Old English | sp | English |
Pea-brain | n | Foolish, stupid. |
Peacock | n | The male of a gallinaceous bird, a pavonine. NB: alernate spelling: "Pocock" |
Peacock eye | n | Small localized circular markings in certain woods, like a bird's eye in maple, that add considerably to the decorative value. It si now suggested that they are caused by fungi, but embryo buds, insects, and birds are claimed to be cause. |
Pea-cod | n | The pod or legume of the pea-plant; a pea-pod. |
Peafowl | n | A pheasant of the genus or afropavo, notable for the extravagant tails of the mates; a peacock. |
Pea-green | adj | A yellowish green color, like that of peas. |
Pea hen | n | Peacock, peafowl. |
Peak | n | Perhaps ???? from O.E. 'pic": point, A point; the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point; as, the peak, or front, of a cap. 2. the highest value reached by some quantity in a time period. 3. (geography) the top, or one of the tops, of a hill, mountain, or range, ending in a point. 3. geography) The whole hill or mountain, especially when isolated. 4. (nautical) the upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail. 5. (nautical) The narrow part of a vessel's bow, or the hold within it. 6. (nautical) the extremity of an anchor fluke; the bill. 7. (mathematics) A local maximum of a function, e.g. for sine waves, each point at which the value of y is at its maximum. |
Peak | n | The name "Peak Arse" in OE. "Peas aers" and in Domesday Book: "Peachears" applied to "Peak's Cavern," has suggested a conjecture that Peas may have been a name for a demon,(later "Devils Arse") cognate with OE. "Puca or Puck. Other placenames such as Peasaes del Kemble, Paesedon, (now Pegdon) in Bedfordshire have naturally been associated with the word "peak", but the history of the latter maked any etymological connection impossible. |
Peak | vb | To reach a peak. 2. to rise or extend into a peak, to form or appear as a peak |
Peak body | n | An organisation which represents an entire sector of industry or the community to the government, often incorporating other organisations in that area. |
Peaked | adj | Having a peak or peaks. |
Peakedness | n | The condition of having (a specified form of) peak. |
Peak flow | n | The largest measure of air respired from the lungs. 2. the largest volume of water discharged from a stream or river. |
Peak load | n | The maximum power load consumed or produced by a generating unit or groups of units during a specified time. |
Peakily | adv | Characterized by peaks. |
Peakiness | n | The quality of having or being peaky. |
Peakish | adj | Of or relating to a peak or peaks. 2. belonging to a mountainous region. 3. having peaks, peaked. |
Peakless | adj | Without a peak or peaks. |
Peaklike | adj | Resembling a peak or peaks. |
Peaky | adj | Having or as if having peaks, especially high-pitched spots. |
Peanut | n | A legume resembling a nut, the fruit of the plant "Arachis" |
Peanut | phr | "Earn Peanuts" - to get reward which is far too small in relation to the value of the services rendered. |
Peanut milk | n | A non-dairy beverage created using peanuts and water. Recipe variations include salt, sweeteners, and grains. It does not contain any lactose and is therefore suitable for people with lactose intolerance. Similar in production to almond milk, soy milk, and rice milk, the peanuts are typically ground, soaked, sometimes heated, and then filtered through a fine filter: the resulting liquid is considered the "milk". |
Peanutty | adj | Resembling peanuts, pea-like. 2. of or pertaining to peanuts. |
Pear | n | Fleshy, juicy, very eatable fruit of the tree, "Pyrus communis" |
Pearmonger | n | A fruit seller, esp. of pears |
Pear-shaped | adj | Having the shape or cross-section of a pear |
Pear tree | n | A fruit of the genus, pyrus, which bears the pear as fruit. |
Peary | adj | Resembling a pear, pear-like. |
Pearwood | n | The wood of the pear tree. |
Pease | n | Pea, peas collectively. |
Pea-time | n | The last stages of anything, the end of one's life. |
Pebble | n | Small roundish stone, a popelstan. 2. transparent and colourless rock-crystal. |
Pebble | phr | "Throw a Pebble Against a Window" - to gently draw attention tpo oneself. |
Pebble-like | adj | Resembling a characteristic of a pebble. |
Pebble mill | n | A tumbling mill that grinds or pulverizes materials without contaminating them with iron; used especially ceramic ingredients. |
Pebble-stone | n | A pebble. 2. a material consisting of a mass of pebbles. 3. a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand. |
Pebble-ware | n | A kind of Wedgewood in which the clay of different colours are include in the paste during manufacture. |
Pelican | n | A large, gregarious, fish-eating webfooted bird of warm regions, having a distensible membranous pouch on the upper for the temporary storage of fish. 2. the axe-head. |
Pen | n | A small enclosure for domestic animals and livestock, as cows, sheep, swine or poultry. 2. a fold, sty, coup. 3. a number of animals sufficient to fill a pen; also animals contained within the pen in a collection. 4. a division within a pen, sty, etc. 5. a river or canal; weir or dam. |
Penfold | n | An enclosure penning sheep or cattle; a small fence-area for stray animals and livestock |
Penniless | adj | Without money; without a penny; poor. |
Pennilessness | n | Destitution. |
Penning | n | Enclose in a pen; confined. |
Penny | n | A coin used in the UK. and Commonwealth countries. 2. money in general |
Penny | n | Used in combining form: twopenny, halfpenny, etc. 2. Costing a specified number of) pennies nails; formerly designating the cost of nails per hundred; but afterwards denoting their length. |
Penny | phr | "Have One's Penny's Worth" - have one's (minor) say in a matter. |
Penny | phr | "Not Have a Penny to One's Name (Or to Bless Oneself)" - have no money. |
Penny | phr | "Pennies from Heaven" - unexpected money. |
Penny | phr | "Penny for Your Thoughts" - tell me what you are thinking about. |
Penny | phr | "Pretty Penny" - much money. |
Penny | phr | "The Penny Dropped" - somebody (finally) understood something. |
Penny | phr | "Throw in One's Six Pennies' Worth" - to modestly supply one's own facts or views. |
Penny | phr | "Two a Penny" - very cheap, common. |
Penny | phr | "Two-penny, halfpenny" - cheap, trivial. |
Penny-dreadful | n | A cheap book or magazine containing popular, usually sensational fiction. |
Penny-farthing | n | also penny farthing, "ineffective," from penny + farthing, the two together making but a small sum. 2. a kind of bicycle with a small wheel in back and a big one in front (so called from the notion of different size coins). |
Penny-father | n | A person who is extremely careful with their money: a skinflint, miser, scrooge |
Penny-liner | n | A journalist who contributes articles, etc to a newspapers at so a much a line; a hack writer. |
Penny-monger | n | A money lender. |
Penny-rot | n | Name for the Marsh Pennywort, from its round leaves and supposed property of causing rot in sheep. |
Penny-weight | n | A troy weight of 24 grains. |
Penny whistle | n | A tin whistle. |
Penny-wisdom | n | The quality or characteristic of being economical in small matters, but wasteful in large ones. |
Penny-wise | adj | Unduly economical, but not always wisely, in small matters; usually in the phrase: "Penny wise. but pound foolish." |
Pennywort | n | Several species of the Hydrocotyle: the parsley family. 2. Cotyledon Umbilicus |
Penny-worth | adj | As much as can be bought for a penny. 2. a small amount, a trifle |
Pep | n | Vigor, go, get-go, spirit. |
Pep | phr | "Pep up" - make more interesting , lively or powerful. 2.fill with vigor. |
Pepper | n | Any plant of the genus "Capiscum". 2. powder made from small berries of certain plants, used to give a spicy, hot taste to food. 3. spiciness, pungency, raciness. |
Pepper | vb | To sprinkle or season with pepper. 2. to shower with missiles; spatter, pelt. |
Pepper | phr | "Pepper and Salt" - cloth made of light and dark wool or material mixed. 2. black hair with a intermingle of grey and or white. 3. a finely speckled greyish look |
Pepper | phr | "Pepper With" - strike somebody with a stinging shower of food, drink, conversation, entertainment, proceedings. |
Pepper-corn | n | A berry of the pepper plant. 2. anything trifling or unimportant |
Peppered | adj | Seasoned with pepper. 2. speckled. |
Pepper mill | n | a device for grinding pepper by hand. 2. a pepper quern |
Peppermint | n | A pungent aromatic herb (Mentha piperita) used in medicine and confectionery. |
Pepperbox | n | A gun or artillery piece with a revolving set of barrels. |
Pepper-pot | n | A earthenware or metal pot or container for pepper; a pepperbox. |
Pepper-quern | n | Handmill for grounding pepper. 2. a pepper mill. |
Pepper-root | n | Any plant of the pepper family. Lepidium latifoloia, Diphyilia dentaria |
Pepper-shaker | n | A pepper pot. |
Pepperwort | n | Lepidium latifolia. |
Peppery | adj | Pertaining to or like pepper, pungent. |
Peppiness | n | The quality of being peppy. |
Peppy | adj | Full of pep; energetic, cheerful, sparky, full vim, vigor. |
List of Old English Words in the OED/PE