The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Embe adv A variant of OE: ymbe with the meaning of about, around.
Ember n A hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from the fire and is glowing or smoldering.
Ember vb To burn as an ember.
Ember days n (OE ymbrynen: revolution; running, course) twelve days of the year (divided into seasonal periods) set aside by the church for fasting and prayers. See" ember months, ember tide, ember weeks.
Embered adj Strewn with embers. 2. burnt to embers.
Ember-goose n So called from its appearing of the coast in the ember days before christmas. 2. an almost extent residue of a past activity or feelings.
Emberings n Ember days: ember deriving from Anglo-saxon ymben - a circuit or revolution (from ymb, around and ryne: running) clearly relating to the annual cycle of the year.
Emberlike adj Resembling an ember or some aspect of one.
Ember months n The months September, October, November and December, esp. considered together as a period of heightened or intense activity. See; ember days, ember tide, ember weeks.
Embertide n The time of the embers days. See: ember months, ember days, ember weeks.
Ember weeks n The weeks of ember-time. See: ember days, ember months, ember tide.
Embe-uten adv Round about.
Embsnithe vb To circumcise.
Embthought n Anxiety, thought or care about something.
Emmet n An ant.
Empt vb To be at leisure (only in OE). 2. to pour forth, discharge, clear a vessel of it's contents.
Empted adj That has been emptied of it's contents; emptied.
Emptier n One who or that which empties
Emptily adv In an empty manner.
Empty adj Of a person at leisure; not occupiec or engaged. 2. having an empty stomach. 3. of the body: wanting or not having fullness; emaciated, shrunken. 4. weak of pulse. 5. not pregnant of a cow or farm animal. 6. of a house building: vacant. 7. void of space. 8. a ship or beast of burden: without a load. 9. not carrying anything in hand; empty-handed. 10. of things: wanting solidity and substance; unsatisfying, vain, meaningless. 11. destitute of money
Empty phr "Empty Out" - to remove all contents of. 2. allow to drain out. 3. allow to fall out.
Empty phr "Empty Into" - take out all contents of; and put, pour etc into another.
Empty-fisted adj Bringing or lacking nothing. 2. having achieved or obtained nothing.
Empty-handed adj Bringing or lacking nothing. 2. having achieved or obtained nothing. 3. bring nothing; esp. no gift. 4. carrying nothing away.
Empty-headed adj Foolish, lacking common sense.
Empty-hearted adj Having no compassionate for others.
Emptying n The act by which something is made empty or emptied .
Emptyish adj Somewhat empty.
Empty nest n Home or family where the children have grown up and moved away.
Empty nester n Either of a couple whose children have grown up and moved away.
Empty nesting n The state of a family where the children have grown up and moved away.
Empty-word n Linguistics: a word which has no meaning in itself but serves a grammatical function, e.g. at, but, for.