The Anglish Moot
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|Mind ||n||The faculty of the memory. 2. the state of being remembered, remembrance, recollection, bear in mind. 3. opinion, way of mind. 4. desire inclination, to have a mind. 5. mental disposition, character or temper. 6. intellectual power or capacity. 7. the faculty of cognition and intellect, as opposed to will and emotion. 8. sanity, sound mentality. 9 the spirit of intelligence pervading the universe, as opposed to matter.
|Mind ||n||The faculty of the memory. 2. the state of being remembered, remembrance, recollection, bear in mind. 3. opinion, way of mind. 4. desire inclination, to have a mind. 5. mental disposition, character or temper. 6. intellectual power or capacity. 7. the faculty of cognition and intellect, as opposed to will and emotion. 8. sanity, sound mentality. 9 the spirit of intelligence pervading the universe, as opposed to matter.
|Mind ||vb||To pay attention to, occupy oneself with. 2. to be careful or wary. 3. to give heed to, obey. 4. to care for, tend to. 5. to be concerned about, regard with annoyance, dislike. 6. to remember, remind, make aware. 7. to be aware, notice, perceive. 8. to intend, purpose. 9. to be concerned, care, careful.
|Mind ||vb||To pay attention to, occupy oneself with. 2. to be careful or wary. 3. to give heed to, obey. 4. to care for, tend to. 5. to be concerned about, regard with annoyance, dislike. 6. to remember, remind, (I mind you wearing one of them last summer;) make aware. 7. to be aware, notice, perceive. 8. to intend, purpose. 9. to be concerned, care, careful.
|Mind ||adj||Present to one's mind. 2. of a person: mindful, taking thought.
|Mind ||adj||Present to one's mind. 2. of a person: mindful, taking thought.

Revision as of 09:57, 28 June 2021

Old English sp English
Mice-eyed adj Having the keen eyes and sight of a mouse.
Mickle adj Of size, stature: great, huge, big. 2. epithet for building, place, such as " Mickle Britaigne" -- "Mickle University Hall". 3. of something numerical: aggregate, proportional, great. 4. great in amount or of degree. 5. great of power or importance. 6. great quantity or amount, much, qn abundance. 7. a great number of people or folk. 8. the greatest part of something, so much.
Mickle n "The Mickle." - those great and powerful. 2. the multitude; a great amount or large sum.
Mickle vb To increase, magnify, enlarge.
Mickle adv To great extent, greatly, relative, as, how, so.
Mickle phr "For as Mickle" - as forasmuch as.
Mickle phr "In As Mickle As" - in so far; in as much as.
Mickle phr "Make Mickle of" - make much of, cherish. 2. a great amount.
Mickle phr "Many a Little, Makes a Mickle" - a lot of small or little amounts, put together becomes a large amount.
Mickle phr "Mickled with Cold" - stiffened and benumbed with too much or severe cold.
Mickle phr "Seek Mickle and Get Something, Seek Little and Get Nothing" - be ambitious, strive to achieve.
Mickle phr "Unto So Mickle" - so much that
Mickledom n Size, magnitude, greatness.
Micklehood n Greatness, fullness, abundance.
Micklemote n "The Micklegemote." - 'The Great Meeting' The great council or parliamentary assembly under the Angle-Saxon kings.
Mickle-mouthed adj A mouth disproportionate to the other parts of the face or it's size.
Mickleness n Greatness, bigness, in any sense, largeness, size; large mass; muchness.
Mickle-wamb n The stomach, esp. that of the ox used for culinary purposes.
Mickle-what n A great deal, something of many kinds; antonym -- little what.
Micklewise adj Greatly wise; profound in wisdom.
Mid adj Middle, midst. 2. prefixed to month or season, or designation of a period of time, such as collocations: mid-eld, mid year, midwinter, mid-life, etc. 3. of colour, occupying a middle position in a range of shades.
Mid prep Denoting association, connection, conjunction, communication, intercourse. 2. in the same direction as a stream, wind. 3. in agreement with, following the action of, analogously to, like. 4. indicating an accompanying, action, disposition of mind. 5. having an attribute or quality indicating means or instrument. 6. in regard to, in respect of, in spite of,, touching. 7. in the sight of, estimation or opinion of, in the possession or power of.
Mid phr "In Mid flight" - in the middle stages of a journey by airplane.
Mid phr "Mid the Best" - as good or great as possible; mid the most.
Mid phr "Mid the First" - as soon as possible.
Mid phr "Of Mid Child" -with child; pregnant.
Mid-afternoon n In the middle of the afternoon.
Mid-all adv Altogether, entirely, and all, at the same time, withal
Mid-arm adj The middle (lengthwise) of the upper (proximal) part of the arm.
Mid-bite adv While taking a bite; while eating.
Midbowman n a member of a crew of a vessel who works with the mast and often packs the sails below deck.
Mid-brain n The limbic system, the mesencephalon, the midbrain.
Mid brother n The second in age of three brothers.
Mid-calf n The middle of the calf, halfway between the knee and the ankle.
Mid-chest n The middle of the chest.
Midday n Noon, the middle of a day. midoverundern.
Midday meal n A meal served and eaten around midday. 2. midmeal
Mid-deep adv As deep as the middle of the body.
Middest adj The most central.
Middle n A centre, midpoint, midst. 2 the part between the beginning and the end. 3. central part of the human body.
Middle adj Located in the middle; in between, central.
Middle phr "In the Middle" - in a dangerous or vulnerable position.
Middle phr "In the Middle Of (Something)" - in the midst of, among. 2. in thick of something going on. 3. in the act of doing something.
Middle phr "In the Middle of Nowhere" - far away from any town or city, and anywhere few people live.
Middle phr "Knock Somebody Into the Middle of Next Week" - hit somebody very hard.
Middle phr "Middle of the Road" - avoiding extremes, average, moderate. 2. of music, tuneful but somewhat bland and unadventurous.
Middle-body n Part of a vessel adjacent to the midship but having a uniform or nearly uniform cross-section.
Middle-brow n A person of average or moderate cultural interest; nb: high-brow, low-brow.
Middle-ear n The part of the ear internal to the eardrum, and external to the oval window of the inner ear.
Middle earth n Middle-erd: place between heaven and earth, supposed to occupy the centre of the universe. Now only applied to the real world in contradistinction to fantasy-world.
Middle East n The region comprising south west Africa and northeast Asia
Middle-English n The English language from about 1150 to 1500AD.
Middle-erd n The world, taken as situated between heaven and hell; also the people dwelling on earth.
Middle-finger n The finger between the forefinger and the ring finger; this is the longest finger. 2. an obscene gesture directed towards another as an insult; a literal or sometimes fig. raising of the middle finger at someone.
Middle-ground n Idiomatic, a compromise position between two extremes.
Middle-growth n The age between infancy and adulthood; youth.
Middle-heaven n The middle of heaven
Middlehood n The age between forty and sixty-five years of age.
Middle income adj Of average income.
Middle Kingdom n The former Chinese Empire, regarded as occupying the centre of the world; later considered as the eighteen provinces of China proper. 2. kingdom of ancient Eygpt, 2400-1580.
Middle-life n The middle age of a person.
Middlely adv in a medium manner.
Middleman n An intermediary agent between two (or more) parties. 2. an intermediary dealer between the manufacturer and retailer or customer. 3. a middlewoman/middleman.
Middle-middle n The middle of the Earth.
Middlemost adv The very middle or nearest to the middle, previously with reference to size, age, quality. 2. nearest the middle.
Middle name n The name9s) between one's first name and one's surname
Middleness n The fact or quality of being middle, average, or middle-class.
Middle-of-the-road adj Having a centrist attitude or philosophy; not extreme, esp. politically.
Middle-of-the-roader n One who endorses a moderate course, especially in politics.
Middle-of-the-roadness n Having a quality centrist attitude or philosophy; not extreme, esp. politically.
Middler n One of a middle or intermediate class in some schools and seminaries.
Middlesex n The original territory of the Middle Saxons, which seemingly included the area of the later counties of Middlesex and Hertford, between Wessex and Essex.
Middle town n The centre of the town. 2. typical of a middle-class person.
Middleward adv The middle part of anything. 2. towards the middle part of anything. 3. the middle body of an army. 4. half-way, on the way.
Middleware n Software that acts as a bridge between an operating system or database aand applications, esp. on a network.
Middle-watch n The watch from midnight till 4am.
Middleway n The course between two extremes. 2. half-way, the middle of the way, one's middle course.
Middleweight n A boxer intermediate between a welterweight and a light heavyweight, weighing from 71-75 kg.
Middle West n In the United States, properly the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconin.
Middle-witted adj Of or prone to fallacious or specious reasoning.
Middle-years n The years in the middle of one's life; middle age.
Middle-youth n The time of life between early adulthood and middle age.
Middling phr "Among the Middling" - of a mediocre class: "the ordinary person or people."
Middling n A go-between; intermediary.
Middling adj Intermediate, medium, middle term. 2. mediocre of a person, middle- class, of performance; moderately good.. 2. second-rate, second or third-rate goods. 3. of health: off-colour, sickly. 4. a medium size, medium. 5. between two things; between two extremes. 6. of medium or moderate size, middle-sizing. 7. mean, average, moderate. 8. middle-aged. occupying a middle position. 9. moderately, fairly, tolerable.
Middlingish adv As in moderately good; somewhat mediocre.
Middlingly adv In a manner moderate, fairly, indifferently, tolerably, not very well in health.
Middlingness n The state of being middling, mediocre.
Mid-earth n The earth's middle. 2. the Mediteranean Sea.
Mid-earth Sea n The Mediterranean
Mid-evening adv During the middle of the evening.
Midge n Name for various gnat-like insects.
Mid-fall n The middle of autumn.
Mid-field n The middle of a field of play.
Mid-flight adv Occurring in the middle part of a flight.
Mid-floor adv In the middle of a floor.
Midge n Any small gnat-like dipterous fly of the family Chironomidae, often seen in dancing swarms near water. 2. any similar fly, esp. a tiny biting flies. 3. a tiny person.
Midge-like adj Very small, nanoid, tiny.
Midgern n The fat about the entrails of an animal; suet; in more general use the fat about the kidneys, esp that of a pig.
Mid-gut n The portion of an embryo from which most of the intestines grow. 2. the middle part of the alimentary canal, ( including in vertebrates) the small intestine.
Midhood n The centre, middle.
Mid-husband n Male equivalent of a midwife, from OE. literally meaning 'with a woman.'
Midland(s) n The middle part of a country. 2. the inland counties of central England.
Midlander n One who lives in the midlands of a country.
Mid-leap n During a leap.
Midless adj Having no middle or centre,
Mid-life n Middle age of a person's life. 2. the part of life between youth-hood and old age.
Midlike adv Moderately.
Midline n A medial line or plane of bilateral symmetry, especially of a body.
Mid-lying n Adultery, infidelity, unfaithfulness, cheating, extra-maritally involved.
Mid-main n Mid ocean.
Midman n Umpire, moderator, intermediary.
Midmeal adv Meal eaten at noon. 2. food provided at midday for students in schools in many countries of the world, notably India.
Mid-month adv In or during the month.
Mid-monthly adv In or during the middle patt of the month.
Mid-morning n THe time between early morning and noon.
Midmost adv That is in the very middle, with regard to position, age. 2. the mid-most part, the middle. 3. in the middle or midst. 4. most intimate.
Midnight n Twelve o'clock at night; the middle of the night.
Midnight adj Being in, or characteristic of, the middle of the night; as, midnight gloom. 2. atramentous, black, black as coal, coal-black, coaly, coomy, dark, dark as night, dark, deep black, night-black, night-dark, night-fallen, nightlong, nightly, night-time, raven, raven-black.
Midnight black n Of a deep shade of black; jet-black.
Midnight blue adj Deep or very dark shade of blue.
Midnightly adv Every midnight or taking place at midnight.
Midnight shroud n The covering of darkness that envelopes the world at midnight.
Midnight sun n The sun when seen during the summer in either Arctic or Antarctic circle. 2. the sun visible at midnight in the summer as result of the fact that the latitude of the place from which it is viewed is greater than the polar distance or the sun, or above 66 degrees.
Midoverunden n Midday, noon.
Midred n Diaphragm, midriff.
Midrib n A large strengthened vein along the mid-line of a leaf.
Midriff n Belly, stomach, diaphragm, parietum. 2. the region of the front of the body between the thorax and the abdomen. 3. a garment or part of a garment covering the abdomen.
Mid-rise n A low-rise is a building that is only a few stories tall or any building that is shorter than a high-rise, though others include the classification of mid-rise.
Mid-road adv In the middle of the road.
Mids n Middle, middle part or point, the midst. 2. a means. 3. a means between two extremes, a middle course, a compromise.
Mids vb To take in a middle view.
Mids phr In the Mids Of" - in the middle part of.
Mid-Sea n The open sea.
Midship n Pertaining to the middle of a ship.
Midshipman n An officer of the lowest rank in several navies; especially a trainee officer.
Midshipmanship n Position of a midshipman
Midsman n Mediator
Midsman n Mediator, one in the middle of something.
Midspan n In structural engineering , the point on a flexural member (as a girder, beam) that is equidistant from the two end supports.
Midspeech n A point in time during a speech, or while one is speaking.
Midspread adv In statistics, the interquartile range.
Midspring n The middle of spring.
Midst n A place in the midst; may be used of a literal or metaphorical location.
Midst prn Among, in the middle of; amid; in the midst; in one's midst.
Midst phr "In the Midst of." - among, us you or them; in the presence of.
Midst phr "Leave in One's Midst" - to leave undecided. 2. abstain from giving an opinion on.
Midstep n During or while taking a tep.
Midstorm adv Pero during a storm.
Midstream n The middle of the stream. 2. a mid stage of an action, incident, situation.
Midstream phr "Halt Midstream" - (temporarily) stop while doing something.
Midstrength adj Of beer, containing
Mid-stride n In the middle of a stride.
Midsummer n In the middle of summer near the period of the summer solstice..
Midsummer-day n Midsummer, also known as St John's Day, is the period of time centred upon the summer solstice, and more specifically the Northern European celebrations that accompany the actual solstice or take place on a day between June 19 and June 25 and the preceding evening. The exact dates vary between different cultures. The Christian Church designated June 24 as the feast day of the early Christian martyr St John the Baptist, and the observance of St John's Day begins the evening before, known as St John's Eve.
Midsummer eve n St John's eve
Midsummerish adj Of, resembling or characteristic of mid-summer.
Midsummer-madness n Foolishness, extreme folly or reckless behavior considered to be at its height during midsummer.
Midsummer moon n The Moon at the time of the summer heat.
Midsummer moon phr T'is Midsummer Moon with You" - you are stark mad.
Midtholing n Compassion, commiseration, sympathy.
Midtale n The middle part of a story.
Mid-thigh adv The middle part of the thigh.
Midthought n Some time during a thought.
Midthought adv During a thought; in mid thought.
Midtime n Time in the middle of the day.
Mid-town n The middle or central part of a town between the downtown and uptown areas. 2. the centre area or 'the agora' of a town or city.
Mid twenthieth adj Usually used before century to indicate the middle part of the 20th Century, which could refer to events in the 1940s, the 1950s or the 1960s. However, in architecture, preservation, and real estate, it is commonly being used to refer to the period after World War II to the mid-1970s
Midward adj In the middle of, occupying the middle of, towards the middle, at the middle part, in the middle part. 2. in or towards the middle.
Midward adv In or towards the middle; in the middle part.
Mid-water(s) adv in the middle of the waters.
Midway adj The middle of the way or distance. 2. a medium or medium course. 3. situated in the middle of the way. 4. occupying the middle.
Midway adv Half-way.
Midweek n In the middle of the week, around Wednesday.
Mid-West n A geographical location of a country: "The Mid-West" of the US.
Mid-wife n A woman or nurse who assists women in childbirth. 2. a person or thing that brings about change.
Midwife vb To be or act as a midwife.
Midwife phr "The Midwife of Men's Thoughts" - Grote observed of Socrates "No man ever struck out of others so many original thought."
Midewifely adv In the manner of a midwife.
Mid-wife toad n A european toad in which the male carries the developing eggs on his hind legs.
Mid-wifish adj Resembling of characteristic of a midwife.
Midwinter n The middle of winter. 2. the winter solstice; 21st or 22nd of December.
Midwinter phr "Cold as Midwinter" - very cold.
Midwinter-eve n Christmas eve.
Midwinterly adv In midwinter; of or pertaining to midwinter.
Midwinter-tide n Christmas time.
Midwise adv In a medium or moderate way.
Mid-witted adj Of average intellect or intelligent.
Mid-year n In the middle of the year, around June 30th.
Mig n Urine, or the draining of urine from manure.
Might n From Old English; AS. meaht, miht, from the root of magan to be able. 2. force or power of any kind, whether of body or mind; energy or intensity of purpose, feeling, or action; means or resources to effect an object; strength; force; power; ability (to do so); capacity, might, bodily or physical strength authority, virtue, mighty work, miracle, angel”). 3. power, strength, force or influence held by a person or group.
Might vb From Old English; AS. meaht, miht, from the root of magan to be able. 2. (auxiliary) used to indicate conditional or possible actions.  3. (auxiliary) simple past tense of may. 4 used to indicate permission in the past tense. 5. I am able, (an auxiliary verb qualifying the meaning of another verb, by expressing: ability, competency, or possibility, liberty; permission; allowance; (contingency or liability; possibility or probability. 6.(modesty, courtesy, or concession, or a desire to soften a question or remark; desire or wish, as in prayer, imprecation, benediction, and the like. 7. "may be, & it may be", are used as equivalent to possibly, perhaps, maybe, by chance, peradventure.
Might adj (Obsolete, chiefly before 1900) Mighty; powerful; possible.
Might vb (auxiliary) Used to indicate conditional or possible actions.  2. (auxiliary) simple past tense of may. 3 used to indicate permission in past tense.
Might phr "By Might" - by wrongful force or violence.
Might phr "Five-fold Mights" - the active powers (of the brain, heart, soul, mind etc.)
Might phr "High and Mighty" - arrogant, self-opinionated.
Might phr "Lay Might" - to do one's utmost.
Might phr "Might as Well" - expressing that it is probably at least as desirable to do a thing as it is not.
Might phr "Might could" - might be able to.
Might phr "Might Makes Right" - having the power to something gives one the right to do it. 2. the plea of justice or fairness is ineffective against a superior force.
Might phr "Might Not" - may not happen.
Might phr "Over Might" - beyond one's own power.
Might phr "With All One's Might" - with all one's powers. 2. to the utmost of one's ability.
Might phr "With Might and Main." - with utmost strength and endeavour.
Mightand n Mightend; a mighty man.
Might-be . What might be, an unlikely possibility, that might be, remotely possible.
Mighted adj Having power, strength, effect
Mightend n A mighty man. See: bodiend friend, ferend, fiend, healend, waldend, shapend, mightend, almightend, milciend, slinkend, stygand, way-ferend.
Mightful adj Mighty, powerful, effacious. 2. of actions proceeding from arbitrary powers.
Mightfully adv In a powerful or forceful manner.
Mightfulness n The state or quality of being powerful, strong, mighty.
Might-have-been n An event which could have happened, but never did. 2. a person who might have been greater or more eminent.
Mighthood n Mightiness.
Mightily adv In a mighty manner. 2. with great power or strength. 3. with powerful effect. 4. with great effort, vigorously, vehemently. 5. so as to be strong or powerful; powerfully, strongly. 6. with great degree or extent. 7. greatly, very much.
Mightiness n State or condition of beong mighty, powerful, strong.
Mighting n Power, strength, might.
Mightless adj Without might, powerless, impotent.
Mightly adj Might; competent, capable; strong, powerful. 3. substantial; weighty, of import. 4. able, able to occur, possible.
Mightly adv Mightily.
Mightsome adj Mightful.
Mighty adv (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree; mighty, mightily, powerful, right.
Mighty adj Having or showing great strength or force or intensity. 2. possessing might; having great power or authority. 3. accomplished by might; hence, extraordinary; wonderful. 4. denoting an extraordinary degree or quality in respect of size, character, importance, consequences,
Mighty phr "Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow" - something or somebody great can come from modest beginnings.
Mighty n A warrior of great force and courage.
Mighty-brained adj Highly intelligent and intellectual.
Mighty-handed adj Highly skilled in arts, crafts and works carried out by use of the hands.
Mighty-minded adj Highly intelligent and of great intellectual powers.
Mighty-mouthed adj Loud, vociferous, authoritarian of speech.
Mighty works n Of the person, their actions and attributes, with references to mental ability or executive skill.
Milady n From 'my lady' : an English noblewoman. 2. a woman regarded as having fashionable or expensive taste
Milce n Mercy, clemency, forbearance, favor.
Milceful adj Merciful, gracious, kind.
Milcefulness n State or condition of being kind, merciful, gracious.
Milce-hearted adj Kind, considerate, compassionate, merciful, gracious.
Milcer n One who shows mercy, kindness, compassion.
Milce-witted adj Knowing mercy, kindness, compassion.
Milch n Milk of domestic animals giving milk, or kept for milking; milching. 2. applied to a woman, esp. a wet nurse. 3. of the breast or teats: giving milk. 4. transfig: of the eyes that are weeping. 5. of plants: milky, full of milk. 6. of dew exuding milk. 6. a person who is easily fleeced.
Milch vb To milk; to milk a cow three times a day; from OE. thrimilce.
Milch-cow n A milking cow. 2. a cow giving milk. 3. a source of regularly accruing gain or profit. 4. (fig.) a person from whom money is easily drawn; one who is easily fleeced. 5. a tanker used to refuel long-range ships and submarines.
Milchy adj Milk-giving.
Milciend n One who is merciful.
Mild vb To make mild or gentle
Mild adj Mild, moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme. 2. humble in spirit or manner suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness; meek, mild, modest. 3: mild and pleasant; as "balmy days and nights"; balmy, mild, soft. 4. gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moderate in degree or quality; -- the opposite of harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- applied to persons and things; as, a mild disposition; a mild eye; mild or mildly-hearted; mildly spoken. 5. soft; gentle; bland; calm; tranquil; soothing; pleasant; placid; meek; kind; tender; indulgent; clement; mollifying; lenitive.
Mild phr "Draw it Mild" - to state things without exaggeration and not lay it on thick; being moderate. 2. of liquor: not highly flavored.
Mild phr "Mild and Bitter' - ale or beer consisting of mild and bitter draft beer.
Mild phr "Mild as a Milk" - pleasant, mild, soft.
Milden vb To make mild or milder.
Mildew n A destructive growth of minute powdery or web-like fungi, whitish or of other colours, and characterized by powdery film on the surface of the affected plants or organic matter. 2, the process of being mildewed
Mildew vb To be tainted with mildew. 2. to taint with mildew, often in a damp place. 3. to become moldy, spoil due to humidity
Mildewy adj Affected by mildew, mouldy.
Mildful adj Merciful, gentle, kindly.
Mildfulness n State or condition of being gentle, kind, merciful
Mildhearted adj Merciful, kindhearted, gentle.
Mildheartedful n Full of kindness, tenderness, mercy.
Mildhearted-like n Characteristic of being mild-hearted.
Mildheartedness n State or condition of mild, gentle, kind, merciful; mildhood, mildship.
Mildhood n Mildness, mercifulness, meekness, mildship.
Mildish adj Somewhat or rather kind, gentle, merciful.
Mildly adv Gently, softly, with consideration and thought for others.
Mildly phr "Put it Mildly" - to express an idea without exaggeration; frequently ironical with an implication of understatement.
Mild-mother n Pia mater (the thin or tender mother).
Mildness n Sate or quality of being mild; mercifulness, meekness.
Mildred n Moderate in power or strength.
Milds n A name for various species of Atriplex and Chenopodium.
Mildship n Mildness.
Mild-spoken adj Having a quiet voice.
Mild-steel n Steel containing a small percentage of carbon, strong and tough but not readily tempered.
Mild-worded adj Gentle and considerate in speech and manner.
Mildy adj Somewhat mild.
Mile n A measure of distance, remotely derived from the ancient Roman mile, which was about 1620 yards or 4680 feet.
Mile phr "A Miss Is as Good as a Mile" - something that nearly succeeds is no better than something that is a total failure.
Mile phr "A Mile Off" - across a considerable; clearly and unmistakably.
Mile phr "Be Miles Away" - be inattentive, daydream.
Mile phr "Give Somebody an Inch and They Will Take a Mile" - give somebody a concession and he or she will take advantage and seek even more.
Mile phr "It is Miles Away" - a great distance away.
Mile phr "It Sticks Out a Mile" - be obvious.
Mile phr "Miss By a Mile" - to be nowhere near one's target.
Mile phr "Not a Hundred Mile Away" - very close.
Mile phr "Run a Mile" - run quickly a way (in a panic).
Mile phr "Someone Would Run a Mile" - a person would do anythingto escape his responsibilities.
Mile phr "Stand Out a Mile Away" - be obvious or very apparent.
Mile-eater n A very fast driver.
Mile-long adj Extending for a mile.
Miler n A runner in a race, or a horse, that is a mile long.
Milestone n A post, pillar or stone set up to indicate instance in miles from a given point. 2. an important event or turning point in a person's life or organization's existence.
Milestone monger n A professional tramp, swagman
Mileway n The space of time in which a mile may be traveled on foot; a period of 20 minutes.
Mile-wide adj Measuring a mile in width
Miling n The action of running a mile.
Milk n A white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young, from certain animals, especially cows, it is a common food for humans as a beverage or used to produce various dairy products such as butter, cheese, and yogurt. 2. an individual serving of milk. 3. a white (or whitish) liquid obtained from a vegetable source such as soy beans, coconuts, almonds, rice, oats. 4. the ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster. 5. milch
Milk vb To draw (milk) from the breasts or udder. 2. to express any liquid (from any creature). 3. to make excessive use of (a particular point in speech or writing, etc.) 4. to take advantage of (a situation). 5. to give off small gas bubbles during the final part of the charging operation.
Milk phr "As White as Milk" - of a palish white colour.
Milk phr "Bring to His Milk" - to bring someone to his senses. 2. to compel an others acquiescence or submission.
Milk phr "Full of the Milk of Human Kindness" - full of, characterized by) kindness, affection and goodwill towards others.
Milk phr "Give Down Its Milk" - to yield the expected assistance with profit.
Milk phr "In the Milk" - in infancy or immaturity. 2. in a condition to yield milk.
Milk phr "Land of Milk and Honey" - an imaginary place where there is an over abundance and prosperity of every thing.
Milk phr "Like Milk to Milk" - compatible, same or similar by comparison.
Milk phr "Milk and Water" - something that is inoffensive, but feeble, insipid or colorless.
Milk phr "Milk dry" - obtain from somebody all the money, help, informatio( emotional) support etc another has to give.
Milk phr "Milk of the Moon" - a white, porous, friable , insipid earth; frequently found in a form of a white wheaty powder.
Milk phr "Milk One's Liver" - to purge or detoxify one's body.
Milk phr "Mother's Milk" - something that one enjoys (naturally).
Milk phr "Out of the Milk" - beginning to mature; to longer breast fed.
Milk phr "Why Buy a Cow when you can Get Milk for Free" - (idiom)- referring to men who don't want to get married, when they can get all the benefits without being married. 2. why buy a book when you can borrow books from a library.
Milk adder n A non-venomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped spot on its head.
Milk-and-honey adj Abundance, prosperity.
Milk-and-water adj Feeble and insipid.
Milk cow n Cattle that are reared for their milk; dairy cattle.
Milken adj Consisting of milk; milk-like. 2. of the colour of milk; milk-white. 3. fig. soft, gentle, mild.
Milker n A cow that produces milk, rather than beef. 2. a person who is emplyed to milk cows.
Milkfat n The fatty portion of milk; butterfat.
Milk-fed n Fed predominantly on a diet of milk or milk products.
Milk-fish n A large silvery toothless fish, allied to the herring, especially of South Pacific waters.
Milk-float n An open-sided van, typically powered by electricity, that was used to deliver milk to houses.
Milkful adj Abounding or plentiful of milk.
Milkhouse n A dairy.
Milk-hued adj of complexion: a very pale white skinned.
Milkily adv In a milky manner; in the manner of milk.
Milkiness n The state of being milky. 2. condition of resembling milk in appearance, color or quality. 3. cloudy whiteness. 4. mildness, softness, gentleness, weakness.
Milking n The act by which a cow, etc. is milked. 2. the act of removing milk from the mammary glands of an animal. 3. the amount of milk drawn at one time.
Milking n To exploit or scam by stealing small amounts of money or goods over a period of time.
Milking adj Pertaining to or related to milking, as 'a milking cow'.
Milkish adj Somewhat resembling milk in appearance, color, quality. 2. cloudy-white in color.
Milk-kinship n The kinship arising from adoption of fostering.
Milkless adj Having no milk, lactose-free; without or unable to produce milk.
Milk-livered adj Cowardly, weak, lily-livered.
Milk-loaf n A loaf of bread made from milk
Milkmaid n A girl or woman who milks cows or does other work in a dairy.
Milkman n A person who processes, sells and delivers milk. 2. a worker in a dairy; a dairy-worker.
Milkman phr "Come Home with the Milkman" - come home early in the morning after celebration.
Milk-meat n Food made from milk, dairy products as butter, cheese, yogurt.
Milk-mild adj Of disposition: tender, soft, meek; kindhearted.
Milkness n Resembling milk in colour or consistency. 2. filled with, consisting of, or yielding milk. 3. property of being milky. 4. timidity, meekness.
Milkpan n A small kind of saucepan, with a lip, used for heating milk.
Milk run n A routine, uneventful journey, esp. by plane.
Milkshake n A cold drink made in a blender consisting of milk, malt, a sweet flavoring, and typically ice-cream.
Milk-snake n The common house snake; also called the milk adder.
Milksop n Bread, etc. dipped in milk. 2. a weak, foolish sentimental person.
Milk-sopishness n The trait or quality of being milksopish.
Milksoppy adj Full of sops; emotionally soppy or sentimental.
Milkstone n A name for various white-colored stone, as 'Galalith'.
Milk thistle n The European thistle (Silybum marianum) having the veins of its leaves of a milky whiteness.
Milk tooth n One of the temporary first set of teeth with young mammals.
Milk-white adj A palish white-color; milky white; opaque. 2. a whit color like that of milk.
Milkwood n A hard, heavy, tough wood with a coarse grain and native to South Africa
Milkwort n Any plant of the genus 'Polygala' formerly supposed to increase the milk of nurses. 2. any plant of the genus 'euphorbia.' 3. a primulaceous plant, 'Glaux maritima' common on the sea coasts and salt in marshes. 2. 'Our Ladies milkwort: pulmonaria officinalis.
Milky adj Resembling milk in colour or consistency; not clear. 2. of the black in an image, appearing as dark grey, rather than black. 3. cowardly. 4. mild, tame, spiritless. 5. yielding milk. 6. like or somewhat like milk, whitish and turbid.
Milky Way n A luminous band encircling the heavens, composed of distant stars and nebulae not separately distinguishable to the naked eye; the Galaxy. 2. fig. and allusively: a way brilliant in appearance, or leading to heaven. 3. the region of a woman's breast: "behold her heavenly face and heaving milky way." 4. the Milk-white Girdle"
Milky white adj White as milk, pure white.
Milky-white Girdle n The Milky Way.
Mill n A grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds, etc. 2. the building housing such a grinding apparatus. 3. manufacturing plant for paper, steel, textiles, etc; as a steel mill. 4. a building housing such a plant. 5. an establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely, such as a divorce mill, etc
Mill vb Grind with a mill "mill grain." 2. roll out (metal) with a rolling machine. 3. produce a ridge around the edge of "mill a coin." 4. mill move about in a confused manner.
Mill phr "All grist to the Mill" - everything has some value.
Mill phr "Draw Water to (One's) Mill" - to take or seize every advantage.
Mill phr "God's Mill Grinds Slowly but Truly" - refers to the notion of slow, but certain divine revelation.
Mill phr "Go Through the Mill" - to gain experience through severe testing or ordeal of ones endurance.
Mill phr "Put Through the Mill" - to cause to pass through a course of labour or experience, esp. an arduous or painful one. 2. to give a person practical experience.
Mill phr "Run Of the Mill" - average, normal.
Mill phr "The Mill Cannot Grind with Water Flown By" - one must not miss an opportunity, nor cry over spilt milk.
Millboard n A stiff, stout paperboard or pasteboard used in bookbinding and for book covers.
Milldust n A fine, flour-like dust produced when corn (wheat) is milled.
Milled adj Of grain: grounded by a mill. 2. having the edges raised and grooved, as coins. 3. fulled as cloth; rolled in sheets as metal.
Miller n A proprietor or tenant of a gristmill, as corn or flour mill. 2. one who works a mill of any kind. 3. a milling machine applied to certain white or white-powdered insects, as the cockchafer, and to certain caterpillars. 4. a common name for of a flour-smelling mushroom, Clitopilus prunulus. 5. (slang) - a pugilist.
Miller phr "Drown the Miller" - water down beer and liquors (for greater profit)
Miller phr "Every Miller Has a Thumb of Gold" - even an honest miller grows rich with what he filches; for he simply cannot help some of the flour that ought to go into the loaf sticking to his thumb.
Miller phr "Put the Miller's Eye Out" - to become bankrupt.
Miller phr "Too Much Water Drown the Mill" - one can have too much of a good thing.
Millering n The work and trade f a miller.
Miller's thumb n "Cottus gobio" a small European freshwater fish
Millful adj Enough to fill a mill.
Mill-hand n A worker in a mill; a mill-worker.
Milling n The act of grinding anything in a mill. 2. the act of fulling cloth. 3. the act of grooving or raising the edges of coins. 4. a crowd, gathering, angry, confused and seemingly without direction.
Milling adj Of a crowd, gathering, angry, confused and seemingly without direction
Mill-leet n An artificial channel for the conveyance of water to a mill.
Millpond n A body of water damned up or enclosed to run a mill. 2. a small body of water dammed or impounded (to form a pond.)
Millstone n One of a pair of heavy, thick stone disks for grinding something. as grain. 2. that which pulverizes or bears down. 3. a heavy or burdensome weight.
Millstone phr "Between the Upper and Nether Millstone" - adamant, callous.
Millstone phr "Look (through, see far) Into the Millstone" - used chiefly in ironical commendation of pretend extraordinary acuteness.
Millstone phr "Hard as Nether Millstone" - adamant, callous; unfeeling, obdurate,.
Millstone phr "Have a Millstone about One's Neck" - to be burdened with overwhelming difficulties.
Millstone phr "His Eyes Drop like Millstones" - said of a hardhearted person.
Millstone phr "Look through a Millstone" - to be wonderfully sharp-sighted.
Millstone phr "Millstone About Someone Neck" - a great burden
Millstone phr "Weep Millstones" - not weep at all.
Millstream n Water that runs through a millrace.
Milltooth n A molar or grinder-tooth.
Milltown n A town whose center of activity is a mill or gropu pf mills . and whose population is largely employed in the mill or mills.
Millward n Originally a keeper of a manorial mill; in later use; a miller.
Mill-wheel n A wheel (esp. a water wheel)used to drive a mill.
Mill-wheel Life n "There is no connection between the bustling "mill-wheel-life" of a large school and that for which they are supposed to be preparing ... to educate girls in crowds is to educate them wrongly."
Millwork n Carpentry work delivered from mill ready for installation or use.
Millworker n One who works in a mill.
Millworks n Machinery and mechanisms of a mill.
Millwright n An engineer or mechanic whose occupation it is to design or set up mills or mill machinery.
Mill-wrighting n The labour or trade of a millwright.
Mill-yemer n One who has custody of a mill.
Milord n A form of address for a rich or aristocratic englishman.
Milse n Milse
Milt n The spleen in mammals. 2. the roe or spawn of the male fish. 3. the sperm of male fish.
Milth n Mercy, compassion, kindness.
Milth adj (A form of mild) = mercy.
Milth vb To have mercy, be kind, compassionate.
Milthlike adj Having the qualites and characteristics of milth: kind, compassionate, merciful.
Milthly adv Kindly, with mercy, compassionately, mildly.
Milthness n Quality or state of being kind, merciful, compassionate. 2. mildness.
Miltsickness n Anthrax
Miltwort n The finger-fern; one of the spleen worts, Asplenium ceterach
Milty adj Resembling or the nature of the milt or spleen.
Min n OE only: mind. 2. mind, purpose. 3. intention. 4. remembrance, memory, mention.
Min vb OE. to intend, to have purpose, or direct one's own course. 2. to remind, recollect, remember, think. 3. to remember, to have or bear in mind. 4. to think of something or someone. 5. to commemorate.
Minchen n A nun.
Mind n The faculty of the memory. 2. the state of being remembered, remembrance, recollection, bear in mind. 3. opinion, way of mind. 4. desire inclination, to have a mind. 5. mental disposition, character or temper. 6. intellectual power or capacity. 7. the faculty of cognition and intellect, as opposed to will and emotion. 8. sanity, sound mentality. 9 the spirit of intelligence pervading the universe, as opposed to matter.
Mind vb To pay attention to, occupy oneself with. 2. to be careful or wary. 3. to give heed to, obey. 4. to care for, tend to. 5. to be concerned about, regard with annoyance, dislike. 6. to remember, remind, (I mind you wearing one of them last summer;) make aware. 7. to be aware, notice, perceive. 8. to intend, purpose. 9. to be concerned, care, careful.
Mind adj Present to one's mind. 2. of a person: mindful, taking thought.
Mind phr "Against the Mind of" - in opposition to another's judgement, wish or opinion. 2. wish or opinion, without consent.
Mind phr "Are you Out of Your Mind?" - are you mad; not thinking straight or logical?
Mind phr "As One's Mind" - one attends to, is interested in.
Mind phr "A Thought in the back of One's Mind" - an undeveloped idea.
Mind phr "At the Back of One's Mind" - (always) in one thoughts.
Mind phr "Bear in Mind" - remember, keep or retain in thought. 2. keep in mind.
Mind phr "Bear Good Mind" - to be disposed towards.
Mind phr "Be of Good Mind" - in a positive mind or attitude.
Mind phr "Be in Two Minds" - to waver between two intentions.
Mind phr "Be of Many Minds" - waver in purpose; chop and change.
Mind phr "Be of One Mind" - to agree in judgement, purpose or opinion; to be unanimous. 2. with one mind. 3. be of another mind; or agree with one's way of thinking.
Mind phr "Be of the Same Mind" - agree, think alike.
Mind phr "Be in Two Minds" - be undecided.
Mind phr "Be in the Right Mind" - to think clearly, logical and positively.
Mind phr "Be so Minded" - to be inclined to do what has been mentioned.
Mind phr "Blow One's Mind" - cause or have hallicinations.
Mind phr "Bring One in Mind" - to persuade.
Mind phr "Bring to Mind" - recall, remember, anget.
Mind phr "Broaden One's Mind" - provide one with new experiences and knowledge.
Mind phr "By One's Mind Sake" - by desire, or after the direction of.
Mind phr "Cast One's Mind Back to" - remember a past event, incident.
Mind phr "Cloud One's Mind" - to allow irrelevant or extraneous factors to effect one's impartiality or judgement.
Mind phr "Come to Mind" - remember, recollect, recalled. 2. spring to mind.
Mind phr "Do you Mind" - please don't do that.
Mind phr "Drive Out Of One's Mind" - cause great worry to a person.
Mind phr "For One's Mind Sake" - to gratify one's whim.
Mind phr "From Time Out of Mind" - time immemorial; for an inconceivably, long future time.
Mind phr "Fulfill One's Mind" - to accomplish one's purpose. 2. satisfy one's desires.
Mind phr "Give One's Mind to" - to set or addict one's self to a (study or practice) etc. 2. to put one's energy towards accomplishments or attaining (an object.) 3. give attention, consideration.
Mind phr "Go Out of Mind" - to be forgotten or no longer thought of or remembered.
Mind phr "Go Out of One's Mind" - to become greatly agitated, distressed or distraught. 2. lose one's mind.
Mind phr "Great Minds Think Alike" - similar ideas, views are shared by clever people (joculaly said).
Mind phr "Have a Mind for it" - to desire to possess it; to wish fot it.
Mind phr "Have a Mind of One's Own" - to think and act independently. 2. not to be easily influenced.
Mind phr "Have a Mind to do Something" - feel strongly inclined to do it.
Mind phr "Have Half/Good/Great a Mind" - to be strongly disposed or inclined (to do something)which one can do if one wishes.
Mind phr "Have It In Mind" - to think of, give heed to.
Mind phr "Have No Mind" - be without purpose or direction.
Mind phr "Have One's Mind" - to get what one wants.
Mind phr "Have Something in Mind" - have an idea about something.
Mind phr "Have Something on One's Mind" - be preoccupied with. 2. be troubled by something.
Mind phr "Having the Mind to" - to aim or be determined to pursue someone or something.
Mind phr "I Don't Mind if I Do." - words of acceptance or agreement, used esp. in accepting an offer of food or drink.
Mind phr "If You Don't Mind." - address to someone who you believe has not taken care to avoid doing something wrong or thoughtless. 2. I will do that, if you have no objection.
Mind phr "In My Mind." - in my judgement or opinion, as I think, to my mind.
Mind phr "In One's Mind Eye" - a mental view, imagination, or vision.
Mind phr "I Should Not Mind" - i will not object, be concerned about or affected by something proposed.
Mind phr "It Is All In the Mind" - it is imaginary.
Mind phr "I Wouldn't Mind" - I would like.
Mind phr "Keep/Have an Open Mind" - be open to suggestions.
Mind phr "Keep One's Mind On" - concentrate on.
Mind phr "Keep in Mind." - to have, bear in mind, hold in mind, to remember, retain in memory. 2. keep before one, keep one's attention fixed upon.
Mind phr "Know One's Own Mind." - to form and adhere to a decision without prevarication or waver. 2. to have a line of action and stick to it. 3. be confident in one's own opinions.
Mind phr "Let Another Know One's Mind" - to speak candidly or plainly; speak freely.
Mind phr "Lose One's Mind" - go mad, become insane.
Mind phr "Mind One's P's and Q's" - be very careful and correct in one's procedure, speech or behavior.
Mind phr "Make Up One's Mind." - decide, choose a way oir direction.
Mind phr "Mind How You Go" - be careful.
Mind phr "Mind Out" - take care to avoid danger. 2. look out!; be careful!
Mind phr "Mind the Shop" - have charge of affairs temporarily.
Mind phr "Mind You." - all the same, even so. 2. let me remind you (and myself). 3. nevertheless; all / just the same. 4. at the same time.
Mind phr "Mind You Do!" - don't fail to do it!
Mind phr "Mind Your Back" - please move out of the way.
Mind phr "Mind Your Eye" - look out!; keep alert!
Mind phr "Mind Your Own Business" - concern oneself with one's affairs, one's own life and work without being unduly curious about or interfering with, what others do. 2. jocularly or slang: 'mind your own beeswax'
Mind phr "Mind Your Step" - watch where you walk.
Mind phr "Never Mind" - don't let it trouble you . 2. it doesn't matter; don't wrry . 3. (offensively) it's none of your business.
Mind phr "Never You Mind" - it is no concern to you.
Mind phr "Of One and the Same Mind." - agree, think alike.
Mind phr "Of Sound or Unsound mind." - the healthy or normal condition of mental faculties. 2. the loss or impairment of which constitutes insanity. 3. one's reasons or wits.
Mind phr "On One's Mind." - occupying one's thoughts; said, esp. of something which causes anxiety.
Mind phr Open One's Mind to" - be receptive to change, new ides etc.
Mind phr "Out of Mind." - forgotten, failed to recall. 2. disregard as unimportant. 3. "out of sight, out of mind." 4. more than one can calculate.
Mind phr "Out of One's Right Mind" - mad, insane.
Mind phr "Put in Mind Of (Someone)" - to remind someone of, to inspire, a mental image of awareness of, to cause thoughts concerning.
Mind phr "Put One In Mind Of" - remind one of.
Mind phr "Put One's Mind to" - make a conscious effort.
Mind phr "Put One's Mind at Rest" - reassure oneself or another.
Mind phr "Put Out of Mind" - deliberately forget.
Mind phr "Put Somebody's Mind to Rest" - reassure somebody.
Mind phr "Read Somebody's Mind" - guess what somebody is thinking or talking about.
Mind phr "Rest Easy in One's Mind" - be calm, unworried.
Mind phr "Run In One's Mind" - to be of purpose of resolution.
Mind phr "Speak One's Mind." -to give one's judgement or opinion, esp. to express one's sentiments candidly or plainly; to speak freely. 2. to know one's mind.
Mind phr "Spring to Mind" - become immediately obvious. 2. to suddenly occur to a person.
Mind phr "Stoned Out Of One's Mind" - very drugged or drunk.
Mind phr "Take Somebody's Mind off Something" - distract somebody.
Mind phr "That Has Taken a Load Off My Mind" - I am relieved.
Mind phr "Time Out of Mind" - time immemorial; from a time out of mind.
Mind phr "Time Within Mind" - within the memory of man.
Mind phr "To (One's/My) Mind." - according to one's wish, or one's taste, liking; opinion. 2. as one would have it, after one's mind.
Mind phr "Weight off One's Mind" - to be of a great relief.
Mind phr "Whole of Mind" - sound or healthy of mind and meantal state.
Mind phr "Winning Hearts and Minds" - a concept occasionally expressed in the resolution of war, insurgency, and other conflicts, in which one side seeks to prevail not by the use of superior force, but by making emotional or intellectual appeals to sway supporters of the other side.
Mind phr "With One Mind." - unanimously, within one accord.
Mind phr "Within time of Mind." - time within the mind of men; within the memory of man.
Mind phr "Without the Mind of" - in opposition to the judgement of another, wish or opinion. 2. wish or opinion, without consent.
Mind-bend vb To influence or alter the mind of oneself or others.
Mind-bender n A person or thing which, influences or alters the mind.
Mind-bending adj Hallucinogenic. 2. mentally taxing; cf. 'brain-bending'; confusing, baffling, shattering.
Mindblindness n A cognitive disorder where an individual is unable to relate to the mental state of others
Mind-blowing adj Hallucigenic. 2. having an overwhelming effect on the imagination; mind-boggling.
Mind-blown adj A slang term used to express one’s excitement after learning or discovering new knowledge, oftentimes regardless of its degree of significance. It can be seen as a contraction of the idiomatic phrase “blow someone’s mind,”[1] as in to astonish or impress someone in a moving way
Mind-blownness n The state of one whose mims is 'blown.'
Mind-body n A term used in relation to the question of whether a distinction can be made between mental and physiological events.
Mind-day n A remembrance day, day of commemoration, esp. an anniversary. 2. red-letter day.
Mind-dust n A postulate of materialism that the human mind results for a combination of particles of mind that has always existed in association with material atoms.
Minded adj Inclined to think, in a particular way. 2. interested in or enthusiastic about a particular thing.
Mindedly adv In a specified minded manner.
Mindedness n The state of being minded in a particular way (narrow-mindedness).
Minder n One who remembers. 2. one who sets his mine upon something. 3. a child-minder, baby-sitter. 4. a child who is minded or taken care of at a minding-centre.
Mindful adj Having thought for or taking care of. 2. heedful of, keeping remembrance of, having remembrance of. 3. minded, intention to do something.
Mindfully adv In a mindful manner; attentively, heedfully, thoughtfully, earnestly, intently.
Mindfulness n Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training. The term "mindfulness" is a translation of the Pali term sati, which is a significant element of Buddhist traditions. In Buddhist teachings, mindfulness is utilized to develop self-knowledge and wisdom that gradually lead to what is described as enlightenment or the complete freedom from suffering. The recent popularity of mindfulness in the West is generally considered to have been initiated by Jon Kabat-Zinn. 2. state or condition of being mindful. 3. intention, regard, purpose, memory.
Mind-games n In psychology used to define three forms of competitive human behaviors: a largely conscious struggle for psychological one-upmanship, often employing passive–aggressive behavior to specifically demoralize or dis-empower the thinking subject, making the aggressor look superior; also referred to as "power games". 2. the unconscious games played by people engaged in ulterior transactions of which they are not fully aware, and which transactional analysis considers to form a central element of social life all over the world. 3. mental exercises designed to improve the functioning of mind and/or personality; see also brain teasers or puzzles.
Mind-healer n A healer of the mind; pyschiatrist. 2. a pyschologist; a quack, charlatan.
Mind-healing n Something that heals or soothes the mind.
Mind-hill n Memorial, mound or cairn.
Mind-hunger n A hunger or yearning for learning and knowledge. 2. curious, inquisitiveness.
Minding n The action of remembering, regarding, paying attention to, caring. 2. remembrance, recollection, that which reminds, a reminder, minging. 3. the marks on a stone about to be sawn, for the guidance of sawyer.
Minding-school n A school whose chief purpose is to keep children out of trouble.
Mindless adj Destitute of mind, unintelligent, senseless, stupified, insane, stultified. 2. unmindful, thoughtless, careless, negligent, disregardful.
Mindlessly adv In a somewhat senseless manner, without the use or involvement of the mind or intellect.
Mindlessness n State or condition of being mindless; heedlessness. 2 total privation of mental power.
Mind-like adj Characteristic of, or resembling the mind in some aspect.
Mindliness n An individual organization and control over his or her mind and emotions. 2. one's sense of genuity and mind that inculcates your knowing. 3. the quality associated with the mind; mental, mindly. 4. 'don't let oneself go into some psychological state of doom-ridden mindliness'. 5. remembrance.
Mindly adv Mindful. 2. pertaining to the mind; mental.
Mind-made adj The general principle that every object of experience is mind-made.; conceived.
Mind-making n Learning, educating, rearing, nurturing (esp, of children).
Mind-read n To discern, or appear to discern, another's thoughts.
Mind-reader n One who discerns, or appear to discern, some one's thoughts. 2. someone telepathic with powers to sense what another or others are thinking.
Mind-reading n The ability to sense what others are thinking; telepathy.
Mind's-ear n An imaginative capability to create or recall sound within one's mind; the part of the mind that experiences imagined or recalled sounds (an allusion to 'mind's eye' which is likewise responsible for mental imagery).
Mind-set n A fixed opinion or state of mind formed by earlier events.
Mind's-eye n A human ability to visualize, i.e. to experience visual mental imagery; in other words , one's ability to see 'things' with their mind.
Mindshare n A consumers awareness of a particular brand or product compared to that of its rival.
Mindsharing n A purposeful and pointed attempt to access collective knowledge from a group (such as a social network group) where one is free of one's emotions, and without giving up our independence, in making the decision(s).
Mindshift n A change of focus and perception. 2. a shift in one's mindset caused by creating something out of a fine balance between insights and innovation.
Mind-sick adj Mentally ill or insane.
Mindsight n Mental vision; a non-sleeping dream. 2. a term coined by to describe our human capacity to perceive the mind of the self and others. It is a powerful lens through which we can understand our inner lives with more clarity, integrate the brain, and enhance our relationships with others. Mindsight is a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our own minds.
Mindsman n A man of mind.
Mindstream n In Buddhist philosophy the moment-to-moment continium of sense, impression and mental phenomena, which is described as a continuing from one life to another.
Mind-stretching n The stretching or bending a mind towards an object. 2. the closeness of application with a fixed of intention. 3. mental activity in which mental and intellectual efforts are used long and hard. 4. the learning of new things expanding one's mind, intellect.
Mind-stricken adj Moved or affected in the mind.
Mind struck adj Something coming into the mind; as, an idea coming into the mind suddenly.
Mindsy adj Mindful, hence mindiness, mindfulness.
Mind-token n A memorial.
Mind-tool n A tool, as a computer, that can be used to extend cognitve function.
Mind-wandering n 'His best results come through mind-wandering' -
Mind-weary adj Mentally and emotionally tired.
Mind-whispering n A map of the emotional mind showing us that we have a choice of our moods, emotions, actions, and reactions. Mind Whispering attempts to teach how to manage our brains, and incorporate the timeless wisdom of mindfulness into everyday situations.
Mind-wipe n To erase the memories and personality, while still leaving an intact, living brain and body. this is frequently prtrayed as as a form of a capital punishment which leaves a viable body into which a different personality can be uploaded. 2. the act of mind-wiping; clean-slating.
Mind-world n The world of thought that exists within our mind. 2. the world of our mind. 3. the world in our head. 4. our inner world; our inner mind, our inner talk, one's selfness.
Mindy adj Mindful
Mind-your-own-businees n A creeping Mediterranean plant with masses of tiny pale green leaves, widely cultivated as a greenhouse or indoor plant (Soleirolia soleirolii). 2. Also known by common names, including bread and cheese; angel's tears.
Mine prn Belonging to me; that which belongs to me.
Minehood n The fact of being mine; as,"He inclined himself to my minehood and my I-hood inclined itself up to him."
Ming n A mixture.
Ming vb To put in the mind; remind a person. 2. to bring to remembrance, to commerate, mention. 3. remember; also, reflexive use, as in " to bethink oneself." 3. to give an account, to relate. 6. to commemorate. 7. admonish, rebuke, reprove.
Minging n The action of putting something in the mind; reminding a person. 2. the action of bringing to remembrance, to commemorating, mentioning. 3. remembering; also, bethinking oneself." 3. accounting for, relating to. 6.commemorating. 7. admonishing, admonition, rebuking, reproving, warning. 8. premonitory symptoms.
Minging n The state of being mixed or mingled.
Mingle vb Blend.
Mingle phr "Mingle their Tears" - weep or grieve together.
Mingle phr "Mingle with" - go about among.
Mingly adv In a mixed or mingled manner
Mingwort n Wormwood.
Minning n Remembrance, memory, memorial. 2. commemoration for a dark soul. 3. peel of a bell, rang at the death of someone.. 4. premonitory symptom. 5. minging.
Minning-day n Day of remembrance.
Minnow n A small freshwater fish; any small fish. 2. a novice. 3. a low-level performing team (or, individual) in comparison with their opponents or peers.?????
Minster n A monastery; a church belonging or situated beside a monastery; a cathedral, a temple; a Christian religious house.
Mint vb To make coin by stamping metal. 2. to make paper money. 3. to fabricate, counterfeit, mostly used contemptuously. 4. to invent a word.
Mint n A piece of money, money, coin(s). 2. a plce where money is lawfully coined. 3. a set of machinery for coining. 4. a place in which the fabrication of a thing is carried out, a source of invention or fabrication. 5. coinage; quantity of money coined. 6. a vast sum of money; a vast amount of something, often costly.
Mint n Any one of the labiate of the genus Mentha, such as Mentha viridis or garden mint or spearmint.
Mint n Purpose, intention, thought, mind. 2. an attempt, effort, endeavour. 3. a blow aimed at. 4. a threatening gesture or movement.
Mint vb To think, intend, put mind to, endeavour, venture. 2. to direct or address a speech to. 4. to aim a blow, take aim in shooting. 5. to make a threatening movement towards. 6. to move to seize something. 7. to point. 8. to aim or aspire to. 9. to mention, or speak of.
Mint adj Colloquial: excellent, great.
Mint phr "Make a Mint" - earn a lot of money.
Mint phr "Worth a Mint" - very wealthy.
Minter n A money-charger. 2. one who coins or stamps money. 3. a moneyer, inventor, deliberate maker of
Mintiness n The state or condition of being minty.
Minting n The stamping of metal to make coins. 2. the printing of paper money.
Minting adj Newly or freshly made or minted.
Minting-house n A place wheremoney is coined, a mint.
Minting-mill n A coining or coin-making machine.
Mintman n A male or female worker, in a mint, producing coins.
Mintlike adj Resembling mint, minty.
Mintmark n An inscription stamped on a coin indicatiing the mint of origin.
Minty adj Abounding in mint. 2. resembling the flavour of mint.
Mirth n Pleasurable feeling or enjoyment, joy, gratification, happiness. 2. delights, joy. 3. cause of joy. 4. rejoicing, merry-making, jollity, gaiety. 5. something which gives pleasure or amusement, a diversion, sporting entertainment. 6. something which affords pleasure or musement, a diversion, sport, entertainment. 7.musical entertainment, melody. 8 gaiety of mind, as manifest in jest and laughter, merriness, hilarity, jocularity, fun, ridicule. 9. all the above-mentioned things personified.
Mirth vb To be glad, rejoice. 2. to gladden, delight, to provide sport or entertainment. 3. to give pleasure or amusement. 4. to musically entertain.
Mirth-day n A holiday, festival, ferial celebration.
Mirthful adj Of persons, their dispostion, moods: full of mirth, joyous, gladsome, hilarious, happy. 2. of places, seasons: mirth or rejoicing in characteristic. 3. of sounds and utterances: expressive mirth, joyous, pleasing. 4. of things, affording mirthy amusement.
Mirthfully adv In a manner mirthful, joyously. 2. amusing, humorous in manner.
Mirthfulness n Quality or state of being mirthful, joyfulness, jocularity, jocosity, facetiousness.
Mirthing n Rejoicing.
Mirthless adj Wanting in mirth, joyless, sad, dismal.
Mirthlessness n Quality or state of being mirthless, sad, dismal, lacking in joy, fun, without merriness, unhappy, etc.
Mirth-lit adj Lit up or filled with mirth.
Mirth-loving adj Fun-loving, happiness-seeking, merry-making.
Mirthly adv In a funloving, merry, happy, jolly manner.
Mirth-maker n One who creates mirth, enjoyment, fun, merriment etc. 2. a mirth-monger.
Mirth-making n The action of making or creating mirth or enjoyment.
Mirth-marrer n One who puts a check or stop on mirth, happiness, joy and merrymaking. 2. a kill-joy.
Mirth-marring n The stopping or limiting mirth or joy.
Mirth-monger n A mirth-maker, one peddles fun, hilarity, enjoyment, entertainment.
Mirthsome adj Full of mirth.
Mirth-song n A song of religious joy.
Miry adj Of the nature of a mire or marshy ground; swampy, abounding in mire, muddy. 2. covered or bespattered in mud or mire. 3. dirty, defiled, despicable. OE??????????
Mis adj Predominant meaning in the Teutonic languages: amiss, wrongfully, perversely,
Misanswer n A wrong answer. 2. failure to correspond to the requirements.
Misanswer vb To give a perverse or wrong answer to someone.
Misbear vb To misbehave or misconduct oneself.
Misbearing n Misconduct, wrongful bearing.
Misbecome vb To fail to become; to suit ill. 2. to become unsuitable or unbecoming to.
Misbecoming n Not becoming; unbecoming, unsuitable, unfitting; unseemly, indecorous..
Misbecomingly adv Unfittingly, unsuitably.
Misbecomingness n The quality or condition of being unbecoming or misbecoming; also in particularised use: an unbecoming characteristic.
Misbede vb To ill-use, ill-treat, to injure, to abuse.
Misbefall vb To happen unfortunately, to turn out badly.
Misbefallen adj Of persons: coming to harm; unfortunately.
Misbeget vb To beget unlawfully.
Misbegin vb To begin or start badly.
Misbegotten adj Unlawfully begotten or conce1ved, illegimate, bastard.
Misbehave vb To behave wrongly or ill-behave. 2. to conduct oneself improperly. 3. to conduct or manage improperly or with improperness.
Misbehaving n The action of misbehaving in an appropriate improper, incorrect or unexpected manner.
Misbeholden vb To be offensive, ill-natured, out of place in civilized company.
Misbeholding n Unbecomingness, indiscreetness, disobligingness
Misbelead vb To lead astray.
Misbelief n An erroneous or unorthodox religious belief; wrong belief, faith, heresy, apostasy. 2. erroneous belief; false opinion or notion. 3. want of belief, disbelief, incredulity.
Misbeliefness n Unbelief, atheism, incredulity.
Misbelieve vb To be amiss in belief; to hold erroneous beliefs. 2. not to believe, deny the truth, to distrust, to disbelieve.
Misbeliever adj one holding a false belief or false religion. 2. heretic, fidelity
Misbelieving n State of holding a false belief, heretical and unorthodox.
Misbelove vb To "love" falsely, or love with impropriety.
Misbestow vb To bestow wrongly or impropriety.
Misbethink vb To think amiss. 2. to become mistaken. 3. to have wrong thoughts
Misbetide vb Misbefall. 2. to happen unfortunately; to turn out badly of events. 3. to unhappen unfortunately; to come to harm.
Misbeheede vb To be or become misguided.
Misbid vb To make an incorrect offer or bid. at a auction; card game etc.
Misbidding n The act or action of making an incorrect offer or bid. at a auction; card game etc.
Misbind vb To bind incorrectly, as a book or document.
Misbirth n Abortion.
Misbode n A wrong, an offence, misdeed.
Misbode vb To forebode something evil; misbodings.
Misborn adj Prematurely born, abortive, hence deformed or misshapen from birth; born of an unlawful union, hence bastard-born. 2. born to evil.
Misbrand vb To brand or label incorrectly, esp. in order to mislead or defraud.
Misbranded adj Branded or labelled incorrectly, esp. in order to mislead or defraud.
Miscast vb To cast or reckon incorrectly or wrongly; faulty reckoning. 2. to cast or direct erroneously or improperly, as a look or a glance. 3. make an error when casting a vote. 4. to allot unsuitably, as a parts of a play.
Misclad adj Wrongly or innapropriately dressed.
Miscleping n Misnaming
Miscome vb To come at the the wrong or inappropriate time. 2. an illegitimate child, a love-child.
Miscome adj Illegimitate; born out of wedlock.
Misdeal vb To distribute unfairly. 2. make a mistake when dealing cards.
Misdealer n One who distributes unfairly. 2. one who makes a mistake when dealing cards.
Misdealing n Wrong or improper dealing, wrong doing, evil or bad conduct.
Misdeed n A wrong action, an offence, mea culpa, crime, an evil, evil deed, misdoings, misdeeds (collectively).
Misdeedy adj doing wrong, bad, nefarious, malicious.
Misdeem n Misjudgement.
Misdeem vb To form an unfavourable judgement. 2. to have a wrong opinion. 3. to be mistaken in one's view of. 4. to suppose (a person or thing). 5. erroneously become something else. 6. to hold a mistaken opinion. 7. to have a suspicion or inkling of evil; to suspect.
Misdeemer n One who misjudges, has a wrong opinion, mistaken view; a suspicion.
Misdeemful adj Having or making a false judgement. 2. being suspicious, suspectful.
Misdeeming n Misjudging, mistaking, suspecting.
Misdight vb To be ill-clothed, badly furnished or presented. 2. to be mistaken,
Misdo vb To do evil or wrong. 2. to do harm or injury to or unto. 3. to do amiss. 4. to do evil or wrong to a person. 5. to harm, injure, wrong. 6. to destroy, put out out of existence, to do away with oneself.
Misdoer n Wrong-doer, malefactor, offender.
Misdoing n Evil-doing, improper performance, an instance of wong-doing, misdeed.
Misdoom n Misjudgement.
Misdraught n Misbehaviour. 2, draft of air in the wrong direction.
Misdraw vb To draw amiss.
Misdrawing vb To draw wrongly or incorrectly. 2. to go astray.
Misdrawing n A faulty drawing or delineation.
Misdread vb To have fear, be in dread, to dread.
Miseat vb To overeat and eat an inappropriate diet.
Misfall vb To suffer misfortune, come to grief, to happen unfortunately. 2. to fall out, to be amiss. Nb: " It misfell me." -- misfortune befell me.
Misfall n Mishap, misfortune.
Misfare n A mishap, misfortune, a going wrong or astray.
Misfaring n Wrong-doing, transgression, misbehaving.
Misfather vb To fail as a parent in the care and nurturing of his children
Misfeed vb An instance of faulty feeding of something, (mostly paper) through a machine.
Misfeel vb To have sinful feelings
Misfeelings n Doubts, wrongful feelings, sinful feelings.
Misfere vb To do wrong, transgress, misbehave. 2. to fare ill, to come to grief. 3. to be unfortunate or unsuccessful.
Misfire vb Of a gun: to fail to discharge or explode. 2. of an engine: to charge correctly or efficiently.
Misfiring n an incident of a gun: to fail to discharge or explode; or of an engine: to charge correctly or efficiently.
Misfold vb To fold a document incorrectly. 2. to fold clothing in an untidy manner.
Misfolded adj Folded incorrectly or in an untidy manner etc.
Misfong vb To make a mistake. 2. treat wrongly.
Misfooting n A going astray.
Misframe vb To frame wrongly.
Misgang n Going astray, misbehaviour.
Misget vb To get wrongly or unlawfully, to provide by unlawful means.
Misgive vb Of one's heart or mind: to suggest misapprehension; to cause to be apprehensive. 2. to incline to suspicion or foreboding. 3. of the mind: to have misgivings; suggest fear of. 4. to cite wrongly.
Misgiver n One who misgives or has doubts and misapprehensions.
Misgiving n A feeling of mistrust, apprehension or loss of confidence.
Misgo vb To go astray, to go down the wrong path or way, (often fig. in context.)
Misgoing n A going astay, trepass, transgressions.
Misgotten adj Wrongly acquired or obtained; ill-gotten.
Misgrounded adj Falsely grounded or ill-fpunded.
Misgrown adj Grown or formed out of shape. 2. mis-shappen.
Misgrowth n A distorted or abortive growth. 2. an unnatural growth.
Misguilt n Offence, misdeed, crime.
Mishale adj Unhealthy, sick, lacking robustness, defective.
Mishallowed adj Of feigned holiness or religious belief.
Mishandle vb To beat badly or inmproperly. 2. to handle roughly or rudely. 3. to maltreat, ill-treat.
Mishandler n One who beat another badly or improperly. 2. to handle roughly or rudely. 3. to maltreat, ill-treat.
Mishandling n Maltreatment, improper treatment, rough handling.
Mishear vb OE: to disobey. 2. to hear amiss, hear imperfectedly or incorrectly.
Mishearing n Sinful hearing or listening; eavesdropping.
Mishearken vb To mishear; to listen sinfully.
Misheed vb Wrongly observe or take notice of inappropriate advice.
Mishit n An incorrect or bad hit.
Mishit vb To incorrectly or badly hit.
Mishope n Despair, despondency, blues.
Mishope vb To fail to hope in. 2. to despair, be despondent.
Miskeep vb To kee or maintain improperly. 2. to fail to observe an anniversary, duty.
Miskeeping n The improper or faulty keeping of. 2. the miskeeping or non-observance of an anniversary, religious duties, etc.
Misken vb To not to know; fail to recognise or notice. 2. to be ignorant of. 3. to have many ideas about, misunderstand. 4. to have false ideas about oneself or one's position. 3. to refuse to recognise or notice. 4. to affect ignorance of. 5. to overlook, disregard, disown.
Miskenning n Misunderstanding, ignorance, neglect, forgetfulness. 2. a mistake or variation
Miskey vb To key a word or a piece of data into a computer or other machine correctly.
Miskeying n An instance of keying erroneously; a typing error.
Miskissing n Kissing that is wrong, improperly done or inappropriate.
Misknow vb To have an evil conscience. 2. not to know or be aware of; to be ignorant of. 3. to be misknown. 4. to not recognise (a person). 5. to refuse to recognise or notice someone or something. 6. to know imperfectly.
Misknowning n The state or condition of ignorance, misunderstanding, neglect, forgetfulness.
Mislay vb Of an item or object: unable to be found through being wrongly placed. 2. to lay down something in a place which later can not be recollect.
Mislayer n One who wrongly places, files etc an item or object making it unable to be found.
Mislead vb To lead astray in action or conduct. 2. to lead into error; delude; to cause to err. 3. to misbehave, misconduct oneself. 4. to mismanage. 5. to lead or guide in the wrong direction.
Misleader n One who misleads or causes people to err. 2. one who misrules or misgoverns.
Misleading adj That leads astray or causes to err. 2. deliberately desingned to lead in the wrong direction or to the wrong conclusion.
Misleadingly adv In a misleading manner.
Misleadingness n State or act of being misleading.
Mislear vb To misteach or wrongly instruct. 2. misguide, lead astray or into error.
Misleared adj Unmannerly, ill-treat. 2. not knowing what is due to oneself or one's position in society.
Mislearn vb To learn badly or incorrectly.
Mislearned adj Perversely learned.
Mislearning n Want of learning. 2. bad or incorrect learning.
Misled vb To lead astray, misguide, ill-conduct.
Misleeful adj Unbelieving.
Misleve n Misbelief.
Misleve vb To believe wrongly, to misbelieve, disbelieve.
Mislich adj Diverse, unlike, various, different.
Misliche adv In various ways, diversely, variously. 2. in various directions, astray, wrongly, erringly.
Mislie vb To lie in a wrong position. 2. to set oneself down in a wrong or inappropriate position or situation.
Mislife n Wrong or inappropriate living. 2. misliveness; mislivedness.
Mislight vb To lead astray or into harm's way by light or the use of light.
Mislike n Want of affection, dilike of, distaste for, objection to 2. to becxcome unpopular with; disapprove of. 3. disafection, disagreement, dissension. 4. wasting or consumption in animals and plants. 5. disease, sickliness, illness, unhealthiness.
Mislike vb To be displeasing to, to displease, offend. 2. to be out of harmony with, to be displeased with, or offended at. 3. to disapprove of, dislike. 4. to take sinful pleasure in something. 5. to grow sickly or unhealthy. 6. to waste away or be consumed.
Mislikeness n A distorted shape. 2. a bad portraiture.
Misliker n One who become or feels displeased with, or offended at the actions, look etc of others.
Misliking n The opposite of pleasure, discomfort, uneasiness, unhappiness, trouble. 2.displeasure, indignation. 3. dislike of, aversion. 4. mutual disaffection, dissension.
Misliking adj Unpleasant, disaffected, indignation. 2. sickly, diseased, consumptive, unhealthy.
Misline vb to arrange in wrong order.
Mislive vb To live badly, wasteful, wrongly or in an immoral or evil way.
Mislived adj Wasted, badly lived,; evilly or wrongly lived.
Misliver n A person who lives an bad, evil or wasteful life.
Misliving n Evil-living; wasteful living; wrong-doing.
Mislook vb To sin in looking; to look unfavourably on.
Mislore n Evil or malicious teaching or advice.
Mislove vb To love in a wrong way: misloving. 2. to dispraise, to depreciate. 3. to love in a sinful way. 4. to hate. NB: this word manages the trick of having two meanings that are most opposite to each other, as does the words 'left' and 'cleave'
Misly adv Amiss, wrongfully, perversely,
Mismake vb To unmake, depose, discard. 2. to disturb oneself; to put oneself out or inconvenience oneself.
Mismaking n Something badly made, mismade or constructed. 2. something badly composed or written.
Mismark vb To mark, note, or designate wrongly.
Mismark adj Having wrongly marked.
Mismatch n A bad match; a discrepancy. 2. an unequal or unfair position in a sporting match or on various competitive situations in life (and love). 3. ill-matedness or an unsuitable match of married or to be marriage couples.
Mismatch vb To match badly, wrongly or unsuitably; esp. in marriage. 2. to be badly or ill-matched or ill-mated.
Mismatched adj Matched badly, wrongly or unsuitably; esp. in marriage. 2. badly or ill-matched or ill-mated. 3. not suited or compatible in various ways.
Mismatchedness n The state or condition of being mismatched.
Mismay vb To trouble, disturb, upset. (in the sense of mismake)- dismay, essmay.
Mismean vb To misinterpret, to wrongly take, wrongly thought.
Mismeaning n Wrong intention; misinterpretation.
Misminded adj Perverted or wrong interpreted in the mind.
Misname vb To call by a wrong name; miscall; misnamed. 2. to call by an abusive name.
Misnim vb To mistake, to make mistake, to err, do wrong.
Misniming n An error, erroring, misappropriating.
Misplay vb In games, a wrong play; hence, any wrong move.
Mispride n Improper pride; foolish pride.
Misproud adj Foolish, arrogant, wrongly proud; proud for the wrong reasons.
Misqueme vb To displease, offend.
Misread vb To read a piece of text incorrectly. 2. judge or interpret a situation or person's manner or behavior.
Misreading n The act or instance something incorrectly.
Misreckon vb To reckon, compute an amount incorrectly. 2. to make a wrong calculation in respect to a certain amount.
Misreckoning n Incorrect reckoning, casting, miscalculation of accounts.
Misrede vb To misadvise or wrongly advise. 2. to give bad counsel.
Miss n A failure to hit. 2. a failure to obtain or accomplishment. 3. an act of avoidance.
Miss vb To fail to hit. 2. to feel the absence of someone or something, sometimes with regret. 3. to fail to understand or have a shortcoming of perception. 4. to fail to attend. 5. to be late for something (a means of transportation, a deadline etc).in sports - to fail to score (a goal).
Miss phr "A Miss Is as Good as a Mile" - something that nearly succeeds is no better than something that is a total failure.
Miss phr "Give It/Somebody a Miss" - not to do something.
Miss phr "I Miss You Now You Are Gone" - to lack, feel the want of.
Miss phr "Miss By a Mile" - to be nowhere near one's target.
Miss phr "Miss is as Good as a Mile" - narrowly missing success in doing or obtaining something has the same practical result as failing completely. 2. (coversely) a narrow escape from failure, danger, death, is as successful as an easy escape.
Miss phr "Miss Out" - forget, omit, fail to include.
Miss phr "Miss Out On" - not be present at; not experience, fail to notice and thus enjoy or profit from.
Miss phr "Miss the Boat" - to be too slow to take advantage of an opportunity.
Miss phr "Miss the Mark" - to fail to achieve the result that was intended.
Miss phr "Not Miss the Beat" - to carry on without the slightest interruption.
Mis-saw n Evil speaking, calumny, slander, abuse. 2. wrong expression, perverted language.
Mis-say vb To speak evil against a person; to abuse, slander, revile, vilify. 2. to say something something with evil, abuse, to slander with intent. 3. to speak evil, abusively, slanderously, arrogantly. 4. to speak evil of. 5. to say amiss, wrongly or incorrectly. 6. to say what or something that is not right or correct.
Mis-sayer n Slanderer, evil speaker, calumniator.
Mis-saying n The action of evil-speaking, slander or abuse. 2. mis-statement.
Missed adj Of cattle or animals: barren, unproductive. 2. straying, erring.
Mis-see vb To see imperfectedly. 2. to take a wrong view.
Mis-seek vb To seek wrongly or in the wrong places.
Mis-seeking n The action of seeking wrongly or in the wrong place.
Missel n Mistletoe.
Mis-sell vb To be or become a customer of a misleading advice.
Mis-selling n The deliberate, reckless, or negligent sale of products or services in circumstances where the contract is either misrepresented, or the product or service is unsuitable for the customer's needs. For example, selling life insurance to someone who has no dependents is regarded as misselling.
Mis-send vb To send wrongly or amissly. 2. to send to the wrong place or person.
Mis-set vb TO set or put in the wrong place; to misplace. 2. to put out of humour, upset.
Mis-shape n In shape or figure having a deformity. 2. deformity, mis-shapedness, a misshapen body or person.
Mis-shape vb To shape ill; to give a bad form to; to deform; misshapen.
Mis-shaped adj Deformed in shape or figure; misshaped. 2. having a bad or ugly shape; ill-shaped, deformed. 3. badly deformed; shaped or formed; distorted. 4. morally monstrous or ugly.
Mis-shapen adj Not having the normal or natural shape shape or form; misshapen.
Mis-shapedness n The state or condition of being misshapen.
Mis-sheath vb To sheath or encase wrongly, erroneously.
Misshood n The condition of being an unmarried woman. (master late OE)
Missing adj Not able to be located; gone, absent, lost. 2. running roughly due to an occasional lack of spark or some other irregular fault. 3. a value that is missing (statistics).
Missingness adv The quality or condition of being absence.
Missing-mark n A person who misses the mark; or fails in a purpose.
Mis-sit vb To sit badly or imperfectly; to misbecome.
Miss-out vb To miss an experience or lose an opportunity etc., that should not be missed. 2. to leave out, to omit.
Mis-speak vb To speak wrongly or improperly. 2. to speak out. 3. calumninate, to rumour-spread. 4. to utter or pronounce incorrectly. 5. to fail to convey the meaning one intends by one's words.
Mis-speaking n The act of speaking incorrectly or improperly; mis-speech. 2. the failure to convey the meaning one intends by ones words.
Mis-speech n Wrongly or incorrect speech.
Mis-speed n Unsuccess, failure, luckless.
Misspell vb To spell incorrectly; to orthographise wrongly.
Misspeller n One who spells incorrectly.
Misspelling n An incorrect spelling of a word.
Mis-spend vb To waste, make bad use of expenditure, to be prodigal.
Mis-spender n One who is wasteful or prodigality
Mis-spending n Bad or wasteful expenditure; prodigality.
Mis-spent adj Wasted, dissipated, squandered, thrown away, frittered away, misused.
Mis-start vb To start forth amiss.
Mis-step n A wrong step: a faux pas. 2. a step in the wrong direction or less than wise decision or action.
Mis-step vb To make a wrong step. 2. to go astray.
Mis-sway vb To sway in the wrong direction.
Mis-swaying n Misgoverning, misgovernment, misrule
Missy n Pertaining to, resembling or characteristic of a miss or young lady.
Mist n Water or other liquid finely suspended in a layer of fine droplets or particles. 2. fig, a thing that dims or darkens, observes or intercepts vision.
Mist vb To form mist. 2. to spray fine droplets on, particularly of water. 3. to cover with a mist. 4. (of the eyes) to be covered by tears.
Mist phr "In Mist" -- things spiritual, esoteric or mystical.
Mist phr "Loss In Mist of Time" - used to show that something happened a very lone time ago, and is very difficult to remember.
Mist phr "Mist Over" - become covered with mist, tears or a thin line of water. 2. become darken or obscured.
Mist phr "Mist Up" - become obscured by a film of water (as a result of condensation).
Mist phr "Throw a Mist before One's Eyes" - to obscure vision (lit & fig.)
Mistake n An apprehending wrongly; a misconception; a misunderstanding; a fault in opinion or judgment; an unintentional error of conduct. 2. a misconception, error, which when non-negligent may be ground for rescinding a contract, or for refusing to perform it.
Mistake vb To err in knowledge, perception, opinion, or judgment; to commit an unintentional error. 2. to have a wrong idea of in respect of character, qualities, etc.; to misjudge. 3. to substitute in thought or perception; as, to mistake one person for another. 4. to take in a wrong sense; to misunderstand misapprehend, or misconceive; as, to mistake a remark; to mistake one's meaning. 5. to take or choose wrongly.
Mistake phr "Make No Mistake" - you can be sure, undoubtedly.
Mistake phr "There's No Mistaking it" - you cannot confuse it with or mistake it for something else.
Mistakeless adj Without any mistakes; flawless.
Mistaken adj Wrong in one's opinion or judgement.
Mistakeness n The quality or condition of being mistaken. 2. mistakening.
Mistaker n One who is mistaken in error or at fault resulting from defective judgement, knowledge or carelessness..
Mistakeningly ad On a mistakening way; wrongly, erroneously.
Mist bow n A fog bow, sometimes called a white rainbow, is a similar phenomenon to a rainbow; however, as its name suggests, it appears as a bow in fog rather than rain. Because of the very small size of water droplets that cause fog—smaller than 0.05 millimeters (0.0020 in)—the fog bow has only very weak colors, with a red outer edge and bluish inner edge.
Mist-cloud n A cloud of mist.
Mist-cold adj Cold with mist.
Mist-drop n Misty drops.
Mistful adj Full of mist, obscured, with or as if with mist.
Misteach vb To teach or instruct badly. 2. to misdirect.
Misteaching n The act of teaching or instructing badly; misdirection.
Misted adj Obscured by or hidden in mist; fig., dulled, blurred.
Mistell vb To number or reckon incorrectly. 2. to miscount or count inaccurately. 3. to relate wrongly; teach, instruct wrongly or erroneously.
Misthank vb To show resentment of.
Misthew n A bad habit.
Misthink vb To have sinful thoughts. 2. to have mistaken thoughts, to think wrong or eroneously. 3. to think mistakenly, wrongly or incorrectly. 4. to think ill or badly of, have an unfavourable opinion of. 5. to think bad thoughts.
Misthinking n Sinful in thought. 2. of thoughts mistaken.
Misthought n Erroneous thoughts or notions. 2. mistaken opinion.
Misthrow vb To throw wrongly or inaccurately.
Misthunche vb To seem wrong; undo.
Mistide n A mishap, accident, misfortune.
Mistide vb In OE. to be a failure. 2. to happen amiss or unfortunately. 3. to have misfortune. 4. to mishap or mistime.
Mistihede n Mistiness, mistihood, obscurity. 2. mystical significance.
Mistihood n Obscurity, mystical meaning.
Mistily adv In a misty manner or way.
Mistime vb Of an event: to happen amiss, mishap. 2. of a person: to come to grief or harm. 3. to suffer; to suffer a mishap. 4. not to time something properly, to do or perform at the wrong time. 5. to miscalculate or misstate the time of.
Mistimed adj Unfortunately ill-timed, unfortunate, unreasonable, out of time or place. 2. disturbed in one's habits, esp., in respect to sleeping and eating.
Mistimely adv Unreasonably, ill-timely, untimely.
Mistiming n Doing a thing of the wrong time. 2. miscalculation of the time of an event. 3. disturbance of a regular habits.
Mistiness n The state or quality of being misty.
Misting n The action of covering or becoming misty.
Misting-up n The act of obscuring as with mist; the act of thus becoming obscured.
Misthithe vb To be dishonest in the paying of tithes. 2. to pay a thithe wrongly.
Mist-laden adj Heavily misted.
Mistless adj Free of mist. 2. clear, not obscured.
Mistle-thrush n Missel-thrush: a large thrush with a spotted breast , that feeds on mistletoe berries.
Mistletoe n Viscum album: a parasitic plant growing on apple and other trees and bearing white glutinous berries.
Mistle-toe phr "Kissing Under the Mistletoe" - an English Christmas time custom from about the C17th, where a man plucked a berry when he kisses a girl under the mistletoe tree, and when the last berry is gone there should be no more kissing.
Mist-like adj Resembling or characteristic of mist in some aspect. 2. misty, obscure.
Mistread n A mis-step, misdeed, faux pas.
Mistread vb To make a false step. 2. to misdeed, make a faux pas.
Mistreading n A mis-step, a misdeed; a false step or move.
Mistrow n Mistrust, have suspicion of, to suspect of , to have a lack of faith in someone, not to believe in.
Mistrum n Weak, untrim, not strong.
Mistruth n Disbelief, untruth, unfaithfulness.
Mistruthful adj Disbeliefful, untruthful, unfaithful, dishonestly.
Mist-thread n A thin line or thread of mist.
Miswander vb To stray, go the wrong, go the wrong, down a wrong course, or course.
Mist-wet adj Wet with mist.
Mist-wrought adj Formed by mist.
Misty adj With mist; foggy. 2. fig. with tears in the eyes.
Misty-brained adj Illogical, unclear, confused of thinking.
Misty-bright adj The affect produced when sunbeams break through a mist
Misty-dark adj The affect produced when mist descends or is falling at dusk
Misty-eyed adj Tearful, lugubrious, larmoyant.
Misunderstand vb To incorrectly understand, whilst believing one has understood correctly.
Misunderstander n One who misunderstands or incorrectly understand.
Misunderstanding n A mistake in the meaning of something. 2. an erroneous interpretation, a misconception. 3. a disagreement or difference of opinion; a quarrel.
Misunderstandindly adv In a mistaken or erroneous manner.
Misunderstood adj Improperly understood or intepreted. 2. not appreciated by others.
Misunderstoodness n The state of being improperly understood or interpreted. 2. an instance or common occurrence of having something you say taken wrongly.
Miswander vb To go astray; go the wrong way.
Miswandered adj Going astray, deviating from the norm; aberrant.
Miswandering adj Going astray or awry.
Miswant vb To want something that you mistakenly believe will make you happy.
Misway n The wrong path, an unfortunate decision or choice.
Misway phr "Go Misway" - to go astray.
Miswear vb To wear badly.
Miswearing n An act or instance of miswear.
Miswed vb To marry unsuitably; to marry the wrong partner.
Miswedded adj Of a marriage: wrongly or unsuitably contracted or made.
Misween vb To have a wrong opinion of. 2. to think wrongly of. 3. to misjudge.
Misweening n Misthinking, misjudgement, mistrust.
Miswend vb To turn in a wrong direction. 2. to misapply. 3. to lead astray, to pervert; twist. 4. to go astray (lit. & fig.) 5. to come to grief.
Miswending n Perversion, disarray, dilapidate.
Miswent adj dilapidated, ruined, destroyed. 2. astray, out of gear.
Miswill n Wrong desire.
Miswin vb To obtain willfully.
Miswire vb To wire incorrectly.
Miswired adj Wired incorrectly.
Mis-wishing n The act of wishing for the wrong thing.
Mis-wite vb To neglect, not to care for.
Miswive vb To marry unlawfully. 2. to commit bigamy.
Miswoman n A strumpet, hooker, sex-worker, harlot, skank.
Miswont vb To misuse, disuse, abuse in use of. 2. to do wrongly or amiss.
Miswonted adj Having bad habits, that is being wont to do amiss.
Misword n A harsh, angry or cross word.
Misword vb To word a message, a piece of writing, composition etc. incorrectly. 2. miswrite, make a mistake in writing.
Misworded adj Miswritten, mistaken in writing, composed incorrectly.
Miswording n The action of incorrectly wording a writing.
Miswork vb To do amiss, to act amiss, to commit an offence, to work or do ill. 2. to manufacture something badly, miswrought.
Misworship vb To wrongly or falsely worship.
Miswrench vb To twist out of shape, to distort or change the shape of something.
Miswrite vb To write incorrectly, to make a mistake in writing (composition) or spelling.
Miswrought vb Badly worked, fashioned or prepared.
Miswune n An evil habit, a wone.
Misyearn vb To desire wrongly
Misyeme vb To neglect.
Misyenge vb To go astray, amiss.
Misyield n A bad, inferior, incorrect, wrong yield.
Misyield vb To give a bad, inferior or inncorrect yield.
Misyielding adj Producing a bad, wrong, incorrect inferior yield.
Misyoke vb To join in an unsuitable marriage. 2. marry the wrong partner.
Mit n A measure of capacity in OE. of approx. two ambers; mentioned as used for corn, meal, honey, ale, wire. 2. used as measure for salt in the C15th. 3. a shallow tub or like vessel used for household purposes.
Mite n OE. an insect; esp a minute one. 2. a minute particle.
Mite phr "Not a Mite" - not at all.
Mite-borne adj Carried and spread by mites or small insects.
Mithe vb To conceal, dissemble feelings and emotions. 2. to remain concealed. 3. to hide one'a thoughts and feelings. 4. to escape the notice of.
Miting n A term for a diminutive creature often used in contempt.
Mix n Dung, filth, ordure. 2. a vile wretch.
Mix adj Filthly, foul, vile.
Mixen n A place where dung and refuse is laid. 2. a dunghill or laystall. 3. a heap of dung, compost etc. used for manure. 4. dung and refuse from cow-stalls and sheds. 5. a term of a abuse or reproach to a woman or child. 7. a cock on his own.
Mixen phr "Better Wed Over the Mixen than Over the Moor" -- better to marry a neighbour than a stranger from distant parts.
Mixen-hole n A slum, ghetto, boondocks. 2. a man (used as a term of abuse).