The Anglish Moot
Old English n English
Snail n Various sorts of mollusc (esp. ones found in gardens, having a screw-like shell and very slow in motion 2. tortoise, turtle, slug. 3. used allusively to (somewhat) vehemently) the exceptionally slow. 3. an indolent or lazy person. 4. structure or formation resembling that of a snail or a testudo. 5. a formation resembling the letter "D" limacon. 5. a flat, spirally curved piece of metal or other material. 6. a wavy saw-cut due to bad saw-fitting.
Snail vb To move, walk, or travel lazily or sluggishly; to go very slowly. 2. to make or construct after the spiral form of a snail-shell. 3. to finish off with curved eccentric lines. 4. to clear of, keep free from snails or slugs.
Snailbore n A shell-fish (Urosalpin cineria) which injures oysters by boring.
Snail butter n A compound butter with garlic and parsley, used in cooking to accompany snail.
Snailfish n Any member of the Liparidae, a family of scorpaeniform marine fish. 2. a seasnail.
Snail king n A snail having a sinistral shell from a species in which a dextral shells are the norm.
Snail kite n A kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis, which is native to Florida, the Caribbean and South America, which is known to feed on apple snails
Snailfish n Any member of the Liparidae, a family of scorpaeniform marine fish. 2. a seasnail.
Snail-fright n Fear of snail and slugs, cocleaphobia.
Snail hawk n The small, bluish-gray everglade kite, ranging from Florida to Mexico, that feeds on on snails.
Snailish adj Pertaining to a snail, slow.
Snailless adj Having no snails.
Snaillike adj Like, resembling or characteristic of a snail in appearance or habits. 2. tardy, slow.
Snaillike adv With a slow motion, characteristic of a snail, tardily, sluggishly.
Snail-ridden adj Of a garden, etc. infested by snails.
Snailshell n The shell of a snail.
Snail-slow adj That is a slow as a snail. 2. very sluggish or tardy in motion.
Snaily adj Resembling or characteristic of a snail.
Snailwort n The blue-gray snailwort (probably the name of a mythical plant).
Snaily adj Resembling a snail or its motions.
Snake n A somewhat long-bodied reptile without legs, of which some are able to give a poisonous bite. 2. a false friend; a person who turns, suddenly and unexpectedly, against others. 3. a system of interconnected exchange rates for the EU currency. 4. a long flexible wire used by plumbers for clearing obstacles in piping.
Snake vb To drag by seizing an end or a limb forcibly or quickly. 2. haul or drag along the ground, as a log. 3. to wind, move or twist, curve like a snake. 4. to move or make one's way in a creeping crawling or stealthy manner suggestive of the movement of a snake. 5. to move stretch out (the head, etc.) after the manner of a snake.
Snake phr "Great Snakes!" - an exclamation of surprise.
Snake phr "Snakes Alive!" - an expression of surprise.
Snake phr "Snakes and Ladders" - a board game. 2. a series of ups and downs.
Snake phr "Snake in the Grass" - a treacherous, secret, hidden or hypocritical enemy; a disguised danger. 2. a person of low character.
Snake bean n A poison legume found in Afica (Bobgunnia madagascariensis). 2. a widely cultivated edible legume (Vigna unguiculata..
Snakeberry n Solanum dulcamara, the bitter nightshade, or its fruit. 2. Maianthemum dilatatum, the false lily of the valley, or its fruit. Clintonia borealis (blue bead-lily, corn-lily, yellow clintonia).
Snakebird n One of several birds (genus anhinga), with very long slender neck, frequenting southern swamps and feeding upon fish; the water turkey; the darter.
Snake bite n The bite of a snake. 2. poisoning caused by the venom of a snake.
Snake-bitten adj Bitten by a snake. 2. experiencing a period of bad luck. 3. uneasy, as if one is expecting to be struck by misfortune.
Snakeboat n A long slender boat used in parts of Asia.
Snake catfish n Clarias theodorae is a species of ray-finned fish in the family labyrinth catfishes. It is a demersal fish living on the bottom of the sea or lakes.
Snakedom n The state or essence of being a snake.
Snake eel n Any member of the family Ophichthidae of eels.
Snake eyed adj Cunning, crafty and surreptitious in behavior.
Snakefish n Any of several fish that somewhat resembles a snake.
Snakefly n Any insect of the order Rhapidioplera.
Snake-fright n Snake-shy
Snake hawk n The swallow-tailed kite.
Snakehead n The turtle-head. 2. a person who organizes the illegal immigration schemes. +++
Snakehead toadfish n A toadfish, that lives in a demersal, brackish, marine environment. The snakehead toadfish is small, attaining only 10 cm in length. Sightings of it are very infrequent, as it prefers to stay under rocks and boulders.
Snakehood n The state or essence of being a snake.
Snakeless adj Without snakes.
Snakelike adj Resembling a snake, long, thin, slender and flexible or waving about in a snake-life manner; snaky.
Snakeline n Tfe elongated, sinuous body-shape associated with sankes.
Snake-like world n (Figurative) - this is a snake-like world, and always hath its tail in its mouth?
Snakeling n A small or young snake.
Snake lover n A person who likes and enjoys taking interest in snakes; a snake-lover.
Snakemeat n The meat of a snake.
Snakemouth n A terrestrial orchid (Pogonia ophioglossoides) native in eastern North America, with fragrant rose-pink flower.
Snakeneck n The snakebird.
Snake pipefish n A species of pipefish, from the family Syngnathidae, native to the northeastern Atlantic Ocean where they are generally found amongst algae close in to shore. It is the largest species of pipefish recorded in European waters and has spread into arctic waters in the early 2000s.
Snakepit n A pit containing snakes. 2. a scene of vicious behavior.
Snake-ridden adj Of a place or area, as China's snake Island, infested by snakes.
Snakeroot n Any of various North American plants with roots or rhizome reputed to contain an effective antidote to snake's poison, Aristolochia serpentaria. 2. includes white snakeroot.
Snakes and Ladder n A board game where a counter falling on a snake's head goes back to the tail and falling on a ladder's foot goes to the top of it. 2. fig. an endeavor, or obtain, something where progress alternates with setbacks; a series of ups and downs.
Snake's head n An iris of the Mediterranean region. 2. the common fritillary, Fritillary meleagris; so-called from the fancied resembalnce of the bud, to the head of a snake
Snakeskin n The skin of a snake.
Snakeskin adj Made of or resembling snakeskin.
Snakestone n An ammonite; so-called because it resembles a fossil or petrified coiled snake. 2. any absorbent stone-like material popularly believed to cure snakebite; serpent-stone. 3. a small perforated stone, adder-stone. 4. a kind of hone slate or whetstone, obtained in Scotland; also known as Ayr stone.
Snaketail n Many species of dragonflies with snake-like heads.
Snake-tongue n A forked or snake-tongue is one split into two distinct tines at the tip; this is a feature common to many species of reptiles, including snakes. Reptiles smell using the tip of their tongue, and a forked tongue allows them to sense from which direction a smell is coming.
Snakeweed n A perennial plant with twisted roots; bistort, snake-root or adder's wort.
Snake wine n An alcoholic beverage produced by infusing whole snakes in rice wine or grain alcohol. The drink was first recorded to have been consumed in China during the Western Zhou dynasty (ca. 1040–770 BC) and considered an important curative and believed to reinvigorate a person according to Traditional Chinese medicine. It can be found in China, Goa (India), Vietnam, and throughout Southeast Asia.

The snakes, preferably venomous ones, are not usually preserved for their meat but to have their "essence" and snake venom dissolved in the liquor. The snake venom poses no threat to the drinker. It is denatured by the ethanol—its proteins are unfolded and therefore inactive and would be denatured by stomach acid anyway

Snakewise adv In the manner of a snake; serpentine, with twisting or wriggling motions.
Snakewood n The common name of several different trees and plants found in Australia, North America and South America.
Snakewort n Conocephalum salebrosum; Dorestenia contrejerva.
Snakily adv In a snaky manner.
Snaking n Dragging by seizing an end or a limb forcibly or quickly. 2 haul along the ground, as a log. 3. to wind or move like a snake.
Snakish adj Having the quality or characteristic of a snake, snaky.
Snakishness n The quality of being snakish.
Snaky adj Of or like a snake; serpentine, winding, sinuous. 2. insinuating, cunning , treacherous. 3. showing coldness, ingratitude, venom or bile. 4. infested with or composed of snakes. 5. angry, irascible, irritable. 6. applied to a wavy saw-cut, due to poor saw-fitting.
Snead n The shaft or pole of a scythe and used by one who sycthes. 2. a dweller by a clearing or piece of woodland; a piece of land; a clearing. 3. snath, sneath, sned.
Snead vb To cut or lop off a branch, to prune. 2. Fig, to cull, reduce in number, decrease, pluck out, select, shift, kill.
Sneeze n A sudden, loud, uncontrolled sound made in clearing the nose.
Sneeze vb To expel air as a reflex induced by an irritation in the nose. 2. to expel air as if the nose were irritated
Sneeze phr "Not to be Sneezed at." -- important, great, enough to be taken into account and consideration.
Sneeze-bleed n When one sneezes so vigorously that their nose bleeds.
Sneeeze-blinded adj To sneeze when carrying out a task that needs one's full attention, such as driving a motor vehicle.
Sneeze weed n The plant Helenium autumale, or other species of the same genus.
Sneeze wood n A small South African tree, Ptaeoxylon utlle or Sneezewood Tree, the sawdust of which causes sneezing. 2. a hard, heavy strong wood used for structural work, piling, cabinet making, fencing etc, etc.
Sneezewort n Achillea ptarmica: the wild pelitory or a kind of yarrow, the dried leaves of which are powdered and used to induce sneezing as a sternutatory.
Sneezing n an action or instance of sneezing. 2. a preparation or powder inducing sternutation; an errhine or sternutatory.
Snell adj Of persons or animals, quick in movement or action, prompt, active, smart, strenuous, good. 2. keen-witted, clever, sharp, acute, aware. 4. of weather, bitter, severe, bleak, as in 'The wintry air is snell and keen'. 5. of matters and condition, grievous, heavy, stinging, naggingly painful. 6. of taste, sharp, bitter, pungent, biting. 7. of voice, shrill, clear-sounding. 8. of action, quick, prompt, vigorous, strong.
Snell adv Quickly, promptly, swiftly. 2. vigorously, strongly, keenly.
Snese vb To run through with a weapon.
Snice n A mixture of snow and ice.
Snite vb OE. snite: to snipe: to shoot at enemy for cover or concealment. 2. as a term of abuse or abuse: direct cutting or nasty remarks at others.
Snite vb To clean or wipe the nose, esp. by means of the thumb or finger. 2. to snuff out a candle. 3. fig. to weak or pull.
Snithe vb To kill, to cut, to hew, to pierce, to kill by cutting.
Snithing n Cutting, hewing,nipping, piercing with a sharp instrument. 2. killing, snuffing out, wiping out.
Sniting n The cleaning or wiping the nose with parts of the hand, thumb, fingers etc.
Snivel vb O.E snyflung.
Snode n A piece, a bit, morsel, tidbit, morsel.
Snood n (O.E: Snod) a thread. a band or ribbon for confining the hair; later, the distinctive hair band worn by unmarried women. 2. a fine, short line fixing a fish-hook to a long line.
Snoter adj Wise, learned, skillful.
Snough n Coughing and sneezing simultanously.
Snow n Water, frozen vapor from the air turned into ice and falling to earth in soft, white, light flakes. 2. taken as a type of whiteness; pure white, snow white. 3. a fall or layer of snow in the ground, a snow storm. 4. as a marking a period of time; a winter. 5. an accumulation, expanse or field of snow. 6. a mass of flickering white spots on a television or radar screen, caused by interference or a poor signal. "The Snows." -- The Arctic Regions. 7. the white hair of age. 8. the white bloom or blossom; spray or foam. 9. (slang)cocaine or snow dust. 10. a dessert or other resembling dish resembling.
Snow vb To fall, throw down, strew or cover with snow. 2. to sprinkle or scatter, fall or decend like snow. 3. to cause the hair to turn the color of snow. bury in snow; confine or block with large quantities of snow. 5. to come in large numbers of quantities. 6. to charm or decieve with plausible words.
Snow phr "Buy When It Snows, Sell When It Goes" - (business, stock market, chiefly northern US and Canada) Stock market securities can be expected to increase in value to a greater degree in the cold winter months from November through April than in the warm months from May through October, and profit-minded investors should manage their portfolios accordingly.
Snow phr "It Snows" - snow falling.
Snow phr "Snowed Down" - cancelled, or abandoned, because of heavy snow and being unable to leave the house etc for this reason.
Snow phr "Snowed In" - cancelled, or abandoned, because of heavy snow and being unable to leave the house etc for this reason.
Snow phr "Snowed Off" - of a sporting event, or other gatherings cancelled, or abandoned, because of heavy snow.
Snow phr "Snowed Out" - of a sporting event or other gatherings cancelled, or abandoned, because of heavy snow.
Snow phr "Snowed Under" - to be overwhelmed with work.
Snow phr "Snowed Up" - to be isolated or blocked by snow.
Snow phr "Snow on the Roof" - (euphemistic, humorous) the graying of or whitening of one's hair, especially as an indication of aging.
Snow phr "White as the Driven Snow" - extremely white, totally white of color.
Snow apple n The fameuse.
Snow bear n (fig.) Of a bear made from snowin the style of a snowman.
Snow bed n An area of land covered by snow for an extended period.
Snow bell n Any of the genus (Styrax) of trees and shrubs of warm regions, bearing showy white flower racemes; especially, Snow bell americana of the south east United States.
Snowberry n Any of the various shrubs with white berries, esp. the ornamental Symphoricarpus albus. 2. a West indian plant Chiococca alba of the madder family; also called milkberry.
Snowbird n A small finch (genus Junco) of North America. 2. the snow bunting. 3. a cocaine or heroin addict. 4. an elderly person or couple who like to travel to warmer climes in winter.
Snowblade n A short version of a ski, offering more control than a ski.
Snowblast n A violent balst of snowy conditions; blizzard-like.
Snowblading n Skiing using snowblades, skiboarding.
Snowblind adj Temporary blinded by the glare of light reflected by large expanses of snow.
Snowblindness n The impairment (or defective vision) of being temporary blinded by the glare of light reflected by large expanses of snow.
Snow blood n A racially mixed person who has a white ancestry through his parents.
Snow-blower n A machine that clears snow by blowing it to the side of the road.
Snowblow adj To blow snow away from paths and roadways by using a snowblower.
Snowboard n A wide ski used for sliding downhill on snow. 2. long strips of wood, usually 3 in. by 1 in., nailed to beraers and placed over roof gutters.
Snow-boarding vb To clear snow away using a snowblower.
Snowbound adj Forced to remain in place by heavy snow, snowed in.
Snowbreak n A rush of loose or melting snow. 2. a narrow strip of forest serving as a pprotection against snow. 3. the breaking of trees by the weight of the snow. 4. an area over which trees break due to the weight of snow.
Snowbright adj Bright white, snow white
Snow-broth n Snow melted; water obtained by the melting of snow.
Snow cloud n Clouds of airborne snow.
Snow cold adj Extremely cold.
Snowcrab n Any crab of the genus Chionaecetes
Snowcraft n The art of traveling or living in snow or snowy regions. 2. the art or traversing or dealing with snow in mountaineering.
Snow-deep adj Relatively thick from top to bottom in snow; snowdeep.
Snowdog n Sled or Snow dogs are important for transportation in arctic areas, hauling supplies in areas that were inaccessible by other methods. They were used with varying success in the explorations of both poles, as well as during the Alaskan gold rush. Sled or snow dog teams delivered mail to rural communities in Alaska and northern Canada. Snow or sled dogs today are still used by some rural communities, especially in areas of Alaska and Canada and throughout Greenland. They are used for recreational purposes and racing events, such as the Yukon Quest. 2. a snowmobile used by hunters, trappers, ice-fisherman in snow regions.
Snow-drift n A heap or mass of snow driven together, or piled up by the actions of the wind. 2. a driving mass or cloud of snow. 3. a snow-wreath.
Snow-driven adj Of snow, formed into snowdrifts by the wind.
Snow-drop n A bulbous plant with white flowers in early spring, Galanthys nivalis. 2. the common anemone
Snowdrop tree n The silverbell (Halesia carolina).
Snow-eater n Chinook.
Snowfall n A fall of snow . 2. meteorology, the amount of snow that falls on one occasion or on a given time within a given area.
Snowfield n A permanent wide expanse of snow in mountainous or polar regions.
Snow fight n A snowball fight.
Snow flea n Hypogastrura, a kind of springtail often seen jumping about on the surface of the snow.
Snowfly n A small insect found in snowy regions.
Snowfolk n Collectively, snow people.
Snow free n Free or not covered by snow, charcterized by the absence of snow.
Snow-fright n An extreme dislike or fear of snow, chionophobia.
Snow-go n A snowmobile.
Snow god n A deity such as Khione, the Greek goddess of snow.
Snowgoing adj Travel trough the snow.
Snow goose n A white arctic goose, Ansero Caerulescens with black-tipped wings.
Snowgrass n Tough clumps of mountain grass that are covered in the snowy part of the year.
Snow-haired adj White-haired, elderly.
Snowhole n A hole dig out of a bank of snow for use as a temporary shelter.
Snow-ice n Opaque white ice formed from melted snow.
Snowily adv In a snowy way.
Snowiness n The property or condition of being snowy.
Snowing n A fall of snow.
Snowish adj Somewhat white or snow white.
Snowland n A distinct ecosystem that's covered by snow, either permanently or seasonally.
Snowless adj without snow, not having snow.
Snowlessness n An absence of snow.
Snowlight n A light reflected on the snow.
Snowlike adj Resembling snow.
Snow-lily n An attractive spring-blooming herb (Erythronium grandiflorum) of the lily family native in the Rocky Mountains..
Snow-line n The general level on mountains etc., above which the snow never completely disappears; the lower level of perpetual snow.
Snowload n The live load due to the weight of the snow on a structure, such as a roof, included in the design calculation.
Snow maker n A device for creating snow.
Snow-making n The production of artificial snow.
Snowman n A figure resembling a man made from snow.
Snow melt n Run off from melting snow; a thaw.
Snow pit n A pit dug in the snow, often for purposes of protection or climate sampling.
Snow plow n A device or vehicle for clearing roads of thick snow.
Snow-sheen n Snow-blink: the reflection from snow or ice-fields in polar regions
Snow sheep n Ovis nivalis, a species of sheep, which come from the mountainous region in north-east Siberia.
Snowshoe n A flat device like a racquet attached to a boot for walking on snow without sinking.
Snowshoe hare n A north American hare, Lepus americanus, with large hind feet and a white coat in winter.
Snow-shovel n A broad bladed shovel designed specifically for the shovelling of snow.
Snow shower n A snowfall with accumulation of between 1-3 inches of snow. A snow shower brings more snow than a flurry, but less that a snow storm or blizzard.
Snow-sleep n A somnolent condition induced by walking in the snow.
Snow slide n An avalanche of snow, a snowslip.
Snow snake n One is asked to believe there is a deadly reptile called the "snow snake" which thrives in cold weather, whose bite causes a victim's blood to "freeze," and for whose venom there is no known antidote. Yet, curiously, one can find no mention of such an animal in any catalogue of herpetological species. The snow snake does not exist.

2. Snow snake is a Native American winter sport traditionally played by many tribes in the northern Midwest, including the Ojibwe, Sioux, Wyandotte, Oneida and other Iroquois people. The game of snow snake is played by four teams, called "corners", who compete in trying to throw their wooden "snow snakes" the farthest along a long trough, or track, of snow. The game is divided into rounds, and in a round each team gets four throws. At the end of each round, two points are awarded to the team of the person who made the farthest throw in the round, and one point is awarded for the second farthest throw. Play continues until one of the teams wins, by achieving a certain predetermined number of points (usually 7 or 11)

Snow storm n A heavy fall of snow, especially with a high wind.
Snow stormy adj Characterized by a storm(s) with heavy snow falls.
Snowswept adj Swept by snow; snowy.
Snowtime n The season of winter when heavy snow is most likely to fall.
Snow-topped adj Topped with snow, as of a mountain.
Snow trout n The common snowtrout or snowtrout (however other species in the genus are also called snowtrout) (Schizothorax richardsonii) is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Schizothorax. It is found in the Himalayan region of India, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It lives in mountain rivers among rocks, feeding on algae, aquatic plants and detritus, they breed in April and May. They are much sought after as a food fish. It is threatened by a number of factors including overfishing, pollution, the damming of rivers and the introduction of exotic fish, particularly salmonids and the population is declining.
Snow under vb To bury in snow; fig. to submerge, overwhelm, overpower.
Snow up vb To block, obstruct, incommode, imprison, esp. with snow.
Snow wear n Warm clothing designed to be worn in snowy conditions.
Snow-white adj A pure white color.
Snow wood n White aspen.
Snow-wort n Abrotanella nivigena. (snowwort).
Snow wreath n A heap of snow blown together by the wind; a snow-drift.
Snowy adj Of weather, characterized by the prevalence or presence of snow. 2. composed of melted snow, consisting, formed or made from snow. 3. covered by snow, abounding in or full of snow, snowiness. 4. resembling snow; of or like snow, snow-white.
Snowy owl n A large white owl, Nyctea scandiaca native to the Arctic.