The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Clad n
Clad vb. Cover with or as with clothing; array, bearing a cladding, arrayed, bedeck. 2. adorned or furnished with clad.
Clad vb To clothe, to dress, to cover as with cloth. 2. to apply a cladding to. 3. to cover with clad.
Cladded adj
Cladding n Clothe, coating, covering, applied to the surface of
Clake vb. Hurt, injury, scathe
Clakeless adj Scatheless, unhur, unscathed,
Clam n Anything that holds tight, bond, chain. 2. in plural: bondage. 3. an instrument for clasping rigidly or holding fast, a clamp, vice, pair of pinchers, etc; also lining for the jaws of a vice. 3. clutches, jaws. 4. forceps used for bringing up specimens from the ocean bottom.
Clam n A name applied to various bivalve shell-forms.
Clam n The mouth (sl.) 2. mud (sl) - mud, sticky clay. 3. a soft mass. 4. a term of contempt: one who is 'as close as a clam'
Clam vb To smear, to spread unctous matter on; to daub with. 2. to bedaub (a thing) so that it sticks. 3. to clog or choke up. 4. to be moist and sticky, to stick, adhere.
Clam phr "To Clam Up" -
Clammer n Something that or someone who clams or causes cohesion.
Clammily adv In a clammy or clamming manner
Claminess n State or quality of being clammy.
Clammish adj Somewhat clammy.
Clammishness n The state or quality of being clammish
Clammy adj Soft, moist, viscous, adhesive. 2. sluggish,
Clap n
Clap vb
Clapper n
Clappperclaw n
Clary n. (In OE. slarie, slareye) Resolved by apothecaries into clear-eye) The plant Salvia sclarea, considered good for the eye.
Clatter n. A non-ringing noise made by the collision of; tattle, noisy talk, gossip.
Clatter vb. To utter in a chattering way, prattle , tattle,
Clauster n. Cloister, cell, monastery
Claut, Cleach, Cletch vb. grasping hard, clutch. 2. scratch, claw, rake, scrape out
Claver, Clifer n. Talon, claw
Claw n. Talon, c.f. crombe, Clee 2.
Claw vb. Scratch, tear with the claw, sieze, grip, grasp, clutch. 2. scratch gently to relieve itching, 3. flatter, cajole, fawn upon. Claw back: regain position by tenacity.
Claw phr "In One's Claw" - implying the motion of siezing; and/or having someone or something in one's power or under one's control.
Claw phr "To Claw Away"
Claw phr "To Claw Back" - to retrieve, get back, such as an allowance.
Claw phr "To Claw the Back of" - to stroke down, flatter, faun upon.
Claw phr "To Claw Off" - to get rid of an itch. 2. to be free. 3. to get rid of or dispose of
Claw-back n A sycophant, flatter,
Clawed adj Having or furnished with claws.
Clawer n
Claw-footed adj Having clawed feet.
Clawless adj Without a claw(s)
Clawy adj Scratchy, scraping, flattery.
Clay n
Clay vb To treat with clay, to cover, smear of plaster with clay. 2. to dress(sandy soil) with clay, mix with clay.
Clay phr "Feet of Clay" - a fundamental weakness in something, a supposition of great merit.
Claycold adj. Cold, extremely cold as of dead body.
Clayed adj Treated with clayed, spec. of land, dressed in clay.
Clayen adj Of clay as a material.
Clayey adj Characterized by the presence of clay. 2. full of abounding in clay. 3. composed of, or of the nature of clay; argilleous. 4. of mortal clay - applied to the body (usually as the habitation of the soul). 5. coated, clay, claylike.
Clayeyness n The nature or quality of being clayey.
Claying n The act of the verb: to treat with clay, to cover, smear of plaster with clay. 2. to dress (sandy soil) with clay, mix with clay.
Clayish adj More or less clayey.
Clayly adj. Earthly as opposed to spiritually
Claystone n
Clead, Cleading n. Clothing, apparel, attire. 2. covering or casing.
Cleadful adj Handsomely attired.
Cleam, Cloam vb. To smear, rub or dedaub, plaster sticky matter to, adhere. 2. to agglutinate, cause to stick, to stick together. 3. clay with glutinous material.
Clean vb
Clean phr "To Clean Out"
Clean phr "To Clean Up"
Cleaned adj
Cleaner n
Cleaning n
Cleanliness n
Cleanly adj
Cleanse vb
Cleansed adj Made clean; pumped out.
Cleanser n
Cleanship n Chastity, cleanness.
Cleansing n That cleanses.
Cleat n Wedge
Cleat vb To fasten or furnish with cleat.
Cleave n Cleft.
Cleave vb. That which can be clefted, or divided; 2. easy to split, apt to split or asunder, fissible, divisible.
Cleave vb To stick, fast, adhere, cling. 2. to remain steadfast, standfast, abide, continue.
Cleave phr "To Cleave Down" - to cut down, piece, perforate.
Cleave phr "To Cleave In"
Cleave phr "To Cleave On"
Cleave phr "To Cleave One's Way Through" - to intersect, penetrate, fissure in position.
Cleave phr "To cleave Upon"
Cleaver n One who cleaves or splits. 2. instrument for cleaving; a butcher chopper for cutting carcases.
Cleavers n Galium aparine.
Cleavesome adj Fissile, inclination to split or cleave
Cleave-someness n Aptness to clef, fissility, divisibilty.
Cleaving n Splitting, fissiling or fissuring. 2. a cleft, fissure, parting of a limb. 3. something that splits.. 4.
Cleaving n The action of sticking or adhering (also fig.)
Cleaving adj Adhesive, clinging, clamming. 2. adhering, cleavy, clinging. 3. fig. abiding, lasting, sticking.
Cleavingly adv In a sticking, clinging, adhering way. 2. splittingly, fissurely, cleftly.
Clee, cloat n. Talon, claw; cf, crombe. 2. foot or limb armed with a claw. 3. one of the parts of a cloven hoof.
Cleft n Gen. a space made by cleaving. 2. cleaving, splitting or separation of parts, a split, fissure, crack or crevice. 3. a parting of the hair. 4. the parting of the thighs, cleaving or forking. 5. a slit, split to recieve a graft. 6. a crack of the skin, a chap. 7. the aperture in a cleft palate. 8. one of the pieces formed by cleaving, esp. split wood for fuel. 9. one of the division formed by cleaving of the foot of animals. 10. one of the division of an orange ; a pig.
Cleft adj Split asunder, in pieces. 2. bifurcated, divided, two-fold.
Cleft vb To divide, split, cleave.
Clefted adj Having clefts, division, splits, fissure, clefts.
Cleftly adv Having clefts, splits, crevices etc.
Clem vb. OE: beclemman. to pinch with hunger or fasting, waste with hunger, starve, pine of hunger, to suffer the pangs of hunger.
Clem, Clemmings n. Pangs of hunger.
Clemmed adj
Clemming n
Clench n
Clench vb
Clenched adj
Clenching n
Clepe n A call, cry, shout.
Clepe vb OE: clippan - to cry, call, call on, appeal to (a person) for or after a thing. 2. to proclaim. 3. to call a person, summon, to invoke, call to witness. 4. to call upon or to speak. 5. to call by name. 6. to mention by name, shout.
Cleper n One who calls, a caller.
Cleping n The action to call, cry out. 2. that what is called, have designed.
Cleve n Room, chamber, closet, sleeping place. 2. a cliff, coast or shore of the sea. 3. a steep, sloping ground. 4. the steep side of the hill.
Clew n
Clew vb To coil up in a ball. 2. to put out as by clew or clue.
Clib adj. Eager, sharp, keen.
Clibby adj Sticky.
Cliff n
Cliff-climber n
Cliff-climbing n
Cliff dweller n One who lives on or in a cliff. 2. trogledyte
Cliffed adj Having cliffs.
Cliff edge n
Cliffing n
Cliffless adj Without cliffs
Cliff-like adj
Cliffsman n One skilled in cliff climbing.
Cliff wall n
Cliffy adj Having cliffs, preciptuous, craggy.
Clinch n
Clinch vb
Clincher n A nail used for clinching. 2. tool used for clinching. 3.
Clinching n A riveting together. 2. the clinching of an arguement, opinion. 2. a sharp repartee that twists or turns about the meaning of the word.
Clinching adj
Cling n
Cling vb
Clinginess n The quality of being clingy or adhesive.
Clinging n
Clingingly adv
Clingingness n
Clingstone n A peach variety.
Clingy adj Clinging, sticky, adhering, teanacious.
Clip n
Clip vb To clasp. 2. to surround closely, encircle, encompass, hug. 3. to grip tightly, clutch, hold in a tight grasp. 4. to fasten with clips.
Clip vb To cut with scissors or shears. 2. to cut out a passage from a newspaper. 3. to cut or snip away. 4. to cut the hair, to poll. 5. to shear a sheep or similar animal; fleece. 6. to yield or be clipped. 7. to mutilate or change the value of a coin by removing its edges. 8. to cut, shut, curtail, diminish. 9. to cut short, by indistinct or hurried utterance, syllables and parts of a word. 10. to pronounce imperfectly. 11. to reduce, cut down. 12. to make the wings rapidly fly. 13. to move or run quickly. 14. to hit smoothly. 15. to swindle, scam, rob, steaal.
Clip vb OE: cleppen - to ring a bell
Clip phr To Clip the Wings" -
Clithers n OE: Clithan; clithwyrt; Rubea Minor, clivers, clevers
Clithwort n Clithwyrt or Rubea minor.
Cloam n. OE: clam: mud. earthenware, pottery, clay.
Cloam vb To daub or smear with clay.
Cloamen adj Earthen, made of earthenware.
Cloamer n Potter, maker of earthenware
Clod n. Mass of rock or earth, a hill; consolidated mass of earth & sky; a cloud. 2. a clot of blood. 3. a mass formed by the coagulation of a liquid, blood, etc. 4. a coherent mass or lump of any solid matter; eg. clod of earth, lump of clay, clay adhering together, loam
Cloud n
Clough, n. Ravine or valley with steep sides, a cleugh
Clum vb. Mutter, murmur
Clumper n. Mass, lump
Clumse vb. Become stiff, numb with cold, stupefy, amaze, daze