The Anglish Moot
Um pfx This prefix was once as common to English as it still is to German verbs and was a prefix in many ME. verbs ("ymb"; umb; umbe) meaning "around", around" "about", as umstand to stand round, guard; umbeset to beset, surround, best on every side; umbego to go around, encircle, UMBETHINK. Um is a reduced form of umb- was ad. ON, umb, corresponding to OE ymb, ymbe, prefix, ymbe prep. umbe- repr. OE. ymbe is partly an extension of umb partly a combination of um- with "be-", Latin ambi is a cognate.
Umbeclead vb To clothe, wrap up, swathe
Umbeclip vb To surround, encircle, clutch, hug, grip around, embrace, clasp around.
Umbedelve vb Dig around
Umbegang vb To surround, go around.
Umbego vb To go around, to encircle, to surround with something.
Um-be-grip vb To sieze or grip round.
Um-be-set vb To beset on every side.
Umbeshadow vb To shade around.
Umbeshear vb To circumcise.
Umbestound adv At times, sometimes, after a short time; umbestoundingly.
Umbethink vb To think about, to think about oneself, consider, remember, to call to mind. Also: "Um-be-thinke" - to bethink one's self of all surroundings (or circumstances), to remember.
Umbethinking n Consideration, recollection, recalling, reflection.
Umbeweave vb To wrap around.
Umbewhile adv After a time, at times, sometimes.
Umest adj Of clothes: uppermost or outermost, applied to the coverlet of a bed, claimed by the priest as requisite on the death of a parishioner. 2. of things or places: lying highest or uppermost. 3. most important or prominent.
Umgamg n Circuit, circumference.
Umgo vb To go around, encompass.
Umset vb To invest, surround.
Umstroke n Circumference, edge.
Umthink vb To think, consider, reflect.