The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Old adj Far advanced in the years of one's or its life: an old man; an old horse; an old tree. 2. of or pertaining to the latter part of the life or term of existence of a person or thing: old age. 3. as if or appearing to be far advanced in years. 4. having lived or existed for a specified time: a man 30 years old. 5. having lived or existed as specified with relation to younger or newer persons or things.
Old n Old persons collectively (usually preceded by the). 2. a person or animal of a specified age or age group (used in combination): a class for six-year-olds. 3.
Old phr "Old as the Hills" - extremely or exceedingly old.
Old phr "Old Sins Have Long Shadows" - past misdeeds are liable to return to haunt a person.
Old and young adj People, young and old collectively, as "The old and young."
Old-fangled adj Old fashioned, out of fashion, out-of-date, out-moded.
Old-fangledness n The state of being old fashioned.
Old-hand n A person who is very experienced. 2. one who has experience in any business.
Old-hat adj Out-of-date. 2. as a noun phrase it had a different (vulgar) sense previously: a woman's privities, because frequently felt.
Oldie n A person of advanced years, a senior citizen. 2. an old time film or song ('golden oldie')
Oldish adj Somewhat old.
Old maid n An unmarried women who is past the usual age of marriage. 2. spinster
Old man n A man advanced in years. 2. as a term of affectionate familiarity. 3. husband, father; boss (vulgar). 4. unregenerate human nature : Old Adam. 5. a full-grown male kangaroo. 6. in mining: an old vein or working which has been abandoned; also oreless stuff. 7. "Old man of the Sea" - a person or thing that cannot be shaken off; in allusion to "Sinbad the Sailor."
Old Man Winter n Also known as "Father Winter" - a personification of winter. "Father Winter" is more commonly known as "Santa Claus". In the Northern Hemisphere with it's dour, punishing year's end seems an apt personification.
Oldness n The state or condition of being old or of advanced years.
Old Salt n A sailor, seaman.
Old saw n A proverb or maxim; a saying old in a sense of wise, rather than old in fashion.
Old Sooty n The Devil.
Oldster n One who is no longer young. 2. a midshipman of four years standing.
Old Sweat n An old soldier.
Old thing n A term of endearment.
Old-standing adj That which has stood or existed long. 2. longstanding, enduring, surviving.
Old-time (s) adj Belonging to, or characterised by of the olden times.
Old timer n One who belongs to an earlier time. 2. a person of advanced years.
Old wife n A prattling old woman; a gossip, a tell-tale.
Old-wife's tale n A trivial tale such as is told a by garrulous od woman.
Old woman n A woman advanced in years; hence: a person compared to an old woman. 2. a amn of timid or fussy character and habits. 3. wife ('my old woman). 4. mother (vulgar). 5. a nap or cowl used to prevent a chimney from smoking.
Old world adj Of or pertaining to the old world or ancient order of things. 2. characterized by by-gone times. 3. of or pertaining to Eurasia and Africa, as opposed to the Americas
Old-worldiness n State or quality realating to the Old World (Eurpoean) life. 2. old -fashioned, out-moded view or practice.
Olfend n A camel