The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Daft adj Mild, gentle, meek, humble. 2. silly, foolish, stupid, wanting in intelligence. 3. thoughtless, giddy in one's mirth, madly happy. 4. of unsound mind, crazy.
Daft phr "Daft as a Brush" - very stupid, extremely silly.
Daft phr "Daft days" - the days of merriment at Christmas.
Daftish adj Somewhat foolish, silly. 2. somewhat thoughtless, or stupid. 3. meekish, rather humble.
Daftlike adj Foolish, silly, thoughtless.
Daftly adv Mildly, meekly, gently, humbly. 2. foolishly, silly, thoughtlessly.
Daftness n Foolishness, madness, silliness. 2. meekness, mildness, humility.
Dafty adj Foolish, silly, stupid.
Dailiness n The quality of being daily , daily occurence, common-ness.
Daily adj Habitually, constantly, every day, day by day, commonly, evidently. 2. of or belonging each day, occurring every day, issued every, as a newspaper.
Daily bread n Livelihood,
Daily breader n One who earns his living.
Daily grind n The difficult, routine, or monotonous tasks of daily life.
Daisy n Bellis perennis - 'eye of the day' 2. (sl) an excellent person.
Daisy phr "Under the Daisies" - dead, passed away.
Daisylike adj Resembling or characteristic of a daisy.
Daisy roots n Cockney rhyming slang for boots.
Daisy wheel n A printing device.
Dale n A valley, usually a river valley (poetic); deep or low place. 2. pit, hollow, gulf; hole in the ground.
Dale phr "Uphill and Down Dale" - here, there and everywhere. several variants are: over every hill and dale, up all hills and down all dales.'
Dale-land n The lower and arable ground of a district.
Dale-lander n One who lives in or near a dale.
Daleside adj The side or banks of a dale.
Dalesman n A person, native or inhabitant who lives near or in a dale.
Dalk n. Pin brooch, clasp, buckle. 2 hollow, depression, hole
Dam n OE: demman, dem. a bank or barrier of earth, etc. built across a stream, river to obstruct its flow and raise its level. 2. a body of water held back by a dam.
Dam vb To provide or furnish with a dam. 2. to obstuct by means of a dam. 3. (fig.) to stop up, block, obstruct, confine.
Dane n A native or inhabitant of Denmark; in older use including Northmen generally.
Danegeld n An annual tax, imposed originally to provide funds for the protection of England against danish attack, and continually subsequently as a land tax.
Danelaw n Danish law imposed anciently over parts of England occupied by the Danes. 2. the district northeast of Watling street, where Dane prevailed.
Danes'-blood n Danewort, dane-weed.
Danewort n Plants being supposed to spring up in places where Danish blood was splt in battle. 2. Sambucus elder, dwarf elder.
Dare vb OE:darian; stem of flemish and low german: bedaren: to calm, appease. 2. to gaze fixedly or stupidity. 3. to stare as one terrified, amazed or fascinated. 4. to be in dismay, to tremble with fear. lose heart, dread. 5. to lie motionless (with a sense of fear, to lie appalled, to crouch. 6. to droop with dare; to daunt with fear, terrify, paralyse with fear (dialect). 7. to be hidden, lie hidden, lurk. 8. to hide from, escape, to be unknown to. 9. to daze, paralyse, or render helpless. 10. in the sight of something: to dazzle, and fascinate.
Dare vb To be bold, have boldness or courage. 2. to dare to go, to venture. 3. to dare to undertake to do. 4. to venture upon. 5. to venture to meet, to challenge, to defy.
Dare n A dare, an act of daring, defying, a defiance, a challenge. 2. boldness. 3. a contrivance to catch larks.
Dare phr "To Dare Larks" - to fascinate and daze larks, in order to catch them (also fig: )
Dare adj Daring, bold.
Dare-all adj. Fearless, dreadnought. 2. a covering that braves all kinds of weather
Dare devil n Lit: one ready to dare the devil: one who is recklessly daring.
Dare-devil adj Pertaining to the devil; recklessly daring.
Dare-devilish adj Somewhat reckless, bold or daring.
Dareful adj Full of daring or defiance. 2. full of boldness and dare, challenging, defying.
Daren't vb Not to dare or be bold or venturing.
Darer n One who dares or ventures. 2. one who is bold, challenges and defies
Daresay vb I think something to be probable (contraction of 'I dare say'.)
Daresome adj Foolhardy, venturesome, bold, defying, challenging.
Daring n The action of the verb (dare): adventuring, courage, boldness, hardihood, foolhardiness
Daring n The action of the verb (dare):to gaze fixedly or stupidity. 2. esp. the catching of larks by dazzling or fascinating them3. to stare as one terrified, amazed or fascinated. 4. to be in dismay, to tremble with fear. lose heart, dread. 5. to lie motionless (with a sense of fear,to lie appalled, to crouch. 6. to droop with dare; to daunt with fear, terrify, paralyse with fear (dialect). 7. to be hidden, lie hidden, lurk. 8. to hide from, escape, to be unknown to. 9. to daze, paralyse, or render helpless. 10. in the sight of something: to dazzle, and fascinate.
Daring adj Of persons and their attributes: bold, adventorous, hardy, audacious.
Daring adj Staring, trembling or crouching in fear.
Daring-hardy adj So bold, fearless and foolhardy to be on the point of rcckless as dare-devil.
Daringly adv In a daring, bold, fearless manner quality or state.
Daringness n The state or quality of be daring.
Dark n An absence of light. 2. darktime, night. 3. a dark colour, spot, blot. 3. condition of being hidden from view, obscure or unknown.
Dark vb (Superseded by 'to darken') -to make dark, to become dark. 2. of the sun or moon to suffer an eclipse. 3. to cloud, dim, obscure, hid something luminous. 4. to darken in shade or colour. 5. to be or become blind. 6. to obscure, eclipse, dim, cloud, sully. 7. to lie in the dark, hide or be unseen. 8. to listen privily and insidiously. 9. to deprive a person of lustre, renown, to eclipse someone; denigrate another.
Dark adj Devoid or deficient of light, unilluminated. 2. refecting or transmitting little light; gloomy,sombre. 3. approaching black in hue; deep in shade, (opposite to light); of the complexion; the opposite of fair. 4. devoid of moral or spiritual light, evil, wicked, foul, insidious; (in a stronger sense) driven by turpitude or wickedness of a sombre nature; foul, iniquitious, atrocious. 5. gloomy, dismal, sad. 6. obscure in meaning. 7. indiscernible. lacking intelligence; dull and slow; not mentally alert. 8. concealed, secret as in 'to keep (or in the )dark. ; of a person: reticient, not open, concealing of thoughts or design. 9. of whom little is known or regarded; obscure in name or fame. 10. not able to see, without sight, blind; partially blind. 11. lacking intelligence; dull and slow; not mentally alert; mentally or spiritually black; uninformed, disliking of knowledge, ignorant. 12. obscure to the 'mind's eye' or to memory; indiscernible. 13. of a theatre: closed.
Dark phr "A Leap into the Dark" - a rash move.
Dark phr "Dark of the Mpon" : cloudy and dark weather; clouded moon.
Dark phr "To Keep Someone in the Dark" - to confine madmen and lunatics to a darkroom, 2. (fig.) to keep the truth or matter secret or concealed from someone. 3. a state of ignorance, without knowledge, as concernig some particular fact.
Dark-browed adj A dark-browed sophist.
Dark days n Black days; troubled times, such as wartime, or catastrophic natural disasters.
Dark elf n In Norse Mythology a member of the race of 'Dokkalfar' creatures ho live underground. 2. fantasy, a member of a race or evil elfs. word a calque of O.N. word.
Darken vb See vb. to dark ; to grow dark or become dark, as 'darken down.' 2. to grow clouded, gloomy or sad. 3. to make dark deprive of light(also fig.) 4. to deprive of sight, make blind (lit. and fig.). 5. to make dark or obscure in meaning. 6. to cloud, to cast a gloom or shadow over.
Darken phr "To Darken Someone's Door" (never darken my door again)
Darkened adj Made dark in shade or colour.
Darkener n One who darkens.
Darkfall n The coming on of the dark, dusk, nightfall.
Dark-flowing adj (Of hours, time) in dark flowing hours: through the night; esp. in the early hours of the morning.
Darkful adj Full of darkness.
Dark-hearted adj Disposed to doing or wishing evil; malevolent; black-hearted.
Dark-heartedly adv Malevolently, blackheartedly.
Dark-heartedness n The state or quality disposed to doing or wishing evil; malevolence, black-heartedness.
Darkhood n. State or condition of darkness.
Darkhorse n A racehorse, competitor, etc., who little is known about or who wins an event, etc., unexpectedly. 2. a candidate who wins. unexpectedly
Darkhouse adj A dark underground room.
Dark Inn n. "The Dark Inn" - the grave, tomb, grass-bed, mould-earth, the pit, the delf, the deep-six, lair, narrow house, long-home, dustbin (sl), burial-place.
Darkish adj Somewhat or rather dark through the absence of light.
Darkishly adv In a darkish way or manner,
Darkishness n Darkish quality or state.
Darkle vb To show itself grow dark. 3. of the countenance: to become dark in anger; very angry; scorn. 4. to render dark or obscure.
Darkle phr "To Lie Darkling" - to lie in the dark, to conceal oneself.
Darkling n. One whose personality is dark; child of the darkness. 2. one whose nature and characteristics are 'dark.'
Darkling adv Being, proceeding, etc. in the dark. 2. showing itself darkly; darksome, obscure.
Darklong adv Towards or inclined to the darkness.
Darkly adj In the dark; somewhat dark . 2. in a gloomy, frowning ominous manner. 2. in an obscure, vague or mysterious manner. 4. with obscure vision, dimly, blinding.
Darkman n The night.
Dark-minded adj Pessimistic.
Darkness adj
Darknet n
Dark-night n The dark night of the soul (spiritual entity); time of despair and anguish.
Dark ride n An indoor amusement ride where riders in guided vehicles ride through specially lit scenes, often with animated sounds, and special effects (similar to the 'ghost train'
Dark room n A room where photos are developed. 2. a dark room where sexual activity takes place, especailly in some clubs.
Dark-shining adj The dark-shining dusk of night.
Darkship n The personality of one who is dark; darkhood, darkness.
Dark-skinned adj Having a relatively dark skin; title
Dark-sleeper n The fish also named goby and found in south Asia, 'Odontus obscura.'
Dark-smoke n Heavily polluted smoke, as carbon emission from coalburning chimneys.
Darksome adj Somewhat dark or gloomy. 2. characterized (more or less) by darkness. 3. somewhat dark in shade or colour, sombre. 4. characterized by obscurity of meaning. 5. charactrized by gloomm, sadness or cheerlessness. morally of a dark character.
Darksomely adv In a manner some what dark or gloomly. 2. sombrely. 3. obscurely in meaning. 4. sadly. cheerlessly. 5. evilly.
Dark-someness n Darkness, obscurity.
Dark wave n A genre or movement of music first heard in the 1970s putting together elements of "New Wave' and Gothic rock with dark, thoughtful lyrics and an undertone of sorrow.
Dark-waver n A performer, fan of Dark Wave music.
Darky n "The Darky" - the night. 2. a lantern
Darling n An object of a person's love. 2. a favorite, pet. (transfig. & fig.)
Darling adj Dearly-loved, beat-loved, favourite.
Darlingly adv In a manner of being dearly-loved and favoured.
Daswen adj. Of eyes or sight: dim
Daughter n Female child or offspring. 2. a female descendant; a woman in relation to her native country or place. 3. a term of affectioante address used by a senior. 4. a girl, maiden, young women. 5. fig. anything personified as female) viewed in relation to its source or origin.
Daughterdom n The realm or world of daughters; daughters collectively.
Daughterhood n. State or condition of daughters collectively.
Daughter-in-law n The wife of one's son.
Daughter-i(s)lands n The British Empire with all daughter-islands around her. -colonies; member states of the British Commonwealth.
Daughterless adj Not having or without daughhters.
Daughter-like adj Resembling a daughter.
Daughterliness n State or quality of a daughter.
Daughterling n A little daughter.
Daughterly adv Pertaining to, or characteristic ogf a daughter. 2. filial, sororial.
Daughtership n Condition or relation of a daughter.
Daw vb. To dawn with day, wake or arouse from sleep, swoon, adawe. 2. to revive, bring to.
Dawing n Day, daybreak, twilight, dawning. 2. recovering from a swoon; a-bringing-to
Dawn n
Dawn phr "Dawn of Life" - origin of the universe.
Dawn phr "Dawn of a New Day" - see: "the dawning of a new day'
Dawn phr "To Dawn On" - of an idea: to occur to someone.
Dawn-goddess n The Sun-God Of various religions.
Dawning n The first beginning of something.
Dawning phr "The Dawning of a New Day" - idiom: a new beginning, a fresh start, an important turning point.
Dawnless adj Without a dawn; mornless/
Dawnlight n The light of Dawn or daybreak.
Dawnlike adj Resembling dawn or some aspects of it.
Dawn-man n A generic for a very primitive form of mankind, such as stone-age man.
Dawntime n The time of dawn. 2. the time when something is just beginning.
Dawn-woman n The Earth or First Mother; Eve.
Day n Any period of 24 hours. 2. a period from midnight to the following midnight. 3.(astronomy) Rotational period of a planet (especially Earth). 4. the part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc. 5. part of a day period between sunrise and sunset where one enjoys daylight; daytime. 6. a specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time. 6. a period of contention of a day or less.
Day vb To appoint a day to anyone. 2. to cite or summon for an appointed day. 3. to submit to day by arbitration. 4. to appoint or fix a date or day. 5. to measure by the day. 6. to furnish with a day. 7. to dawn.
Day phr "A Cold day in Hell" - never (will happen.)
Day phr " A Nine Day Wonder" - an exciting event, but one which will cease to arouse interest when the novelty has worn off.
Day phr "All Day Long" - continously, without a break for the whole day.
Day phr "Any Day Now " soon, at any moment.
Day phr "Any Day Of the Week" - at any time.
Day phr "At The End of the Day" -in due couse or at the conclusion of the peroject
Day n "Dawn of new Day" - to be the start of a new day.
Day phr "Day After Day" - each day as a sequel to the preceding.
Day phr "Day and Night" - all the time, around the clock.
Day phr "Day by Day" - daily, every day in turn.
Day phr "Day In, Day Out" - continously (and monotonously) for several days.
Day phr "Day of Reckoning" - time when one will have to account for past actions.
Day phr "Day of Wine and Roses" - a bygone era of innocence and simplicity, esp during youth.
Day phr "Day or Night" - at any time
Day phr "Every Dog Has its Day"- good luck comes to one sooner or later
Day phr "For Days On End" - for many consecutive days.
Day phr "From Day One" - from the beginning or start.
Day phr "From Day to Day" - continously without interruption. 2. as time progresses.
Day phr "Have a Day Out" -
Day phr "Have a Field Day" - a very successful and enjoyable occasion.
Day phr "Have One's Day (in the Sun" - to have a time when is prosperousand/or succesful.
Day phr He Would Not Give Anyone the Time of Day - he is unwilling to help anybidy.
Day phr "In Days of Yore" -in remte historical times.
Day phr "In Days To Come" - the future.
Day phr "In the Cold, Hard Light of Day - in an unemotional atmosphere at a later time.
Day phr "In the Good Old Days" - earlier times remembered with fondness.
Day phr "Keep Something for a Rainy Day' -to keep something in reserve for later.
Day phr Late in the Day" - only when the project is well advanced.
Day phr "Meet One's Day of Reckoning".
Day phr "To End One's Days" - to die (over a period of time)
Day phr "To Fall On Evil Days" - suffer unfortunate circumstances.
Day phr "To Make a Day of It" - spend all day doing something enjoyable.
Day phr "To Make somebody Day" - give somebody a welcome surprize.
Day phr "To This Day" - to the present time.
Day phr "To Win the Day" - carry the day, be victorious, succeed.
Day and Night n
Daybeam n The light or sunbeam of the day.
Daybed n. Sofa, couch, lounge, a bed to rst on during the day.
Dayberry n A local name for the gooseberry.
Dayblind adj Suffering from day-blindness.
Day-blindness n A visual defect in which rhe eyes see badly, or not at all, during daylight, but well by artificail light.
Dayboat n
Day-body n A person taken up by things of the day;
Daybook n. Diary. 2. a nautical logbook.
Daybreak n Dawn, daybreak, dayrawe, dayrim, first streak of day, first appearanace of light in the morning, daylight.
Daybreaking adj The first moments of day; dawnbreaking.
Daycare n
Dayglow n
Dayfall n Dawn, daybreak, dayrawe, dayrim, first streak of day, daylight.
Day god n
Dayily adv
Dayish adj. Diurnal, of or pertaining to day.
Day-length adj The length of the day applied to special times of the year.
Dayless adj. Devoid of day or night. 2. without redress, resource or result. 3. devoid of the light of day. 4. not divisible by day.
Daylike adj
Daylight n The light of day. 2. time of day; daylight, 3. time when daylight appears. 4. (fig.) full light of knowledge, observation, openness, publicity. 5. daybreak. 6. (sl) the eyes.
Daylight phr "Let Daylight Into"
Daylight phr "To See Daylight" - to get the right answer.
Daylighted adj
Daylight-like adj
Daylight overdraft n
Daylights n
Day-lived adj Short duration; ephemeral. 2. impulsive, shallow things, objects. and desires.
Daylong adj Lasting all day; lasting all through the day; diurnal. 2. life-long.
Day-loving n Excessive fondness for the day; diophillic.
Dayman n One employed for the day, or for duty on a special day.
Daymare n. Opposite of nightmare.
Daymark n
Daynighter n
Day-off n
Day-old adj Newly-born; diurnal.
Day out n A day's outing; a day excursion.
Dayrawe n. First streak of day or dawn; sometimes: dayrewe, dayrim
Dayrim n. Rim of light of the coming of day, dawn, daystreak, dyrise, peep of day.
Dayrise n Dawn, daystreak, dayrawe, dayrim, dayrise.
Dayroom n
Days n
Dayset n Sunset, the setting down of day (sun).
Dayshift n
Dayshut n Dusk, sundown, sunset, close of day.
Dayside n
Day-sight n A visual defect in which the eyes see clearly only in the day.
Daysman n. Umpire, arbitrator.
Dayspring n. Dawn, daybreak, early dawn, daystreak, dayrawe, dayrim, dayrise.
Daystar n The morning star. 2. the sun as the orb of the day.
Daystone n Stione found on the surface.
Daystreak n Dawn, daylight, dayspring, dayrise.
Day-sun n The Sun.
Daytale n Parallel to Chaucer's "night-tale" where the sense "reckoning' appears to pass into that of time, reckoned or counted.
Daytaler n A daylabourer or journeyman.
Daytime n The time of daylight.
Daytimer n
Daywater n Surface water.
Daywear n Clothes to be worn during daytime.
Daywork n Day's work; work done during the daytime. 2. the amount of land that could be worked in a day.