition of being brain-sick with mental confusion and aacting in a disorderly manner.
Brain-spun adj As in the phrase 'brain-spun system of metaphysics.
Brain-stone n Coral, resembling the form and convolutions of the brain; coral-brain..
Brainstorm n A sudden thought particularly onr that solves a long-standing problem. 2. an unexpected error.
Brainstorm n To investigate something or solve a problem by brainstorming. 2. to particiapte in a brainstorm.
Brainstorm vb To mastermind, to have a thought shower (a politically correct version of a brain storm)
Brainstorm phr "To Have a Brainstorm" - to mastermind, to have a thought shower (a politically correct version of a brain storm). 2. to have an uncontrolled emotional outburst.
Brainstormer n One who brainstorms
Brainstorming n A method of problem solving in which members of a group contribute ideas spontaneously.
Brain-strong adj As in the phrase 'bairns are headstrong.'
Brainwash n An effect upon one's memory, thoughts, ideas, opinions, or beliefs.
Brainwash vb To effect one's mind by using extreme mental pressure or any other mind-affecting process.
Brainwashed adj Having one's memory, ideas, opinions, beliefs modified and changed by mind-affecting processes.
Brainwasher n One who brainwashes by mind-affecting processes.
Brain-washing adj A kind of indoctriantion that forces people to abandon their beliefs in favour of another set of beliefs by conditioniing them through various forms of mental or physical pressure otr torture.
Brainwave n Any of many rythmic fluctation of electrical potentail between parts of the brain. 2. a sudden idea, understanding or inspiration.
Brain-wood adj Insane, frenzied in the mind; mad.
Brain-work n Work done by and with the brain, mental work, intellectual labour, such as mathematics.
Brainworker n Leader, educator.
Brainworm n Disputant.
Brainwright n The brain-wright's skill and wisdom infinite.
Brainy adj Very intellectually, capable, clever, smart.
Brair n The first shots of grain.
Brair vb The first shots to appear above the ground.
Braird adj Of or pertaining to the first shoots of a plant. 2. fig. initial, first.
Brairding n The action of shoots appearing for the first time.
Brake n A thicket.
Bramble n A blackberry bush. 2. berry or fruit of the bramble, blackberry.
Brambleberry n The balckberry plant or fruit.
Brambled adj Overgrown with brambles
Brambling n Fringilla montifrigilla of nortern eurasia; the finch.
Brambly adj Full of brambles. 2. of the nature of brambles.
Brand n A piece of wood that is or has been burning on the hearth; also poetic: a torch, match or linstock. . 2. a fire on the hearth; the torches of cupid or furness. 3. mark made by burning with a hot iron. 4. applied to a person: a firebrand. 5. a sign or mark in a general sense (in reference to branding criminals. 6. conveying the idea of disgrace, a mark of infamy or stigma. 7. a trade mark. 8. a mark of ownership or possession, such as a steer or other animal bearing a particular mark or brand. 9. a sword, weapon, blade (poetical.)
Brand vb To burn with a hot iron. 2. to mark indelibly. 3. to set a mental task odf ownership upon; lso, to impress an event, circumstance, task) indelibly in one's memory. 4. to stigmatise, stamp with infamy.
Brand phr "God's Brand' - the lightning.
Branded adj Marked with a hot iron. 2. bearing a trade mark. 3. marked with infamy; stigmatised.
Brander n One who brands.
Branding n That scorches or marks by branding.
Brandiron n A branding iron.
Brandless adj That has or is without a brand. 2. having no wood for fuel.
Brandmark n A logo of a brand.
Brand name n A trade name.
Brandnew adj Utterly new, as new as possible, newly made.
Brand-newness n State or quality of being brand new.
Brandrede n A brander, branding iron.
Brand-theft n The pirating of top-brand goods. 2. cheap copy-cat produced goods. 3. knock-offs.
Brandwidth n The level of brand recognition or market share enjoyed by a product, service, or company.
Brant adj High, steep, sheer, precipitous.
Brant adv Straight, straight up, erectly, steeply.
Brantness n Steepness, erectness, straightness.
Brass n An alloy of copper with tin or zinc; a sepuchral table of this metal. 2. money. 3. effrontery.
Brass phr "To Have a Brass Neck (to do something)" - to be bold and/or shameless to do something.
Brass phr "Top Brass" - senior management or top officers; a 'brass hat'.
Brass farthing n An item of small value or worth, as 'not worth a brass farthing.'
Brass knuckles n A weapon consisting of a metal reinforcement for the clenched fist with finger holes molded in it.
Brass neck n A person with gall, shamelessness, cheek. (idiomatic in UK and Ireland.)
Brass neck vb To behave boldly or shamelessly.
Brass-necked adj Nervy, cheeky, shameless.
Brass ring n Idiomatic in US, fig. a prize or gall (often used in respect to employment goals, e.g. promotion, better job, 'he is going for a brss ring.'
Brass-smith n An artifice in brass, a brassworker.
Brassware n Articles made for brass, treated as a group.
Brasswind n In music, the brass section of instrument.
Brassy adj Hard as brace, pitiless, unfeeling. 2. unblushing, impudently, confident, unabashed. 2. of brass, as opposed to gold: debased yet pretentious. 3. harsh and feelingless in tone; like a brass instrument, strident artificail tone.
Brastle vb To crackle, clatter; to rush with a clattering noise, or with excited haste.
Brath n Impetuosity, violence, wrath, ire.
Brath adj Impetuous, violenct, wrathy, ireful.
Brath adv Impetuously, violently, wrathfully.
Brathful adj Violent, wrathful,
Brathly adv In a angry, violent, impetuous manner.
Braze n The process of brazing.
Braze vb To make of brass. 2. to cover or ornament with brass. 3. to make hard like brass. 4. to hasten to impudence. 5. to colour like brass. 6. to render shaameless or brazen.
Brazed adj The process of brazing.
Brazeless adj Made of or coverd with with brass; also fig. - brazened.
Brazen vb To face with impudently. 2. to act with effrontery.
Brazen adj Made of brass. 2. referring to the strength rather than actual material of brass; hence, strong as brass. 4. transfig. and fig. - resembling brass in colour, sound.
Brazier n One who works in brass.
Brazenly adv In a brazen, impudent manner.
Brazenness n Brazen quality or appearance. 2. effrontery, impudence.
Brazing n The process of producing or making things from brass.
Breach n OE. breach, fracture, the breaking of the waves along the coast or over a vessel.
Breach n A gap or opening made by breaking or battering, as in a wall, fortification or levee. 2. the space between the parts of a solid body rent by violence. 3. a break; a rupture; a fissure. 4. breaking up of amicable relations, a falling-out.  5. breaking of waters, as over a vessel or a coastal defence; the waters themselves; surge; surf.  6. clear breach is when the waves roll over the vessel without breaking. 7. clean breach is when everything on deck is swept away. 8. breaking out upon; an assault. 9. (archaic) A bruise; a wound. 9.(archaic) A hernia; a rupture. 10. (law) a breaking or infraction of a law, or of any obligation or tie; violation; non-fulfillment; as, a breach of contract; a breach of promise. 11. (figuratively) a difference in opinions, social class etc.

12. the act of breaking, in a figurative sense

Breach vb To break through; to make a break in. 2. to violate or break. 3. of horses, cattle breaking fences to get out of enclosures. 4. of the sea, to break into a ship or into a coastal defence. 5. of a whale, to leap clear out of the water.
Breach phr "Breach of Day" - dawn.
Breach phr "To Heal the Breach" - end a serious disagreement.
Breach phr "To Stand in the Breach" - to occupy a dangerous position in a difficult situation.
Breach phr "To Step Into the Breach" - deputize or stand in, substitute for someone.
Breached adj Clefted or pierced with a breach, rent, torn.
Breacher n One who makes or commits a breach.
Breachful adj Full of breach(s).
Breaching n The action of making a breach in, or breaking through.
Breachy adj Apt to break through or break out of pastures, compounds etc. 2. unruly.
Bread n Only in OE. a piece, a morsel of food; the proper germanic word for bread is loaf. It use for a food substance is, however, seen in bee-bread. 2. article of food made with flour.
Bread vb To dress with bread crumbs. 2. to provide with daily bread.
Bread phr "Break Bread" - to break it for one's own mouthful. 2. to partake bread or food.
Bread phr "Eat the Bread of Idleness" - bread (food) not gain by work.
Bread phr "In Good Bread" - in a good living situation.
Bread phr "On the Bread Line" - extremely poor.
Bread phr "Take God's Bread" - to partake of the sacremental bread.
Bread phr "Take the Bread Out of One's Mouth" - to take away another's livelihood; to prevent someone from earning a living. 2. to take from a person what he is on the point of enjoying.
Breadboard n A cutting board, esp. for bread. 2. a pull-out cutting board underneath a counter in a kitchen.
Breadbox n A container for bread.
Breadcraft n The art of making bread.
Bread-crumb n A crumb of bread, esp. crumbs for covering fish, meat, or vegetables. 2. the soft part of bread, as opp. to the crust.
Bread-crumb vb To cover with bread-crumbs.
Bread-dust n Powdered bread or biscuit.
Breaden adj Made or consisting of bread.
Bread-god n Contemptous term for the consecrated host.
Breadhead n One who is attracted to money, a greedy capitalist.
Breadiness n The quality or fact of being bread.
Breadish n Somewhat similar to or resembling bread.
Breadishness n Of the quality and nature of bread
Breadless n Without or lacking bread. 2. without bread or food.
Breadlessness n Lacking or having no bread.
Breadness n The quality of bread.
Breadstick n A long slender roll of crisp bread.
Breadth n Measure or distance from side to side, width, extent across (also fig. . 2. a piece of clothe of full breadth; a width. 3. extent, length. 4. fig. largeness (of mind, sentiment, or view) 5. liberality, catholicity, also a wide display of a quality. 6. a broad effect.
Breadth phr "To Be Within a Hair's Breadth" - to be extremely near or close.
Breadthen vb To increase in breadth or size. 2. to broaden, widen.
Breadthless adj Without breath.
Breadthway adv In direction of the breadth.
Breadwinner n The primary incomer earner or wage earner in a household.
Breadthwise adj Directed across the breadth of an objec or place.
Breadwort n The knot-grass, polygonum.
Breadwright n A baker.
Bready adj Resembling, like or somewhat breadish.
Break vb Sever into parts.
Break phr "A Break in the Weather" - a change (for the better) in the weather.
Break phr "At Breakneck Speed" - very fast speed.
Break phr "Break a Butterfly on the Wheel" - an over-response in solving a problem when a simple solution is at hand.
Break phr "Break a Fall" - to prevent an injury (in a fall).
Break phr "Break a Law" - to violate or be in breach of a law.
Break phr "Break Asunder" - to break a thing that or fastens. 2. to loosen. 3. to dissolve.
Break phr "Break Away" - to remove by breaking. 2. to break away with abruptneess and force (also fig.).
Break phr "Break Day" - to fail to keep an appointment.
Break phr "Break Down" - to demolish, destroy; break up. 2. to decompose. 3. to crush, in strength, health, courage etc. 4. to fall broken, to prove of no avail. 5. to fail, cease to function. 6. to render or to become unstable due to anxiety or distress; to collapse physically, mentally or emotionally
Break phr To Break Even" - to either gain nor lose money; make neither a profit or loss. 2. idiomatic: to stay the same. 3. to neither advance nor regress.
Break phr To Break Forth" - to make a rush forward. 2. of flame, way, disease etc; to burst out suddenly. 3. to break loose. 4. to burst into or break out in utterance.
Break phr "Break Free" - to liberate or free oneself.
Break phr "Break In" - to enter forcibly or abruptly. 2. to infringe upon; to interrupt unexpectedly. 3. to burst upon.
Break phr "Break In On" - interrupt.
Break phr "Break Into" - to enter illegally by force, esp. in order to commit a crime. 2. to open or begin to use. 3. to successfully enter a career or profession. 4. to begin suddenly. 5. begin vocalizing.
Break phr "Break Into Laughter" - to laugh or start to laugh.
Break phr "Break it Down" - to slowly and persistently cause something to crumble or fall apart.
Break phr "Break It Up" - disperse, stop.
Break phr "Break Loose" -escape, become free.
Break phr "Break New Ground" - to begin excavating and leveling earth for a new building, or, in earlier times for cultivation of crops. 2. by extension, to take on a new venture, esp. something never attempted before.
Break phr "Break Off" - to put an abrupt end to; stop suddenly. 2. to leave off abruptly. 3. to sever connexion with. 4. to detach oneself abruptly from. 5. to sever connexion with. 6. to draw off sharply. 6. to begin.
Break phr "Break One's Duck" - of a batsman at cricket: to score the first run of his innings.
Break phr "Break One's Fall" - to provide allevaition to stop someone crashing into the ground at full speed.
Break phr "Break One's Fast" - to eat breakfast. 2. to eat food again after a lengthy period of abstinence.
Break phr Break One's Mind" - to deliver or reveal what is in one's mind.
Break phr "Break One's Neck" - to be in a great hurry (to do something).
Break phr "Break One's Word" - fail to keep a promise.
Break phr Break On the Wheel"- to execute a criminal, political outcast or heretic by fastening to a wheel in order to break his limbs and at the same time severely beaten him. See; 'To break a Butterfly On the Wheel".
Break phr "Break Open" - to open and enter by breaking.
Break phr "Break Out" - to force out by breaking. 2. of persons and things: to burst from restraint or concealment. 3. to break out (with a skin eruption).
Break phr "Break Out in a Cold Sweat" - to be suddenlt afraid, apprehensive.
Break phr "Break Ship" - to desert or fail to rejoin a ship after shore-leave.
Break phr "Break Sleep" - to awake from sleep.
Break phr "Break Someone's Heart" (break the heart of)- crush or overwhelm in sorrow. 2. to cause someone's great distress.
Break phr "Break Something Down" - separate something into components.
Break phr "Break Stride" - to cease walking or running in the same gait, esp. as a result of interrupting someone's forward movement.
Break phr "Break the Back of" - to reach or achieve a signifant part of a project or undertaking.
Break phr "Break the Deadlock" - to find a way through a problem or situation that has reach an impasse.
Break phr "Break the Head" - interrupt the line of reasoning and/ or thoughts.
Break phr "Break the Ice" - to begin to know people to avoid social awkwardnes. 2. to introduce conversation to get around problems of social difficulty. 3. to strike up an acquaintance after initial shyness.
Break phr "Break the News" - to inform someone of something first, usually when it is difficult to tell someone something unpleasant or hurtful.
Break phr "Break the Seal" -(sl) - a seal that provides a tight, secure and perfect closure.
Break phr "Break Through" - to penetrate by breaking. 2. to force an opening in an obstruction. 3. to transgress.
Break phr "Break Up" - to disperse. 2. to disintegrate (transfig and fig.) 2. to open up ground. 3. of frost; epidemic: to give way. 4. to fail physically and emotionally. 5. to burst open forcibly.
Break phr "Break Wind" - to suffer flatulence. 2. to release gas from the stomach or bowels.
Break phr "Break With" - to separate from, part company from; sever connections with.
Break phr "Make a Break With" - leave.
Break phr "Make or Break" - face a crucial test where success or failure is of great important.
Breakaway n The action of breaking away; severance. 2. panic, as the stampede of animals or people. 3. the animal that leads the herd. 4. seceding, that break-ways or has broken away.
Breakbeat n A form of syncopated rhythm prominent in much African music.
Breakback n A sudden bckward movement. 2. that break the back, crushes.
Break bones n The ossifrage or osprey.
Breakdown n The act of falling and breaking down; a collapse (lit. & fig.)
Breaker n One who or that which breaks. 2. a heavy ocean wave breaking on the shore.
Breaker's Yard n A wreck yard or wreckers usually containing damaged, wrecked or broken-down motor vehicles. 2. fig. a scene or place of disorder and chaos.
Break-even n In business, the level of revenue sufficient in cost.
Breakfast n First meal of the day.
Breakfast vb} T break one's fast. 2. to take or partake of the first meal of the day. 3. to provide with breakfast. 4. to entertain.
Breakfast phr "To Have Breakfast in Bed" - to eat breakfast in bed. 2. breakfast served to one in bed upon waking. 3. to enjoy one's breakfast in bed.
Breakfaster n One who is breakfasting or eating breakfast.
Breakfastless adj Without breakfast; not serving breakfast.
Breakfast-like adj A meal similar too or resembling breakfast.
Breakfast time n The time when breakfast is (usually) eate,. 2. an allocated breakfast time.
Break-forward n "The Break-forward" - an alleged old name for the hare.
Break-in n The act of entering a breakfast with the intention to steal.
Break-hedge n Trespasser.
Breaking-in n To initiate.
Breaking-news n News that has either just happened or is currently happening. Breaking news articles may contain contain incomplete information, factual errors , or poor editing because of rush of publication
Breaking-strain n The weight or point at which something will break, also fig.
Breaking wheel n A form of execution, among europeans during former times, in which the victim, often a criminal or soldier, is fastened to a wheel and slowly crushed to death.
Breakle n Fragments, mote, things broken into small pieces.
Breakless adj Without a break or interuption.
Breakly adj Capable of, or tending to break, fragile, brittle.
Breakly adv In a breaking or fragile manner.
Breakneck n A fall that breaks the neck.
Breakneck adj Dangerously fast, hell-for-leather. 2. a dangerous place or steep place from which one could fall.
Break of Dawn n Daybreak, dayrim, dayrawe.
Break-off n The act of breaking of; esp. the discontinuance of relations.
Breakroom n A room set aside for tea or coffee breaks, snacks, lunches, etc also called a lunch-room.
Breakstone n Herbalist's name for Saxifrages and some other plants.
Breakthrough n An advance through and past enemy lines. 2. any major progress; such as great innovation or discovery that overcomes a significant obstacles. 3. in sport, the penetration of an opposition's defence.
Breakthrough adj Characterized by major progress or overcoming some difficult obstacle or situation.
Breaktime n A break for a worker or workers that breaks up a period of work. 2. a break for school-children between lessons.
Break-tooth n Words or expressions difficult to say; jawbreaker.
Breakup n The act of breaking up; disintegration or division. 2. the termination of a friendship, or a romantic relationship; a falling-out. 3. a loss of emotional control; a breakdown. 4. in Alaska - Spring, springtime.
Breakwater n A construction in or around a harbour designed to break the force of the sea and to provide shelter for vessels lying inside (nautical). 2. a low bulkhead across the forecastle deck of a ship which diverts water breaking over the bows into the scuppers. 3. on beaches: a wooden or concrete barrier, usually perpendicular to the shore, intended to prevent the movement of sand along a coast.
Breaky adj Indicative of breaking, easily broken, fragile, as an 'achy, breaky heart.
Breast n A breast, either of the two organs on the front of a woman's chest, which contain the mammary glands; also the analogous organs in men. 2. the chest, or front of the human thorax. 3. a section of clothing covering the breast area. 4. the figurative seat of the emotions, feelings etc.; one's heart or innermost thoughts. 5. the ventral portion of an animal's thorax. 6. a choice cut of poultry, especially chicken or turkey, taken from the bird’s breast; also a cut of meat from other animals, breast of mutton, veal, pork. 7. the front or forward part of anything. 8. a chimney breast; a plough breast. 9. the face of a coal working. 10. the front of a furnace. 11. the power of singing; a musical voice.
Breast vb To apply or oppose the mast to waves or wind. 2. a sleep ascent. 3. to stem, face, face it out, to breast it out, meet in full opposition; oppose, to meet full on. 4. to push against with the breast
Breat phr "to Beat One's Breast" - to greatly regret an error.
Breast phr "To Breast Aside" - to push aside. 2. to press forward with the breasts.
Breast phr "To Breast Up the Hedge" - to cut away brnches on the side, so that the main upright stems are laid bare.
Breast phr "To Give the Breast to" - to press the breast to; fig. to nourish. 2. to apply the breast to.
Breast-beating n An exaggerated or ostentatious show or demonstation of woe.
Breastbone n The central narrow bone in the front of the chest, connecting the collarbone and the top ribs. 2. the sternum.
Breasted adj having a breast. 2. having a specific kind of breast or covering.
Breastfeed vb To feed a baby milk by the breast. 2. to suckle, to nurse, to suck milk from a parent.
Breastfeeder n One who breastfeeds or suckles a baby.
Breastfeeding n The activity of feeding a baby or young child milk from the breast of a lactating woman.
Breasting n The applying or opposing the mast to waves or wind. 2. a sleep ascent. 3. the facing, facing it out, the breasting it out, a meeting in full opposition; opposing, a meeting full on. 4. a pushing against with the breast.
Breastless adj Without breast or mammary glands.
Breastlike adj Resembling a breast or breasts.
Breastmilk n Milk produced by human mammary glands, mother's milk.
Breaststroke n A swimming stroke in which the swimmer lies face down, with arms being swept forward, outwards and back under the water and legs kicking like a frog.
Breaststroker n One who swims the breast stroke.
Breastwise adj Side by side; abreast.
Breastwork n A fortification consisting of a breast-high bulwark; a parapet. 2. a railing on the quarter deck and forecastle of a ship. 3. a parapet. 4. a breast or mammary augmentation.
Breasty adj Having large breasts, buxom, busty.
Breath n Odour, smell, scent, exhalation, vapour, respiration. 2. air from the lungs.
Breath phr "In One and the Same Breath" - an act of respiration or breathing; fig. to do simultaneously.
Breath phr "Out Of Breath" - breathing with difficulty.
Breath phr "To Be Short of Breath" - to be without breath or breathless.
Breath phr "To Draw One's Last Breath" - to die, expire, pass away, give up the ghost.
Breath phr "To Hold One's Breath"- to check suddenly or suspend the act of respiration. 2. to wait (in anticipation) for something to happen.
Breath phr "To Waste(*) One's Breath" - to act in unproductive speech or conversation. * OE: weste - a desert, wilderness; ONFr. & Fr variation of OF: wast(e).
Breathe phr "To Breathe Again" - to recover anxiety, excitement
Breathe phr "To Breathe Down Someone's Neck"
Breathe phr "To Breathe Easy" - to relax or feel secure about as something.
Breathe phr "To Breathe Freely" - to be at ease, to breath in one's element.
Breathe phr "To Breathe In" - to inhale.
Breathe phr "To Breathe One's last Breath" - to die, expire, give up the ghost.
Breathe phr "To Breathe Out" - to exhale.
Breathe phr "To Breathe Through (Into)" - to animate, inform
Breathe phr "To Breathe Upon" - to infect, contaminate. 2. to tarnish (as if with breath). 3. to taint, corrupt.
Breathed adj As in 'long-breathed' - long winded
Breather phr Something that or someone who breathes. 2. a short break; a rest or respite. 3. in physics - a spatially localized, time periodic excitation in a one-dimensional lattice. 4. (coll) that which puts one out of breath, such as strenuous exercise.
Breathful adj Full of breath, or air. 2. having breath or life. 3. redolent, odourous, perfumed.
Breathily adv In a breathy manner.
Breathiness n The state or quality of being breathy. 2. the result or product of breathing.
Breathing n The act of breathing or respiration; a single instance breathing. 2. time to recover one's breath; hence, a delay, a spell of time; breathing. 3. any gentle influence or operation; inspiration. 4. the breathing of the Holy Spirit. 5. breathing, aspiration; secret prayer.
Breathing phr "To Be Breathing Sweat" - to sweat profusely.
Breathing spell n An opportunity to rest or give thought to a situation. 2. a short respite.
Breathingly adv In a breathing manner.
Breathless n Without breath; without respiration, dead. 2. unaspirated. 3. breathing with difficulty. 4. panting as a result of swift running or srenous exercise.
Breathlike adj Resembling or characteristic of breath
Breathliness n Breathless condition, want of health.
Breathly adv Of or pertaining or characteristic of breath or breathing.
Breathness n The state or quality of being with breath, exhalation, respiration.
Breath of Heaven n A small southern africa shrub (adenandra fragrans.)
Breath-seller n One who sells perfumes or scents. 2. one who speaks or uses his/her voice for payment, as a "radio announcer", "professional orator", or "spruiker"; "town crier", actor (?).
Breath-taking adj Surprising, trilling, dumbfounded.
Breathwork n The use of breathing as therapy, particularly changing the breathing rythms.
Breathy adj Of or pertaining to the nature of breath. 2. of a voice in singing, an admixture of the sound of breathing. 3. accompanied by audible breathing.
Breck n Form of break: a breach, blemish, failing.
Bred adj Developed in the womb. 2. hatched from the egg, brought forth. 3. reared, brought up, properly trained. 4. founded in combinations, as ill-bred, well bred, town-bred.
Bred adj Form of 'brede' - outspread, extended.
Bred phr "Bred and Born" (Born and Bred)
Bred phr "Bred in the Bone" - hereditary.
Brede n Breadth, width, a piece of stuff of the full breath.
Brede n Roast meat, sweetmeat.
Brede n A plait, interweaving, braiding. 2. a twist or plait of hair.
Brede vb To roast, toast, broil.
Brede vb Form of braird: to be plaited, entwined, wreathe or interwoven.
Brede vb To make broad, to broaden, dilate. 2. to spread, to spread out, spread about, extend. 3. to cover, spread over.
Breding n Broadening, spreading.
Bred-in-the Bone adj habitual, personal of habit, ingrained, firmly established, within nature.
Bree n Eye-lid, lid of the eye. 2. eyebrow, the superciliary ridge. 3. the eyelash.
Bree n A thick pottage made of meal. 2. broth, juice, liquer in which something has been steeprd or boiled. 2. water; the sea(fig.)
Bree vb To terrify, afright, scare.
Breech n A garment whose purpose is to cover or clothe the buttocks. 2. the buttocks. 3. a breech birth.
Breech vb To dress in breeches. 2. to cover or clothe with breeches. 3. to fit or furnish or fasten with breeches. 4. to whip, spank or beat the buttocks.
Breech adv With the hips coming out before the head.
Breech birth n A birth where the hinder part of the child appears first.
Breech cloth n An apron-like garment held on by a belt around the waist to cover the loins; a loin-cloth.
Breeches n Garment covering the loins and thighs,
Breeches n "To Wear the Breeches" - to assume the authority of the husband; to be the master.
Breech-girdle n A girdle or belt worn around the loins. 2. a belt to keep up the breeches.
Breeching n The action of clothing the haunches. 2. a flogging.
Breechless n Without breeches. 2. bare or naked about the buttocks.
Breech-loader n A firearm in which the charge is introduced at the back.
Breech-loading adj Of a gun; such that ammunition is loaded at the rear of the bore.
Breech-maker n A maker of breeches, esp. riding trousers.
Breed n All animals or plants of the same species or subspecies. 2. race or lineage. 3. group of people with shared characteristics. 4. hatch, produce, young. 5. stock, strain, offspring.
Breed vb To produce brood or young. 2. to be pregnant, to be with child. 3. to produce offspring sexually; to bear young. 4. of animals, to mate. 5. to arrange the mating of specific animals. 6. to propagate or grow plants trying to give them certain qualities to take care of in infancy and through childhood; to bring up. 7. to yield or result. 8. to be formed in the parent or dam; to be generated, or to grow, like young before birth. 8. to educate; to instruct; to form by education; to train; sometimes followed by up. 9. to produce or obtain by any natural process. 10, to have birth; to be produced or multiplied.take care of in infancy and through childhood): raise, bring up, rear.
Breed phr "Bred in the Bone" - inveterate or habitual, long-standing, deep-seated, dyed-in the-wool.
Breed phr "To Breed In and In" - to breed always with near relatives.
Breed phr "To Breed Out and Out" - to exhaust the breed. 2. to eliminate a characteristic by controlled breeding.
Breed-bale n One who breeds bale or excites strife and discord. 2. a mischief maker, trouble-maker, malcontent; a breed-woe.
Breeder n A person who breeds plants or animals professionally. 2. (gay slang, derogatory) 3. a heterosexual; i.e. one whose sexual intercourse can lead to breeding. 4. (slang, derogatory) a person who has had or who is capable of having children; a person who is focussed on the rearing of their own children.
Breediness n The state or condition of being capable of having children.
Breeding n The process through which propagation, growth or development occurs.

2. the act of insemination by natural or artificial means. 3.the act of copulation in animals. 4. the good manners regarded as characteristic of the aristocracy and conferred by heredity. 5. nurture; education; formation of manners. 6. descent; pedigree; extraction.  

Breeding adj Of, relating to or used for breeding.
Breeding ground n A place oer region where animals go to breed. 2. fig. a place or institution seen as creating large number of a stated thing, type or person, etc.
Breedling n A native, breedling, inborn, homeborn. 2. one born and bred in a place, a native.
Breedy adj Breeding prolific and readily.
Breeze n The gadfly (Estrus tabanus). 2. a sea-breeze: a parasite affecting some fruit.
Breme adj Celebrated, brilliant. 2. clear, loud, distinct.
Bremely adj Fast, furious.
Bremely adv Fiercely, angrily, hence in the general senses, as hotly, vehemently, strenuously, strongly. 2. louding, distinctly, shrilly, clearly, evidently.
Bremeness n Fierceness, fury, anger, strongness.
Brength n Blend of 'breadth and length' ; size, length and breadth.
Brerd n OE. brim, magen. - the topmost surface or edge, brim, brink.
Brerdful adj Brimfull
Brethe vb To go to ruin, degenerate, dissipate, self-ruined.
Brethel n A worthless fellow, a good-for-nothing wretch
Bretheling n The condition or status of going to (self) ruin and dissipation,
Bretheman n Trumpeter, a wind instruent blower.
Brethren n The body of members, esp. of a fraternal, religious or military order; brotherhood, fraternity, siblings.
Brethren adj Pertaining to or realting to brothers.
Brethrendom n Brotherhood, fraternity,
Brethrenhood n Brotherhood.
Bretwalda n The ruler of the britons.
Brew n Make ale, or beer
Brew-bale vb To stir up quarellling, disension, trouble, mischief.
Brewer n Someone who brews or whose occupation is to prepare malt liquor.
Brewership n The office and / or employment of a brewer.
Brewer's Yeast n Any live yeast yeast used in brewing of yeast obtained as a by-product of brewing, dried and used as nutritional yeast.
Brewhouse n A brewey.
Brewing n The produce of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, by fermentation. 2. the process of being brewed. 3. the business or occupation of a brewer. 4. the quantity of brew made in a single batch. 5. the forming of a storm or the gathering of clouds.
Brewing-up n Concoction.
Brewster n A brewer, esp. a female brewer.
Brew-up n The making and drinking of tea.
Briar n Prickly bush (brier), species of the wild rose.
Briar vb To catch and annoy like briars.
Briar phr "To Be in the Briars" - to be in vexation, difficulties, trouble (in modern use with conscious reference to the literal sense.
Briar phr "To Get Out of the Briars" -to be no longer in vexation, difficulties, trouble (in modern use with conscious reference to the literal sense.
Briar phr "To Leave the Briars"- to be no longer in vexation, difficulties, trouble (in modern use with conscious reference to the literal sense.
Briar patch n A dense thicket of thorny plants. 2. a grand made impassable by the impenetrable of prickly vegetation. 3. an intellectaul or philosophical issue abounding in seemingly unresolvable problems. 4. a theoretical quandary or impasse.
Briary adj Full of or consisting of briers, brambly, thorny. 2. of or pertaining to briers. 3. of the nature of briers: vexing.
Briche adj Useful, serviceable.
Bridal adj The bridal(e) feast or wedding. 2. of or pertaining to a bride, worn by a bride.
Bridal bed n Nuptial couch, marriage bed.
Bridal day n The day of the wedding.
Bridal dinner n The wedding feast.
Bridal dress n The wedding dress or bridal gown.
Bridal house n The house where the wedding is held.
Bridal knot n A wedding favour.
Bridal morn n The morning of the wedding.
Bridal ring n The wedding ring.
Bridal wealth n The plant saxifrage francoa.
Bride n Woman about to be married or recently married.
Bride vb To act the bride.
Bride ale n An ale-drinking at a wedding.
Bride-bed n See 'bridal bed.'
Bridegroom n The man about to be, or just been, married.
Bridegroom vb To act as a bridegroom at a wedding.
Bridegroomship n The position of bridegroom.
Bridehood n State or position of a bride.
Brideless adj Without brides; unmarried
Bridelike adj Like or resembling a bride.
Bridelock n Marriage.
Bridelope n The oldest known teutonic name for wedding; lit 'the bridal run' in conducting the bride to her new home.
Bridely adv In a bride-like or wedding-like or nuptial manner.
Brideman n Also called a brideleader, because he led the bride to the bridegroom.
Bridesmaid n A young unmarried woman or girl attending the bride at a wedding.
Bridemaidship n The position and uties of a bridesmaid.
Brideship n The status of standing of a bride; the rank or personality of a bride.
Bridesman n The best man.
Brides-wain n The wain or vehicle of the bride providing (surmounted) by the spinning-wheel adorned with blue ribbons ) used to be sent to the new home. 2. a carriage with household goods, traveling from the brides father's to the bridegroom hous
Bride-weed n A bride's dress or veil.
Bridewort n Meadow sweet, spirea ulmoria.
Bridge n Elevated structure (often arched over water) forming a passage way between two points.
Bridge vb To make a bridge over a river. 2. to span or cross with a bridge, ravine. 3. to overlay, spread over. 4. to form a way by means of a bridge. 4. fig. to promote or develop a way of reconcilaittion between two parties.
Bridge phr "A Bridge too Far" - idiomatic: a step or action that is too ambitious. 2. an act of overreaching.
Bridge phr "Burn One's Bridges Behind You" - make an irrevocable decision. 2. lit. to cut off the way back to where you come from making it impossible to retreat. 3. to leave all your friends and acquaintances behind. 4. to cause permanent damage to your relationship.
Bridge phr "Find a Gold or a Silver Bridge" - an easy and attractive way of escape.
Bridge phr "Water Under the Bridge" - a past event (and of no important).
Bridge-board n A board or plank used asa bridge.
Bridgebote n An ancient tax or contribution to the repair of bridge.
Bridge-builder n One who builds bridges across waterway or ravines.
Bridge-building n One who builds bridges. 2. (fig.) the promotion and development of friendly relations between countries, warring parties, one-time friends etc.
Bridged adj Furnished with bridge(s). 2. spanned or traversed by bridge(s).
Bridge-head n A fortication covering the end of a bridge, nearest the enemy. 2. any miltary position established in the face of an enemy; eg. by a landing force (tete de pont)
Bridge-house n A house connected with a bridge for the control and protection; spec. the house or building with its revenue officers.
Bridge-keeper n The keeper or custodian of a bridge.
Bridgeless adj Having no bridge; unspanned by a bridge.
Bridgelike adj Resembling or characteristic of a bridge.
Bridgeness n (mathematics) - a measure of connectivity in certain networks.
Bridger n One who bridges or connects to previously separate things. 2. a nexus.
Bridge-spider n A stone or flag spanning a gutter or sunken area.
Bridgestone n A stone used in the construction of a bridge, such as a 'dry-stone'
Bridge-warden n The keeper or warden of a bridge. 2. the custodian or wardship of a bridge.
Bridgeway n The way formed by a bridge; also the waterway beneath.
Bridgework n A partial dental that is anchored by existing teeth.
Bridgey adj Full of, or abounding in bridges.
Bridging n The action of a bridge. 2. bridges viewed as a work. 3. a bridging piece. 4. the system of bracing used between floor or other timbers to distribute the weight.
Bridging adj Constructing or appointed to construct a bridge or bridges. 2. that which acts as a bridge.
Bridle n Headgear of a horse's harness.
Bridle vb To put a bridle on. 2. to check, restrain, or control with, or as if with, a bridle; as in bridle your tongue.  3. to show hostility or resentment.
Bridle phr "To Bridle Up" - to show anger and indignation, bristle at.
Bridle-bit n The bit or mouth-piece of a bridle; hence 'a bridle-bitter' - a maker of bridles.
Bridle bridge n A bridge fit for the pasage of a horse, but not for other vehicles; a bridleway.
Bridled adj Furnished or equipped with a bridle, in various senses. 2. curbed, restrained, controlled. 2. having bridled-shaped marks.
Bridle-hand n The left hand: the hand that holds the bridle.
Bridle-iron n A strong flat bar of iron, bent so as to support, as a stirrup. 2. one end of a floor timber, etc. where no sufficient can be had.
Bridleless adj Without or not having a bridle (said of a steed or rider). 2. unchecked, unrestrained.
Bridle-like adj Resembling or characteristic of a bridle.
Bridlepath n A path fit for the passage of a horse, but not for other vehicles;
Bridler n One who bridles, restrains, governs, or controls with a bridal. 2. a bridlemaker.
Bridleway n A bridlepath.
Bridle-wisdom n Skill and ability to use the bridle, as 'in the heat of the play one relies on the bridle.'
Bridle-wise adj Of a horse giuded by the touch of a bridle.
Bridling n The applying of the bridle in curbing, restraining controling the horse. 2. fig. curbing, restraiing, controlling.
Brier n Prickly bush (briar), species of the wild rose.
Brier vb To catch and annoy like briers.
Brier phr "To Be in the Briars" - to be in vexation, difficulties, trouble (in modern use with conscious reference to the literal sense.
Brier phr "To Get Out of the Briers" -to be no longer in vexation, difficulties, trouble (in modern use with conscious reference to the literal sense.
Brier phr "To Leave the Briers"- to be no longer in vexation, difficulties, trouble (in modern use with conscious reference to the literal sense.
Briery adj Full of or consisting of briers, brambly, thorny. 2. of or pertaining to briers. 3. of the nature of briers: vexing.
Bright n An artist's brush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a flat, somewhat tapering bristle head. 2.(obs) splendour; brightness. 3. (neologism) a person with a naturalistic worldview with no supernatural or mystical elements. 4. (US pl.) the high-beam intensity of motor vehicle headlamps.
Bright vb To be bright; to shine, to make bright, illuminate. 2. of sound: to be clear, to ring.
Bright adj Visually dazzling; luminous, lucent, clear, radiant; not dark. 2. having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent. 3. livid, colourful, brilliant. 4. happy, in good spirits . 5. sparkling with wit; lively; vivacious; cheerful. 6. illustrious; glorious. 7. clear; transparent. 8. manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes; clear; evident; plan‎.
Bright phr "A Bright Young Thing" - a member of the younger generation in fashionable society (esp. 1920s & 1930s) noted for exuberant and outrageous behaviour. 2. young, educated woman of the 1990s who rises to a leadership position.
Bright phr "Bright Words for Dark Days" - Encouraging and empowering words taht make happy and positive, and helps to lift one's gloom and depression.
Bright phr "Look On the Bright Side" - to be optimistic.
Bright phr "To Be Bright and Early" - very early in the morning.
Bright-and-Morning-Star" n Jesus Christ
Bright-beaming adj The action of using a light, usually from a search light, that projects a bright-beam of light in any direction.
Bright-bloomed adj Colorful,
Bright-burning adj Of intense heat and bright flame, something used to attract attention in an emergency.
Brighten vb To make bright or shining, to become bright, to shine
Brighten phr "Brighten Up" - to br brighter. 2. to make brighter.
Bright-eyed adj Eager and alert, smart, mentally alert.
Bright-eyed phr "To be Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed" - to be eager, alert, mentally alert, dashing, high-spirited, enthusiastic, and lively, pert, spirited, peppy.
Brightened adj Made bright.
Brightening n The action of making or becoming bright. 2. illumination.
Brightening adj Becoming bright or making bright.
Brighter n One who or that which brightens.
Bright-field n The most common form of optical microscopy, in which light is transmitted thro the sample which appears on a bright background.
Bright head n A person of good mind, understanding, intelligence, memory, wisdom.
Brighthood n The state or quality of being bright, brightness.
Brightish adj Somewhat bright, illuminated or shiny.
Bright-lights n The city as a place of entertainment; an entertainment district. 2. urban gaiety.
Bright line n A clear distinction in the context of a legal or moral judgement.
Brightly adv In a bright manner, brilliantlt, clearly.
Brightness n The quality of being bright. 2. brilliancy, clearness, vivacity, quickness of intellect. 3. perception elicited by the luminance of an object. 4. intellingence, cleverness, smartness.
Brights n The high-beam intensity of motor vehicle headlamps.
Brightshine n Lustre.
Bright side n A consoling aspect of a difficult situation. 2. a silver lining.
Brightsmith n A maker in 'white" or bright iron, tin.
Brightsome adj Exhibiting brightness, bright-looking. 2. bright in appearance, shining.
Bright-someness n "The bright-someness of the gospel was dimmed." : clarity, illumination, etc.
Bright-spark n A person who is intelligent, clear or quick-witted. 2. srcastically, a person who lacks intelligence, or who has displayed ignorance , foolishness, or poor judgement.
Bright-speaker n A sound that has a greater emphasize on the treble, higher frequencies.
Brightwork n Polished mental fixtures.
Brim n In OE an poetical word for the Sea, and also "flood" waters. 2. surf and waves. 3. phosphor.
Brimming n The phosphorence of the waves, sea. 2. burning; firelike.
Brimstone n (Lit: "burnstone') sulphur. 2. the sulphur of hell; hell (itself); damnation. 4. used attributively as intensifiers of exclamations. 4. a species of butterfly.
Brimstone phr "Fire and Brimstone" - the traditional punishment of hell; hellfire.
Brimstoneness n The state or condition of being brimstone.
Brimstoner n A preacher who warns others about the damnation in Hell for the wicked and sinful; a hot-gospeller.
Brimstone-wort n Rosa canina, the dog rose.
Brimstonish adj Somewhat phosphorous or sulphur in colour. 2. fiery.
Brine n Salt water, the water of the sea, the sea.
Brine vb To steep, soak, pickle, suffuse with salt water.
Brineless adj Without or free of brine or salt or salt water.
Briner n A salt boiler, a salter.
Bring n A causing to come to place of reference or to a state.
Bring vb
Bring phr "Bring About" - to make something happen, esp. to cause changes in a situation.
Bring phr "Bring and Buy Sale" - a sale, usually to collect money for a charity, where a person brings things to be sold and buys things brought by other people. 2. a trash and treasure sale or market.
Bring phr "Bring Away" - to come away from some event with some important insight5 or information. 2. to move something away from from something, (a request to move something away from something and towards the requester.)
Bring phr "Bring Back" - to bring back to the point of departure. 2. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere. 2. return to consciousness, awake, wake, rouse, arouse.
Bring phr "Bring Back to Life" - to revive, resussitate.
Bring phr "Bring Down" - cause something to end.
Bring phr "Bring Down the House" - to bring such demonstrative applause as threatens or suggests the bringing down of the building.
Bring phr "Bring Forth" - produce.
Bring phr "Bring Forward" - to call up for consideration. 2. make something happen earlier than originally planned
Bring phr "Bring Home To One" - make one realize.
Bring phr "Bring In" - introduce, or yield.
Bring phr "Bring Into Line" - cause to conform.
Bring phr "Bring Into Play" - cause to start functioning.
Bring phr "Bring Into the World" - to give birth to; be a parent to.
Bring phr "Bring It" - to give one's all in a particular task and effort, to perform with admiration and force.
Bring phr "Bring It On" - an affirmative response, uttered aggressively to a challenge by issuing one back.
Bring phr "Bring It Weak" - to fail to complete a task successively; to make a halfhearted effort.
Bring phr "Bring Off" - succeed in doing something.
Bring phr "Bring On" - to lead forward, to caause to advance, advance the growth of.
Bring phr "Bring One's Arse to the Anchor"
Bring phr "Bring Oneself To" - persuade oneself.
Bring phr "Bring Out" - demonstrate, reveal, or publish.
Bring phr "Bring Over" - to carry or bring something to somewhere or someone, as bringing drinks to a party. 2. to cause someone to change allegiance or support, view or opinion.
Bring phr "Bring Shame Upon" - to disgrace, embarrass, someone, usually a close relative or friend.
Bring phr "Bring Somebody Down To Earth" - make somebody aware of the practicalities (rather than dreams/ fanciful ideas)
Bring phr "Bring Somebody Up Short" - make somebody short what he/she is doing.
Bring phr "Bring Someone to Book" - to impose a penalty upon someone for their wrongdoings.
Bring phr "Bring Someone or Something to its/their Knees" - to humble, devastate or humilate. 2. force someone into submission.
Something phr "Bring Something To A Head" - precipitate a crisis in order to get action.
Bring phr "Bring Something To Light" - ensure that something is noticed, or to reveal something.
Bring phr "Bring Tears to One's Eyes" - cause someone's eyes to water, as happens when someone is suffering from hay fever, etc. 2. cause one to be tearfully sad, or emotionally tearful..
Bring phr "Bring The House Down" - gain an audience approval wholeheartedly.
Bring phr "Bring Tidings" - bring news, information, often of a pleasing nature.
Bring phr "Bring to Bear" - to employ, put to use.
Bring phr "Bring to Book" - find evidence to arrest, try, punish somebody.
Bring phr "Bring to Heel" - make someone compliantly obedient.
Bring phr "Bring to Light" - reveal
Bring phr "Bring to Mind" - cause to recall, remember.
Bring phr "Bring Under the Hand Of" - bring under the protection of. 2. bring under submission.
Bring phr "Bring Up" - raise (a matter, topic); rear a child; vomit.
Bring phr "Bring Upon" - to cause, either knowingly or unwittingly, to fall or happen to.
Bring phr "Bring Word" - convey information, news.
Bring-and-buy adj Descriptive of a charity bazaar, stall etc; to which people bring objects for sale and buy those brouht by others.
Bringdown n To carry, convey, lead or cause to go along to somewhere else. 2. to convey as an attribute or contribution. 3. to injure, capture, kill. 4. to lessen, reduce. 5. cause someone to be in low spirits.
Bringer n One who brings something or someone (in various senses of the verb 'to bring').
Bringer up n One who rears or educates.
Brininess n The state of condition of being briny or salty.
Brinish adj Somewhat or rather salty.
Brinishness n The state or quality of being salty.
Brinness n The quality of brine.
Brinnish adj Of the nature of brine. 2. somewhat brinnish or the salty part of the sea. 3. of tears: salty. 4. bitter, naseous (fig.)
Brinnishness n The quality or state of being briny.
Brinny n OE. bryne - the phosphorescence (of the sea) 2. the sea
Brinny adj Of or pertaining to the brine; or to the sea, 2. saturated with salt. 3. applied to tears
Briny adj Brinny, salty.
Bristle n A stiff or coarse hair. 2. the hairs or straws that make up a brush, broom or similar item.
Bristle vb Of hairs, quills: to be become or stand stiff or bristle.
Bristle phr "To Bristle At" - show anger or indignation.
Bristle phr "To Bristle With" - be full with
Bristle-like adj Resembling a bristle or some aspect of it.
Bristleness n Without bristles; not having bristles.
Bristle-tail n The silverfish; a firebrat.
Bristleworts n Lindley's name for the Desvauxiaceae - small tufted herbs with bristly leaves.
Bristliness n Bristling quality
Bristling n The action of rising on end of the hair.
Bristling adj That rises or stands on end. 2. of persons: bristly, rough, shaggy.
Bristlingly adv In a bristling manner.
Bristly adj Set in bristles or short stiff hairs, setose. 2. thickly set with sharp or defiant points.
Britchel adj Liable to break, brittle.
Britches n Breeches: a garment for the legs and trunk. 2. part of the body covered by britches. 3. trousers.
British n Nationals or natives of the United Kingdom.
British adj Pertaining, or relating to things British.
British phr "The British are Coming" - although he didn't yell 'The British are coming,' Paul revere did manage to warn the revolutionaries at Lexington that the British troops were heading their way.
British-born adj One born in, native of, or living in a territory established by the british during colonial times.
British English n English as used in Great Britain, as distinct from that used elsewhere.
Britisher n A native or inhabitant of Britian.
Britishly adv In the ancient british tongue. 2. after the manner of the british; in british fashion.
British man n A person born in Great Britian; a citizen of the United Kingdom; a brit.
Britishness n The conditions of ancient Britons. 2. the quality or character of the British.
Briton n Briton - the ordinary name of the OE Chronicle
Britten vb OE: brytnian. to distribute, disperse. 2. to divide, break, brittle. 3. to cut or hew into pieces. 4. to kill, slay, butcher; to cut up a deer.
Brittle adj Things easily broken or fragile, liable to break; frangible. 2. hard but liable to break easily. 3. having a tendency to break under little stress. 5. emotional fragility.
Brittle phr "In a Brittle Way" -- capable of, or tending to break (lit & fig). 2. of emotions: easily upset by personal difficulty and problems.
Brittlely adv In a brittle or fragile way.
Brittle-minded adj Weak, insecure, unstable of mind, as 'narrow and brittle-minded bachelor state.'
Brittleness n The state or condition of being brittle, fragile, easy broken. 2. a tendency of a material (or metals) to fracture and fail upon the application of a small amount of force, impact or shock. 3. fragility in dealing with emotional problems.
Brittle-strength adj Weak without strength, fragile, friable, easily broken.
Brittleworts n 'The diatoms or brittle worts form a wonderful microcosm.'
Broad adj Wide in extent or scope. 2. extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full. 3. having a large measure of any thing or quality; not limited; not restrained.  4. comprehensive; liberal; enlarged. 5. plain; evident. 6. free; unrestrained; unconfined. 7. gross; coarse; indelicate. 8. (of an accent) strongly regional.
Broad n A prostitute, a woman of loose morals. 2. (US) a woman or girl. 3. shallow lake, one of a number of bodies of water in eastern Norfolk and Suffolk.
Broad vb To broaden, spread across, expand.
Broad phr "As Broad as It's Long" - it comes with the same thing either way, it makes no difference.
Broad phr "Be Broad Awake" - to be wide awake.
Broad phr "In Broad Daylight" - in the open or full light of day; clearly visible.
Broad phr "In the Broad and the Long" - in one way or the other.
Broad acre n In Australia, of or pertaining to, or suitable for larger farming.
Broadawake adj Wide awake, alert.
Broad axe n A long axe, with a broad blade, once used as a weapon, or for hewing timber.
Broadband n A wide range of radio frequency.
Broad bean n A edible bean that has broad seeds.
Broad blown adj In full bloom with blossom.
Broad brow n A person of broad tastes and interests; not a high brow or a low brow.
Broaden vb To make broad or broader. 2. to be broad or broader.
Broadened ppl Made or becoming broad, dilated.
Broadening n An expansion in breadth, dilation. 2. becoming broad , expanding, dilating.
Broadening adj Becoming larger in distance from side to side; wider. 2. expand to encompass more people or things.
Broad-in-the beam n fat or fatty in the hips or bottom.
Broadish adj Somewhat broad or expanding in breadth.
Broadleaf n A type of tree, having bright and flat, often deciduous leaves, as opposed to needle-like ones.
Broadloom n A wide loom. 2. a carpet woven on a wide loom.
Broadly adv In a wide manner, liberally, in a loose sense.
Broad-minded adj Being liberal or tolerant in thought and opinion.
Broad-mindedness n The condition of being liberal or tolerant in thought and opinion.
Broad mouth adj A person who is plainly spoken, often insolently.
Broadmouthed adj Plainly spoken, often insolently
Broad-mouthness phr The quality of being plainly spoken, often insolently.
Broadness n state or quality or being broad or having breadth. 2. plainness of speech, coarseness in speech and manner. 3. indelicacy
Broadseal n The public seal of a nation.
Broadseal vb To stamp with a broad seal. 2. to make sure; to guarantee a warrant.
Broadsheet n A larger size newspaper than tabloid.
Broad-shouldered adj Having wide shoulders that don't slope. 2. able to bear huge burdens (lit. & fig.).
Broadside n A short verbal attack
Broadside vb Collide with the side of a vehicle, etc.
Broadsided adj Having a broadside.
Broadsiding n The firing of a broadside (lit. and fig.)
Broadspread n Wide-spread, spreading widely.
Broadspreading adj Spreading out or extending widely, like an
Broadwalk n A wide street, pavement, trotuary.
Broadway n The theatre and entertainment of the US in New York. 2. used allusively with reference to the theatres for which Broadway in New York is famous
Broadwise adj With the broad or flat side extended, flat, broadly
Broadwise adv In a broad manner, widely extended. 2. with a broad or general view, generally. 3. outspokenly, openly, manifestly, markedly, decidedly. 4. with artistic breadth.
Brock n Badger, a name in later times associated with the epithet -stinking. 2. a stinking or dirty fellow. 3. one given to dirty or underhanded tricks. 4. a horse, an inferior one a jade.
Brockish adj Like a badger or brock, beastly, dirty.
Brockle n Broken pieces, fragments, rubbish.
Brockle adj Easily broken, fragile, brittle.
Brod n A shoot or sprout. 2. a prickle or thorn. 3. a goad, prick, pointed instrument. 4. an incentive, stimulus, motive.
Brod vb To shoot, sprout. 2. to goad, prod, urge with a spike.
Broder n One who brods: goads, motivates, stimulates.
Broke n That which breaks, affliction, trouble, misery (only in OE) 2. fragment, piece of food. 3. a rupture or wound. 4. a breach of law. 5. pennilessness. 5. of animals: broken in harness.
Broke adj Lacking money; bankrupt. 2.(informal) broken. 3. (in nautical terms) demoted, deprived of a commission.
Brokeback n A hunchback; derelict, one down on his/her luck.
Brokelet n A fragment.
Brokeling n A fragment.
Broken adj Fragmented, in pieces, smashed. 2. out-of-order, not working, busted.
Broken phr "Be Broken In" - to be tamed as a horse. 2. fig. to be initiated; to be made to conform.
Broken phr "Be Broken Up" - to be broken into pieces
Broken-arrow n An accidental nuclear incident or event involving weapons, warheads or components but which does not create the risk of mass death and destruction.
Broken-backed adj Having an injury of the spine. 2. a book with its spine damaged or broken. 3. a worn out horse, a hack. 4. a ship so weakened that it sags at each end.
Broken-bird n A bird unable to fly because of a broken wing. 2. an aircraft grounded, downed or unflyable. 3. a troubled or emotionally fragile person, esp. one who is suffering the after effects of personal trauma.
Broken-Britian n A term used to describe the perceived widespread state of social decay in the United Kingdom.
Broken down adj Decomposed, reduced to atoms. out-of-order, busted. 2. ramshackled, rundown, dilapidated. 3. not properly maintained, neglected. 4. derelict, hard-up, that which has been broken down and,as a result, no longer in working order.
Broken English n Imperfect English speech.
Broken-headed adj Emotionally or mentally unstable.
Broken-heart n A heart or the emotions of persons crushed by grief, loss, and betrayal.
Broken-hearted adj Having a broken heart; heart-broken; having the spirits crushed by grief or despair. 2. depressed, despondent, a feeling of hopelessness, esp. after a failed relationship.
Broken-heartedly adv In a despondent, depressed, despairing manner
Broken-heartedness n The state or quality of being despondent, in despair or depressed.
Broken home n Family in which the parents no longer live together.
Broken-horse n A jade, hack, worn out old nag.
Brokenly adv In a broken hearted manner.
Broken-minded adj Mentally ill, unstable emotionally, schizophrenic.
Brokenness n The characteristic of being broken.
Broken reed n A supporter who has failed, as 'he let me down at the last moment, he was a broken reed'.
Broken-shanked adj A broken leg or legs.
Broken-winded adj Breathless, exhausted (of a horse)
Broker n A businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission; an agent, factor, broker. 2. in law, an agent employed to effect bargains and contracts, as a middleman or negotiator, between other persons, for a

compensation commonly called brokerage. He takes possession, as broker, of the subject matter or negotiation. He generally contracts in the names of those who employ him, and not in his own. 4. dealer in money, notes, bills of exchange dealer in secondhand goods. 5. a pimp or procurer.

Brokerly adv In a mean and servile manner.
Broking n The craft or profession of a broker in mediation in a sale or transaction.
Brood n The young of certain animals. 2. the young of any egg-laying animal. 3. the children in one family.
Brood vb To keep anegg warm. 2. to protect. 3. to dwell upon moodily and at length.
Brooded adj Incubated, hatched, 2. also fig. having a brood.
Brooder n One who broods over things. 2. a hen that broods or hatches eggs. 3.
Broodful adj Prolific.
Broodiness n The condition or quality of being broody.
Brooding n The incubation of eggs by the hen sitting on them. 2. the period of incubation by the hen. 3. deep, profound or serious thought.
Brooding adj That cherishes a (brood) hatches or incubates. 2. fig. that hoves closely around or overhangs (as a bird over her chicks; a mother over her children) 3. that dwells moodily upon a subject or thought
Broodily adv In a brooding manner.
Broodling n A young bird.
Broodmare n A stud mare; a female horse used for breeding.
Broody adj Prolific, apt to breed, inclined to breed. 2. of fowls: incline to sit and incubate. 3. of persons: comtemplative (sullenly). 4. meditative, feeling depreddes or moody. 5. of a woman : feeling maternal.
Brook n A small stream, rivulet, originally a torrent or strongly flowing stream. 2. a stream or torrent of blood. 3. the stream or flood of the Sea.
Brook vb To enjoy the use of, make use of, profit by, possess, hold. 2. to digest, make use of food, retain, or bear in the stomach 3. to digest mentally. 4. to put up with, tolerate, as 'after broking such an insult". 5. to find it agreeable to do something.
Brook phr "Brook a Name Well" - to bear it appropriately, do credit to it, actt consistently with.
Brooker n One who enjoys possession of; a proprietor.
Brooking n The capacity to take food, digestion. 2. endurance, bearing.
Brooking n The maintenance or preservation of a brook.
Brooklet n A rivulet, small stream.
Brooklime n Speedwell (Veronica Becca.)
Brookside n The side of a brook.
Brooky adj Characterized by or abounding in brooks.
Broom n Any of the several yellow-flowered shrubs of the plant family Fabaceae with long thin branches and small or few leaves.
Broom n Someone who is eager and newly-imported.
Broom vb To sweep with a broom.
Broomcroft n A croft or small farm with broom growing.
Broomless adj Without a (sweeping) broom.
Broomlike adj Resembling or like a broom.
Broom-man n A street-sweeper.
Broomrape n A large genus of parisitic herbs (Orobanche), which attach themselves to the roots of broom and other plants.
Broomstaff n A staff or handle of a broom. 2. a broomstick.
Broomstick n The staff or handle of a broom.
Broomwort n Name applied by Gerard to species of Thaspli by others to some plant not identified. 2. broomrape.
Broomy adj Covered or abounding with broom. 2. pertaining to a broom or besom
Broon adj Conserved from OE: brun, the colour brown
Brotel adj Liable to break, fragile, brittle. 2. frail, perishable, easily destroyed, mortal. 3. unstable, inconstant, fickle.
Brotelhood n Fraility, fickleness, insecurity, uncetainty.
Broth n A decoction; esp, that in which meat is boiled. 2. a thin soup made from meat and vegetables (fig. and transfig.)
Brothel n A worthless, abandoned fellow. 2. a wretch, a scapegrace, good-for-nothing. 3. an abandoned woman, a prostitute, skank, skanky-ho. 3. a bordello, house of ill-fame, house of the rising sun, whorehouse.
Brothel-creepers n A type of soft shoe with crepe soles.
Brothel-goer n One who goes to a brothel.
Brothel-house n A bordello, whorehouse.
Brothel-keeper n One who operates a brother
Brothel-like adj Resembling or like a brothel.
Brotheller n A whoremonger, a frequenter of brothels and whorehouses.
Brothelling n The frequenting of whore and whorehouses; whoring.
Brothel-monger n A whoremonger, pimp, hoon, procurer, panderer.
Brothelly adj Whorish, meretricious.
Brothelsome adj Pertaining to brothels, whorehouses, whorish, meretricious
Brother n The state of being brothers or a brother. 2. an association for any purpose, as a society of monks; a fraternity. 3.the whole body of persons engaged in the same business,-especially those of the same profession; as, the legal or medical brotherhood. 4. persons, and, poetically, things, of a like kind. 5. brethren, siblinghood, fraternity, association, fellowship, sodality, brethren.
Brother vb To make a brother of; to admit to a brotherhood; to address a brother. 2. to be a brother.
Brother phr "A Man and a Brother" - motto of the Anti-slavery Society -'Am I not a Brother".
Brotherhood n Not in Old English -probably 'brotherred(e); the relation of a brother, or of brothers mutually (also in a spiritual sense.). 2. brotherliness, friendly alliance. 3. the rank of a brother in a 'corporation' 4. an association of brothers; a fraternity or guild; also the brethren collectively; also fig. of things. 5. community of feeling uniting man and man.
Brotherhood phr "Brotherhood of Man" - the whole of society.
Brother-in-law n The brother of one's husband or wife. 2. the husband of one's sister. 3. sometimes the husband of one's wife (or husband' sister)
Brother-less adj Not having or without brothers.
Brother-less phr "Bane is the Back of the Brotherless Man" - everyone is vulnerable unless he has a friend.
Brotherlessness n The state of not having or without brothers.
Brotherlike n Fraternal, brotherly, like a brother. 2. after the manner of a brother.
Brotherliness n The quality of being a brother.
Brotherly adj Brotherly affection or sympathy. 2. of or pertaining to a brother; also characteristic of a brother, kind, affectionate.
Brotherly-fellowship n A fraternity or gild of brothers; a brotherhood.
Brotherly-kindness n Of things acting in a harmonious conjunction
Brotherly-love n Agape. 2. a kindly and lenient attitude towards others.
Brotherman n In Afro-american talk: a man
Brothers n The plural of brother. 2. male siblings. 3. males of Afro-american descent. 3. a supporter of equal rights. 5. a person, particularly a male, connected by a common cause or situation.
Brothership n Brotherly fellowship. 2. a fraternity of guild-brotherhood.
Brotherwort n Wild Thyme, (thymus serphyllum)
Brothiness n The quality of being brothy.
Brothy adj Resembling or like broth.
Brow n Only in O.E. the eye-lash, eye-lid. 2. the arch of hair over the eyes. 3,. the prominence of the frehead over the eyes. 4. the forehead. 5. fig. esp. as the seat of the facial expression of joy, sorrow, resolution, etc. 6. the projection edge of a cliff or hill standing over a steep. 7. a gallery in a coal-mine running across the face of the coal.
Brow vb "Be On the Brow of" - to fsce off, browbeat
Brow phr "By the Sweat of One's Brother" - through one's own hard work.
Brow phr "Have No Brow" - not to like the look of. 2. not to be impress by.
Browbeat vb To bear down with stern, arrogance or insolent words or looks. 2. to bully.
Browbeaten adj Beaten down by arrogance, insolence and sren looks.
Browbeater n One who browbeats.
Browbeating n The action of the verb" to browbeat' - scowling, frowning. 2. bullying, insolence, arrogance.
Brow-bending n Frowning.
Browbone n The orbital ridge of the eye.
Browden adj Twisted, plaited, intertwined, interwoven, woven. 2. embroidered, emblazoned with colour. 3. dyed, stained.
Browding n Embroidery.
Browdster n Embroider (female)
Browed adj Having a brow, in such combinations, as 'dark-brow, low-brow, high-brow.
Browless adj Without shame, unabashed. 2. frontless. 3. without eyebrows.
Brow-lid n Eyelid.
Brown n Brown in colour, pigment of brown. 2. a colour like that of chocolate or coffee. 3. brown or in an unbleached state, 4. a person of a brown complexion. 5. duskiness, gloom.
Brown vb To become brown, to make brown, to give a brown lustre. 2. to cook something until it becomes brown. 3. to tan. 4. to make brown or dusty. 5. to give a bright brown colour to, as to gun barrels, by forming a thin coating of oxide on their surface.
Brown adj Having a brown color. 2. (obsolete) gloom.
Brown phr "To Be Browned Off" - to be annoyed, disenchanted, bored.
Brown phr "To Do Brown" - to do thoroughly, suggested by roasting; to cheat.
Brown-ale n A type of beer characterized by its brown color and rich malty hoppy flavor.
Brownbear n A species of bear native to northern America, Europe, Asia and having brown fur. (Ursus Arctos)
Brownbread n Bread with a color as distinct from white bread, wholemeal or other specific types of bread. 2. wholemeal bread.
Brown cloud n A form of pollution (atmospheric) that is a mixture of aerosols, that absorb and scatter light as a result of the burning of fossils fuels.
Brown coal n Lignite.
Browned adj Make brown.
Browned off adj Faded or burnt off, (said of pasture and countryside). 2. fed up, disgusted.
Browned-offness n The condition of being browned -off.
Brown eye n The anus (slang).
Brown-eyed soul n A genre of soul music characteristically performed by Latino performers in Southern California in the 1960s.
Brownfield n A site to be redeveloped for housing or commercial enterprises, that has been previously used as for industry and may be contaminated and requires an extensive clean-up.
Brown goods n Electrical merchandise, such as radios, televisions, computers etc. conventionally housed in brown casing, asa distinct from white good
Browning n The action or process of becoming brown.
Browning adj Becoming brown, making brown
Brownish adj Somewhat brown
Brownishly adv In a brownish way.
Brownishness n The state of being browny or somewhat brown.
Brownness n The quality or state of being brown.
Brown nose vb To flatter others in an obsequious manner.
Brown noser n A sycophant, flatterer, obsequious toady, fawner. 2. one who flatters others in an obsequious manner.
Brownout n A partial black-out of cities during wartime.
Brownrot n A fungal disease of stone fruit.
Brown shirt n A member of the Nazi party. 2. any member of a fascist party.
Brown snake n A poisin australia snake.
Brownswine n The name of the porpoise.
Brown thumb n One who lacks skills in the growing of plants. 2. an unsuccessful gardener; opposite of a 'green thumb'.
Brownware n A kind of pottery
Brownwort n The Water-betony (Scrophularia aquatica)
Browny adj Inclining to brown.
Bruckle adj Liable to break. 2. frail, uncertain, precarious, shaky.
Bruckleness n Frailty.
Bruise n An injury to the body by a blunt or heavy instrument, causing discolration but not laceration to the skin; a contusion; also of a plant, fruit etc..
Bruise vb O.E.: brysan: to crush, later coalescing with O.F. 'brisier,' 'bruser,' - to break, smash shatter. 2. to crush by any weight, but now: to injure by a blow which discolors the skin, but does not lacerate it and breaks no bones, to contuse. 3. transfig. to break in pieces, smash. 4. fig. of the senses: to bruise, hurt. 5. to beat small, crush, grind down.
Bruised adj Of blood: extravasated.
Bruiser n One who bruises or crushes. 2. a prize-fighter. 3. in hunting: one who rides recklessly. 4. a concave tool used in grinding lenses or specula.
Bruising adj Causing physical, mental or emotional injury; "a bruising experience' 2. brutally forceful and compelling.
Bruising n A broken piece or fragment. 2. a beating, a brutal physical attack.
Bruising-match n A fiercely contested boxing, wrestling, football match, etc.
Bruisewort n The name of one or more plants, the common daisy.
Brune n Burning, bruthren, a vessel to brew in.
Bruting n OE: bryting, cutting in pieces, destruction.
Brydthing n A wedding, marriage, nuptials.