The Anglish Moot
No edit summary
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|Love ||phr||"All's Fair in Love and War" - vigorous competition is acceptable in emotionally-charged situations.
|Love ||phr||"All's Fair in Love and War" - vigorous competition is acceptable in emotionally-charged situations.
|Love ||phr||"A Young Man's Love is Water in a Sieve" - love knows no reason, but often much confusion.
|Love ||phr||"Do Something For Love" - do something without expecting reward or payment.
|Love ||phr||"Do Something For Love" - do something without expecting reward or payment.
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|Love ||phr||"Love a Duck" - an exclamation of surprise.
|Love ||phr||"Love a Duck" - an exclamation of surprise.
|Love ||phr||"Love and Blindness are Twin Sisters" - love can daze one and confuse their thinking.
|Love ||phr||"Love and Leave (somebody)" - . to seduce and abandon another. 2. have a short-lived romantic attachment to, or relationship with. 3. have a passing affection for somebody.
|Love ||phr||"Love and Leave (somebody)" - . to seduce and abandon another. 2. have a short-lived romantic attachment to, or relationship with. 3. have a passing affection for somebody.

Revision as of 08:58, 6 September 2019

Old English sb English
Lo excl OE. Exclamation surprise, grief, or joy; also used used with vocative "O".
Lo and behold excl Look, see and beware; take notice
Load n Weight to be borne or conveyed; load, loading burden. 2. a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time load 3. loading goods carried by a large vehicle; cargo, lading, freight, load, loading, payload, shipment, consignment. 4. an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate. 5. the power output of a generator or power plant. 6. an onerous or difficult concern; "that's a load off my mind" burden, load, encumbrance, onus; that which burdens, oppresses, or grieves the mind or spirits; as, a load of care.. 7 a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks; lode, load. 8. the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents; warhead, payload, load. 9. electrical device to which electrical power is delivered. 10. a burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight; as, a heavy load. 11. the quantity which can be carried or drawn in some specified way; the contents of a cart, barrow, or vessel; that which will constitute a cargo; lading. 12. a particular measure for certain articles, being as much as may be carried at one time by the conveyance commonly used for the article measured; as, a load of wood; a load of hay; specifically, five quarters. 13. the charge of a firearm; as, a load of powder. 14. weight or violence of blows. 15. The work done by a steam engine or other prime mover when working. 16. the amount of work that a person, group, or machine is assigned to perform; as, the work distributed. 18.the device or devices that consume power from a power supply. 16. the weight or force that a structure a support bears or is designed to bear; the object that creates that force 17. load line, or Load water line (naut.), the line on the outside of a vessel indicating the depth to which it sinks in the water when loaded. 18. burden; lading; weight; cargo.
Load vb To fill or place a load on. 2. provide (a device) with something necessary. 3. transfer from a storage device to a computer's memory. 4: put (something) on a structure or conveyance. 5. corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; adulterate, load, adulterate, stretch, dilute, debase. 6. To lay a load or burden on or in, as on a horse or in a cart; to charge with a load, as a gun; to furnish with a lading or cargo, as a ship; hence, to add weight to, so as to oppress or embarrass; to heap upon. 7. to adulterate or drug; as, to load wine. 8. to magnetize. 9. to copy data (often program code to be run) in the memory, possibly parsing it somehow in the process. 10. the degree to which a computer, network, or other resource is used, sometimes expressed as a percentage of the maximum available. 11. to install a piece of software onto a system.
Load phr "Dead Load" - (when caused by pressure alone)the downward pressure on a structure.
Load phr "Get a Load Of" - to look at, perceive. 2. make oneself aware of. 3. scrutinize, listen carefully to; pay attention to.
Load phr "Lay On by Loads" - to belabor with blows. 2. fig. to blame, reproach. 3. to heap or pile on.
Load phr "Live Load" - when caused by gravity increased by the stresses of transverse motion.
Load phr "Load Down" - put many heavy or difficult burdens on somebody and something; overburden, over-strain; depressed.
Load phr "Load Off One's Mind" - to be relieved of the burden of anxiety.
Load phr "Load Up (with)" - fill to the brim or top; put a full load on or upon. 2. heavy laden with. 3. having an abundance of.
Load phr "Load With" - award honors etc. to somebody in abundance.
Load phr "Load with Earth" - bury.
Load phr "Take Load Off One's Mind" - have relief from the burden of anxiety.
Load-bearing adj Capable of bearing a structural load, supporting. 2. supporting, a load or part or parts of a structure above as, a load-bearing wall.
Loaded adj Filled with a great quantity. 2. of weapons charged with ammunition. 3. of statements and questions charged with associative significance and often meant to mislead or influence. 4. having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value, affluent, wealthy, moneyed. 5. very drunk, blotto.
Loaded phr "Loaded for Bear" - to be prepared, mentally and physically, for extreme opposition; typically used in reference to an aggressive or violent situation.
Loaded Word" n Word or wording that attempts to influence an audience by using language appealing to emotion or stereotypes. Also referred to as 'high-inference language.
Loaden vb Weighed down by a load(lit & fig.)
Loader n A laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port. 2. a stevedore, longshoreman, docker, dock-worker.
Loading n The act of placing a force or burden upon an object or network, as 'vocal loading,' the stress inflicted on the speech organs when speaking for a long period. 2. the action of the verb 'to load.' 3 a burden, weight carried; cargo or the quantity or weight of goods or passenger carried or transported at one time. 3. worry concern. 4. the act of putting or placing a load on a vehicles, ship or container. the weight of a load. 5. an extra payment made to workers for working outside the conditions of their employment award.
Loading adj Pertaining to the loading of a vehicle, ship, container etc.
Loadless adj Having no load; without a load.
Load line n In electronics: a method of determining operating points in circuits with non-linear elements. This method was often used with vacuum tubes. 2. a ship's waterline is the line where its hull meets the surface of the water. A load line, also called Plimsoll mark,it is a marking indicating the extent to which the weight of a load may safely submerge a ship, by way of a waterline limit.
Load-shedding n The process by which an electricity utility cuts or reduces power to some customers in response to a shortage of available electricity. 2. the postponement of less important bills because of financial problems.
Loads n A great number, quantity, amount, lots, heaps.
Loadsman n A pilot.
Loadsome adj Burdensome.
Loadstar n A guiding star, a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or astronomy. 2. something that serves as a model or guide. 3. a star that leads; a cynosure. 4. something that attracts attention or on which the attention is fixed; a cynosure.
Loadstone n A permanent magnet consisting of a magnetite that possess polarity and has the power to attract as well as to be attached magnetically. 2. a piece of magnetite, a magnetic iron ore, possessing a magnetic needle.
Load time n In computing, the time at which a program is loaded; run-time, compile-time. 2. time taken to load a vehicle, ship etc.
Load-water line n The line of flotation of a ship, when it has its full cargo on board or is fully-laden.
Loaf n Bread; a portion of bread baked in one mass; one of the portions, of uniform size and shape, into which a batch of bread is divided. 2. a mould conical mass of sugar. 3. a mass or lump (of anything). 4. a head of cabbage. 5. in such combinations as: 'meat-loaf'.
Loaf phr "Half a Loaf is Better than None" - better to accept a little that is offered, than have nothing at all. From John Heywood's (1546): "Throw no gift at the giver's head; Better is half a loaf than no bread"
Loaf phr "Use One's Loaf" - use one's common sense.
Loaf phr "With the Eyes to the Loaves and Fishes" - with a view to the material benefits to be derived.
Loaf-bread n Bread made in the form of a loaf.
Loaf-eater n (OE hlaf & eta)- one who 'eats the bread' of the master: an servant.
Loafed adj Having a loaf of bread; resembling a loaf in various shape.
Loaf-like adj Resembling a loaf or some aspect of one.
Loam vb To cover, smear, or fill with loam. 2. to cover, plaster or dress with loam.
Loam n A kind of soil; an earthy mixture of clay and sand, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due. 2. a rich soil composed chiefly of clay and sand with admixture of decomposed vegetable matter, loaming. 3. earth, ground, soil. 4. clay moistened with water to form a paste. 2. (founding) a mixture of sand, clay, and other materials, used in making molds for large castings, often without a pattern.
Loamed adj Stopped up with earth or loam.
Loamily adv In the manner of having loam.
Loaminess n The sate or quality of loam.
Loamless adj Without loam; lacking sufficient amount of loam.
Loamshire n Name given to an imaginary rural district, county much used in novels and plays.
Loamy adj Consisting of or having the character of loam. 2. built with loam.
Loan n The OE. "laen" did not survive into ME. being superseded by the Scandinavian forms; but in derivation vb. "laenes" is the source of lend.
Loan n The temporary provision of money (usually at interest). 2. the act of lending; a lending; permission to use; as, the loan of a book, money, services. 3. that which one lends or borrows, especially a sum of money lent at interest; as, he repaid the loan. 4. a word borrowed from another language; a loanword,
Loan vb To give temporarily; let have for a limited time. 2. loan loaning: to lend; -- sometimes with out.
Loaned adj Borrowed, lent, taken with permission. 2. of a word borrowed or loaned from a foreign language; a loanword.
Loaner n One who loans something (usually temporarily).
Loan-god n A god borrowed from another religion.
Loan-holder n One who lends something to another, often at an exorbitant rate; a lender. 2. one who borrows from another'; a borrower.
Loaning n The act of lending.
Loanland n Land that has been granted temporarily without any loss of ownership.
Loan-monger n A loanmonger or monger of loans: a contemptuous name for a loan-contractor; an usurer. 2. one who practises loan-mongering.
Loan-sharp n One who lens money at an exorbitant rate; loan-sharking.
Loan-shift n A change in a meaning of a word resulting from the influence of a foreign language; a word so affected.
Loanword n A word borrowed from another another language.
Loath adj Unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom. 2. antipathetic to new ideas averse to taking risks. 2. clearly indisposed towards. 3. fitted to cause loathing, exciting disgust, disgusting. 4. hateful.
Loath phr "Nothing Loath" - not at all unwilling.
Loathe vb To find repugnant. 2. to hate, to feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for. 3. to dislike greatly; to abhor, to hate, to detest, to abominate, to execrate; to feel disgust or nausea. [Obs.] 3. dislike, hate, mislike, not care for, shrink from, shudder at, spurn.
Loathed adj Hated, detested, strongly-disliked.
Loathedness n The state or condition of being hated, detested or strongly disliked.
Loather n One who hates or loathes, or abominates.
Loathful adj. Full of loathing; hating, abhorring. 2. causing a feeling of loathing; disgusting. 3. that is the object of loathe or disgust. 4. hateful, loathsome.
Loathfully adv In a loathfull manner. 2. with reluctance.
Loathiness n the state or quality of being loathy.
Loathing n Hate, coupled with disgust
Loathingly adv In a loathing manner; as one who feels a loathing or disgust.
Loathing-stock n An object of loathing.
Loathless adj Innocent, not repugnant, or detestable.
Loathlessness n The quality of state of being of being innocent 2. innocence
Loathlihood n Loathsomeness.
Loathliness n Quality of being loathly. 2. hatefulness, loathsomeness.
Loathly adj Unwilling, reluctant, offensive, disgusting.
Loathly adv Loathsome, so as to cause loathing. 2. unwillingly, reluctant. 3. very offensive, in a manner arousing, disgusting, and with aversion,
Loathly Lady n A stock character of old romance who is so hideous that everyone is deterred from marrying her. When, however, she at last finds a husband her ugliness, the effect of enchantment, disappears, and she becomes a model of beauty. Her story is the feminine counterpart of Beauty and the Beast.
Loathness n Unwillingness, reluctance, disinclination.
Loathsome adj Causing or able to cause nausea. 2. highly offensive, arousing aversion or disgust, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, repellent, repugnant.
Loathsomely adv In a loathsome manner.
Loathsomeness n The quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions, vileness, repulsiveness, wickedness. 2. loathliness
Loathy adj Causing hatred or disgust, repulsive; loathsome.
Loaves phr "Loaves and Fishes" (fig. after John V1. 26)- pecuniary benefit after a motive for religious profession (or, on occasion for a show of public spirit)
Lob n A spider
Lobster n OE. loppestre: crayfish, grasshopper. 1. a marine crustacean (genus: Homarus) much used as food, having a large first pair of ambulatory legs, which form the claws, and compound eyes carried on flexible stalks
Lobster-back n A red-coat, a British soldier during the American revolution.
Lobsterdom n The realm of lobster.
Lobsterish adj Similar in shape, form and color to a lobster.
Lobster-like adj Resembling or characteristic of a lobster in some aspect.
Lobsterling adj A young lobster.
Lobster-man n A fisherman who catches lobster.
Lobster-pot n A wire pot-shaped container used to trap lobster.
Lobster shift n A work shift during the latter part of the night; a graveyard shift.
Lobstery adj Resembling a lobster; red-coloured.
Lock n A tuft or strand of hair; tress. 2. a small quantity of hay, wool, etc. 3. in plural-locks: hair.
Lock n A fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed. 2. a strand or cluster of hair; syn: lock, curl, ringlet, whorl. 3. a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun 4. enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be close to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it lock; a lock chamber. 5. a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key; lock, ignition lock. 6. any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured.
Lock vb Fasten with a lock. 2. keep engaged; engage, mesh, lock, operate. 3. become rigid or immovable; 4. hold in a locking position; lock, interlock, interlace. 5: become engaged or inter-meshed with one another. 6: hold fast (in a certain state; that is locked in laughter.) 7. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; lock away, lock, put away, shut up, shut away, lock up. 8. pass by means through a lock in a waterway. 9. build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels.
Lock sfx A suffix surviving in Modern English only in 'wedlock'; the element in compositions as, bride-lock: nuptials; fight-lock: war; reave-lock: robbery; wed-lock: pledge-giving; wrought-lock: calumny; witelock: punishment.
Lock phr "Behind Locked Doors" - in secret.
Lock phr "Fickle Under Her Lock.": full of guile.
Lock phr "Lock and Load" - a command to prepare a weapon for battle. 2. (sl) prepare for an imminent event.
Lock phr "Lock Away" - put for safe keeping in a drawer and safe, bank etc. 2. lock up.
Lock phr "Lock forward" - make or become rigidly fixed or immovable.
Lock phr "Lock Horns With" - to have another argument with another. 2. of a horned beast - to entangle with horns mutually in fighting. 3. to engage in combat (with someone).
Lock phr "Lock In" - to close with or as with a tight seal. 2. to place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape. 2. to lock away, lock up, prevent (somebody, something) from leaving, besiege. 4. deliberately put someone in a room, and lock with a key. 5. lock somebody in a room, etc. by mistake.
Lock phr "Lock in Clay" - bury, inter, entomb.
Lock phr "Lock Into" - create an agreement which cannot be broken by one of the parties.
Lock phr "Lock Lips" - to kiss.
Lock phr "Lock On" -to obscure with attention. 2. to lock on as or consider, think of, regard as, take to be.
Lock phr "Lock On to Something" - of a missile to find and follow a target by radar or a similar means. 2. of a dog that locks it jaws on an a person or another animal.
Lock phr Lock Out (of)"- the act or an industrial relations act of preventing employees working or entering a workplace during a strike (usually in response to planned industrial action.) 2. deliberately prevent somebody from entering a place by locking the door etc from the inside. 3. accidentally or mistakenly prevent somebody or oneself from entering a place (by accidentally losing the key).
Lock phr "Lock Up" - to secure by locking, as by making a house secure by locking the windows and doors. 2. to place in a place where something cannot be removed (as money in a locked drawer)or someone (prisoner) cannot be escape. 3. to lock away; to put away, shut away, imprison, incarcerate. 4. lock up in, enclose, contain in. 5. invest money in such a way that it cannot be turned into cash.
Lock phr "Lock Up in the Old Oak Chest" - to put something in a safe place and out of mind.
Lock phr "On the Lock" - an occupation of one who locks prison cells; a warder.
Lock phr "Under Lock and Key" - in a locked room, container; locked away safely and securely.
Lock-box n In Late OE: container for money' 2. in banking, a service offered by commercial banks that simplifies collection and processing of accounts receivable by having those organizations customer's payments mailed directly to a location accessible to the bank. 3. a post-office box hired from postal authorities or a private organization as a collection point for mail.
Lock-down n The act of confining prisoners to their cells, usu. to regain control during a riot by inmates. 2. to secure; make people stay locked indoors for their safety. 3. to limit the use of a computer network to only users with permission. 4. to make an arrangement secure, definite, or permanent; fix. 5. (slang) to cause another to enter into an exclusive romantic relationship
Locked adj Of a door that has been locked by a key. 2. (sl) intoxicated, drunk. 3. of hair, as in 'golden-locked; long-locked'.
Locked-down adj Of a device that can only be used with a particular SIM card. Making the device incompatible with other manufacturer's technologies is referred to in the industry as locking down the device.
Locker n A storage compartment for goods and valuables, usu it has a lock. 2. a fastener that locks or closes. 3. a trunk for storing possessions; usually kept at the foot of a bed. 4. a compartment, or chest , drawer esp. one in a ship that cannot be closed with a lock.
Locker room n A room at a sporting club or place of one's occupation which contains lockers for the temporary storage of clothing or/and personal possessions.
Lockfast adj Firmly fastened and secured by lock and key.
Lockful adj An enough water to fill a canal lock.
Lock gate n A sluice gate on a canal.
Lock-in n The action or fact of locking in a person or thing.
Locking n The act or action of securing or fastening something with a key or by electronic means. 2. a system of locking something by key or electronically.
Locking adj Able to be locked.
Locking-stop n A projection to limit the turning of the front carriage of a vehicle.
Lock-keeper n A person responsible for operating and maintaining locks on a canal or river.
Lock key n A computer software, security program. 2. a watchman, security guard, prison warder etc.
Lockless adj Having no locks in various senses: bald without hair; unsecured, without a lock and key.
Locklips vb To kiss.
Locklike adj resembling or characteristic of a lock
Lock-making n The making of locks and keys.
Lockman n A worker in charge of a lock on a canal. 2. a lockmaster, lock-keeper. 3. public executioner.
Looknut n A second nut, screwed down into another in order to prevent it slipping.
Lock-on n T.he commencement of automatic tracking a aircraft, tank etc. 2. the establishment of a rigid physical connect
Lockout n The prevention of employees from working during a strike.
Lockring n In bicyling: a threaded washer use to prevent components becoming loose during rotation.
Locks n A piece of hair. 2. dreadlocks.
Lockside n An area to the side of a canal lock.
Locksman n A lock-keeper, warder; turnkey.
Locksmith n A person whose occupation is to install, open, repair or mend locks.
Locksmithing n The practice of a locksmith or one who studies and practices locksmithing. 2. the practice of betting on a 'sure thing' or certain winner.
Locksmith's Daughter n A key.
Locksmithy adj The work of a locksmith
Lock step n A mode of marching by a body of men going one after another as closely as possible , in which the leg of each moves at the same time with the corresponding leg of the person before him. 2. fig. the slavish copying of one person's actions with another; as political party members act or vote in lockstep with their leadership.
Lockstile n That part of a door into which the lock is fitted.
Lockstitch n A stitch made by a sewing machinein which two threads are interlocked.
Locktime n The time (a nano-second) from which the trigger of a gun is pulled until the firing pin strikes the primer. 2. a lock, often with a bank or other financial organization) that cannot be unlocked before a specified time.
Lock-up n A place used to imprison (sometimes temporarily) criminals or military personnel. 2. a jail, prison, penitentiary.
Lock-up house n A place used temporarily as a prison.
Lock up shop n A detached apartment used as a shop and locked up at night. 2. slang: a police station( a lock-up shop.
Lock-weir n A lock situated on a weir.
Locky adj Of or pertaining to locks (of hair). 2. having hairy locks in abundance. 3. that is locked by a key, etc.
Lodder n A beggar, mendicant, alms-seeker. 2. a poor wretch.
Lodderly adv In a cadging manner,with mendicancy. 2. wretched, impoverished, needy, base
Lode n Way, journey, voyage, course, road. 2. watercourse, stream, aqueduct, channel, open drain in fen country. 3. lead, guidance, pilot or to act as a pilot. 4. object of attraction, lodestar. 5. a vein of metal ore or mineral.
Lodeman n Leader, guide, pilot, steerman, lodesman.
Lodeship n A pilot boat.
Lodestar n A star that leads the way, esp, the Pole Star, a guiding star that on which one's attention and or hopes are fixed.
Lodestone n A naturally occurring magnet. 2. a mineral magnetite.
Lodewort n Ranunculus acquatilis, water crowfoot.
Lof(e) n Praise. 2. price, value; set at a price or for sale. 3. chance, choice, opportunity.
Lof-like adj Desirous of praise.
Lofsong n A song of praise, hymn, psalm.
Lof-singer n Psalmist, singer of hymns.
Loft n Late OE (from Old Norse) air, sky, upper region. 2. of high voice, in loud song: "on or upon the loft" 3. an attic, pigeon house or loft, upper story or floor of a house or factory; a penthouse. 3. a place where sails are made. 4. elevation, uplift.
Lofted adj Of a building having more than storey. 2. raised or elevated into the air.
Lofter n One who lives in a loft or attic. 2. a golf club used for lofting the ball.
Lofthead n An overhead cavity in a cave or mine-shaft caused by a fall of roof.
Loftily adv In a lofty manner or elevated position; in a raised or elevated place; upon high. 2. of a haughty manner. 3. of the spirit: a positive, purposeful feeling. 4. eminently, haughtily.
Loftiness n A high or elevated state of quality. 2. a raising of character, feeling, state of lofty thought (sometimes through pride, presumption, arrogant, grandeur.
Lofting n Roofing, ceiling, or flooring.
Loftless adj Having no upper story.
Lofty adj Elevated, as in position, character, language or quality. 2. exalted, haughty, stately. 3. eminent, grand, high, sublime.
Lofty-like adj Resembling or characteristic of being lofty in some aspect.
Lofty-minded adj Noble, chivalry, high-minded, idealistic, exalted, high-flown.
Lof-word n Words of praise; (the forms show a confusion with "Love".)
London bridge n Many historical bridges named London Bridge have spanned the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark, in central London. The current crossing, which opened to traffic in 1974, is a box girder bridge built from concrete and steel. This replaced a 19th-century stone-arched bridge, which in turn superseded a 600-year-old medieval structure. This was preceded by a succession of timber bridges, the first built by the Roman founders of London
London town n Predominantly the central fifteen or so boroughs around London.
Lone adj Aphetic of alone (all & one)
Lone phr "Lone It" - go it alone; do it yourself.
Lone phr "Play A Lone Hand" - struggle, persist, battle on by oneself, often against overwhelming odds.
Lonedom n Solitariness.
Loneful adj Lonely, forlorn.
Lone hand n A person or action without allies.
Lonelihood n Loneliness.
Loneliness n A state of being alone. 2. a feeling of suffering depression, sadness resulting from being alone. 3. the condition of being lonely from solitude, solitariness, want of human interest. 5. the state of being unfrequented by others. 6. lonesomeness, solitude, secluded, forsaken, abandoned, isolated.
Loneling n A single child, as opposed to twins.
Lonely adv alone, in want of the company of others. 2. having the feeling of depression and sadness resulting. from the consciousness of being alone, lonesome. 3. unfrequented by others solitary, desolately. 4. physically and mentally apart from others; lone, unfrequented, secluded, forlorn.
Lonely phr "Miss Lonely Hearts" - a person in need of love, friendship, sympathy (the implication usually being that one is too shy or inhibited to find it for herself (also male equivalent 'Mr Lonely Hearts').
Lonely-heart(s) n A sentimental term or name for a friendless person.
Lonely-hearted adj Yearning for affection, touch, true love and genuine companionship of (an)other.
Lonelyish adj Somewhat lonely.
Loner n A person who avoids company and prefers to be alone.
Loneness n The quality or condition being alone; solitariness, loneliness, lonesomeness.
Lonesome adj Unhappy from being alone, lonely.
Lonesome phr "On (By) One's Lonesome" - on one's own; alone; oneself alone, without company or assistance.
Lonesomely adv In a lonesome manner, a way missing companionship.
Lonesomeness n In a state of being lonesome.
Lone wolf n A wolf not part of the pack. 2. a person who avoids the company of others; alone. 3. someone who commits violent act in the name of a group or ideology.
Long n A music note formerly used in music, half the length of a large, twice that of a breve. 2. the longest dimension; the greatest extent, as in the phrase the long and short of it, that is, the sum and substance of it. 3. in a short amount of time, as 'they claimed they would be finished before long'.
Long conj Duration of a plan or idea, usually referring to the future; as long as.
Long vb To have a strong longing for; to covet, hanker, wish, yearn for.
Long adj Drawn out in a line, or in the direction of length; protracted; extended; as, a long line; -- opposed to short,and distinguished from broad or wide. 2. drawn out or extended in time; continued through a considerable tine, or to a great length; as, a long series of events; a long debate; a long drama; a long history; a long book. 3. slow in passing; causing weariness by length or duration; lingering; as, long hours of watching. 4. occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away. 5. having a length of the specified measure; of a specified length; as, a span long; a yard long; a mile long, that is, extended to the measure of a mile, etc. 6. Far-reaching; extensive. 7. (Phonetics) prolonged, or relatively more prolonged, in utterance; -- said of vowels and syllables. 8. (Fin. & Com.) having a supply of stocks or goods; prepared for, or depending for a profit upon, advance in prices; as, long of cotton. Hence, the phrases: to be, or

go, long of the market, to be on the long side of the market, to hold products or securities for a rise in price, esp. when bought on a margin. Contrasted to short.

Long adv To a great extent in space; as, a long drawn out line. 2. to a great extent in time; during a long time. 3. at a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior; as, not long before; as, 'not long after the Conquest'. 4. through the whole extent or duration. 5. through an extent of time, more or less; -- only in question; as, how long will you be gone?
Long pfx "Long" is used as a prefix in a large number of compound adjectives which are mostly of obvious meaning; as, long-armed, long-beaked, long-haired, long-horned, long-necked, long-sleeved, long-tailed, long- worded, etc.
Long prp By means of, by fault of of, because of.
Long sfx "Long" used as a suffix in a large number of compound adjectives which are mostly of obvious meaning; as, 'headlong, sidelong, etc.
Long phr "As Broad as It's Long" - either way is as good as the other.
Long phr "As Long As" - assuming, providing that, depending upon some condition or requirement.
Long phr "As Long as the Day" - (as the day is long)- unceasingly. 2. very thoroughly; to a very high degree.
Long phr "At Long Last" - finally.
Long phr "Before Long" - fairly soon.
Long phr "By a Long Chalk" - very considerably.
Long phr "Draw a Long Bow" - to come to a conclusion which while possible is unlikely on the known facts. 2. make exaggerated statements.
Long phr "Draw the Long Straw" - to select the longest straw or other object whilst drawing straws. 2. (idiomatic) to be selected to do a desirable task
Long phr "Draw the Short Straw" - to select the shortest straw or other object whilst drawing straws. 2. (idiomatic) to be selected to do an undesirable task
Long phr "For Long" - for a long time.
Long phr "For Long Together" - destined to continue
Long phr "Go A Long Way Towards" - be nearly enough for or to.
Long phr "Go Down a Long Road" - to start a task which will take a long time.
Long phr "Have a Long Arm" - (simile) very long, far reaching power and influence of the law.
Long phr "Have a Long Head" - to have a farseeing or sagacious mind.
Long phr "Have a Long Tongue" - over-talkative, loquacious.
Long phr "He Must Have a Long Spoon, that Feeds with the Devil" - great care is needed when negotiating deals with disreputable parties.
Long phr "In the Long Run" - eventually, after a very long time. 2. over a long period.
Long phr "It's a Long Time Between Drinks" - activity is occurring very spasmodically.
Long phr "It's as Broad as It's Long" - either way is as good as the others. 2. it doesn't really matter
Long phr "It Will be Long First, ere It Be Long"
Long phr "Long Ago" - a time in the distant or remote past. 2. that has long gone by.
Long phr "Long and By Last" - in the end.
Long phr "Long And Short of It" - a shortened or abbreviated account of. 2. all that needs to be said of it. 3. the gist, the essence or substance, the most important r salient features.
Long phr "Long and Short of It" - see: "The Short and Long of It" : the sum total, the substance, the upstart.
Long phr "Long Arm of the Law" - inescapable from police detection and justice.
Long phr "Long As My Arm" - (the) - the influence or effectiveness of law enforcement institutions, law enforcement officers collectively.
Long phr "Long-breathed" - full of breathed, talkative, full of chatter.
Long phr "Long Drawn Out" - extended in time.
Long phr "Long Drink of Water" - a very draw person.
Long phr "Long Enough" - a phrase expressing the hopelessness of result, 'that's long enough for anyone'.
Long phr "Long-felt Need" - something that needs to be invented.
Long phr "Long For" - desire, yearned or wish for something strongly, as success, money, fame.
Long phr "Long In the Tooth" - old, to be old, aging, of advance years (originally said horses).
Long phr "Long Line of Teachers" - a succession of people representing a family, type or profession.
Long phr "Long Live the King" - may thr King live a long time. 2. may somebody's or someone's influence continue.
Long phr "Long Of Life" - longevity.
Long phr "Long On" - possessing a copious capacity. 2. at a time in the future.
Long phr "Long Row to Hoe" - (idiomatic) a difficult, arduous task or set of tasks. 2. a lengthy, demanding project.
Long phr "Long Sought After" - seeking or endeavouring to obtain or attained for a long time.
Long phr "Long Time Between Drinks" - activity occurring not often or very spasmodically.
Long phr "Long Time, No Hear" - i haven't heard you for a long time.
Long phr "Long Time, No See" - i haven't seen you, we haven't met, for a long time.
Long phr "Loud and Long" - loudly and continuously for a few seconds or minutes.
Long phr "Make a Long Arm" - to stretch for something, especially across a table.
Long phr "Make Short of Long" - to make a long story short.
Long phr "Night of the Long Knife" - a treacherous massacre (as according to legend) on the British by Hengst in 472; and, of Hitler by Ernst Roehm in June 1934. Hence used allusively of any similarity decisive or ruthless action.
Long phr "No Longer" - not now, formerly, as "this can go on no longer".
Long phr "Not by a Long Shot" - decidedly not; not at all.
Long phr "Not Long For This World" - moribund, on the point of death; in the death throes.
Long phr "Of Long" - since a remote period, for a long time past.
Long phr "So Long" - goodbye, farewell.
Long phr "So Long As" - under condition that, since.
Long phr "That's a Long Shot" - there is only a remote possibility or chance of success.
Long phr "That Long" - that length of time.
Long phr "The Short and Long of It" - the sum total, the substance, the upstart, the long and short of it.
Long phr "Think Long and Hard" - consider (a situation)very carefully
Long phr "This Long" - for this time.
Long phr "Through Long and Broad" - through the length and breadth.
Long phr "Throw a Long Shadow" - to have wide and important ramification.
Long phr "Umbe long" - after a long time.
Long phr "Win By a Long Chalk" - to win decisively and conclusively.
Long-ago adj In the distant past.
Long arm n A long pole with a hook for operating fan-lights, sliding sashes etc.
Long barrow n A Neolithic burial mound of an elongated rectangular or trapezoidal form.
Long black n (In New Zealand & Australia) -a regular sized cup of espresso coffee without milk, being a diluted version of a short black.
Long board n A large skateboard, of about 90-150cm in length. 2. a large surfboard, around nine to 2.7 to 3cm. long with a wide nose.
Long boarder n One who rides a long board when surfing.
Long-boarding n The act of riding a long board when surfing.
Long boat n In the era of sailing ships, a vessel which carries several boats; one would be a long boat, an open boat to be rowed by approximately ten oarsman.
Long bone n A long bone(s), as the tibia, femur, etc., are those that are longer than they are wide.
Long bow n A large bow pulled back by hand, and shooting a long-feathered arrow, from 5to 6 feet long. It was the chief weapon from the C14th until the invention and introduction of firearms.
Long bowman n One who is armed with, and shoots a long bow; an archer.
Long-buried adj One is a long-time dead.
long-burning adj Of fuel great for cooking, wood that burns slowly.
Long-burning wood n Wood great for cooking, this wood burns slow when dry and has a fragrant scent. One of the best woods for a steady fire and good heat is Ash.
Long cloth n A fine, soft cotton cloth of woven or loosely twisted yarns.
Long clothes n A baby first dress.
Long-dead adj Passed away decades ago, as a 'long-dead forefather'.
Long-dog n The greyhound.
Long-drawn adj Extended to a great length. 2. protracted; prolonged, tedious.
Long-drawn-out adj Continuing for a long time; protracted, tedious; prolonged.
Long drink n A relatively weak alcoholic drink, with lots of ice and water.
Long-drop n A form of gallows which the trapdoor is taken away from under the feet of the person to be executed.
Long-felt adj Of a traumatic experience suffered long ago, but still affecting one deeply, intensely and profoundly.
Long finger n the middle-finger. 2. a state of postponement or procrastination. 3. slang: hire purchase credit.
Long-fingered adj Having slender fingers.
Long-forgotten adj Not in one's living memory.
Longful adj Longingly.
Longfully adv With longing looks, longingly.
Long-gone adj Of a time long ago.
Long green n A slang word for money, especially in the form of cash, and (often preceded by 'the' or 'some').
Longhair n Person characterized by association of long hair, especially a hippie oor intellectual. 2. a long-haired cat.
Longhair n A person with hair longer than the norm, especially someone viewed as bohemian, non-conventional or a hippie. 2. person with a deep interest in the classical arts, especially music. 3. person considered to have excessively refined taste for the arts. 4. cat with hair longer than the norm.
Long-haired adj A brainy person, an intellectual aesthete. 2. a hippie, beatnik. 3. a devotee of the classical arts. 2. a cat with long hair.
Longhand n The written characters used in the common method of writing, opposed to shorthand, or typing or printing; handwriting.
Longhand adv To write something by hand in normal characters, as opposed to shorthand. 2. to write something out by hand (with a pen or pencil) rather than printing out; handwritten.
Long-head n A dolichocephalic person. 2. a shrewdness, foresight, prudence, commonsense.
Long-headed adj Having or with the capacity for calculation and forethought. 2. clever, sharp-witted.
Long-headedness n The physical feature of one with long-headed. 2. intelligence, with the capacity for calculation and forethought.
Long-held adj Something assumed, proposed, believed etc. for a long time.
Long-hidden adj Secreted long ago; out of sight for a long time.
Long-home n The grave, the tomb.
Long-horn n A breed of cattle having long horns.
Long-house n A type of a long, proportionately narrow, single-roomed building built by people in various parts of the world including Asia, Europe,and North America
Long-hundred n The 'great hundred' is a hundred of six-score or twelfty used in Germanic languages prior to the C15th.
Long-in-the-Mouth adj Of food requiring a long time to chew.
Longing n A prolonged, unfulfilled desire or need. 2. an eager desire; an earnest wish or craving. 3. specifically, in pathology one of the peculiar and often whimsical desires experienced by pregnant women. 4. hankering, yearning, aspiration, wishing.
Longingly adv In a longing manner or way; yearningly, in a desiring way, in a whim.
Longish adj Somewhat or rather long.
Long-kept adj Held or kept for a long time.
Long-keeping adj Able to be kept for a long time; long-life.
Long-lasting n The fact of lasting for a long time.
Long-lasting adj That lasts a long time.
Long-leafed adj Of plants having long leafs; long-leaved.
Long-legged adj Having long legs.
Long-life adj Of consumables, remaining operable or existing for a very long time.
Long line n A line used in commercial fishing.
Long-liner n A fishing vessel using long-line techniques in commercial fishing.
Long-lining n A commercial fishing technique using a long line, often called the main line.
Long-listed adj The opposite of short-listed; placed on a list of candidates for future rather than current consideration for appointment to a job, selection for a gifts, etc.
Longlived adj Longevity; of advanced years; lasting a long time.
Long-livedness n The state or condition of longevity.
Long-liver n One having a long life or existence.
Long-living adj Living for a long time.
Long-lost adj Having been missing or unknown for a long period of time.
Longly adv For a long while. 2. at considerable length; said of a speech, etc.
Long-mark n A birthmark or naevus.
Long-minded adj Patient.
Long-mindedness n The state or quality of being patient; long-willed.
Long-mood adj Of a patient mind, long-suffering.
Longness n Length in various senses or meaning. 2. long continuance, a protracted delay.
Long-nosed adj Having a long nose or beak.
Long-paddock n A grassed verge of a public road, used as a source of pasture for cattle, sleep etc, in times of drought. 2. the stock route to the market.
Long-past adj Of a period a long time ago.
Long-pig n Human flesh, as prepared for a cannibal feast; a maori or polynesian word.
Long-playing adj Referring to records (musical) that recorded a greater amount of sound than previous versions had.
Long-rains n In the tropics, the rainy season.
Long run n An extended period of time.
Long-running adj Operating or continuing for a relatively extended period of time.
Long-settled adj Settled or put in place a long time ago.
Long-shadowed adj Casing a long shadow, or shade.
Long shanks n A term of derision for a person with extremely long legs. 2. a bird with long legs, as a crane, plover, etc. 3. a nickname for Edward the first of England on account of his long legs.
Longship n A type of naval vessel used by the Vikings.
Long shot n A bet made with little cahnce of winning and hence at great odds. 2. something backed at great odds, as a horse. 2. a guess.
Long-sided adj Of clothing: long and sweeping. 2. having long sides.
Long-sight n The ability to see clearly only what is comparitively distant.
Long-sighted adj Having the capacity for seeing long distances. 2. seeing far or at a great distance; sagacious. 3. far-sighted, hypermetropic.
Long-sightedness n The state or condition of having the capacity for seeing long distances.
Long-since adv For along time.
Long-sleeved adj Of clothing having long-sleeves.
Longsome adj Long lasting, lengthy, tedious; irksome. 2. dilatory, slow.
Longsomely adv In a longsome, long-lasting or tedious manner; lengthily.
Long-someness n The quality of being longsome; lengthiness.
Long-sought-after adj Greatly and longly desired or courted.
Long-span n Spanning over a long period of time.
Long-spired adj A long, tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, typically a church tower. 2. the continuation of a tree trunk above the point where branching begins, especially in a tree of a long, tapering form. 3. a long, tapering object.
Long-spun adj Spun out or extended to a great length.
Long-spreading adj Spreading far and wide.
Long-standing adj Existing for a long time.
Long-sweetening adj Molasses.
Longsword n A type of sword that is comparatively long, depending on context applied to swords of the Bronze age, Viking or Renaissance era.
Long-tail n The pheasant.
Long-tailed adj Of various birds or animals having a long tail, as the pheasant..
Long-threatened adj Menacing or potentially dangerous during a long period of time.
Long-time n A long period of time.
Long-timer n A prisoner incarcerated from a long period.
Long tongue n Loquacity; over-talkative..
Long-tongued adj Having much to say, chatty, babbling, talkative.
Long-toughened adj Inured; harden by use; accustomed to by habit.
Long underwear n Closely fitting undergarments with long sleeves or legs worn to give warmth in colsd weather.
Long-wandering adj Of, or pertaining to a diaspora 2. peripatetic.
Long-warped adj Oblong.
Long-wave n Radio wave or frequency less than 300 kHz.
Longways adv In the direction of the length of anything. 2. longwise, of longitude, longitudinally.
Long-wedded adj Married for a long time.
Long-weekend n A weekend extended by one or more days.
Long-willed adj Patient, long-minded.
Long-winded adj Boring, tedious and loquacious or lengthy in speech and explanation. 2. able to run long-distances without becoming short of breath.
Long-windedly adv In a prolixity, verbosity and long-winded in manner of speech and explanation.
Long-windedness n The quality of being boring and unnecessary verbose.
Longwise adv Lengthways, lengthwise; longways,
Long-wished adj Of a long time yearned for.
Long-withheld adj Held back, kept back, retrained not granted for a long time.
Longwood n A veneer term applied to veneers cut from the trunk of a tree.
Longwool n A domestic sheep having long wool.
Long words adv Lengthy by discourse.
Lonish adj Somewhat lonely.
Look vb (Often with "at") to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes. 2. to appear, to seem. 3. to give an appearance of being.( often with "for") 4. to search for, to try to find. 5. to face or present a view. 6. to expect or anticipate. 7. to express or manifest by a look. 8. (often with "to") to make sure of, to see to 9. (dated, sometimes figuratively. 10. to show oneself in looking. 11. to look out of the window [i.e. lean out. 12. (obs) To look at; to turn the eyes towards. 13. (obs) to seek; to search for. 14. (obs) to expect. 15. (obs) to influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence. 16. to look down opposition. 17. stare, gaze, look. 18. to pay attention.
Look n The action of looking, an attempt to see. 2. physical appearance, visual impression. 3. a facial expression.
Look intj An imperatives used as interjections. You can replace it with Listen! Hey! or Gosh! or other exclamations, and the effect is essentially the same: pay attention to what I'm saying.
Look phr "A Cat May Look at a King" - don't give up on your ambitions.
Look phr "At the Look" - at first sight.
Look phr "Be In Goods Looks" - to be looking well, to present an healthy appearance.
Look phr "Faraway Fields Look Greener" - activities of which one has no experience seem much easier than is really the case.
Look phr "For the Look of the Thing" - for the sake of appearance.
Look phr "From Or by the Looks" - an expression of the quality or nature of something. 2. judging by appearance.
Look phr "Give Someone a Black Look" - to indicate one's displeasure with another.
Look phr "Go Look" - find it out (a contemptuous way of refusing information.
Look phr "Have a Look At" - look at for the purpose of examining.
Look phr "Have a Look-in" - to be successful.
Look phr "Have the Look Of." - vaguely resembling. 2. to remind one of the appearance of a person or thing.
Look phr "If Looks Could Slay" - used to denote an expression of hostility.
Look phr "It Doesn't Look Good" - no conveniently correct and likely to make others think badly of one.
Look phr "It Looks Like" - it seems likely that (for example rain, etc)
Lose phr "Keep One's Looks" - still good looking as when one was younger., or something was newer.
Look phr "Live and Look" - to retain one's faculties.
Look phr "Look About" - to make a search in various parts of a room, town, countryside. 2. to turn one's eyes to surrounding objects. 3. to examine one's position and circumstances. 4. to be apprehensive.
Look phr "Look After " - be responsible for doing something. 2. care for, take care of, or tending to someone who is unwell. 3. protect one's own interest
Look phr "Look Ahead (to)" - project oneself into the future. 2. an action of judging what can happen or is likely to happen (in the immediate) future.
Look phr "Look Alive (or Lively)" - be alert or aware. 2. make haste; be on the alert.
Look phr "Look Aloft" - to aspire, be ambitious. 2. look skywards.
Look phr "Look and Feel (for)" - the way that something appears to a user, customer, and whether it has appeal.
Look phr "Look Aside" -to turn one's eyes to the side. 2. look obliquely
Look phr "Look As If" - to have an appearance suggesting belief that..
Look phr "Look As If One Has Slept in Those Clothes for a Week" - has crumpled clothes, look untidy; disheveled. 2. looks as if one has been dragged through a hedge backwards.
Look phr "Look At" - examine something closely (to establish its genuineness or value.) 2. to examine for possible damage, fault, problem; disease. 3. look at with respect or judge with respect to appearance.
Look phr "Look At Someone Sideways" - to politely and without word indicate some annoyance or displeasure.
Look phr "Look Away" - turn one's eyes away, avert one's gaze.
Look phr "Look Back" - return to in one thoughts, cast one's mind back to an event, time, change. 2. to think about something that happened in the past.
Look phr "Look Back At" - return the look or glance of another.
Look phr "Look Back On/Upon" - return to in one thoughts, cast one's mind back to an event, time, change.
Look phr "Look Back to" - think back to the past.
Look phr "Look Backwards" - think back towards the past.
Look phr "Look Before You Leap" - act with caution or be cautious before you undertake an action or enterprise,
Look phr "Look Beyond" - place oneself imaginably in the future.
Look phr "Look Black" - show no signs of hope; or improvement, in the future.
Look phr "Look Blue" - appear to be depressed or unhappy.
Look phr "Look Down" - lower one's eyes, gaze (sometimes shyly.)
Look phr "Look Down On" - to regard condescendingly or contemptuously. 2. despise, consider as inferior. 3. to hold in contempt, to scorn, to consider oneself superior to.
Look phr "Look Down One's Nose (at)" - regard something or somebody in a superior, condescending way.
Lok phr "Look Down Shoot Down" - describing a phased-array radar powerful enough to pick aircraft out of ground clutter from high altitude.
Look phr "Look Downwards" - look downwards, often as a sign of shame, shyness or depression.
Look phr "Look For" - to search for, seek, search for, try to find. 2. to expect.
Look phr "Look for a Fight" - actively seek an argument/challenge.
Look phr "Look for a Needle in a Haystack" - try to find something (small) that is lost amongst other things.
Look phr "Look Forward" - to anticipate with pleasure or pleasurably, as a holiday, party, birthday.
Look phr "Look Forward to" - to anticipate pleasurably.
Look phr "Look Good" - look appealing and/or attractive.
Look phr "Look Here" - exclamation of protest with brusque or abrupt mode of address, order, reprimand, look here, let me explain. 2. a brusque preface to an order, expostulation, reprimand, rebuke etc.
Look phr "Look in the Eye" - look at somebody fearlessly or without shame. (not look someone in the eye).
Look phr "Look In On" - to pay an informal, call, short visit ( to often check on the welfare of someone.) 2. call on, or visit briefly.
Look phr "Look Inside" -
Look phr "Look Into" - to examine; make an inquiry. 2. investigate, inquire into a case, matter, question.
Look phr "Look Like" - to have the appearance of being; resemble. 2. to indicate the probability of. 3. appear probable that.
Look phr "Look Lively/Sharp" - hurry up, be quick, look sharp.
Look phr "Look No Hands" - see how skillful and daring I am (of children riding a bike without holding the handlebars.)
Look phr "Look Off" - to turn away one's eyes.
Look phr "Look On" - be a spectator. 2. regard or consider to be a friend, foe, etc. 3. regard with distrust, suspicion, disfavor.
Look phr "Look On Ahead" - to look forward into the future.
Look phr "Look One's Best" - looks as specially attractive, beautiful, healthy, tidy, etc as possible.
Look phr "Look Oneself" -to appear to be in one's usual health. 2. appear in good health after illness.
Look phr "Look on the Bright Side" - be optimistic.
Look phr "Look on the Dark Side" - be pessimistic.
Look phr "Look Onto" - have or command a view of something, as the seascape. 2. look out on.
Look phr "Look Out" - take care, attend to, beware, mind out. 2. search for and find.; search for carefully
Look phr "Look Out For" - search for carefully; watch out for. 2. try to find.
Look phr "Look Out Of" - direct one's look or gaze through a window.
Look phr "Look Over" - to peruse or inspect closely; scrutinize, cast one's eyes over, to examine various things; go over casually, look through, pass in review. 2. ignore, leave out of consideration, overlook. 3. take care of, look after. 4. survey, inspect, do a tour of inspection of, go over a house, farm, factory, etc.
Look phr "Look Sharp" - to keep a strict watch. 2. (slang) - be very well dressed or attired. 2. be quick, look lively, hurry up.
Look phr "Look Sheepish" - look guilty; look embarrassed
Look phr "Look Small" -appear to be foolish, insignificant.
Look phr "Look Somebody's Way" - glance in the direction of another.
Look phr "Look the Other Way" - deliberately ignore. 2. deliberately ignore the wrongdoing of others.
Look phr "Looks Though Butter Wouldn't Melt in His/her Melt" - that person looks so innocent, appearing demur, and incapable of anything other than the correct behavior.
Look phr "Looks Though He's Been Dragged Through a Hedge Backwards" - a look of being disheveled, or slept in his/her clothes for a week. 2. looks though he has slept in his clothes for a week
Look phr "Looks Though He/She Has Seen a Ghost" - look pale, shocked, frightened.
Look phr "Looks Though He Has Slept in his Clothes for a Week" - a look of being disheveled, or slept in his/her clothes for a week. 2. looks though he's been dragged through a hedge backwards.
Look phr "Looks Though Something Has been Stirred with a Stick" - look of untidiness, in a muddle, in disarray.
Look phr "Look Through" - to direct one's view over the whole of. 2. peruse cursorily (briefly or summarily)through from end to end, as a book, collection, notes etc.. 3. inspect carefully part by part, as an application, recommendation. 4. to be visible through a telescope, etc. 5 direct one's sight through a window, an aperture, etc. 6. not see something that is clearly visible; 'penetrate with a look or a glance. 7. deliberately ignore somebody (friend, colleague) who one can plainly see (as a rebuff); ignore someone in an icily superior way.
Look phr "Look Through Blue Glasses" - to regard actions in the wrong light. 2. to view things distorted by prejudice.
Look phr "Look To (Somebody/Something)" - choose especially someone or something for support, care for or help. 2. rely on, expect of somebody to do something
Look phr "Look Towards" - look in the direction of . 2. face, as a house from whose front you can see the ocean, etc.
Look phr "Look Twi" - to appear or have clothing that looks plain, or neither one thing or the other.
Look phr "Look Under" - to look beneath.
Look phr "Look Up" - raise one's eyes upwards. 2. of things or a situation looking better, improving. 3. seek information, knowledge, try to find, detail of out about from books, magazine or internet. 4. search for somebody's house in order to pay them a visit.
Look phr "Look Up and Down" - look at in an admiring way, sexually calculating; or with contempt, sneering or mockingly. 2. to scrutinize from head to foot.
Look phr "Look Upon" - to pay regard to; consider esp. favourably 2. hold one in esteem.
Look phr "Look Up To (Somebody)" - admire, look upon with respect or admiration. 2. to direct the face or eyes towards another. 3. to raise the eyes towards.
Look phr "Look What the Cat Dragged In" - Appear completely bedraggled, as in After running around in the rain for hours, I looked like something the cat dragged in. This expression alludes to a cat's bringing home birds or mice it has killed or savaged.
Look phr "Look Who's Here" - see or become aware of who has just arrived.
Look phr "Look Who's Talking" - used when someone receives criticism for something by someone else who is guilty of the same thing
Look phr "Look You" - a strong warning to others that you will not tolerate their behavior towards you; look here.
Lock phr "Need to Look Over One's Shoulder" - to be subject to an attack which is not obvious.
Look phr "Never Look Back" - to continue to be successful after doing something with a good result. 2. make continuous progress.
Look phr "Not Anything to Look At" - to find unattractive or show or have no romantic interest in.
Look phr "Not Get a Look In" - be excluded, ignored.
Look phr "Not Know Which Way to Look" - to be embarrassed.
Look phr "Not Like the Look of (Something/Someone)" - be suspicious of something or someone.
Look phr "Not Look At" - not consider or entertain a proposal, suggestion, offer.
Look phr "Not Look in the Eye" - not look fearlessly in the eye without shame.
Look phr "Not Much to Look at" - not very good looking; unattractive.
Look phr "Now Look What You Have Done" - an expression of rebuke.
Look phr "Of A Good Look" - of a good or attractive appearance.
Look phr "One's Own Look-out" - something that is one's own responsibility.
Look phr "Things Look Black" - there is little hope of success or prosperity or a favorable outcome.
Look phr "To Look In" - to receive pictures by television.
Look phr "Upon the Look" - engaged in looking for.
Look-ahead n An action of judging what can happen or is likely to happen (in the immediate future).
Look-alike n Something or someone that closely resembles another in appearance.
Look-and-say n A method of researching reading by identifying each word as a whole (as opposed to treating words as a separate letters).
Look-aside n Look to the size not straight ahead.
Look-book n A comprehensive directory of fashion-related companies and people. 2.a set of photographs displaying a fashion designer's new collection assembled for marketing purposes.
Lookbook vb To locate fashion-related information by means of a directory.
Look-Down-Shoot-Down adj A radar system having a capability to detect, track and guide a weapon to an air target moving below the horizon as seen by the radar.
Looked adj Having an aspect of a certain kind, and precede by a defining adjective, as 'free-willed'.
Looker n An attractive girl: "a good looker." 2. one who looks or watches.
Looker-in n A viewer of television.
Looker-on n A spectator, on-looker, fig. a fence-sitter: one who vacillates or wavers. 2. a beholder, spectator, eye-witness, on-looker.
Looker-upper n One who looks something up (seeks to find)in a book etc.
Look-in n A hasty, casual glance, peep, a short, cursory visit. 2. colloquially, an opportunity or chance to take part or be involved in something, usually with a chance of success, or a share of attention.
Looking n The act of looking.
Looking sfx Noting appearance, as in 'good-looking'.
Looking-after n Caring for one, who is sick or recovering from an operation.
Looking-for n An expedition.
Looking-forward n The action of anticipation of future events. 2. the act of looking forward.
Looking-glass (words) n A mirror. 2. as applied to words, a phrase implying that what is spoken or written is to be accepted in the reverse sense or turned upside down. Thus, as spoken by some, 'We are prepared to negotiate" really we mean. we are willing to accept all our demands in full and concede nothing in return. "As long as you are on our side and say what we want to hear" The allusion is to Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-glass. (mirror writing)
Looking-in n The act of viewing television, as 'looking-in at TV night after night'.
Looking-on n To look on without participation or interference.
Looking-over n An inspection.
Look-out n The act of watching or looking out; esp. careful or alert watchfulness. 2. a post of observation, also person or group on watch at such a post; one assigned to watch for enemy airplanes, tanks or troops. 3. one who looks or watches for fire outbreak during summer. 4. prospect, outlook, chances of good or bad outcome, as in "good look-out ahead." 5. watch and search for and produce, old books, stamps, second hand items etc. 7. prospect, outlook.
Look-out phr "(Be Somebody's or) One's Own Look-Out" - concern or responsibility, as 'It's your own look-out if you win or lose.'
Look phr "Look Out Of" - direct one's gaze through (a window).
Look-out phr "On the Look-out" - seeking or trying to find out.
Look-over n An examination, survey, review, perusal.
Looks n One's physical appearance, as in good-looking, etc.
Look-see n A survey, tour of inspection, reconnaissance, investigation.
Look-up n Retrieval of information about items in an ordered collection.
Lookswise adv In a manner pertaining to looks or appearance.
Looky excl An exclamation used to draw attention to about what is one is about to say.
Loom n Loom: an implement or tool of any kind. 3. an open vessel, a bucket, tub, vat. 4. a vessel, a boat 5. a machine in which yarn or thread is woven--loom-work-- into fabric. 6. a spider's web, a caterpillar's case. 6. the business or process of weaving. 7. a group of wires etc., bound together into a bundle. 8. the penis.
Loose adj Etymology from O.N. lauss "loose" (OE form was lêas)
Loose phr "At a Loose End" - to have nothing particular to do. 2. idle, unoccupied
Loose phr "Break Loose" - to escape from confinement.
Loose phr "Give Loose to" - to express exactly what one thinks or feels.
Loose phr "Have a Loose Tongue" - speak foolishly or indiscreetly.
Loose phr "Loose Fish" - a dissolute man.
Loose phr "Loosen Someone's Tongue" - persuade somebody to talk.
Loose phr "Loosen Up" - make oneself or somebody more physically relaxed or supple; limber up. 2. to relax, become less stiff, formal or solemn.
Loose phr "On the Loose" - behave in an unrestrained manner.
Loose phr "Play Fast and Loose" - to say one thing and do the other.
Loose phr "Tie Up Loose Ends" - complete the minor outstanding items of some substantially finished project.
Loose ends n Things needed to be done or attended to, often small but necessary items (tie up loose ends or threads).
Loose-leaf adj Of a notebook, folder, with each page separable and removable.
Loose-leafed adj Having detachable leafs as a notebook.
Loose-limbed adj lithe, supple; having supp;e limbs.
Loosely adv In a loose or free manne.
Loosen vb To unfasten or untie. 2. make loose. 3. to make less compact. 4. to unscrew as a lid. 5. to become loose; to become relaxed.
Loosen phr "Loosen Up" - make oneself or somebody more physically relaxed or supple; limber up. 2. to relax, become less stiff, formal or solemn.
Loosener phr A medicine which loosens the bowels.
Looseness n The quality of being loose.
Loose talk n Unconsidered statements, gossip about people or affairs. 2. careless release priveleged information
Loose threads n Things needed to be done or attended to, often small but necessary items (tie up loose ends or threads).
Loose-tongued adj Prattling, indiscreet.
Loove n Widow, relict, lave.
Lop n A spider, also "lop-web" spider web, cobweb.
Lord n OE. lord, laverd, loverd, AS. i. e., bread keeper; hl[=a]f bread, loaf + weardian to look after, to take care of, to ward. See Loaf, and Ward to guard, and laird, lady. 2. One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor. 3. A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy; the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an earl; in a restricted sense, a baron, as opposed to noblemen of higher rank. 4. a title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for honor, on certain official persons. 5. A husband. 6. (Feudal Law) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord of the manor. 7. the Supreme Being; Jehovah. 8. (Christianity) The Savior; Jesus Christ. 9. House of Lords, one of the constituent parts of the British Parliament, consisting of the lords spiritual and temporal. 10. Lord keeper, an ancient officer of the English crown, who had the custody of the king's great seal, with authority to affix it to public documents. 11. Our lord, Jesus Christ; the Savior.
Lord vb To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord. 2. to rule or preside over as a lord
Lord phr "Drunk as a Lord" - very drunk; highly intoxicated.
Lord phr "Good Lord" - a common exclamation of astonishment.
Lord phr "House of the Lord" - heaven. 2. a church.
Lord phr "In the year of Our Lord" - in a year after the Nativity.
Lord phr "Live As, or Like a Lord" - live in luxury.
Lord phr "Live Like a Lord" - to live in luxury and extravagance. 2. to fare luxuriously.
Lord phr "Lord and Master" - one's husband.
Lord phr "Lord It Over (Somebody)" - adopt superior attitude to somebody. 2. lord it over.
Lord phr "Lord Knows Who, What, Where" - a flippant expression used to denote one own entire ignorance of the matter. 2. I don't know.
Lord phr "Lord of Lords" - Jesus Christ according to Christian belief. 2. Vishnu according to Hinduism.
Lord phr "Lord of the Flies" - Lord of the Flies refers to Beelzebub, another name for the devil. He is also called the Lord of Filth and Dung. Throughout the novel, the children grow dirtier and dirtier, an outward reflection of their inner state. As their savagery and evil increases, they seek a symbol, a god to worship.
Lord phr "Lord of the Rings" - Sauron the Great, The Dark lord of Mordor in J.R. R. Tolkien's sequel the Hobbit.
Lord phr "Lord's Day" - Sunday.
Lord phr "Lord Willing" - God willing.
Lord phr "My Lord" - the correct name of addressing Judges of the High Court.
Lord phr "One's Lord and Master" - one's husband.
Lord phr "Play the Lord" - to domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; -- sometimes with over; and sometimes with it in the manner of a transitive verb; as, the bully lording it over his classmates.
Lord-and-Ladies" n The popular name of the plant Arum.
Lord-dom n Position of a lord, lordship. 2. state of things characterized by the existence of a lord.
Lordful adj having the bearing of manner of a lord; and (by extension) over- bearing, authoritarian
Lordfully adv In a lordly manner, nobly.
Lordhood n The state or condition of being a lord; (hence, with his or your). Title applied to a lord (except an archbishop or duke, who is called Grace) or a formal form of address applied to a judge (in Great Britain), etc. 2. seigniory; domain; the territory over which a lord holds jurisdiction; a manor. 3. lordship; lord-dominion; power; authority.
Lord Keeper n An ancient officer of the British Crown, responsible for the Royal Seal.
Lord Keepership n The office of the Lord Keeper.
Lordless adj Without a lord; having no lord. 2. of a woman, without a husband.
Lordlike adj Resembling, befitting or characteristic of a lord.
Lord-likeness n After the fashion of a lord: domineeringly. 2. befitting a lord: sumptuously.
Lordlily adv In a lordly fashion.
Lordliness n Condition or state of a lord. 2. disposition proper to a lord, dignity, grandeur of a lord. 3. in a bad sense: arrogance, haughtiness, imperiousness.
Lordling n A petty or unimportant lord.
Lord Look-on n A military commander who doesn't act promptly when required to do so, as Lord Lucan, 7th Earl of Cardigan who earned the unfortunate name, who held himself in reserve at the earlier Battle of Alma. Personally returning unscathed from a battle where more than a hundred of his men were killed.
Lordly adv Having the bearing of a lord; lordly.
Lord's Day n Sunday; the Christian Sabbath, on which the Lord Jesus rose from the dead.
Lordship n The state or quality of a Lord; hence, the title by which noblemen (excluding dukes), bishops, judges in England are addressed or spoken of, preceded by his or your. 2. the jurisdiction of a lord; domain, seigniory; manor. 3. the dominion, power of authority of a lord ; hence sovereignty in general; supremacy.
Lordswike n A deciever of his lord or leader, a traitor.
Lord's Table n The altar or table from which the sacrament is dispensed. 2. the sacrament itself.
Lordy adj Resembling a Lord.
Lore n OE. lore, lare, to teach; teaching, doctrine, see learn, and lere. 2. that which is or may be learned or known; the knowledge gained from tradition, books, or experience; often, the whole body of knowledge possessed by a people or class of people, or pertaining to a particular subject; as, the lore of the English; priestly lore; legal lore; folklore; the lore of war. 3. that which is taught; hence, instruction; erudition, wisdom; advice; counsel. 4. workmanship. [Obs.]
Lore n Loss, destruction,
Lore-child n A scholar, pupil, student, apprentice.
Lore-father n Teacher, master, instructor, pedant, lorthew, loresman, a man eminent for his erudition.
Loreless adj Without learning or knowledge, ignorant, untaught, untutored.
Loresman n Teacher, instructor, guru.
Lorespell n A sermon, instructive, discourse.
Lorn adj Lost, doomed, foresaken, abandoned. 2. OE. (loesan )without kindred or friend; forlorn.
Lornless n Forlornness. 2. without kindred or friend; forlorn.
Lornly adv In a lost or forlorn manner. 2. without kindred or friend; forlorn.
Lorthew n A teacher, preceptor, instructor, lore-father, loreman, a man eminent for his erudition.
Lose vb To part with, as by accident or negligence and to be unable to find; mislay. 2. to fail to keep, control or maintain. 3. to be deprived of; suffer the loss of, as by death, accident or removal. 4. to fail to gain or win. 5. to fail to utilize or take sdvantage of. 6. to fail to see or miss. 7. to fail to keep in sight, memorize. 8. to cease to have. 9. to squander, waste, as of time, money. 10. to wander as from, so as to be unable to find. 11. to out distance or elude, as runners or pursuers. 12. to cause the loss of, by acting rashly. 13. to bring to death, destruction, or ruin. 14. to suffer loss. 15. to be defeated.
Lose phr "Be On the Losing End of the Stick" - to be worse off while the other party to the dealing becomes much better off than previously.
Lose phr "Head You Win, Tails You Lose" - which way this matter goes, I will benefit at your expense.
Lose phr "Lose By" - suffer personally and financially through.
Lose phr "Lose Ground" - fail to keep one's position. 2. retreat, lose an advantage, esp. to decline in reputation, favour, health.
Lose phr "Lose Heart" - to cease being enthusiastic; become discouraged.
Lose phr "Lose In ..(Another)" - no longer trust, have no faith or confidence in another, their honesty, ethics, concept of decency, morality.etc.
Lose phr "Lose It" - lose one's temper and composure.
Lose phr "Lose No Time in doing Something" - do something quickly without delay.
Lose phr "Lose On" - lose money on some activity or deal.
Lose phr "Lose One's Breath" - be very short of breath; be panting.
Lose phr "Lose One's Cool" - lose one's temper.
Lose phr "Lose One's Grip" - let go one's grip on something. 2. fig. lose control of things around you in life. 3. fig. lose one's ability to understand and deal with either matters in general in general or a particular situation.
Lose phr "Lose One's Head" - to become confused; panic; lose control. 2. lose one's cool.
Lose phr "Lose One's Hearing" - become deaf.
Lose phr "Lose One's Heart (to)" - to fall in love.
Lose phr "Lose Oneself (In)" - become engrossed or absorbed in one's own thoughts, plans, book etc.
Lose phr "Lose One's Hold Over" - no longer control; not dominate, trump or master anymore.
Lose phr "Lose One's Life" - die in warfare or a natural disaster, as a result of an accident or criminal attack.
Lose phr "Lose One's Looks" - not be still good looking as when one was younger., or something was newer.
Lose phr "Lose One's Mind" - become mad, insane or frenzied.
Lose phr "Lose One's Rag" - become mad, insane, or frenzied. 2. express one's anger, irritation, impatience etc in an uncontrolled way.
Lose phr "Lose One's Right Arm" - lose some highly-valued assistance.
Lose phr "Lose One's Shirt" - lose one money or everything one has, through severe gambling or financial speculation.
Lose phr "Lose One's Sight" - become blind.
Lose phr "Lose One's Tongue" - become speechless through nervousness or shyness.)
Lose phr "Lose One's Way" - become lost (fig.and lit.)
Lose phr "Lose Out" - to be unsuccessful, to fail.
Lose phr "Lose Out To" - overcome and replaced by.
Lose phr "Lose Sight of" - no longer able to see, lose sight of an object; fail to keep in sight. 2. forget about or of, not keep fresh in mind an objective, aim, plan. 3. fail to pay attention to. 4. fail to follow, understand, comprehend an argument or discussion.
Lose phr "Lose Sleep(Over)" - worry about something, be concerned, disturbed or worried about, as news, change, etc.
Lose phr "Lose Steam" - to slow down.
Lose phr "Lose the Thread (of)" - fail to understand the connection between the stages in an argument.
Lose phr "Lose Weight" - to reduce one's body mass.
Lose phr "Not Lose Any Sleep Over" - not to worry about some matter.
Lose-all phr Grasp All, Lose All" - one who wants everything, but may end up losing it all.
Losel n A worthless person; profligate, fake, scoundrel. 2. never-do-well, lose-all, a good-for-nothing.
Loseling adj Rascally.
Loselly adj like a losel, good-for-nothing, idly.
Lose-lose adj Opposite of a win-win situation; a totally negative outcome.
Loseness n Something not fastened, or contained, as loose timber. 2. something not taut , fixed or rigid. 3. someone unfettered, on the loose, free from containment or imprisonment.
Loser n One who loses or fails to win in any transaction. 2. a defeated contestant.
Loser phr "A Good Loser" - one who accepts defeat cheerfully.
Loserdom n The state or realm of a loser or a defeated contestant.
Loserhood n The state of being a loser; loserness.
Loserish adj Like a loser.
Loserness n The state of being a loser; loserhood.
Losing n The act or fact of letting go, missing , lacking, or being deprived. 2. in pl. money lost, especially in gambling.
Losing adj That incurs lose, esp. a 'losing business'. 2. not winning, defeated.
Losingly adv In a loosing manner.
Losings n The money lost, especially in gambling.
Losing-streak n An uninterrupted sequence of losses.
Loss n The act of losing; failure; destruction; privation; as, the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation. 2. the state of losing or having lost; the privation, defect, misfortune, harm, etc., which ensues from losing. 3. that which is lost or from which one has parted; waste; - opposed to gain or increase. 4. the state of being lost or destroyed; especially, the wreck or foundering of a ship or other vessel. 5. failure to gain or win; as, loss of a race or battle. 6. failure to use advantageously; as, loss of time. 7. (Mil.) Killed, wounded, and captured persons, or captured property. 8. destruction or diminution of value, if brought about in a manner provided for in the insurance contract (as destruction by fire or wreck, damage by water or smoke), or the death or injury of an insured person; also, the sum paid or payable therefor. 9. privation; detriment; injury; damage.
Loss phr "A Dead Loss" - a person who has few redeeming characteristics.
Loss phr "At a Loss." - to be in a state of uncertainty; puzzled, undecided. 2. privation; detriment; injury; damage.
Loss phr "At a Loss (for)" - unable to discover or obtain something needed.
Loss phr "At a Loss for Words" - speechless (because one cannot think of anything to say).
Loss phr "Bear a Loss" - to make a loss good; also, to sustain a loss without sinking under it.
Loss phr "Have a Great Loss" - to suffer severely or lose much.
Loss phr "Loss of Life" - destruction of sacrifice of human.
Lossful adj Producing a loss, detrimental, unprofitable.
Loss-leader n Item sold at a loss to attract customer.
Lossless adj Without a loss; productive.
Losslessly adv In a lossless manner having or involving the dissipation of electrical or electro-magnetic energy. 2. in a lossless manner in which computer data compression in which unnecessary information is discarded.
Losslessness n The quality of being lossless.
Lossmaker n One who makes a loss in a financial situation or in business generally.
Loss-making n The situation or outcome in a financial situation or in business generally.
Lossy adj Having or involving the dissipation of electrical or electro-magnetic energy. 2. of computer data compression in which unnecessary information is discarded.
Lost adj Not to be found or recovered; parted with, missing; left, as by accident; in a forgotten place. 2. not won, gained or used or enjoyed; missed, wasted. 3. ruined physically, morally r spiritually; damned, destroyed. 4. having wandered from the way; also, abstacted, as 'lost in thought.' 5. bewildered, perplexed, confused. 6. no longer known or used; as, a 'lost art'
Lost phr "Be Lost" - be engrossed with.
Lost phr "Get Lost" - go away! I intend to take no notice whatsoever of you or your views.
Lost phr "Give Up For Lost" - to stop expecting a missing person will be found alive.
Lost phr "Lost for Words" - speechless.
Lost phr "Lost In" - filled with thought, grief, admiration, wonder.
Lost phr "Lost In the Wash" - unaccountably disappear (whilst among other things).
Lost phr "Lost in Oneself" - to be thoroughly absorbed in someone or something. 3. to be engrossed in someone or something.
Lost phr "Lost in Thought" - be preoccupied with one's thoughts rather than paying attention to reality. 2. to be thoroughly absorbed in someone or something. 3. to be engrossed in someone or something.
Lost phr "Lost On (Somebody)" - wasted on, unnoticed; have no effect on.
Lost phr "Lost Soul" - a wandering spirit which cannotfind a home in heaven , earth or hell. 2. a sinner, unbeliever , who has put himself beyond redemption. 3. a bewildered, defeated or unhappy person.
Lost phr "Lost Time" - allow time to pass with something unachieved.
Lost phr "Lost Upon" - have no effect upon a person.
Lost phr "Lost With all Hands" - of a ship lost at sea with all on board persishing.
Lost phr "Lost Without" - be unable to live or function efficiently or happily without.
Lost phr "You Can Get Lost" - I intend to take no notice whosoever of you or your view.
Lost phr "You're Lost Me" - I fail to understand what you are saying. 2. i can't understand why you would take that action.
Lost-and-found n (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) A department, service or location where items that are found can be claimed by their owners.
Lost-hope n An abandoned person or thing.
Lost-less adj Free from loss.
Lostling n A person who is lost (lit & fig.)
Lostly adv In a lost or abandoned manner; hopelessly.
Lostness n State or condition of being abandoned, in a hopeless position or abandoned.
Lost steps n An attempt to escape from the routine existence of modern living by living in less technological advance societies in remote places or regions
Lost wax n Cire perdue. A method of casting a sculpture in which a model of the sculpture is made from wax; the model is used to make a mould; when the mould has set, the wax is made to melt and is poured away, leaving the mould ready to be used to cast the sculpture.
Lost-weekend n A weekend spent in dissolute living.
Lot n Old English hlot "object used to determine someone's share" (anything from dice to straw, but often a chip of wood with a name inscribed on it), also "what falls to a person by lot," from Proto-Germanic *khlutom (source also of Old Norse hlutr "lot, share," Old Frisian hlot "lot," Old Saxon hlot, Middle Dutch, Dutch lot, Old High German hluz "share of land," German Los), from a strong verb (the source of Old English hleotan "to cast lots, obtain by lot; to foretell"). The whole group is of unknown origin
Lot phr "A Fat Lot" - very little (sarcastically0.
Lot phr "A Good Lot in Life" - good fortune or commendable (in life).
Lot phr "A Lot of Water Has Run Under the Bridge" - much time has passed, many things have happened, mnay things have changed, since a particular event occurred.
Lot phr "A Lot to Ask of Somebody" - greater or better than one is justified in expecting or hoping for.
Lot phr "A Whole Lot" - many.
Lot phr "Draw (or Cast) Lots" - decide an issue by chance, such as throwing a dice.
Lot phr "Fall to One's Lot" - become one's responsibility.
Lot phr "Have a Lot Going For (oNE)" - have many advantages.
Lot phr Lot and Scot" - a tax due; customs.
Lot phr "Lots of Love" - much love and affection.
Lot phr "That's Your Lot" - that all you are getting. 2. that's you lot or situation in life.
Lot phr "The Lot" - the whole, everything, the total of.
Lot phr "The Lot Falls" - the choice resulting from casting of lots.
Lot phr "The Whole Lot" - the total amount; as opposed to 'a whole lot': very much.
Lot phr "Throw In One's Lot With" - to associate and share the fortunes of.
Lot phr "To Put In Lot" - to put in money into a joint venture.
Lote vb To lurk, to lie concealed, hiding.
Lote-by n A paramour, a lover, a mistress
Lot-gate n One of the plots or portion in which a tract of land is divided when offered for sale. 2. land around a film studio where outside filming may be done.
Lotless adj Without harm or injury.
Lot-monger n One who practices sortilege.
Lotted adj Chosen by lots.
Lot-teller n Fortune-teller, seer.
Loud adj Having, making, or being a strong or great sound; noisy; striking the ear with great force; as, a loud cry; loud thunder. 2. clamorous; boisterous. 3. Emphatic; impressive; urgent; as, a loud call for united effort. 4. ostentatious; likely to attract attention; gaudy; as, a loud style of dress; loud colors. 5. noisy; boisterous; vociferous; clamorous; obstreperous turbulent; blustering; vehement. Noisy, making, clamour, unpleasant sound, discordant. 6. of sound, relatively great in volume: a loud shout 7. making or able to make sounds of relatively great volume: a loud voice. 8. clamorous, insistent, and emphatic: loud protests 8. of colours, designs, etc) offensive or obtrusive to look at. 9. characterized by noisy, vulgar, and offensive behavior
Loud phr "Call Out Loud" - call out loudly.
Loud phr "Loud and Long" - loudly and continuously for a few seconds or minutes.
Louden vb To become loud or grow louder. 2. to make loud or louder.
Loudening adj That grows louder.
Loudest phr "To the Loudest" - at the top of one's voice.
Loudful adj Full of noise.
Loudliness n Having high-volumed sound. 2. of dress or style: tastless-ness, showiness, flashness, gaudiness.
Loudish adj Somewhat loud; loudly.
Loudishly adv In a somewhat loud voice.
Loudly adv In a loud manner; at high volume.
Loud-minded adj Of a person who doesn't talk a lot or talks quietly. Their mind is loud because they spend too much time inside their own head, with their mind constantly buzzing with ideas and dreams.
Loudmouth n A person who causes trouble by speaking indiscreetely, a blusterer, gabberer, blow-hard. 2. a person given to loud and over-assertive talk.
Loudmouth vb To talk in a very loud, over-assertive voice.
Loud-mouthed adj Noisy, given to loud and over-assertive speech.
Loudness n Magnitude of sound (usu. in a specified direction), such as music of loud volume.
Loudness war n Loudness war is the popular name given to the trend of increasing audio levels in recorded music since the early 1990s, which many critics believe reduces sound quality and listener enjoyment. Increasing loudness was first reported as early as the 1940s with respect to mastering practices for 7" singles
Loudspeaker n An electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical-signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance. 2. a device which converts electrical signals into sound loud enough to be heard at a distance, usu. outdoors.
Loud-speaking adj Clamorous, raucous, clanging.
Loud-talking adj Spoken in a very loud voice.
Loud-tongued adj Spoken in a very loud voice
Lough n OE 'luh' - pool, strait, gulf.
Louk vb To close, shut, fasten, lock; esp. to fasten (a door or chamber) with lock and key. 2. to close one's jaws, eyes. 2. to close up. 3. lock in clay: bury.
Louk vb To pull up or out (weeds), to weed (corn). 2. to burst out.
Louked pp To pull up, to weed. 2. to burst out.
Louker n One who weeds.
Lour n Of person, their eyes and countenance: frowning, sullenness, scowling, angriness, louring. 2. (also spelt: lower).
Lour vb To express by frowning. 2. to look angry, sullen, depressed, mournful. 3. to crouch, sulk, lurk. 4. of clouds, sky, weather: gloomy, dark, threatening. 5. of liquid, turbid (lower).
Louring n Of person and their look: scowling, angry-looking, gloomy. 2. of weather: gloomy looking, darkly threatening. 3. of liquid; turbid. 4. lurking, skulking (louring).
Louringness n The state or quality of louring (lowering).
Loury adj Of the sky: dull, stormy, threatening, (lowery).
Louse n An insect. 2. applied in scorn to a human being: low-life, scumbag, rat, villein
Louse vb To infect with lice. 2. infest with lice. 3. spoil, mess up, make filthy. 2. to clear of lice.
Louse phr "Louse Up" - spoil, mar, destruct clumsily, ruin possibility of success. 2. to mess up; to confuse. 3. to put into a state of disorder.
Louse phr "Not Worth a Louse" - worthless.
Louse-borne adj A disease transmitted from human to human by body lice.
Louse-like adj Resembling or characteristic of a louse.
Lousewort n Any of the many semi-parasitic plants of the genus, pedicularis.
Lousily adv In a lousy manner; poorly or vilely.
Lousiness n State or property of being lousy or infested with lice.
Lousy adj Full of lice, inferior, poor, bad, ill, vile, deplorable, dirty, filthy, obscene.
Lousy-evil n Phthiriasis.
Lout vb To bend, bow, make obeisance, to stoop, submit, kowtow. 2. to lurk, lie, hid, skulk, sneak.
Lout n Reverence, deference, cringe, kowtow, submission.
Louter n One who worships, a worshiper, a supplicant.
Louting n The act of bowing, cringing, deferring, kowtowing.
Loutishly adv In a reverent or cringing manner.
Loutishness n The state or quality of being loutish: reverent, bowing, kowtowing or bowing low.
Louty adj Somewhat reverent, deferring, obeisance.
Love n [OE. love, luve, AS. lufe, lufu; akin to Eng. lief, believe, it pleases, Skr. lubh to be lustful. 2. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. 3. any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love". love, passion. 4: a beloved person; used as terms of endearment beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love. 5. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; love, sexual love, erotic love. 6: sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life. 7. a feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters. 8. an especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex. 9. courtship: chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e., to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage. 10. affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire; fondness; good will; -- opposed to hate; often with of and an object 11. due gratitude and reverence to God. 11. the object of affection; -- often employed in endearing address. 11. sexual intercourse; -- a euphemism. Note. : Love is often used in the formation of compounds, in most of which the meaning is very obvious; as, love-cracked, love-darting, love-linked, love-taught, etc. 11. affection; friendship; kindness; tenderness; fondness; delight.
Love vb Have a great affection or liking for; "I love English food". 2. get pleasure from; "I love cooking" - love, enjoy. 3. be enamored or in love with, value. 4. have sexual intercourse with; sleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off; hump, lie with, bed, bang, get it on, bonk. 5. to have the feeling of love; to be in love. 6. to have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will; as, to love one's children and friends; country. 7. to regard with passionate and devoted affection, as that of one sex for the other. 8. to take delight or pleasure in; to have a strong liking or desire for, or interest in; to be pleased with; praise, to like; as, to love books. 9. to play for love, to play a game, as at cards, without stakes; to play for the love of it, like an amateur. 10. (humor) what some users feel for computers. 11. free love, the doctrine or practice of consorting with one (a free-lover) of the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage.
Love phr "Abode of Love" - founded by the Christian group 'Community of the Son of Man' existing in England between 1846 and 1956. They were also known by the name of Agapemonites.
Love phr "All's Fair in Love and War" - vigorous competition is acceptable in emotionally-charged situations.
Love phr "A Young Man's Love is Water in a Sieve" - love knows no reason, but often much confusion.
Love phr "Do Something For Love" - do something without expecting reward or payment.
Love phr "Fall in Love" - develop romantic and sexual love for.
Love phr "For the Love Of" - for the sake of. 2. in loving remembrance of: used in adjurations, solemn oaths etc.
Love phr "For Love's Sake" - for the purpose of love.
Love phr "God of Love" - Eros, Cupid, Freya, Kama.
Love phr "I Must Love You or Leave You" - I must go.
Love phr "In Love Of" - beloved.
Love phr "In Love (with)" - in the act of loving; -- said esp. of the love of the sexes; as, to be in love; to fall in love.
Love phr "Love a Duck" - an exclamation of surprise.
Love phr "Love and Blindness are Twin Sisters" - love can daze one and confuse their thinking.
Love phr "Love and Leave (somebody)" - . to seduce and abandon another. 2. have a short-lived romantic attachment to, or relationship with. 3. have a passing affection for somebody.
Love phr "Love at First Sight" - an instantaneous attraction. 2. falling in love with somebody (or of two people, mutually)on the first occasion of seeing or meeting. 3. an immediate liking for somebody.
Love phr "Love is Blind" - a person who is in love and can see no faults, imperfections or shortcomings in the person he or she is in love with.
Love phr "Love is Friendship on Fire" - metaphor for love.
Love phr "Love Me, Love My Dog" - if you love someone, you should like their friends and associates also.
Love phr "Love Not Wisely, but Too Well" - love with good, but misguided attention, but too such an excessive degree that one suffers, by for it.
Love phr "Love Together" - reciprocal love.
Love phr "Love Up" - to show great affection. 2. to make love to, copulate.
Love phr "Love With" - to make love to. 2. be in love with.
Love phr "Love You to Bits" - to like or love someone very much.
Love phr "Make Love To" - to copulate, have sexual intercourse.
Love phr "My Only Love Was My Only Hate" - from Romeo and Juilet a parodox used most effectively to express Juilet's mixed feelings of the enormity of her act of her act that she has fallen in love with the son of the family she hates and was brought up to hate.
Love phr "No Love Lost (between)" - great dislike, enmity. 2. no liking or affection between.
Love phr "Of All Loves" - for the sake of all love; by all means.
Love phr "Out Of Love With" - no longer love or, in many cases, not liking.
Love phr "Play for Love" - to play games without stakes.
Love phr "Send One's Love to" - ask that (words of well-being be sent to another.
Love phr "Under Love and Law" - the position of being a member of the frankpledge.
Love apple n The tomato; sometimes applied to the brinjal or egg-plant.
Love-beads n A necklace of coloured beads worn as a symbol of universal love.
Love-bed n The wedding or marriage bed.
Love-begotten adj "Illegitimate" love.
Love bird n Any one of several species of small, short-tailed parrots, or parakeets, of the genus Agapornis, and allied genera. 2. a lover, one "lovebird" of a relationship.
Love-bite n A swelling on the skin caused by something or someone.
Love-book n The biblical book of Solomon.
Love-born adj Born out of love.
Love-box n A slang term for the vulva or vagina.
Love-broker n Agent who arranges marriages. 2. a person who for pay acts as agent between lovers, or as a go-between in a sexual intrigue.
Love-child n A child born out of wedlock.
Love day n A day formerly appointed for an amicable adjustment of differences.
Loved adj Be the object of love.
Love-deed n An action proceeding from love.
Love-deep adj Profound love.
Loved one n A very close friend or family member for whom a person has feelings of endearment. 2. one of someone's close friends. 3. someone's next of kin. 4. a recently deceased close friend or family member.
Love-draught n. A potion supposed to produce feelings of love; an aphrodisiac.
Love-dread n Fears that proceed from love.
Love drink n A love potion; a philter; aphrodisiac.
Love-enthralled adj Deeply in love.
Love feast n A religious festival, held quarterly by some religious denominations, as the Moravians and Methodists, in imitation of the agape of the early Christians.
Loveful adj Very loving; having much love or full of love for others. 2. lovable. 3. full of love. 4, regardable with, abounding in love.
Love game n A game, as in tennis, in which the vanquished.
Love-god n A god of love, sexual love and marriage, as Venus, Cupid, Kama, Rati, Eros, Aphrodite, Albina, Aine, Kuni.
Love grass n Any grass of the genus Eragrostis.
Love-handle n A protruding area of fat on the side of the body, above the hips.
Love-handled adj Having a protruding area of fat on the side of the body, above the hips.
Love-hate n Am ambivalent feeling of love and hate existing towards the same object; love-hatred.
Lovehood n The state or quality of love; love itself.
Love-in n A gathering for the purpose of establishing and enjoying love relationships.
Love-in-ildleness n The pansy.
Love-in-a-mist n An herb of the Buttercup family (Nigella Damascenas having the flowers hidden in a maze of finely cut bracts. 2. the West Indian Passiflora foetida, which has similar bracts. 3. the fennel.
Love knot n A knot or bow, as of ribbon; -- so called from being used as a token of love, or as a pledge of mutual affection.
Loveless adj Without love, 'as in loveless wedlock.' 2. lacking love; not founded in love.
Lovelessly adv Without love. 2. in a loveless way or manner.
Lovelessness n State or quality of being loveless; a lack of love. 2. unlove.
Love-lies-bleeding n A species of amaranth, (amarantus melancholicus); the red Amaranths.
Love-life n An individual's amorous and sexual relationship. 2. love between the sexes, as they affect a particular person.
Love-light n A fond expression of love in a person eyes. 2. a romantic glimmer in a person's eyes; an infatuation. 3. a radiant spark or glimmer that can be seen in a lover's eyes.
Lovelihood n Loveliness.
Love-like adj Resembling or characteristic of some aspect of love.
Love-likely adv Lovelily.
Love-liking n Amorous, intimate and sexual affection.
Love'lily adv In a lovely manner. 2. in a loving or friendly manner. 3. in a way to stimulate love. 4. beautifully.
Loveliness n The property of being lovely; of attractiveness. 2. appearing to be lovable. 3. result of being lovely. 4. the quality of being lovely, exquisite, beautiful.
Loveling n A darling, a small beloved child. 2. a loveable thing.
Lovelock n A lock of hair that hangs down, and is worn apart from the hair that remains. 2. a flowing lock of hair that is dressed apart from the hair that remains.
Love-longing adj The longing or yearning of those without love.
Lovelorn adj Unloved, bereft of love. 2. rent and reaved of or by love. 3. forsaken by one's love. 4. forlorn or pining for love.
Love-lornness n The state or condition of being unloved, bereft of love or pining for love, etc.
Lovely adj Beautiful, fair, charming attractive in look, form, tone or manner. 2. nice, wonderful. 3. amiable, inspiring love or friendship. 4. loving, filling with love.
Lovely adv Lovingly, affectionately. 2. beautifully, fair of look, attractive. 3. lovably. 4. willing with joy.
Love-mad adj "Crazy" with love.
Love-madness n The state or condition of being madly in love.
Lovemaker n One who has sexual intercourse. 2. one who makes amorous advances.
Lovemaking n The act or action of having sexual intercourse; copulation. 2. amorous proposals, courtship.
Love match n A marriage brought about by love alone. 2. a marriage of which the the motive is love, not worldly advantage or convention.
Love-monger n A matchmaker; a monger of love and marriage; marriage agent. 2. a person who encourages or advocates love. 4. one who deals in the affairs of love.
Loveness n Love.
Love-nest n A place, especially a hotel, motel, cabin where a couple ( particularly a newly-married couple or a couple engaged in a affair) can enjoy each others company.
Love-play n Wooing, caressing; esp. foreplay.
Lover n One who loves; one who is in love; -- usually limited, in the singular, to a person of the male sex. 2. a friend; one strongly attached to another; one who greatly desires the welfare of any person or thing; as, a lover of his country. 3. one who has a strong liking for anything, as books, science, or music. 4. one who is involved in a sexual relationship with another; as, she took a lover. 5. one who praises. an eulogist.
Love rat n An adulterer, two-timer; someone who has an affair when in a relationship.
Lovered n The condition or state or relations in which one person loves another. 2. the emotion or feeling of love. 3. warm affection, goodwill, tenderness, friendship, kindness, love, goodness.
Lovered adj Provided with or having a lover.
Loverhood n The state or condition of being a lover.
Lovering n Wooing, courting, fondling, romancing.
Loverless adj Without a lover; celibate, single. 2. deprived of a lover.
Loverlike adj Resembling a lover; or some aspect of a lover. 2. like a lover or characteristic or in the manner of a lover. 3. befitting a lover.
Loveliness n In the sate of a lover.
Loverly adj Like a lover.
Loverly adv In the manner of a lover.
Lover's lair n The bed of lovers. 2. love-nest.
Lovers' lane n A secluded area where people kiss, make out, or sometimes engage in sexual activity. These areas range from parking lots in secluded rural areas to places with extraordinary views of a city vista or other feature. They are typically found in cultures built around the automobile—lovers often make out in a car or van for privacy. They have existed for centuries, sometimes as places for secret meetings with a loved one or as a euphemism for red-light districts and other areas of prostitution
Lover's leap n A toponym given to a number of locations of varying height, usually isolated, with the risk of a fatal fall and the possibility of a deliberate jump. Legends of romantic tragedy are often associated with a Lovers' Leap.
Love-rune n A tale or song of love.
Loverwise adv As lovers do; in the manner of a lover.
Love-seat n A double chair or small sofa for two persons in Queen Anne and later styles.
Love-shaft n A golden-tipped arrow shot from Cupid's arrow. 2. a slang term for penis, especially when erect.
Loveship n The act of falling in love; courtship. 2. the act of making love.
Lovesick adj Behaving strangely, due to being overcome by strong feelings of love for another. 2. languishing with; pining because of love. 3. having strong feelings for the one you love.
Love-sickness n Quality of property of being lovesick.
Love-smitten adj Madly in love. 2. love-strickened.
Lovesome adj Worthy of love; lovable. 2. possessing qualities that inspire love. 3. lovable, because of one beauty, fairness, winsome. 3. loving, showing love and affection, friendly, affectionate, amiable.
Lovesomely adv In a lovesome manner or way. 2. lovingly, affectionately.
Lovesomeness n The quality of being worthy of love, or lovable because of one's beauty. 2. having the qualities inspiring love, such as beauty, friendliness, affection.
Love song n A song whose lyrics tell a tale of love. 2. an amorous song.
Love-speech n A speech about love and loving.
Love-spoon n A wooden spoon decoratively covered that was traditionally presented as a gift of romantic intent.
Lovestone n Ivy, because of its climbing or clinging to stone walls.
Love-struck adj Overcome by the feelingof love. 2. smitten by love, fallen very much in love.
Love's work n The business of relationship building, and the need to maintain, nurture and foster a relationship.
Love-tale n Love-story.
Love-thought n A thought about love; with love on one's mind.
Love-tiding n A message of love.
Love-token n Something given as a token or sign of love, as a ring.
Love-up n A show of great and lengthy affection.
Lovewards adv Towards or in the directions of love.
Love-ware n The wares of love or the things of love, the merchandise of love from sexy clothing, speed dating, to love for sale.
Lovewende adj Beloved, loving, lovely. NB: Halwende: wholesome.
Lovewort n Plant whose resin is supposed to prevent or forestall conception in human females. 2. sylphion, love fennel.
Love-worthiness n The nobility and worthiness of love of human nature.
Loveworthy adj Worthy of, or deserving of love or to be loved; lovable; love-worthy.
Loving n The act of expressing and demonstrating great love and affection for others. 2. laudation, praise.
Loving adj Showing or demonstrating a great amount of love to others; lauding, affectionate.
Loving-cup n A large cup, tankard or goblet passed around from guest to guest at formal banquets.
Loving friendship n Close relationship between a man and a woman based on non-sexual intimacy.
Loving-hearted adj Kind, caring and of great consideration for others, especially one's loved-ones.
Loving-heartedness n The state or quality of being loving-hearted.
Loving-kindness n Kindness, affection, tenderness, consideration; kindness arising from deep personal love and attachment.
Lovingly adj In a loving manner.
Lovingly adv In a loving manner, affectionately.
Lovingness n The quality or habit of being loving.
Low n Something that is low, the lowest point, place or level. 2. a low transmission gear. 3. a low pressure system in the atmosphere.
Low adj A borrowing from ON (lagr). (1016-1150)In a position comparatively close to the ground. 2. small in height. 3. situated below the normal level, or the mean elevation. 4. depressed, sad. 5. in an amount nearest to zero, such as low prices; depleted; substandard. 6. of a pitch, suggesting a lower frequency. 7. of a loudness, suggesting a lower amplitude. 7. despicable; lacking dignity; vulgar. 8. lacking health or vitality. 9. being near the equator. 10. humble in character or status. 11. simple in complexity or development. 12. designed for the slowest speed, as in low gear. 13. articulated with a wide space between the flat tongue and the palette.
Low adv In or to a low position or state.
Low vb To make a slight bellowing, characteristic of a cow. 2. to make a loud noise, to bellow, to howl, to reverberate with a noise. 3. to utter a cattle-like noise.
Low n Grave-mound, hill, tumulus, burial mound. 2. a tract of open ground (a 'lea').
Low n The slight bellowing noise made by cows; lowing.
Low phr "At Low Ebb" - at a low level. 2. in a low tone. 3. at a low pitch.
Low phr "Get Low on Something" - be nearly without, or have enough of something.
Low phr "Lay Low" - make ill (enough to have to stay in bed.
Low phr "Lie Low" - hide and remain quiet and inconspicious.
Low phr "Lower One's Sail to" - to salute. 2. fig. to give in, to admit defeat.
Low-born adj Of humble birth.
Low-bred adj Vulgar, ill-bred.
Low brow n A person of uncultivated tastes. 2. a non-intellectual person (uncomplimentary)
Low brow adj Of a person: uncultivated; non intellectual; coarse.
Low-browed adj Having a forehead short from eyebrows to line of hair.
Low-down n Slang: inside or secret information. 2. the truth of the matter.
Low-down adj Downgraded; mean; base.
Low-downer n A poor white; white trash. 2. the needy, disadvantaged, the poor.
Lower adj Less high in position. 2. the lower levels of a building. 3. bottom, bottom-most, under, underneath, further down, beneath, nether. 3. subordinate, inferior, lesser, junior, minor, secondary, lower-level, lower-grade, subsidiary, ancillary, second-fiddle, subservient; second-class, second-rate. 4. cheaper, reduced, decreased, lessened, curtailed, pruned, cut, slashed. 5. (of an animal or plant) showing relatively primitive or simple characteristics. 6. geology, denoting an older (and hence usually deeper) part of a stratigraphic division or archaeological deposit or the period in which it was formed or deposited. 7. as a comparative adjective: lowest situated to the south, as the Upper and Lower Nile"
Lower adv As a comparative adverb: in or into a lower position
Lower phr "Lower One's Sights" - from the adjusting of a device on a rifle, telescope etc that helps one aim or observe. 2. fig. reduce one's ambition; be content to achieve less than one had hoped for or expected. 3. lower one's standards.
Lower House n One of two chambers of a bicameral legislature, the other chamber being the upper house. Despite its official position "below" the upper house, in many legislatures worldwide, the lower house has come to wield more power. A legislature composed of only one house is described as unicameral
Lowering adj Dark and threatening as the clouds or weather; overcast, gloomy as the sky. 2. frowning, sullen, as the face or gaze, scowling, angry.
Lowermost adj Lowest.
Lower school n The primary or junior years.
Lower world n The abode of the dead; Hell. 2. the earth, as opposite to heaven.
Low fat n Not having a high number of calories from fat or a great amount of fats. Especially an alternate variety of food designed to have calories, diet, dietetics.
Low income n Of or relating to the income group comprising low wage earners. 2. with a low national income (especially of poorer Third world Countries)).
Lowing adj A slight bellowing; inclining to bellow.
Lowish adj Rather or somewhat low.
Low key adj Having a low degree of intensity; low-keyed. 2. relatively pale or quiet; understated.
Lowland n A country which is relatively flat in comparison with surrounding hilly district. 2. pertaining to especially to S.E. Scotland.
Lowlander n An inhabitant of flat land, esp. in Scotland.
Lowlife n The life of peasant or humble classes. 2. a mean, contemptible individual.
Lowlight n Jocular, a monotonous or dull period; a feature of little prominence ( one of the lowlights of the evening) 3. a dark tint in the hair produced by dyeing (on the pattern of high light).
Lowlihood n The state of being lowly; meekness, humility.
Low loader n A lorry with a low floor and no sides, for heavy loads.
Lowly adj Humble, meek.
Lowline n A slackline???? which is mounted close to the ground.
Lowliness n Low in status or importance; humble.
Lowly adj Humble, in feeling, behavior, or status. 2. modest, unpretentious. 3. of an organism, evolved in only the slightest degree.
Low-lying adj At a low altitude above sea level.
Low-minded n Having low or mean thoughts, sentiments or motives; meanly. 2. in a meek or modest manner.
Low-mindedness n The state or quality of being low-minded.
Low-necked adj Cut low in the neck; decollete: said of a garment,
Lowness n The property of being low. 2. something that is low or vulgar.
Low-rider n A car or truck which has its suspension system modified so that it rides as low to the ground as possible.
Low-riding n The trend of drawing low-rider vehicles.
Low-rise n Of a building having few stories or trances.
Low road n A method manner, etc., that is underhand, unscrupulous or otherwise contemptible
Low Saxon n A group of related dialects of Low German, spoken by northern Germany and parts of the Netherlands and formerly in parts of Denmark.
Lowside n A type of motor car crash when both tyres lose traction and the motorcycles falls on its side and slides across.
Low Sunday n The Sunday after Easter.
Lowth n The state or quality of being low.
Low-thoughted adj Low-minded; having base thoughts.
Low-tide n The furthest recession of the tide at any point; also the time of its occurrence.
Low-water n Pertaining to low tide or its time or measure at recession.
Low-water mark n lowest point reached at ebb-tide.
Lox n The salmon or lax.