The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Le sfx A suffix forming nouns, especially; names of appliances or instruments (handle, thimble). 2. a suffix forming verbs, especially expressing repeated action or movement or having a diminutive sense : wriggle. 3. a suffix forming adjectives with original sense of apt or liable: brittle, fickle, little, nimble.
Lea n. A tract of open ground, either pasture, meadow or arable ground; lea. 2. after OE. chiefly applied poet or rhetorical, ordinarily to grass land. 3. lea, lay: of land not plowed or left fallow; untilled land. 4. lea-land, lea land: land laid down to grass.
Leach n Letch - more often form. 2. a perforated vessel or trough used for making lye from wood ashes by pouring water over them. 3. the action of leaching. 4. the brine that drains from the salt or is left in the pan when the salt is drawn out.
Leach vb To soften, melt; leach. 2. to cause a liquid to percolate through some material; leach. 3. to pass through or leach by percolation. 4. to take away or take out by percolation.
Leached adj That has been subjected to the action of percolated liquid. 2. that removed by percolated liquid.
Leaching n The gradual reduction in the amount of preservative in timber due to the action of the water. 2. leaking.
Leach-out n That removed by percolating liquid.
Leachy adj Of soil: of a nature to let water percolate through. 2. not capable of holding water; porous.
Lead n An advantage held by a competitor in a race. 2. evidence pointing to a possible solution; track, trail. 3. a position of leadership;the front or leading place; something that leads, leadership. 4. the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target. 5. the introductory section (sentence or paragraph) of a story, news article; lead-in, lede. 6. (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning. 7. an actor who plays a principal role; star. 8. an indication of potential opportunity; tip, steer, confidential information, wind, hint. 9. a news story of major importance, a summary or outline of a newspaper story; a lead story. 10. the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine; spark. 11. restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal, leash, tether. 12. thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing; leading. 13. mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking sub-stance in a pencil; pencil lead. 14. a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire; cable, jumper lead, booster cable 15. the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge. 16. direction, guidance, leading. 17. a body moving front; the van. 18. a channel in an ice field. 19. a path, garden path, an alley. 20. leash for a dog. 21. an alluvial deposit of gold along the bed of an ancient river.
Lead vb Take somebody somewhere; take, direct, to conduct, guide. 2. have as a result or residue; leave, result. 3. tend to or result in. 4. travel in front of; go in advance of others; 5. cause to undertake a certain action. 6. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; run, go, pass, lead, extend. 7. be in charge of; heading 8. be ahead of others; be the first; top. 9. be conducive to; contribute, conduce. 10. lead, as in the performance of a composition; conduct, direct. 11. extend, or afford access; go, go to, lead to. 12. move ahead (of others) in time or space; precede. 13. cause something to pass or lead somewhere; run. 14: preside over; moderate, chair.
Lead n.2 (One of the elements, a heavy, pliable, inelastic metal, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished. It is both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity, and is used for tubes, sheets, bullets. 2. an article made of lead or an alloy of lead; as: a plummet or mass of lead, used in sounding at sea; a thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing; sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs. 3. a small cylinder of black lead or graphite, used in pencils.
Lead vb To make something of lead. 2. to make dull and heavy as lead. 3. to weight or load with lea. 4. to fix (glass or window) with leaden panes. 5. to set in molten. 6. to line or glaze with lead.
Lead phr "A Friendly Lead" - (an obsolete word) - a name for entertainment held in a pub and usually held to raise money for a sick, injury or out-of-work friend.
Lead phr "All Roads Lead to Rome" - all alternatives have the same outcome.
Lead phr "Blind Leading the Blind" - persons without necessary skills for a task purporting to impart those skills to others.
Lead phr "Bury the lead/Lede" - failure to emphasize the most important part aspect of the story.
Lead phr "Give a Lead to" - give an indication for others to follow.
Lead phr "Lead a Bride to the Altar" - to marry.
Lead phr "Lead a Busy Life" - be continuously, or characteristically, or for a particular period, a busy etc person.
Lead phr "Lead a Dog's Life" - having a worrying life; and being often ill-treated.
Lead phr "Lead Apes In Hell" - the fate of old maids. (an ape-leader: an old maid)
Lead phr. "Lead Away" - to induce someone to follow unthinkingly. 2. to give credence to misrepresentation. 3. to turn aside.
Lead phr "Lead by the Nose" - to cause to obey, or make another completely submissively. 2. force somebody to submit to what one wants.
Lead phr "Lead by the Sleeve" - to cause to obey submissively.
Lead phr "Lead Down" - lead along, mislead, deceive. 2. to cause or direct one to proceed.
Lead phr. "Lead Off" -to take the initiative; begin; make a beginning. 2. open a conversation or discussion. 3. to take the first steps in a dance. 3. begin something by leading the way.
Lead phr "Lead In" - an introduction, something that leads into the beginning of something.
Lead phr "Lead Nowhere" - (idiomatic) - to have no purpose; result in nothing; make no progress.
Lead phr "Lead Off" - make a beginning, start. 2. speak angrily, and at length.
Lead phr "Lead On (Someone)" - to induce gradually to advance. 2. to beguile into going to greater lengths. 3. to induce to follow an unwise course of action; mislead by trying to make another believe a lie. 4. to cause or encourage to believe something that is not true. 5. to encourage with the illusion of a romantic relationship.
Lead phr. "Lead Out" - to make a beginning. 2. to escort a partner to begin a dance. 3. lead someone on a chase / dance, to cause someone difficulty by forcing to do irksome or unnecessary things.
Lead phr "Lead (Someone) to Believe (that)" - to believe (with or without intention to deceive) that something is true, is a fact, when this is false, or at least, uncertain, give somebody to understand. 2. lead someone on, mislead.
Lead phr "Lead the Line" - a line by which a lead is lowered into the water to take soundings: in deep-sea practice, divided into levels one fathom apart, variously treated as marks and deeps.
Lead phr "Lead the Way" - to act as guide. 2. take the initiative.
Lead phr "Lead Through" - to help one through a difficult situation. 2. read in a brief, inattentive way, turning the pages quickly; flicking through.
Lead phr "Lead to" - to result in, produce as a result, cause.
Lead phr "Lead Two Lives" - alternate, or combine, two roles in life each with its own activities, colleagues or acquaintances, especial, do this exclusively but illegally or secretly (under an assumed name to deceive etc..)
Lead phr "Lead to One's Downfall" - the result or cause of one's failure, misadventure.
Lead phr. "Lead Up To" - to prepare gradually for. 2. to form a gradual preparation. 3. occur one after the other, before something.
Lead phr "Lead the Way- to lead something along a set out pathway. 2. act as a guide, go in advance of others. 3. be the first, best, most prominent in some field or activity. 4. be the most popular.
Lead phr "Lead With One's Chin" - to leave oneself unprotected. 2. exposed oneself to unnecessary harm.
Lead phr "Lie in Lead"(2) - to be buried in a lead coffin. 2. of illness reduce to inactivity. 3. knock someone down in one punch.
Lead phr "Strike the Lead" - make a good hit.
Lead phr "Swing the Lead"(2) - trying to evade work. 2. avoid work, malingering.
Lead phr "Take the Lead' - play the leading part.
Lead phr "To Lead to" - to result to; cause.
Lead ashes n. Litharge
Lead-burning n A process by which two pieces of lead are joined without soldering.
Lead dog n One of the dogs at the front of the team, who set the pace. 2. an energetic leader.
Lead-delve vb To mine for lead.
Leaded adj Covered or lined with lead. 2. fitted with lead; set in lead, as panes of glass, separated by leads.
Leaden adj Consisting or made of lead. 2. of base quality. as opp. to gold. 3. heavy as if made of lead. 4. inert, depressing. 5. dull, grey, wan, of a leaden hue.
Leaden vb To make leaden, leadenly, wan or dull. 2. to fasten with molten lead.
Leaden-eyed adj Heavy-lidded eyes.
Leaden-footed adj Heavy and clumsy of foot; leaden-heeled; leaden-stepping..
Leaden-headed adj Dull, mentally unalert, slow and dull; leaden-witted.
Leaden-hearted adj Having an unfeeling heart. 2. destitute of feeling; callous. 3. solemn, depressed, dejected.
Leaden-heeled adj Moving very slowly, advancing reluctantly.
Leaden-key n The power of sleep or dullness.
Leadenless n Without lead.
Leadenly adv In a leaden manner. 2. without elasticity or spring.
Leaden-minded adj Slow of intellect; lacking mental alertness.
Leadenness n The state or quality of being leaden;(and, in an immaterial sense.)
Leaden-sword n A type of ineffectual weapon.
Leaden-witted adj Dull of senses; slow and dull, unalert.
Leader n One who leads. 2. a member of a team, business or organization who leads. 3. a member of the government who has the official initiative in the House; one who has power of state, a ruler. . 4. one who leads a choir or band of dancers, musicians or singers. 5. a counsel who leads in a case, a senior counsel of a circuit; king's counsel, whose status entitles him to lead. 6. a thing which leads, such as a remark or question intended to lead conversation (a feeler.) 7. the shoot which grows at the apex of a stem, or of a principal branch; a bine. 8. a tendon 9. a plumber.
Leader phr "Leader of Hail" a guide to salvation.
Leader phr "Leader of the Free World" - the president of the US.
Leader phr "Leader of the House" - a member of the government responsible for iniating business in parliament.
Leader-board n A scoreboard showing the names and current scores of the leading competitors, especially in a game golf
Leadered adj Headed in a leading article; made a subject of a leader.
Leaderful adj Typical of, or befitting for a better leader. 2. referring to the property of leading all together (collectively) and at the same time.
Leaderless adj Without leadership or direction. 2. unorganized, disorganized, chaotic.
Leader-lessly adj In a leaderless manner or way.
Leader-lessness n The state or quality or being leaderless.
Leaderly adv In a manner showing leadership and direction.
Leadership n The dignity, office or position of a leader. 2. the state and function of a leader. 3. the ability to lead.
Leader-worship n The adoration of a leader.
Leader-writer n A member of of the editorial staff of a newspaper or magazine who writes leaders or editorials articles.
Lead fiddle n First fiddle; the player of the first fiddle in an orchestra, etc. 2. the fiddler usually carrying the melody.
Lead-foot n One who drives quickly or without subtlely, one who engages in slamming or flooring the accelerator.
Lead-footed adj Tending to drive too fast or quickly. 2. slow, boring, dull-witted.
Lead-free adj Having or containing no lead; unleaded.
Lead glass n Flint glass; soft optical lead-oxide glass of high refraction.
Lead-in n A starting point or first understanding of a situation or matter. 2. an introduction, opening.
Leading n A directing or guiding influence; specifically spiritual.
Leading adj Having priority or influence; most important, chief. 2. attention-getting, as a leading display. 3. furnishing a lead or precedence.
Leading adv Most important.
Leading phr "Light or Leading" - illumination or guidance; hence; 'man of light and leading'.
Leading-business n The parts, job, usually. taken by the leading man or actor.
Leading edge n The front-most edge of a wing or airfoil of an aircraft, esp a wing or propeller blade . 2. something that is or represents the most advanced or foremost aspect of a field, activity, trend, profession, etc., the forefront, the vanguard. 3. in electronics, the part of the pulse in which the ampltude increases. 4. a leading position in any field of technology; in contrast to the 'bleeding edge.'.
Leading-edge adj Of or pertaining to forward edge of a stream-lined body of a aircraft. 2. leading, latest, most-up-to-date.
Leading-in adj Applied to something or someone introductory or opening.
Leading-lady n Chief actor in a theatrical company.
Leading light n Someone is is highly regarded or/and influential. 2. be the most important person in a venture. 3. a light by which a person is guided.
Leadingly adj Suitable for leading. 2. in a leading manner.
Leading-man n An actor who plays the principal role in a movie or stage-play. 2. one who takes the lead in a dance. 3. a leader of a group of workers.
Leading-mark n One of those objects which, kept in line or tansit, guide the pilot while working into port, as trees, spires, buoys etc.
Leading-seaman n A non-commissioned officer in the Royal Australia Navy and British Navy, ranking above an able seaman and below a petty officer.
Leading-strand n In genetics, the strand of DNA that is synthesized during replication.
Leading-strings n Strings supporting children learning to walk. 2. guidance or restraint. 3. fig. a state of undue dependence. 3. strings with which children used to be guided and supported when learning to walk. 2. a cord used to lead animals.
Leading-wheel n A set of two or more wheels located in front of the driving wheels of a train-engine.
Leadish adj Somewhat like lead.
Leadless adj Devoid of lead.
Lead light n Lead and colored glass used to decorate windows and other glass panels.
Lead-lighting n The practice of making lead-light windows, etc.
Lead-like adj Characteristic of, or resembling, lead.
Lead-line n A line for taken sounds.
Lead-less adj Unleaded, without lead, lead-free, non-leaded. 2. without a leader or someone in control.
Leadman n A leader of a group of workers. 2. one who leads or takes the first steps in a dance.
Lead mill n A mill for grinding white lead . 2. a lead disc for polishing gems by friction.
Lead-off n. A commencement; a beginning, the first of a succession or series. 2. the initiative; begin; an act that starts something; start; beginning; get-go. 3. the opening or attacking movement in any bout of skill or strength, competitive game, experience. 4. the player who leads off.
Lead-off n The leading-off or beginning, as "the leading item on the agenda."
Lead-on n Induction to follow an unwise course of action; mislead. 2. the cause or encouragement to believe something that is not true. 3. beguilement into going to greater lengths.
Lead out n A beginning; the front position. 2. the escort of a partner to begin a dance. 3. leading of a chase / dance, to cause someone difficulty by forcing to do irksome or unnecessary things. 4. a program scheduled to follow another.
Leads n Back borads used in picture framing.
Lead-sheafed adj Cable in a sheaf or covered permanently in lead to protect against moisture and damage.
Lead shot n A small balls of lead projected out of a shotgun. 2. a weight used in angling or fishing.
Leadsman n. A sailor who takes sounding with a lead, measuring the depth of water. 2. a military commander.
Lead time n The period of time between the initial phase of a process and the emergence of a results, as between the planning and completed manufacture of a product. 2. the amount of time between initiation of some process and it's completion . 3. the time required by manufacture or procure a product. 4. the time required because something can be provided or delivered.
Lead-up n That leads up to something else. 2. the period leading up to an event.
Lead-wool n A fibrous form of lead used to join water pipes.
Lead-work n A workplace for smelting lead.
Leadwort n Any plant or shrub of the genus 'Plumbago', having spikes of blue, white or red leaves
Leady adj Resembling lead, usu. in color; dull in color
Leaf n One of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant. 2. any similar or corresponding lateral outgrowth of a stem. 3. a petal: a rose leaf. 4. leaves collectively; foliage. 5. a unit comprising two printed, blank or illustrated pages of a book, one on each side. 6. a movable part of of a table top; it may be hinged, sliding or loose. 7. one piece or fold of folding screens, doors etc.
Leaf vb To put forth leaves. 2. to turn over a page or pages in a book. 3. to number a leaf in a book.

to thumb or turn, as the pages of a book or magazine, in a casual or cursory inspection of the contents. 2. to turn pages, especially quickly (usually followed by through): "to leaf through a book." 3. to put forth leaves.

Leaf phr "Fall f the Leaf" - autumn.
Leaf phr "In leaf" - covered with foliage; having leaves: the pale green tint of the woods newly in leaf.
Leaf phr "Leaf Through" - to turn the pages of a book rapidly reading short sections at random. 2. to imitate someone in action or policy.
Leaf phr 'Shake Like a Leaf" - tremble, be very cold or frightened.
Leaf phr "Take a Leaf Out of My Book." - to follow my example or ways. 2. to model oneself on another person. (the allusion is to literary plagiarisms)
Leaf phr "Turn Over a New Leaf" - to amend one's ways, to start afresh.
Leaf-bearing adj Of a tree producing leaves.
Leaf bird n A family of small passerines species (Chloropsis) found on Indian sub-continent and South East Asia.
Leaf-blight n Any of various plant diseases chiefly of various fungous origin.
Leaf-blower n A battery-powered or petrol-driven garden tool that blows air from a nozzle to blow leaves and debris into management piles for disposal.
Leaf burn n A browning of plant tissues, including leaf margins and tips, and yellowing or darkening of veins which may lead to eventual wilting and abscission of the leaf.
Leafdom n The realm of leaves and foliage.
Leaf-drop n Falling of leaves, usually from the result of a disease.
Leaf-eater n Insect that eats leaves; an insect; a leaf-feeder.
Leaf-fat n A layer of fat abut the kidney of a swine, from which leaf fat is obtained. 2. folds of fat over the kidneys of other animals.
Leafed adj Having a leaf of leaves; covered by foliage. 2. of a book: having a specified number pf pages.
Leaf-feeder n Various insects, including aphids, mites, thrips, grasshoppers, beetles (and including worms). 2. insects (generally).
Leaf-feeding adj Of various insects, including aphids, mites, grasshoppers, beetles (and including worms) etc who feed on leaf.
Leafish adj Resembling or characteristic of a leaf in some aspect.
Leaf footed adj Having a leaf-like expansions on the legs; said of insects, as the leaf-footed bug.
Leafful n Belief, faith.
Leafful adj Faithful, believing; gullible
Leaf gall n Abnormal growth that occurs on leaves, twigs, branches. Some galls form where insects lay eggs, but may also be caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses.
Leaf-gold n Gold-leaf hammered into thin thin sheets, by gold-beating and often used for gilding.
Leaf-green adj The color of green leaves.
Leafily adv In a leafy manner.
Leafing n The putting forth of leaves.
Leafing adj That puts forth leaves.
Leafiness n The state or quality of being leafy.
Leaf-laden adj Heavily covered with leaves.
Leafless adj Without a leaf; destitute or devoid of leaves.
Leaflessness n The state or condition of being without or destitute of leaves.
Leafless-tree n The gallows.
Leaf-like adj Having the form or other qualities of a leaf.
Leaf-love n Various species of birds in the bulbul family of passerines found in certain parts of Africa.
Leaf-meal adv One leaf at a time; leaf by leaf.
Leaf-mould n Decomposed or composted remains of leaves. 2. soil made up mostly of layers of decomposed leaves.
Leafness n The state of condition of being leafy.
Leaf sheath n The sheath or wrapping around a stalk.
Leaf-shedding adj A tre or bush that drops or loses it's leaves; deciduous.
Leaf-silver n Silver -colored paint used for lettering on marble and other materials.
Leaf-spring n A spring made of more than one flat plate or strip; distinguished from a spiral spring.
Leaf-stalk n That stalk ' the petiole' that supports a leaf and connects to a plant.
Leaf-storm n A sudden whirlwind or downpour of leaves.
Leaf-strewn adj A path or field, etc. strewn with leaves.
Leaf wood n Hardwoods. A description applied to woods from deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved trees, or dicotyledons. the term does not infer hardness in its usual sense, but is a classification..
Leaf-worm n A caterpillar.
Leafy adj Having or abounding in leaves; covered with leaves or foliage. 2. made of, in the form of, or consisting of leaves. 3. of the nature or resembling leaves; laminate. 4. of a suburb, neighborhood of wealthy, upper middle-class people, known for it's leafy-green street vista.
Leafy-greens n Leafy-green vegetables, such as 'broccoli, spinach, silver beet, etc.
Leafy-liverwort n A liverwort belonging to the order 'Jungemanniater'
Lea-land n Arable land used temporarily for hay or grazing.
Leam n A drain or watercourse in a fen district
Leam n A light, flame; a flash, ray or gleam of light, rays of a comet. 2. brightness, gleam.
Leam vb To shine, gleam, flame, flash, light up.
Leaming adj Shining, gleaming, flashing of light.
Lean n Reward, recompense.
Lean vb To incline, lean, deviate, slope or bend, from a vertical position; to be in a position thus inclining or deviating. 2 to incline in opinion, lean towards, or desire; to conform in conduct; with to, toward, etc.  3. to rest or rely, for support, comfort, etc.; with lean on, upon, or against.  4. to hang outwards. 5. to press against.  
Lean ‎ adj Of a person or animal) slim; not fleshy; of appearance, growth, condition: wanting in flesh, not plump or fat, thin. 2. (of meat) having little fat. 3. having little extra or little to spare; scanty; meager; as a lean harvest. 4. having a low proportion or concentration of a desired substance or ingredient. 5. a lean ore hardly worth mining. 6. running on too lean a fuel-air mixture will cause, among other problems, your internal combustion engine to heat up too much.
Lean phr "A Shoulder to Lean On" - the giving of sympathy.
Lean phr "Lean Against " - to be unfavorable to; not to countenance.
Lean phr "Lean and Mean" - efficient because of having nothing in excess of what is needed, and a single-minded in one's objective.
Lean phr "Lean Off (Someone)" - to cease to lean on.
Lean phr "Lean On (Somebody)" - depend on somebody. 2. to put pressure on (a person) in order to get something from someone, or to force someone to do something against their will. 3. make someone act as one wishes by the threat or use of force, by blackmail etc.
Lean phr "Lean Out Of" - protrude from a window.
Lean phr "Lean Over" - incline from an erect position. 2. slant, incline one's head and shoulders (so that one can easily hear.
Lean phr "Lean Over Backwards" - make every effort to achieve something, esp. to be fair or helpful.
Lean phr "Lean Towards" - to tend towards some quality or condition. 2. to have a tendency favorable to.
Lean phr "Lean Upon" - to be close up to; or something serving as protection.
Lean phr "(A) Shoulder to Lean On" - the giving of sympathy.
Leaner n One who leans, inclines or reclines.
Lean-burn adj Of or relating to an internal combustion-engine designed to ru on a lean mixture to reduce pollution.
Lean-fleshed adj Having little flesh; magre in condition
Leaning adj Departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal; "the leaning tower of Pisa"; tilted, atilt, canted, tipped. 2. that leans or inclines. 3. inclining towards a person from devotion or attention.
Leaning n An inclination to do something; "he felt leanings toward frivolity" ; leaning, propensity, tendency. 2. a natural inclination; proclivity, propensity, leaning. 3. the act of deviating from a vertical position. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the the vertical; "the tower had a pronounced tilt"; inclination to the right"; tilt, list, inclination, lean, leaning.
Leaning-board n An item of furniture which is comparable in structure to a flat bench but positioned at a vertical diagonal. Often with attached arm rests. Used primarily in movie making and popularized in the early era of Hollywood; the purpose was for actresses in elaborate costumes, hair and makeup to be able to rest their bodies (or even sleep) without becoming disheveled, or in situations when their costume prohibited sitting down.
Leanish adj Somewhat lean.
Lean-looking adj Thin in appearance.
Leanly adv A lean fashion; in a lean body or form. 2. meagrely, poorly.
Lean-minded adj Brainless, foolish, ignorant, inept, irrational, witless, unthinking.
Leanness n State or condition of being thin, thinness.
Lean-over n On an inclination down or forward. 2. something over which one can lean.
Lean-ribbed adj Thin around the midriff.
Lean-souled adj Lacking depth of spiritually.
Lean-to roof n A building whose rafters pitch against or lean on to another building or against the wall. 2. a penthouse. 2. a roof consisting of one sloping surface. 3. a shed, or half span roof. It is formed against the side of a building which supports the top end rafters.
Lean-witted adj. Short of intellectual capacity. 2. lacking common sense.
Lean-years n Years of scarcity; the hungry years.
Leany adj Lean, thin.
Leap vb. To jump, spring from the ground,
Leap n. A jump, a springing into the air.
Leap n A basket, creel.
Leap phr "Leap Afoot" - to leap from the ground onto the back of a horse.
Leap phr "Leap At" - jump at, grab, move quickly. 2. be eager, accept, take, seize, swoop on.
Leap phr "Leap Forward" - an advance of a marked or notable character.
Leap phr "Leap Frog Somebody" - overtake something,with the likelihood of in turn being overtaken. (refers to the game of leapfrog.
Leap phr "Leap in" - to commence an activity without considering the wisdom of doing so or the best way to proceed.
Leap phr "Leap in the Dark" - an action, diagnosis, answer etc which is risked in hope that it is correct.
Leap phr "Leap On" - jump on, assault.
Leap phr "Leap Out" - burst forth, rush out, jump out.
Leap phr "Leap Out of one's Mind" - an expression of delight or eagerness.
Leap phr "Leap to Mind" - to appear in one's thoughts. 2. spring to mind. come to mind; remember.
Leap phr "Leap to the Eye" - be immediately apparent.
Leap phr "Take a Leap in the Dark" - a hazardous act or action undertaken in uncertainty as to consequences. 2. an action of uncertain outcome.
Leap day n. February 29th a day in the calendar, marked on the calendar only once every four years; leap year.
Leaper n A runner, dancer, jumper. 2. an animal that progresses in leaps; kangaroo, springbok.
Leap frog n. A game in which a player vaults over another bending down
Leap-frog vb To jump over some obstacle as in leap-frog. 2. to overtake.
Leap-frogger n One who jumps over some obstacle as in leap-frog. 2. one who overtakes or advances.
Leap-frogging n The act of jumping over some obstacle as in leap-frog; or overtaking or advancing.
Leapful adj Inclined to leaping or abounding.
Leap-gate n A low gate in a fence, which can be leaped, while keeping sheep from straying.
Leaping n The action of leaping or jumping. 2. significant move forward.  the act of copulation with, or covering of, a female beast. 3. a passing from one note to another by an interval, especially by a long one, or by one including several other intermediate intervals.
Leaping adj That leaps, runs, dances.
Leaping-house n A brothel.
Leapingly adv By leaps.
Leaping-time n A time of much activity; youth.
Leapling n One born in a leap day (29th February)
Leap year n. A year that has an extra day, February 29th.
Lea-rig n. A ridge left at the end of a ploughed field.
Learn vb. Gain skill or knowledge by study, practice or being taught. 2. to find out or discover
Learn phr "I'm Yet To Learn" - I am ignorant or unaware. 2.
Learn phr "Learn By Heart" - memorize something perfectly(so that it can be instantly recalled).
Learn phr "Learn from" - by studying one's mistakes, and those of others, ensure that they are not repeated.
Learn phr "Learn from the Horse's Mouth" - get information from someone qualified to do it.
Learn phr "Learn the Hard Way" - to learn by experiencing the consequences of making mistakes.
Learn phr "Learn the Ropes" - to learn the basic or understand well introductory or basic knowledge.
Learn phr "Learn Out" - find out, discover.
Learn phr "You Live and Learn" one learns through experience.
Learned adj Academic, educated, literate, scholarly, studious, scholastic, skilled.
Learned-helplessness n Negative events during childhood lead the child to internalize negative events. Just as repeated positive experiences lead the child to develop a positive self image and optimism regarding future events, negative events lead to the development of expectations of hopelessness or even depression when the individual faces a stressful situation in the future. 2. in psychiatry

a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression.

Learnedish adj Learned-like.
Learnedly adv In a learning manner.
Learnedness n The quality or condition of being learned.
Learner n A beginner, (in various senses); a student, scholar, novice, tyro.
Learner-driver n One who is learning to drive, but is not yet a licensed driver.
Learner-like adj Befitting a learner.
Learnership n The position of a learner.
Learn-fare n In the US, a welfare system in which a person must altered must attend college, etc. in order to receive payment.
Learning n An act in which something is learned. 2. accumulated knowledge, something that has been learned.
Learning phr "The New Learning" - the studies, esp. that of the Greek language, introduced into England in C16th.
Learningless adj Devoid of learning; uneducated or uninstructed.
Learning-score n The score a student must achieve in order to pass an examination(s), and advance to the next stage of their education.
Learnless adj Devoid of learning.
Learnly adv In a learning , educated way or manner.
Lease n. Pasture, meadow-land, fallow-land, land let alone, common; such as cow-lease, ewe-lease, horse-lease.
Lease adj. Untrue, false, lying: (without lease). 2. untruth, falsehood, lying, leasing.
Lease vb. To gather, glean, collect, pick up
Lease n "Lease Back" - finance, a property deal where a party sells something, then lease it from the buyer. The seller is released from tax obligations, depreciation, and maintenance costs, the buyer gains an income from the property.
Lease phr
Leased adj Transferred under the terms of a lease.
Lease-hold n The tenure of a property held by a lesee under a lease; freehold.
Leaseholder n A person who holds a tenure of property under lease or freehold.
Leaseholding n The act of holding tenure of property under the lease.
Leaser n. A gleaner, a collector, gatherer. 2. a liar, deceiver, betrayer, leaser
Leasing n Lying, prevarication.
Leasing-bearer n. One who utters untruths and slanderous statements, and causes trouble between individuals, community members and families.
Leasing-making n Verbal sedition
Leasing-monger n A liar, slanderer, seditioner
Leasow vb To graze, pasture, to agist animals
Leasow n Pasturage, agistment, grazing land.
Least n The smallest one. 2. in the C16th, a nonce word for an atom.
Least adj Smallest; faintest, most minute.
Least adv Little by all others in size and degree, smallest, slightest, fewest
Least phr "At Least" - at any rate, in all events. 2. by the least; in the least degree; no less than. 3. leastwise.
Least phr "In the Least" - at the lowest estimate. 2. in the smallest or slightest degree. 3. at all.
Least phr "Least of All" - particularly not.
Least phr "Least Said, the Better" - saying as little as possible is the best policy in a difficult situation. 2. argument will only aggravate a situation.
Least phr "Least Said, Soonest Forgotten" - lengthy recriminations, explanations, excuses are often a mistake as they tend to exaggerate the importance of a (perhaps a trivial) mistake, misunderstanding, quarrel
Least phr "Not Least" - particularly.
Least phr "Say the Least" - at the very best, without over emphasizing or overstating the subject, to put it mildly, 2. not to exaggerate. 3. used to suggest that what was previously stated was an understatement.
Least phr "The Least of It" - used to imply the moderation of a statement.
Least phr "The Least One Can Do" - an action that is a minimum that duty, gratitude, courtesy, requires of one.
Least finger n The small finger, furthest from the thumb.
Leasting n The smallest one. 2. a minute quantity. 3. in the C16th, a nonce word for an atom.
Leastness adj Minimal in size, tiny, minute.
Leastways adj. At least; in the least, not least. 2. the lowest estimate; in the smallest or slightest degree.
Least weasel n The smallest weasel and smallest carnivore in North America, measuring just 10 inches in length.
Leastwise adv At least; minimally.
Leat n. An open watercourse to conduct water for household purposes, mills, mines. 2. underground leat: modern water reticulation or supply.
Leather n. Skin of an animal prepared for use. 2. the bat (sometimes) known as "The Leather" because of its leather-like wings.
Leather phr "Give One a Leathering" - to flog one with with a leather strap; give one a drubbing.
Leather phr "Hell for Leather" - as fast as possible.
Leather phr "Nothing like Leather" - one's own interest or goods are the best. 2. a tale goes that a beset town brought together its Witan to work out how to hold out against a foe. A mason put forward that strong wall, a shipbuilder thought wooden walls; at last a tanner arose saying, " There's nothing like leather. Another take is, "Nothing like leather to give a good thrashing."
Leather back n A large sea-turtle.
Leather-board n An imitation leather sole made from scraps of leather assembled and pressed into sheets ; fibre leather.
Leather-bound adj Bound in leather, or hide, as a book.
Leather-cloth n A strong fabric coated to rrsemble leather.
Leathercraft n Craftsman in leather; leather-working.
Leathercrafter n One who crafts articles from leather; leather-work.
Leather-craftsman n A craftsman in leather and leather-working.
Leathered adj. Made into leather or like leather.
Leather-goods n Items or articles made from leather.
Leatherhead n A fool; simpleton, dill, blockhead.
Leather-hunter n A fieldsman in cricket, especially one who spends a hours of time in the field as an opposition team compiles a very high score.
Leatheriness n The quality of being leathery.
Leathering n A flogging, beating, thrashing.
Leathering phr "Give One a Leathering" - to flog one with with a leather strap; give one a drubbing.
Leather-knife n Curved knife for cutting leather.
Leatherless adj Without leather.
Leather-like adj Resembling leather.
Leather-lungs n Speaking, or capable of speaking in a loud, resonant voice, esp for prolonged periods.
Leatherly adj. Leather-like, leathern, tough, hardened. 2. resembling leather in appearance. 3. of voice: rough, strident.
Leather-maker n A manufacturer of leather.
Leather-making n The manufacturing of leather.
Leathermonger n A tanner.
Leathern adj Made of leather.
Leatherneck n. A sailor's name for a soldier, from the leather stock he used to wear. 2. a marine, a leather neck.
Leather-queen n Slang referring to a gay man with a fetish for leather
Leather-spinster n A heterosexual or asexual woman who is happily unmarried and has no desire to seek a mate.
Leather-tongued adj Acerbic of speech; strident, sharp-tongued; sarcastic.
Leather-wake adj. Having flexible joints, pliant, soft, leath, lithe, leather-wakeness.
Leatherware n Items made from leather.
Leatherwear n Articles of clothing made from leather.
Leatherwood n A white, soft wood with tough fibrous bark and small yellow flowers. 2. a flexible, tough, durable, and decorative wood suitable for shafts, handles, bentwork, etc. from Euchryphia billardieri.
Leatherwork n The making of articles from leather. 2. articles produced from leather.
Leatherworker n A person who makes things from leather.
Leatherworking n The technology of making products from leather.
Leatherworks n A factory that makes leather goods.
Leathery adj Like leather, tough.
Leatwright n A person skilled in constructing an open watercourse (leat) to conduct water for household purposes, mills, mines. or a modern water reticulation or supply.
Leave n. A period of time granted for permission to be away from work or some duty. 2. an act of departing; a farewell. 3. official permission to be absent from work or duty, as granted for military or corporate personnel.
Leave vb. To go away from, depart without taking, go away, set out from.
Leave phr "By Your Leave" - used to apologize for taking a liberty; often used in irony when some remark made is unwelcomed or offensive to the person spoken to.
Leave phr "Get Left" - to be tricked.
Leave phr "Give Leave To" - to allow. permit; used fig. of condition or circumstances.
Leave phr "Leave (one) Alone" - to stop bothering. 2. to desist or refrain from having to do with. 3. stop talking to me, stop being near me. 4. stop interfering in my life.
Leave phr "Leave Aside" - not consider; not calculate.
Leave phr "Leave Be" - refraining from disturbing or interfering with,
Leave phr "Leave Behind." - to leave undone; fail to bring, forget. 2. to go away without; abandon. 3. to have remaining after departure or removal, as a trace of consequence. 4. go away and take something or someone with you. 5. leave a sign or record that somebody has or something has occurred.
Leave phr "Leave Cold" - not interest, impress or excite a person.
Leave phr "Leave Down" - to discontinue, drop. 2. allow to stay down or drawn; allow to remain in a lowered position,
Leave phr "Leave for" - depart, travel to another place. 2. abandon in order to follow somebody or something new.
Leave phr "Leave for Dead" - to abandon a person or other living creature that is injured or otherwise incapacitated assuming that the death of the one abandoned will soon follow. 3. to disregard or bypass as unimportant. 4. be vastly superior.
Leave phr "Leave Go" - relax one's hold
Leave phr "Leave High and Dry" - to abandon somebody. 2. to stop providing assistance at a crucial moment.
Leave phr "Leave Hold of" - cease holding.
Leave phr "Leave In" - allow to remain where it is.
Leave phr "Leave It At That" - abstain for further action or comment.
Leave phr "Leave It Out" - don't do. don't say, fail to include.
Leave phr "Leave No Stone Unturned" - be very thorough.
Leave phr "Leave Off." - to stop from an action, habit; desist. 2. to cease to, or no longer wear or use something, leave off. 3. to give up or forsake the society of. 4. to cease doing; to make an end or interruption of; to stop (working); to leave off. 5. of a narrative: to end. 6. of shares: to end at a certain price at the closing of the market.
Leave phr "Leave On" - allow to remain in a position. 2. continue to wear. 3. allow to stay alight or burning.
Leave phr "Leave Oneself Wide Open" - to act in such a way that one's opponents will find much which can be easily criticised. vulnerable.
Leave phr "Leave One's Mark (on Something)" - to be responsible for permanently influencing or altering the way something is operated.
Leave phr "Leave (left) on the Shelf" - unlikely to get married because of one's age or lack of attractiveness.
Leave phr "Leave Out" - not to put in; omit, not include, list, mention, consider or take account of. 2. leave outside, not inside of a house or building.
Leave phr "Leave Over" - allow to remain for use or attention afterwards or at a later date. 2. to let stand as is for future consideration; postpone, stop. 3. leave as a remainder (the best part being consumed). .
Leave pr "Leave Someone Be" - not interfere, or tamper, with somebody, something.
Leave phr "Leave Someone Cold" - someone unaffected or bored. 2. not affect, fail to impress.
Leave phr "Leave Someone Out in the Cold" - (idiomatic) to deliberately fail to provide someone with support; to ignore or neglect.
Laeve phr "Leave Someone Speechless" - so astonish, delight, outrage, somebody that is incapable of responding, objecting, etc or cannot do so adequately.
Leave phr "Leave (Someone)To It" - to allow a person to go ahead with the task or project at hand.
Leave phr "Leave (Someone) Standing" - be superior to. 2. exceed somebody, something in speed, ability, worth, popularity, so greatly that it/own progress, achievement, seems negligible(from racing).
Leave phr "Leave Speechless" - astonish, delight or outrage somebody that he is responding, objecting etc to something or cannot do so adequately.
Leave phr "Leave the Door Open" - to issue a standing invitation for the resumption of some negotiation.
Leave phr "Leave the Room" - go to the toilet, bathroom, lavatory to relieve oneself.
Leave phr "Leave to" - let somebody proceed with a task, without help or interference.
Leave phr "Leave To Himself" - to leave a person alone or without help, interference from another or others.
Leave phr "Leave Undone" - not do; abstain from doing.
Leave phr "Leave Undone Those Things Which One Ought to Have Done" - sin, act foolishly, by omitting to do what is right , necessary or advisable to do.
Leave phr "Leave Unsaid" - not saying.
Leave phr "Leave Up" - allow to remain a raised position. 2. to abandon, give up, resign.
Leave phr "Leave Up to" - let some important decision, choice, etc be made by somebody.
Leave phr "Leave Well (enough) Alone" - to leave somebody alone. 2. to avoid attempts to connect fix or improve what is already sufficient. 3. if it is not broke, don't fix it.
Leave phr "Leave Word" - leave a message with somebody..
Leave phr "On Leave" - away from duties by permission. 2. to take one's leave.
Leave phr "Take It or Leave It" - please yourself,
Leave phr "Take Leave" - on leave with permission.
Leave phr "Take Leave of One's Wits" - go mad; lose one's senses.
Leave phr "Take One's Leave" - bid farewell to.
Leave phr "Without So Much as a By Your Leave" - without comment; without permission.
Leave phr "Without the Leave Of" - without the permission of.
Leaved adj Covered or abundant in leaves or foliage.
Leave-giving n The act of granting recreational leave to an employee. 2. to agree to someone leaving or departing.
Leaveless adj Without leaf or foliage.
Leave-over adj Remaining, not use or use up.
Leaver n One who leaves in various senses, as a school leaver.
Leave-taking n. The taken of leave of a person; saying farewell; a parting words or speech.
Leaviness n The state or condition of having leaves or being covered in leaves; leafiness.
Leaving adj Going away, departing, farewelling.
Leaving phr. "Leaving Out" - Omitted matter, that which has been left out.
Leaving-off Time n The time one finish work.
Leavings n Worthless residue, as meal-scraps, bits of wood. 2. leftovers of various materials; relics.
Leaving-shop n A pawnshop, often an unlicensed one.
Leavish adj Somewhat covered in leaves or foliage.
Leavish adj Itinerant, nomadic, vagabondish.
Leavy adj. Having leaves or covered in leaves. 2. of a season: abounding in foliage.
Lecherwite n See 'lairwite'
Lechne vb. To cure, heal (lit & fig). to administer medicine. to leech.
Lechning n. Leeching, doctoring, curing, healing
Lede n. A people, people collectively, fellow countrymen, nation, race, one's own people. 2. " land & lede": land and subjects (vassals); "in lede" among the people, in the land, on the earth. 3. the people subject to their lord or sovereign. 4. singularly: a man, person, esp. one of the "men" or subjects of the king; a subject.
Lede phr "All Lede" - all people, all the world, people collectively.
Lede phr "In Lede" - all the people in the land; countryman.
Ledefolk n. The people of the nation.
Lede-kemp n. A warrior, fighter of a nation
Lede-king n. The king (of a natio).
Ledeless adj. Without company.
Lede-knight n. A knight of the nation..
Ledely adv. Belonging to the people or nation
Leden n. Language or tongue of the people or race. 2. speech or utterance of a person, form or speech, way of speaking of a class of persons. 3. of birds, singing and chirping. 4. noise, chatter, speech.
Leden phr "Hark to this Leden" : listen to this ---noise, chatter, speech.
Lede-shame n. The shame of a nation.
Lede thegn n. Lede-thane
Lede-bishop n. The Archbishop of a nation.
Lede quide n. A national language.
Lede-knight n A knight of the king.
Lede rune n. An incantation; a mysterious doctrine.
Ledeward n Guardian of the peace, government.
Led-friend n One that follows slavishly, as a sycophant, hanger-on, dependent, parasite.
Ledish adj Pertaining to the people or nation.
Lee n. Protection, shelter; "under the lee" (protected). 2. something constructed as a shelter. 3. the sheltered side of any object, hence the ship, the land, an eminence that is turned away from the wind. 4. nautically, the side or quarter opposite to that against the wind blows; the sise away from the windward or weather side; the sheltered side.
Lee adj Sheltered from the wind.
Lee phr "At Lee" - wind bound, at shelter.
Lee phr "Bring By Lee" - to leeward.
Lee phr "Lie Upon the Lee" - with sail aback.
Lee phr "Lithe of Lee" - said of the weather: sheltered, protected.
Lee phr "Tide Under the Lee" - a tide running in the opposite direction of the wind blowth.
Lee phr "Under the Lee of the Land" - protected, sheltered, leeward.
Lee phr "Under the Lee of the Ship" - on the side away from the wind, so that the ship provides shelter and breaks the force of the wind.
Lee-board n A board lowered on the lee side of a vessel and acting as a keel to keep it drifting to leeward.
Leech n. A physician, one who practiced the healing art. 2. transfig and fig. applied to God, Christ and spiritual persons. 3. one who sticks to another for the purpose of getting gain out of him.
Leech n. Commonly regarded as a transfigative use of leech (doctor, physician.) This is plausible but the OE form "lyce," early ME. liche, suggests that the word was distinct, but assimilated to "laece" through popular etymology. 2. a blood-sucking worm, belonging to the N.O. Hirundinea. used medically for draining blood. 2. also: land-leech, sea-leech, water-leech.
Leech phr "Leech Onto" - attach oneself firmly and persistently (like a leech) to somebody.
Leech phr "Stick Like a Leech" - to cling persistently.
Leechcraft n. Art of treatment, remedy, medicine, healing.
Leechdom n The world or field of medicine, remedy, healing.
Leecher n hysician; a doctor.
Leech-fee n. Cost for doctor to treat a patient; a doctor's fee.
Leech-finger n The finger next to the little finger; the ring finger.
Leeching n. Medical treatment, curing, healing. 2. treatment by blood-letting or leaching, the use of leechs
Leeching phr "Under Leeching" - under or undergoing medical treatment.
Leech-iron n Scalpel, lancet.
Leechlike adj Resembling a leech or some aspect of one, clinging, parasitic.
Leechman n. A doctor, physician, healend, leecher
Leechwort n Medicine, medication(s), drugs.
Leed n. Language, tongue, lingo. 2. the speech of a person or class of of persons. 3. talk,utterance, manner of speech, or writing, phraseology, patter. 4. appiled to the language of birds.
Leeftail adj. Leavetail, leftal: much in demand, ready for a quick sale.
Leek n. A culinary herb Allium Porrum (N.O. Liliaceae) allied to the onion, but differing from it in having a bulbous part and flat and broad leaves. 2. the leekwort. 3. the leek is also the Welsh national floral emblem.
Leek phr "Eat the Leek" - to be affronted or humilated. 2. forced to eat your own words.
Leekish adj Resembling a leek in color or shape.
Leekwort n Allium Porrum (family liliaceae).
Leemost adv Further to leeward.
Leer n. The cheek 2. The face, countenance, look or appearance of the skin or face. 3. the hue or complexion; "the lily leer". 3. temper, disposition, mood. 4. a look or roll of the eye; askance. 5. expression of slyness, look of askance, obliqueness, under-handedness. 6. malignity, immodest desire.
Leer n The flank or loin; the hollow under the ribs.
Leer vb To give an oblique, sneering or surprized look or grin. 2. to look with a sideway glance, esp. suggestive of lascivious intent or malicious intention.
Leer adj. Empty, useless, burden-less; useful. 2. having no burden or load, as a horse without a rider. 3. of the stomach: empty of food, hungry, faint or wanting of food.
Leer adj Looking askance, oblique, indirect, sly, underhanded.
Leer phr "Leer Aside" - look askance, slyly, underhandedly.
Leer phr "Leer At" look at in a crude, unpleasant way suggesting desire or ill-will.
Leer phr "Leer Up" -
Leerer n One who leers or looks sideways or obliquely at in an enticing, sexual or malicious way or intent.
Leerily adv In a leering manner.
Leeriness n The property of being leery, suspicion, distrust.
Leering n The state or condition of looking sideways or obliquely at in an enticing, sexual or malicious way or intent
Leering adj Look with askance.
Leeringly adv In a manner or way of looking askance, sly, underhandedly.
Leerness n. Emptiness, hunger. 2. without burden, burden-less.
Leery adj. Containing or having empty spaces or hollows. 2. wide-awake, wary, knowing, suspicious. 3. shrewd, sly, conniving.
Leese vb. To lose, be parted from by misadventure, through change or conditions. 2. to be deprived of, to cease to possess, to fail to maintain, gain or save. 3. to fail to profit by; to use labor to no advantage. 4. to lose, to be a loser. 5. to destroy, to bring to ruin or perdition. 6. to set free, release, deliver (in a material and no material). 7. to loosen, unloose, unfetter, to open to relaxation, esp. the body.
Leese n. Lose, failure to do something.
Leeser n. A destroyer. 2. a deliverer
Leesing n Loosing, loosening, loss. 2. destruction, perdition. 3. deliverance, redemption.
Lee shore n. A shore that the wind blows against. 2. a shore that affords shelter against the wind.
Lee-side n. That side of any object which is turned away from the wind, (as opposed to the weather side.)
Leesome adj Lawful, permissible.
Leesomely adv Lawfully.
Leet n. Annual court record kept by the Lord of the Manor, or by an official of a district generally. 2. In East Anglia, a division of a hundred formed for governing, including taxation.
Leet n. A meeting of the ways, a crossing, as in two-leet, three-leet, fourway-leet.
Leet n A casting of lots. 2. a stack of peat.
Lee-tide n A tide running with the wind.
Leetman n One subject to the jurisdiction of a court-leet.
Leeward adj. A sheltered position or condition; sheltered from the wind or a storm, hence calmness, tranquility, also said of the weather. 2. situated on a side turned away from the wind.
Leeward phr "Upon the Leeward" - on the leeward side.
Leewardly adv In a way or manner turned away from the wind
Leewardness n The quality of being leeward. 2. tendency to fall towards leeward.
Leeward-tide n A tide flowing in a leeward direction
Leeway n The drift of a sea vessel, aircraft in a leeward direction. 2. a varying degree or amount of freedom or flexibility; margin, latitude, elbowroom. 3. an adverse discrepancy or variation in a cumulative process, usually to make up leeway.
Leeway phr "Make up Leeway" - make up for lost time. 2. struggle from a difficult position.
Left n The left part, side or direction. 2. a group, faction or party favouring radical, reforming or socialist views.
Left adv. Of, in the direction of) side of the body in which the heart normally is, opposite right. 2. denotes the limb, side etc., opposite to the right
Left adj From Middle English left, luft, leoft, lift, lyft, from Old English left, lyft ‎(“weak, useless”). 2. ‎(comparative more left or lefter, superlative most left or leftmost) 2. the opposite of right; toward the west when one is facing north. 3. the left side. 4. (politics) pertaining to the political left. 5. the west side of the body when one is facing north 6. left-hand, sinister, sinstral
Left adv Left ‎(not comparable) 2. on the left side 3. towards the left side
Left vb Past tense of "to leave" - to depart, go away.
Left phr "A Child by the Left Hand" - a child born out of wedlock.
Left phr "Be Left With" - retain. 2. be burdened with the responsibility of.
Left phr "Be Well Left" - be well provided for by legacy.
Left phr "From Out of Left-field" - from an unexpected source.
Left phr "Get Left" - to be tricked; deserted or defeat.
Left phr "Have Left" - have remaining (has no friends left).
Left phr "Have Two Left Feet" - move clumsily.
Left phr "Left and Right" - all over the place, on all sides, indiscriminately, frequently or excessively.
Left phr "Left for Dead" - abandoned, beyond the point of rescue.
Left phr "Left-handed Oath" - one not intended to be binding.
Left phr "Left-handed Wife" - a wife of a morganatic marriage.
Left phr "Left on the Shelf" - likely to remain unmarried because of age or being unattractive.
Left phr "Left Over" - something, especially food, remaining the rest has been used. 2. a part not used or consumed. 3.
Left phr "Left Out" - omitted, rejected, ostracized.
Left phr "One's Left Hand Does Not Know What One's Right Hand is Doing" - one acts secretly, for reasons not known to oneself or in a way that seems haphazard or contrary to one's interests or principles.
Left phr "One's Right Hand Does Not Know What One's Left Hand is Doing" - we both knew the the temptations of action, and how even clear-sighted men did not enquire.
Left phr "Out Of Left Field" - an unexpected problem. 2. an unexpected, bizarre or unwatched source or place. 3. unexpected, suddenly, and surprizing. 4. out of the blue; out of nowhere.
Left phr "Over the Left" - implying that the words to which it is applied express the reverse of what is meant. 2. in early times, a way of expressing dis belief, incredulity or a negative.
Left phr "See with the Left Eye" - expression implying inefficiency in performance. 2. 'work with the left hand'.
Left phr "The Left Hand of Friendship" - to deal unfriendly with.
Left phr "Two left Feet" - clumsily and awkward of movement, esp. when dancing.
Left-addle n Paralysis, palsy, from "left" : weak & "addle": sickness.
Left-behind n An item has left behind when someone departed. 2. a person who has been left behind. With the and plural agreement: those who have been left behind collectively.
Left-behind vb That has or have been left behind.
Left brain n The left-hand side of the human brain, which is believed to be associated with linear and analytical thought
Left-brained adj Of or relating to a person who behavior is dominated by logic and analytical thought. 2. of or relating to the thought processes, such as logic and calculation, generally associated in the left of the brained. 3. relating tothe left-hand side of the human brain, which is believed to be associated with linear and analytical thought.
Left-drag vb To drag an item using the left mouse button.
Left-eyed adj Having the eye or eye(s), or eye-like features, esp. as specified.
Left-eyedness n The state or condition having the eye or eye(s), or eye-like features, esp. as specified.
Left-footed adj One who plays sport, usually football with their left foot. 2. played using the left foot.
Left-footer n A slang for a Roman Catholic.
Left-half n The left part of anything.
left-hand adj Of, or relating to, or located on the left. 2. designed for use by the left hand. 3. in the opposite direction or orientation to the right-hand rule (a left-hand thread.)
Left-hand drive n Of a motor vehicle with the steering wheel on the left-hand side.
Left-handed n "The Left-handed" - left-handed people, taken as a whole.
Left-handed adj Having more skill or power in the left hand or side. 2. using one's left hand in preference to, or more skillfully than, one's right. 3. intended to be worn on, or used by, the left hand. 4. turning or spiraling from right to left; anticlockwise. 5. awkward or maladroit.
Left-handedly adv n a left-handed manner or way.
Left-handeness n the state of being left-handed.
Left-handed tongue n. Hebrew, Arabic and others Semitic tongues that write their script from left to right.
Left-hander n One who is left-handed. 2. a blow struck with the left hand.
Left-handiness n Quality or condition of being left-handed.
Left-hand path n (An occult term)a path through life that values the advancement and preservation of the self and the pursuit of terrestrial goals, rather than the worship of intangible deities.
Leftie n See 'lefty"
Leftish adj Leaning to or towards the political left.
Left-leaning adj Leaning towards the left-side of politics;
Leftmost adj Situated most left.
Leftness n. Of political views supporting leftist or socialist policies
Left-out adj Rejected or ostracized from a group.
Left-over n Something remaining; residue. 2. a survival from the past.
Left-over adj That left over or remaining unconsumed; residual.
Leftovers n Something or things left behind; an excess; remainder; in reverse. 2. remaining, left behind food-bits after a meal.
Leftsided adj The preferential use of the left side in all voluntary motor acts. 2. sinistral.
Leftsidedness n The normal left-sided location of certain organs, such as the spleen and most of the stomach. 2. sinistrality.
Leftsomes adj. In a leftward direction; leftwards
Left turn n A turn that brings one's frontto face as a one's left side did before. 2. a turn or turning to the left.
Left turn n Left turns shall yield to oncoming traffic. The driver reaching the intersection first has the right-of-way unless turning left. When two vehicles reach the intersection simultaneously, the one on the right has the right-of-way.
Leftwardly adv In a leftwards direction.
Leftwardness n The state or position of being or heading towards the left.
Leftward adj. To or on the left; in the direction of the left.
Leftward adv To or from the left.
Leftwards adv Leftwards, towards the left.
Left-wing adj. The holding of political views supporting left or socialist policies.
Left-winger n One who favours a leftist or socialist policies
Left-wingish adj Somewhat socialistic in political opinions and philosophy; left-wingy.
Left-wingy adj Of, relating to, or character of left wing politics or ideology; left-wingish.
Leftwise adv Towards the left.
Left-witted adj Dull, stupid, foolish, silly.
Lefty n. A lefty: a left-handed person. 2. a person holding socialist views.
Leighster n. A female liar
Leighton n. A garden (Leac: leek + tun: enclosure.)
Leighton-ward n. A gardener
Leman n A sweetheart of either sex; especially a mistress. (OE. leof: beloved & mann: man)
Lend n. Loins, also the buttocks.
Lend vb. To arrive, come. 2. to tarry, remain, stay, dwell, abide. 3. to make one's abode, settle. 4. to cause to come, to bring, place.
Lend n A loan.
Lend vb To allow to be used by someone temporarily, on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned. 2. to make a loan. 3. to be suitable or applicable, to fit. 4. to afford; to grant or furnish in general.
Lend phr "A Lending Hand" - a helping hand.
Lend phr "Lend a Hand" - to help, assist, give assistance, esp. voluntarily.
Lend phr "Lend a Helping Hand" - any assistance, help or aid.
Lend phr "Lend An?One Ear" - to listen; hearken.
Lend phr "Lend Itself To" - be suitable; lend to. 2. be usable on.
Lend phr "Lend Oneself to" - accomodate oneself to a purpose or policy.
Lend phr "Lend One's Name to Something" - to endorse something.
Lend phr "Lend Weight to Something" - to use one's influence in support of some cause.
Lender n One who lends, esp. money.
Lending n The action of lending.
Lending adj That lends.
Leng adj. Long
Leng vb. To lengthen, to prolong, to delay. 2. to linger, tarry, remain, abide, dwell, to continue in some condition. 3. to rely on, lean on.
Lenging adj Dwelling
Lenging prp During.
Lengh n. OE. height, stature.
Length n The distance measured along the longest dimension of an object. 2. duration 3. the length of a horse, used to indicate the distance between horses at the end of a race. 4. distance between the two ends of a line segment. 5. the distance down the pitch that the ball bounces on its way to the batsman. 6. (figuratively) total extent. 7. part of something that is long; a physical piece of something. 8. measure of how long a thing is. 9. a stretch of time. 10. a piece of cloth, etc, of a certain fixed length.
Length vb To lengthen.
Length phr "At Arm's Length" - away from the body, with ones arms fully extended. 2. avoiding intimacy or close contact.
Length phr "At Full Length" - in detail, without curtailment.
Length phr "At Great Length" - for a long time; in detail.
Length phr "At Length" - in the long run. 2. after an interval of expectation; finally; at last.
Length phr "Go to Any Lengths" - do anything (regardless of the consequences).
Length phr "Go to Great/Any Lengths" - to take much trouble.
Length phr "Length and Breadth" - the whole area of the land, or most or many places within it. 2. the brength.
Length phr "Length of Days" - long life.
Length phr "Win by a Length" - to win a boat/horse race by a margin equal to its length.
Lengthed adj Of a specific length.
Lengthen vb To make longer, to extend the length of, to be longer.
Lengthener n A person, or thing that lengthens something.
Lengthening n Linguistics: a type of sound change when a sound (esp. a vowel) lengthens.
Lengthful adj. Of great length.
Lengthily adv In a lengthy manner.
Lengthman n A person employed to maintain a length of the road and railway.
Lengthness n. Quality of being lengthy, prolixity.
Length-overall n Length of a ship from bow to stern.
Lengthways adv In the direction of the length.
Lengthwise adv In a long direction of an oblong object.
Lengthwise adv In a long direction of an oblong object.
Lengthy adj. Of talk, writing, process, very long, lengthy, prolixy.
Lent n (OE. Lencten: Spring) - a fast 40 days from Ash Wednesday until Easter Day, commemorating the fast of our Savior in the wilderness.
Lenten n. Spring---lengthening of the day. 2. pertaining to Lent
Lenten-time n. Easter.
Lenten-day n. Lenten-fast: at Lent of provisions, diet, etc, as may be used in Lent.
Lenten adj. Meager of food, clothing, expression, countenance: dismal, mournful, cold or chary (lenten-looking).
Lent lily n The daffodil, which blooms in Lent.
Lere vb. To teach, give instruction, give instruction anent the lore. 2. To show the way, lead the way, guide. 3. to learn, acquire knowledge, become informed. 4. to study, read a book, learn to do something.
Lere phr Lere and Lewd" - the Learned (clergy) and The Lay (not belonging to the clergy, ignorant
Lerer n. A teacher, instructor, lecturer.
Lering n Learning, instruction, doctrine.
Lese vb To lose, destroy, forsake or abandon.
Less adv. Not so much, smaller, to a lower agree, to a smaller amount.
Less n "The Less" - that which is smaller (of two persons or things). 2. the lesser.
Less vb To make less, to lessen.
Less adj A smaller amount of; not as much.
Less adv To a smaller extent. 2. in a lower degree.
Less conj Unless.
Less prp Minus, not including.
Less sfx Lacking something; devoid or without something. 2. deprived or destitute of. 3. beyond the range of (the action of the main element). 4. free from; without.
Less phr "In Less than No Time" - very quickly,soon.
Less phr "Less and Less" - at a continually decreasing rate.
Lesser phr "Lesser Evil" - given two bad choices the one less objectionable.
Less phr "Lesser of Two Evils" - the more desirable of two bad alternatives. 2. you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Less phr "Less is More" - that which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated tha what is more complicated. 2. simplicity is preferable to complexity. 3. brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity.
Less phr "Less (Least) Said the Better" - saying as little as possible is the best policy in a difficult situation. 2. argument will only aggravate a situation.
Less phr Less than" - the character < a sign of inequality before two numbers or expressions.
Less phr Less than Three" - the emoticon <3 meaning love or heart.
Less phr "Never the Less" - nevertheless, none the less
Less phr "None the Less" - nonetheless: in spite of what has been said; nevertheless.
Less phr "Nothing Less Than Something" - far from being; anything rather than.
Less phr "Still Less" - used to characterize a statement or suggestion as still more unacceptable than one that has already been denied.
Lessed adj Lowered, shortened, slighted, meager.
Lessen vb To make less, decrease, to reduce.
Lessened adj Decreased, less; reduced.
Lessening n Diminution, disparagement, degradation.
Lesser n One who or that which lessens.
Lesser phr "A Lesser Evil" - given two bad choices the one less objectionable.
Lesser phr "A Lesser of Two Evils" - the more desirable of two bad alternatives. 2. you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Lesser Bear n The constellation of Ursa Minor.
Lesser Dog n The constellation of Canis Minor.
Lesser-known adj Know less well than others of the same kind.
Lesser-light n Somebody in a community, profession etc is respected, but less so than some others.
Lessing n Lessening,
Lessness n Quality or condition of being lesser, lacking or inferior (in combination of less & ness.) 2. absolution, forgiveness of sins, redemption.
Lest adv Late OE. circa. 1200, contracted from Middle English phrase les te "less that," from Old English phrase þy læs þe "whereby less that. 2 a caution against, or fear that we should forget the sacrifice of those who died in war.
Let vb. To allow or permit: to let him escape. 2. to allow to pass, go, or come: to let us through. 3. to grant the occupancy or use of (land, buildings, rooms, space, etc., or movable property) for rent or hire (sometimes followed by out). 4. to contract or assign for performance, usually under a contract: to let work to a carpenter. 5. to cause to; make: to let one know the truth. 6. to admit of being rented or leased, as an apartment lets weekly.
Let n To hinder; prevent, delay.
Let n. A lease
Let phr "Let Alone" - after idiom, much less, to say nothing of, used (after one negates a clause to introduce another,) as in 'He couldn't fly a kite, let alone an aircraft'. 2. not to mention, as well as, to leave alone, let be, stop bothering; refrain from disturbing, interfering or tampering with.
Let phr "Let Be" - to refrain from interference. 2. to refrain from interfering with.
Let phr "Let Blood" - to shed the blood of another. 2. to relieve the blood pressure by cutting a vein.
Let phr "Let Bygones be Bygones" - to decide to forget past disagreements.
Let phr "Let Down" - to disappoint another hopes; fail somebody who believes that one is reliable; to betray; desert. 2. to make somebody's spirits sink, depress them. 3. to slacken; abate; to let down in one's efforts. 4. to allow to descend slowly; lower. 5. aeronautics (of an airplane) to descend or lose height from a higher to a lower altitude preparatory to making an approach and landing or a similar manuoeve; land a plane. 6. release the air from, deflate a tyre or balloon. 7. lower, drop, let fall something, such as a bucket, ladder, hair, dress etc.
Let phr "Let Down Softly" - to reject a person romantically, but do so in the least hurtful way possible.
Let phr "Let Drop or Fall' - reveal accidentally.
Let phr Let Fly" - to hurl as a missile. 2. let fly with a torrent of abuse, resentment, criticism.
Let phr "Let Forth" - allow to flow, be spoken, put forth.
Let phr "Let Free" - to release from captivity, restraint
Let phr "Let Freedom Ring" - a statement that the ideas of life, liberty and the pusuit of happiness should be spread acrossthe Earth and allowed to flourish.
Let phr "Let Get Away With" - allow to escape responsibility. 2. avoid rebuke or punishment.
Let phr "Let Go" - to allow, permit. 2. to release from one's grasp; release. 3. to go from a state of holding on to a state of no longer holding on; unhand. 4. to fail maintain a standard of appearance, behavior, or performance. 5. to relax and enjoy oneself without restraint.
Let phr "Let Go and Let God..." - idiomatic: to consciously surrender one's free will to the will of God.'
Let phr "Let Go One's Hold" - let go one's grasp on. 2. fig. allow control to be given to another or others.
Let phr "Let Him That is Without Sin Throw the First Stone" - only the faultless or impeccable have thr right to pass judgement upon others (implying that no one is faultless.)
Let phr. "Let In (Somebody /Something" - to admit, permit to enter. 2. to involve (a person) in without his or her knowledge or permission: to let someone in for a loss. 2. to allow something (such as water, cold, rain, light) to enter or penetrate a room, roof, wall, shoe, etc.
Let phr "Let In For" - make somebody (a firm, colleague, colleague assume responsibility for work, expense, difficulty. 2. to involve in the performance, payment.
Let phr. "Let In On" to share a secret with; permit to participate in. 2. allow somebody to know about or take part in something that was previously hidden from him/her.
Let phr. "Let Into" - to insert into the surface of (a wall or the like) as a permanent addition. 2. set into a hollowed-out place in something, such as a cupboard, tube, lighting, wall, body of a patient
Let phr "Let Into" - allow somebody (guest, spectator, oneself) to enter or admit; penetrate
Let phr "Let It Be" - - to leave something to follow its natural course.
Let phr "Let It Be Said" - be admitted or made known.
Let phr "Let It Go At That" - when rebuking or chiding someone; and depending on the context, leave things as they are. 2. not about ready to take further action or make any additional comments.
Let phr "Let It Ride" -- let the situation take its own course.
Let phr "Let Know" - inform , make aware of something.
Let phr "Let Loose" - to free, liberate, release from restraint. 2. to shout, make a loud sound, or perform a sudden, vehement action. 3. to behave in a raucous manner.
Let phr "Let Me See" - a phrase used as a filler to indicate that the speaker is thinking and pondering before speaking. 2. let's see.
Let phr "Let Me Tell You" - let me assure you; be sure of this.
Let phr "Let Not the Sun Go Down On One's Wrath" - seek to dispel ill-will between you and your loved-ones before day's end (before sleep); and not to act upon desires for vengeance.
let phr "Let Off" - to release by exploding; to discharge or reduce, as pressure.. 2. to free from duty, responsibility (often an unpleasant one); excuse. 3. to allow to go with little or no punishment; pardon: "the judge let off the youthful criminal with a reprimand." 4. allow a pasenger to disembark or alight from a boat, aircraft. 5. have flatulence; fart, break wind. 6. allow others to rent a building in portions.
Let phr "Let Off the Hook " - free somebody from an unpleasant task, an embarrassing situation.
Let phr "Let Off Steam" - release tension, feelings that have been restrained; blow off steam.
Let phr "Let Off With" - to give somebody a lighter sentence than the law allows.
Let phr. "Let On (about)" - to reveal one's true feelings. 2. reveal, disclose, give away (a secret), etc. 3. pretend:
Let phr "Let One's Hair Down" - relax and enjoy oneself (eg. at a party).
Let phr "Let Oneself Go" - take no pride in one's appearance,or behave without restraint.
Let phr. "Let Out " - to divulge; reveal, make known, utter. 2. to release from confinement, restraint, unpleasant obligation, etc; let go. 3. to allow to leave or escape. 4. to enlarge or looser (a garment). 5. to terminate; be finished; end. 6. make available for hire; hire out. 7. to make (a let-out fur or pelt). 8. make wider or loser. 9. utter, scream, yell out.
Let phr "Let Out Of" - to permit to be absence from. 2. allow to leave or go from.
Let phr "Let Run" - allow to take place, occur.
Let phr "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" - to leave things as they are; especially, to avoid restarting or rekindling an old argument. 2. to leave disagreements in the past.
Let phr "Let Slide" - to divulge a secret, as by accident or mistake. 2. fail to pay proper attention.
Let phr "Let Somebody Go" - release a grip on somebody. 2. release an animal from captivity. 3. alow somebody to proceed.
Let phr "Let Someone/Somebody Have It" - to attack or assault, as by striking, shooting, or rebuking: The gunman threatened to let the teller have it.
Let phr "Let the Buyer Beware" - caveat emptor: be prudent and careful when buying.
Let phr "Let the Cat Out of the Sack" - unintentionally reveal a secret,
Let phr "Let the Chips Fall Where they May" - to allow events to unfold unnaturally. 2. to acept what occurs without prejudice, worry or regret.
Let phr "Let the Dead Bury the Dead" - it is better to concern oneself with the living, with the present and future life and work, than remembering the rituals connected with people, institutions, events, customs that are dead.
Let phr "Let the Good Times Start" - let's celebrate.
Let phr "Let the Grass Grow Under One's Feet" - to be idle, indolent, be inactive, mentally unalert to what going on. 2. to fail to make progress. 2. to die.
Let phr Let Them All Come" - a cry of joyous triumph or jubilation, of defiance.
Let phr "Let the Side Down" - to disappoint or fail one's friends, colleagues. 2. act or behave in a way regarded as unacceptable by one's family.
Let phr "Let Through" - allow to pass.
Let phr "Let Up" - to lessen, slow down; slacken, abate. 2. relax one's alertness or effort. 3. lessen in intensity.
Let phr "Let Up On" - reduce or cease applying pressure or harsh measures to.
Let phr "Let (Us)" an imperative: we should (let's) do this or what, etc.
Let phr "Let (Us) Go" - we must leave, depart, start out.
Let phr "Let (Us) Not and Say We Did" - idiom, colloquial, usually sarcastic, dismissive, indicating that the speaker does agree with the proposed action, and does not wish to participate in.
Let phr "Let (Us) Say" - let us agree; do you agree? 2. introduces or refers back to an example.
Let phr "Let (Us)See" - let's consider the matter.
Let phr "Let Well Enough Alone" - (Leave Well (enough) Alone) - to leave somebody/ something alone; avoid interfering.. 2. to avoid attempts to connect fix or improve what is already sufficient. 3. if it is not broke, don't fix it.
Letch n. A stream, river flowing through boggy land, ditch or hole, a bog. 2. a pool of blood.
Let-down n. A come-down, a drop in circumstances, a disappointment. 2. descent of an aircraft, 2. the action of a cow yielding milk. 4. disappoint or fail one who believes in you.
Leth n. Hatred, ill-will, a despicable feeling, state of loathing.
Letless n Without let or hindrance.
Let-off n Exculpation; be allow to escape something.
Let-out n. An excuse, justification, method of avoiding (a difficulty). 2. a release from an embarrassing situation.
Letted adj Hindered, impeded, restrained.
Letten adj Demised, let, leased
Letting n. The rental of an apartment or a house. 2. the awarding of a public contract.
Letting-go n The letting-go or being able to cope with past hurts and old injustices that have a way of keeping us stuck in our tracks, unable to move forward or experience happiness or joy.
Letty adj. That lets or hinders, as 'letty weather'.
Let-up n A pause or period of slowing.
Leve n Belief, faith, trust.
Leve vb. To believe in, upon. 2. trust, give credence to a person. 3. to exercise belief, faith. 4. to accept an alleged fact.
Leveness n The state or condition of having faith, confidence.
Levers n. Any sword or blade shaped plant, such as a Gladioli.
Lew adj OE: warm, sunny. 2. lukewarm, tepid. 3. sheltered from the wind; protected. 4. of a leaden or pele color.
Lew n. Warmth, heat. 2. shelter; protection.
Lew adj. Lame in a limb, organ: "lewsa": inopia. 2. weak.
Lew vb. To make warm or tepid. 2. to shelter, cover
Lewd adj. Lay, not in holy orders or clerical. 2. unlearned, untaught, ignorant. 3. Of speech, rude, artless, vulgar, base, ignorant, foolish. 4. unskillful, bungling. 5. Of the lower order of folk, ill-bred, ill-mannered, rude, rustic. 6. of persons, bad, vile, evil, wicked, base, good-for-nothing. 7. of things, poor, sorry, bad, worthless.
Lewdhood n. Ignorance, lewdness.
Lewdly adv Inclined to, or characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious. 2. obscene or indirect in language or song.
Lewdness n Pre-occupied with sex and sexual desire, lustful, obscene and wickedness. 2. unearned, lay, ignorant.
Lewdy adv. Unlearnedly, ignorantly,foolishly, evilly, badly, poorly, wickedly, lascivously.
Lewdster n. One whose qualities are ignorant, base, evil, lascivious; non-clerical, lay.
Lewe n A bargain, barter.
Lewe adj. Treacherous, traitlike, betraying, untrustworthy.
Lewe sfx. Used to form a few adjectives affected by, liable to, characterized by something undesirable; its use is somewhat parallel to -LY. 2. Gast-lewe: ghostly.
Leweness n The state or quality of being treacherous. 2. paleness, lividity.
Lewth n. Shelter, warmth, protection, such as in "house-lewth"
Lew-warm adj. Lukewarm
Ley n A piece of land temporary put down to grass, clover, etc for a single season or a limited number of years, in contrast to permanent pasture. 2. fallow.
Leyland n Fallow land.
Leyline n The supposed alignments of ancient geographical places such as megaliths (proposed by American researcher and writer Charles Fort who specialized in anomalous phenomena).
Leye n OE Lieye - flame, blaze, fire.
Leye phr "On A Leye" - on fire, burning.