The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Dub n A blow, 2. a calling, titling, naming, deeming. 2. the action of dubbing
Dub vb To confer (a) knighthood by tapping gently on the shoulder of the recipent with a sword. 2. to mane, title, call. 3. deem. 4. to dress, adorn, ornament. 5. to strike a blow with various tools, such as a adze. 6. to raise a nap on material.
Dubbing n The action of conferring (a) a knighthood by tapping gently on the shoulder of the recipent with a sword. 2. calling, naming, titling, deeming.
Duck n Specifically, an adult female duck; contrasted with drake and with duckling. 2. the flesh of a duck used as food. 2.(cricket) A batsman's score of zero after getting out. (short for duck's egg, since the digit "0" is round like an egg.) 3. (slang) a playing card with the rank of two. 4. a partly-flooded cave passage with limited air space. 5. abuilding intentionally constructed in the shape of an everyday object to which it is related. 6. luncheonette in the shape of a coffee cup is particularly conspicuous, as is intended of an architectural duck or folly. 7. a marble to be shot at with another marble (the shooter) in children's games. 8. (US) a cairn used to mark a trail. of the weights used to hold a spline in place for the purpose of drawing a curve.
Duck vb To lower the head or body in order to prevent it from being struck by something; to bow. 2. to lower (something) into water; to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw.  3. to go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to plunge one's head into water or other liquid. 4. to lower (the head) in order to prevent it from being struck by something. 5. to evade doing something. 6. to lower the volume of (a sound) so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly.
Duck phr "Duck Out" - (idiom)- to depart quickly or exit suddenly, esp. in a manner quiet and unobtrusive, before a meeting or event has ended. 2. to move or act as to achieve an escape, evasion or avoidance.
Duck phr "Like a Duck in Thunder" - having a forlorn and hopeless appearance.
Duck phr "Like Water Off a Duck's Back" - a disabled person or thing; spec. (Stock Exchange) one who cannot be meet his financial arrangements; defaulter.
Duckboard n One of a long series of boards put down as a pathway over muddy ground.
Duckdive n In surfing the action of pushing one's board under the water nose first, to gain advantage of a breaking wave.
Duckdive vb To surf by pushing one's board under the water nose first, in order to gain advantage of an breaking wave.
Duck-drowned adj Very heavy rain
Duck-footed adj Having splayed-foot(s). 2. walking with the ends of the feet angled outwards; pigeon toed.
Ducking n The act of wetting something by submerging it. 2. the hunting of ducks. 3. immersion in water. 4.prompt bowing or bending the head or body.
Ducking-stool n A chair used to punish women who scold by immersing them in water.
Duckless adj Unpopulated, or not having, ducks in a specific region or area.
Duck-like adj Similar to, or resembling a duck in look and manner.
Duckling n A young duck; a duckling.
Ducks phr "Ducks and Drakes" - a pasttime of throwing flat stones across the surface of a water so as to make them bounce. 2. the squandering of resources, usually money.
Ducks phr "Ducks on the Pond" - a sign or message passed amongst shearers in the woolsheds of Australia to make them aware that women are coming into the shed.
Duckspeak n Thoughtless or formuliac speech (coined by George Orwell and used in his book 'Animal farm."
Ducktail n A hairstyle in which the hair is swept back into an upturned point at the back.
Duckwalk n An walk or gait resembling the awkward waddle of a duck.
Duckwalk vb In popular music employed by guitarists who jump on one leg while moving backwards and forward.
Duckweed n Any of several aquatic floating plants in the family 'Lemnoid' or araceae.
Ducky adj Great, fine, very good, agreeable, proceding in an agreeable and satisfactory way.
Dug-out n A shelter on a sporting field where players, coaches, and officials sit dring the game. 2. a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping of a large log. 3. a fortication of earth, mostly or entirely below ground.
Dull vb To make dull in appearance. 2. become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness. 3. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping; muffle, mute, dull, damp, dampen, tone down. 4. make numb or insensitive;

numb, benumb, blunt, dull. 5. make dull or blunt; dull, blunt, not to sharpen. 6. become less interesting or attractive; pall, dull. 7: make less lively or vigorous. 8. to become dull or stupid.

Dull adj Slow of understanding; wanting readiness of apprehension; stupid; doltish; stultish; blockish. 2. slow in action; sluggish; unready; awkward. 3. insensible; unfeeling. 4. not keen in edge or point; lacking sharpness; blunt. 5. not bright or clear to the eye; wanting in liveliness of color or luster; not vivid; obscure; dim; as, a dull fire

or lamp; a dull red or yellow; a dull mirror. 6. heavy; gross; cloggy; insensible; spiritless; lifeless; inert. 7. furnishing little delight, spirit, or variety; uninteresting; tedious; cheerless; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; as, a dull story or sermon; a dull occupation or period; hence, cloudy; overcast; as, a dull day. 8. lifeless; inanimate; dead; stupid; doltish; heavy; sluggish; sleepy; drowsy; gross; cheerless; tedious; irksome; dismal; dreary; clouded; tarnished; obtuse.

Dull phr "Dull as Dishwater" - boring, uninreresting.
Dull-headed adj Idiotic, doltish, stultish.
Dullish adj Somewhat or rather dull, rather unalert, slowish and dullish.
Dullminded adj Dim-witted, stupid, unintelligent.
Dullness n The quality of being dull. 2. the quality of being uninteresting. 3. lack of visual brilliance. 4. (fig.)bluntness, without edge or edginess.
Dullsome adj Dull, slow and dull, lacking mentally alertness.
Dull-witted adj Having a dull, blunt wit or mind. 2. slow-minded.
Dull-wittedness n The state or quality og having a dull, blunt wit. 2. slow-wittedness. 3. mentally lacking alertness and awreness. 4. slow-witted, slowness, dullness, stupidity.
Dully adj In a dull manner; without liveliness, without lustre.
Dumb adj OE: dumb, silent, speechless, mute, unable to speak. In modern usage: stupid, rather than kacking the power of speech. 2. unable to speak; lacking the power of speech. 3,. silent; without words, dumstruck, mute, speechless, wordless. 4. of a person (pejratively) extremely stupid, foolish, without intellectual content or value. 5. feeble-minded, idiotic, stultish, doltish, stupid, moronic. 6. lacking brightness or clearness of colour. 7. banal, brainless, silly.
Dumb phr "To Dumb Down" - to make simpler, even somewhat condesendingly to the point of oversimplication.
Dumb-down n
Dumb-downed adj Maded condescendingly simple: simple even for a dummy.
Dumb-headed adj Silly, stupid, awkward, stultish, indolent.
Dumbish adj Somewhat silent or mute. 2. rather stupid or unintelligent.
Dumbishly adv In a manner somewhat silent or mute. 2. in a rather stupid or unintelligent way.
Dumbly adv In a dumb, somewhat silent manner. 2. mutely or silently.
Dumbness n State of being dumb, silent or mute. 2. dimwitted, not communicating or having an inability to speak. 3. muteness, silence, abstention from speech. 4. show or gesture without words.
Dumbnut n A stupi person, an idiot, fool.
Dumbshow n A performance during which the players do not speak.
Dumbstruck adj So shocked as being unable to speak.
Dumb-struckness n The state or condition of being so shocked as being unable to speak.
Dummy n A silent person. 2. a person who does not talk. 3. a puppet, doll or figure of a ventrilogist. 4. something constructed to the size and form of a human, to be used in the place of a person. 5. a deliberate non-functioning device with a tool used in place of a function. 6. a plastic or rubber teat used to comfort a baby. 7. a bodily gesture meant to fool an opponent in sport; a feint. 8. a word used to make a setence or word construction grammitical, such as the pronoun 'it.'
Dummy phr "Dummy Up" - to make a mock-up or prototype version of something, with limited functionally.
Dummy run n A trial or test before the real attempt.
Dummy spit n The act of overreacting childishly to a situation in an angry or frustated manner.
Dung n Fecal matter or excrement of animals; droppings, dung, muck.
Dung vb To fertilize with dung; to manure land with dung. 2. to defecate used of animals. 3. to excrete or excrementate.
Dung heap n A mound or heap of animaal excrement used as manure on fields and pasture. 2. a dunghill, dung-mixen
Dung-like n Resembling or characteristic of dung, dungy.
Dungy adj Resembling or characteristic od dung; dung-like.
Dungyard n A yard or enclosure where dung is kept.
Dunt n OE dynt: dint, stroke, blow, bruise, thud, noise, a dull soundind blow.
Dunt vb To strike, give to a blow to, knock.
Dunted adj Struck, knocked, thuddy.
Dusk n Candle-light, The Dim, darkfall, downset, eventide, evenfall, The Gloam, twilight, nightfall, sundown, sun-sitting, sunsetting, owldust, the Shutting-in, The Skank of The Evening, dusktime, dusklight.
Dusken vb To make dusty or obscure.
Duskened adj obscured, darkened, dustied.
Duskily adv In a dusky manner.
Duskiness n The quality of being dusky, or obscure or darkened.
Duskish adj Somewhat duskish, obscured or darkened.
Dusklight n The light of dusk.
Duskness n Duskiness, the quality of being dusky, dark, or obscure. 2. obscureness.
Dusktime n The time of dusk, twilght, eventide, evenfall, nightfall, sundown.
Dusky adj Dimly lit, as at dusk or evening. 2. partially dark or obscure, not luminous. 3. sunsettish, shadowy, twilighty, darkish, lighted by or as if in twilight. 3. of a person: dark-skinned, swarthy, ashen, greyish skin hue. 4. a shade of colour that is darkish. 5. tending to blackness in colour, partially black, dark coloured, not bright, dusky brown. 6. intellectually clouded.
Dust n Fine, dry particles of earth or other matter, so comminuted that they may be raised and wafted by the wind; 2. that which is crumbled to minute portions; fine powder; as, clouds of dust; bone dust. 3. a single particle of earth or other matter. 4. the earth, as the resting place of the dead. 5. the earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body. 5. (fig.) a worthless thing. 6. (fig.) a low or mean condition. 7. gold dust; hence: (slang) coined money; cash.; gold dust, fine particles of gold, such as are obtained in placer mining; often used as money, being transferred by weight.
Dust vb To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor. 2. to sprinkle with dust. 3. to reduce to a fine powder; to levigate.
Dust phr "In Dust and Ashes". - hummbly exprssing or expression of grief or repentance from the method of mourning in the Middle East.
Dust phr "Not To See Someone For Dust" - unable to see somebody because he or she has left in hurry.
Dust phr "To Bite the Dust" - to die, cease to exist.
Dust phr "To Dust Down" - to make ready something for use that hasn't been used for some time.
Dust phr "To Dust Off" - to revive something, such as a proposal or idea.
Dust phr "To Dust Up" - to clean by dusting. 2. to attack or renounce - see: 'dustup'
Dust phr "To Gather Dust" - not to be acted upon wihout being formally rejected.
Dust phr "To Leave One in the Dust" - to surpass a competitor, opponent or one who is less ambitious, qualified - as in 'He is so meek that they leave him in the dust.'
Dust phr "To Lick the Dust" - to be killed, todie. 2. to be humbled abjectly.
Dust phr "To Make the Dust fly" - to do with vigour and speed.
Dust phr To Shake the Dust off One's Feet" - move away, emigrate. 2. to depart in angeror disdain. 3. leave decisively or in haste. esp. from an unpleasant situation.
Dust phr "To Throw Dust in One's Eyes" - to mislead; to deceive.
Dust phr "We Are (nothing) but Dust and Shadows - life is ephemeral and we leave little evidence of our existence.
Dust vb To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor. 2. to sprinkle with dust. 3. to reduce to a fine powder; to levigate.
Dustbin n A container or receptacle for rubbish or garbage.
Dustbowl n A region or area that abounds in dust and is very dry. 2. a central region in the US during the 1930s.
Dustcart n A cart or vehicle collecting garbage and refuse.
Dust cloth n A cloth used for dusting; a duster.
Dust devil n A small atmospheric vortex appearing in clear, dry conditions, made visible by swirling dust picked up from the ground.
Duster n A cloth, used for dusting, a duster. 2. one who dusts.
Dustfall n Fine particles of dust deposited by the atmosphere.
Dustmote n A mote of dust, a small speck of dust.
Dustmouse n A small clump of dust, fluff, hair, particles of hair, etc. that tend to gather indoors in places thaat are not regularly dusted, such as under heavy furniture.
Dust-off n The act of removing dust from something. 2. in military terms: a helicopter.
Dustpan n A flat scoop with a short handle into which dust, dirt and other material are brushed.
Dust sheet n A large sheet is used to cover furniture to protect it from dust.
Dust storm n A storm in which a gale-to-hurricane force winds blow dust particles into the earth's atmosphere.
Dustup n A scuffle or a fight.
Dustyfoot n. Wayfarer, traveller