The Anglish Moot
Old English n Modern English
Uncallow adj With hair; not bald; hairy. 2. covered with loam, gravel, sand, earth.
Uncallow vb To clear the surface of clay, soil, marl, sand, etc.
Uncallowing n Condition of being with hair, unbald, hairish.
Uncanny adj Mischievious, malicious. 2. careless, incautious. 3. unreliable, not to be trusted. of persons - not quite safe to trust in, or have dealings with, as being associated with supernatural acts or powers. 3. partaking of a supernatural character; mysterious, weird; uncomfortabilty strange or unfamiliar. 4.
Uncared-for adj Not looked after, neglected, untended.
Uncaredly adv Without taking care; recklessly.
Uncareful adj Without care or concern for others; unkind; reckless. 2. without care, affection or liking.
Uncaringness n State or quality of not caring, having liking or respect for. 2. without care for others; hard-hearted, uncompassionate; unkind.
Unchidden adj Unscolded, unreproved, not reproved. 2. free of anger, dispute, wrangle.
Unchild vb To deprive of children; to make childless. 2. to deprive of the status of a child or the qualities peculiar to childhood, as in many Third World countries.
Unchilded adj Deprived or destitute of children; childless.
Unchildlike adj Not like or behaving like a child. 2. mature by years; precious.
Unchildly adv Unfilial; undutiful.
Un-christen-ness n State of being a non-Christian or unbaptisted into the Christian faith.
Unclad adj Unclothed, not clad; undressed, naked.
Unclean adj Not morally pure; impure; defiled, unchasted. 2. of persons, want of physical cleanliness: dirty, unwashed, ; of their thoughts: unchaste, unclean, impure.
Uncleanliness n The state or condition of not being morally pure; impure; defiled, unchasted. 2. of persons, thoughts; ways: unchasteness, impurity, dirtness, foulness, malodorous. 3. wanting of physical cleanliness; dirty, filthy, malodorous.
Uncleanly adv Morally or spiritually impure. 2. lacking in physical cleanliness or in a manner unclean; dirty, foulish; filthy, malodourously.
Uncleanness n Quality or state of being morally or spiritually unclean; morally impurity; an instance of this. 2. physical impurity; filthiness, foulness, squalor.
Uncleave vb To become unfastened or detached.
Unclench adj Open the fist; release; untighten; loosen grip on.
Unclose vb To leave or keep open; unshut or lock.
Unclothe vb To strip of vegetation.
Uncloud vb To clear or free from clouds or cloudiness. 2. fig - to free from obscurity or gloom; to clear. 3. to become clear.
Unclouded adj Not obscured or darken by clouds. 2. transfig or fig. not darkened or obscured.
Uncomeliness n The quality of being uncomely; a want of comeliness, fairness or seemliness. 2. unruliness.
Uncomely adj Not pleasing or agreeable in the moral sense or to the notion of propriety. 2. unbecoming, imprecise, unseemly. 3. not pleasing or agreeable to the senses; not comely or fair to look upon.
Uncomely adv Unsuitably; unagreeably; unseemly; imprecisely. 2. unfairly, unattractively; not beautifully.
Uncocked adj Of a hat: not turned up.
Uncooked adj Not cooked for eating. 2. not altered or suited for a purpose.
Uncouth adj Of facts or matters of knowledge: unknown; not certainly known; uncertain. 2. not acquainted or familiar with; unfamiliar; unaccustomed, strange. 3. of ways, paths, etc., land, persons, nations, foreign things: unknown or unfamiliar in character; unusual, uncommon, strange, marvellous (rare), alien, foriegn to something; unrecognisable. 3. of manners, unseemly, indecorous. 4. of smells: unpleasant, malodorous. 5. places: not commonly known or frequented; solitary, desolate, rugged, rough, wild. 6. of life, surroundings: unattractive, unpleasant, uncomfortable; strange, uneasy; at a loss. 7. of strange appearance or form: odd, uncomely, akward; clumsy shape or bearing. 8. of persons: awkward, uncultured in manners or appearance;. 9. of language:unknowing, ignorant. 10. unknown of persons; such as a stranger. 11. of things not commonly known; news.
Uncouthly adv In a strange, unfamiliar or uncouth manner.
Uncouthness n The quality or condition of being uncouth in various senses.
Uncouthsome adj Unfavourable, unpleasant.
Uncraftily adv Unskilfully. 2. without deceit or in a manner undeceitfully.
Uncraftiness n Unskilfulness. 2. deceitlessness.
Uncraftly adv Not dextrous or ingenious. 2. unskilful.
Uncunning n Ignorance, stupidity, unskilfulness, gorm.
Uncunning adj Ignorant, lack of knowledge, unlearned, stupid, gullible, gormless, unskilful.
Uncunningly adv In an ignorant manner, unskilfully.
Uncunningness n The state or quality of being ignorant, ignorance. 2. unskilfulness, gullibility.
Uncunningship n Uncunninghood.