The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Rud n Red or ruddy colour; redness; reddish, ruddiness. 2. complexion of those parts of the face naturally reddish.
Rudd n A freshwater cyprinoid fish (Leuciscus erythropthalmus) resembling the roach; the red-eye
Rudder n A flat part fixed to the back of a boat, which may be turned from side to side in water for guiding it
Rudderhead n
Rudderless adj
Rudderlessly adv
Rudder stock n
Ruddied adj
Ruddiness n
Ruddish adj
Ruddock n Redbreast, robin: Grithacus rubecule. 2. a gold coin; hence gold money. 3. variety of cider. 4. species of toad.
Ruddy adj Red or reddish: face suffused with a fresh healthy red. 2. of persons, having a red complexion. 3. red with blushing. 4. showing or havig a healthy redness. 5. epithet of light or fire of the heavenly bodies, the sky or clouds. 6. a qualifier of other nouns: ruddish brown, ruddish or sad-yellow; ruddy-bright, ruddy-golden. 7. euphemism for bloody.
Ruddy vb Render ruddish or ruddy in hue. 2, to turn red or blush
Rue n Sorrow, distress, repentance, pity, compassion, regret. 2. The plant: 'Ruta graveolens'
Rue vb To take the rue: repent, pity, repent, pity. 2. To effect (a person) with pity, compassion, penitence or contrition for sins or offenses committed. 3. to effect with sorrow, to distress, to grieve. 4. to repent of wrongdoing, to feel penitence, remorse or contrition for sins etc. 5. to repent of some action and wish it undone or altered, om account of consequences: rue the day. 6. to think of an event with sorrow or with regard; wish something had never happened or occurred. 7. to lament, feel sorry, pity or compassion. Nb: rueing: compassionate; pitying.
Rueful adj
Ruefully adv In a doleful or dismal manner, sorrowfully, dejectedly, regretfully.
Ruefulness n Repentance, sorrowfulness, pity, compassion, pity
Ruly adj Rueful, pitiable, pitiful, woeful, wretchedly
Run n
Run vb
Run phr "In the Run to" -
Run phr "Run a Bath" -
Run phr "Run About" -
Run phr "Run After" -
Run phr "Run Aground" -
Run phr "Run Away" -
Run phr "Run Away with" -
Run phr "Run Along" -
Run phr "Run a Mile"
Run phr "Run a Red Light" -
Run phr "Run Back" -
Run phr "Run by" -
Run phr "Run Down" -
Run phr "Run for It" -
Run phr "Run for the Roses" -
Run phr "Run Hot and Cold"
Run phr "Run In" -
Run phr "Run Into" -
Run phr "Run Into the Ground" -
Run phr "Run Like a Top" -
Run phr "Run Off" -
Run phr "Run Off at the Mouth" -
Run phr "Run Off with" -
Run phr "Run of the Mill" -
Run phr "Run On" -
Run phr "Run Out" -
Run phr "Run Roughshod Over" -
Run phr "Run Through" -
Run phr "Run Up"
Run phr "Run Up Against" -
Run phr "Run Wild" -
Runaway n
Run-back n
Run book n
Run-down v
Rundle n A small stream or rivulet, brooklet, watercourse, gully, rojo, burn, bourn, ea, yea, rindle, runnel
Rune n A course on onward movement, esp. of heavenly bodies. 2. the running gait of a person. 3. a flow of blood. 4. a watercourse, stream, rivulet, rindle, runnel, rhine, reen.
Rune n Whisper, secret, counsel, mystery.
Rune-like adj
Rune-stave n A runic letter or symbol
Rung n A stout stick or rounded form, esp one used as a rail (in a cart, etc.). 2 a round or stave of a ladder. 3. in ship building: a timber floor.
Run-holder n
Run-in n
Runless adj
Runnel n A small stream of water; a brooklet, rivulet, rill, trickle. 2. a small watercourse or channel; a gutter
Runner n One who runs ; a racer, a good racer, a horse in a race, a roadster. 2. a vagabond, fugitive, deserter. 3. one who carries messages backward and forward; a messenger. 4.a bookmaker's assistant. 5. freelance antique dealing. 6. one who solicits customers for hotels, restaurants, trade organisations, tow truck-operators, journalists, ambulance chaser etc.
Runnerless n
Runner-up n
Runneth vb
Running n
Run-off n
Run-of-play n
Run-out n
Run-through n
Run-up n
Runner-up n A person or animal that takes the second prize.
Runnily adv
Runniness n
Running n Of water, streams, etc. Flowing.
Running adj
Running adv
Running board n
Running dog n From Chinese zougou, from zou (running) + gou (dog), apparently as an allusion to a dog running to follow his or her master's commands. This term was employed in Chinese Communist terminology to refer to someone who was considered subservient to counter-revolutionary interest. Earliest documented use: 1925.
Running-headline n
Running iron n
Running knot n
Runningly adv
Running man n
Running shoes n
Running speech n
Running stitch n
Running water n
Runny adj
Run-through n
Run time n
Run-up n The lead-up to an event.
Runway n Any artificial track or gangway
Rure adj Scabby, leprous, scaly, crusty, rindhard.
Rush n
Rushen adj Made of rushes, or a rush
Rust n A red, orange or tawny formed upon the surface of iron
Rust vb
Rust belt n
Rusty adj
Ruth n The quality of being compassionate, pitifulness; feeling sorrow for another, compassion pity. 2. contrition, grief, distress, lamentation. 3. matter or occasion of sorrow. regret
Ruthful adj
Ruthless adj
Ruthness n