The Anglish Moot
Old English n English
Unlade vb To unload or discharge a load or cargo from a ship. 2. to unburthen or relieve by the removal of something. 3. to unpack. 4. to discharge a firearm.
Unlading n The act of unloading or discharging a load.
Unladen adj Unloaded, discharged, relieved.
Unladen weight n The weight of a vehicle etc when not loaded with goods.
Unladylike adj Lacking the behavior or manner or style considered proper for a lady. 2. coarse, crude, ill-bred, inconsiderate, insensitive, offensive, tactless, unfeminine, genteel-lacking, not gentle, unrefined, vulgar.
Unlaid adj Not laid, placed, fixed or set. 2. laid out (as a corpse). 3. (slang) of a woman who no one has had, or a particular person who has not had, sexual intercourse. 4. of spirits not laid by exorcism. 5. not laid open or out.
Unlame adj Wholly free.
Unland n Unarable land. 2. deprivation (of land).
Unlanded adj Not possessed of land.
Unlap vb To uncover by withdrawing a cloth or the like. 2. to unfold; to spread open. 3. to detach in a strip.
Unlast vb To fail to last.
Unlasting adj Ephemeral, as "Man's life is as unlasting as a flower". 2. short-lived, unenduring.
Unlatch vb To open or unlock by releasing the latch. 2. to unfasten the latch of aa door.
Unlaughing adj Not given to laughter or mirth. 2. stern, solemn, serious, gloomly.
Unlaw n An illegal action. 2.evil custom or habit. 3. amercemant, penalty, fine.
Unlaw vb To fine, amerce. 2. to pay a fine. 3. to annul a tax.
Unlawful adj Not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention; improper, unconventional. 2. contrary to or prohibited by or defiane of law; as in unlawful hunters. 3. not morally right or permissible; as unlawful love. 4. having no legally established claim; as a wrongful heir. 5. contrary to or forbidden by law; as an outlawed strike; illegitimate, illicit, outlaw, outlawed,
Unlawfully adj In a manner contrary to or in violation of the law; illegal, illicit.
Unlawfulness n Unlawful or unloyal conduct. 2. the quality of being illegal or illegimate. 3. illegality, illegitimacy.
Unlaw-learned adj Not conversant in the law and its way.
Unlaw-like adj Not relating to or not abiding by the law
Unlay vb To untwist a rope into separate strands.
Unlawing n The action of illegality.
Unlawyered adj Not represented or assisted by a lawyer.
Unlawyerlike adj Not like or befitting a lawyer. 2. inappropriate for a lawyer. 3. uncharacteristic or untrained as a lawyer.
Unlawyerly adj Uncharacteristic of a lawyer.
Unlead vb To divest or strip of leadership.
Unleaded adj Not weighed, covered or furnished with lead. 2. of petrol without added lead.
Unlearn vb To dismiss from the mind something learned.
Unlearned adj Untaught, uneducated, ignorant.
Unlearning adj Dismissing from the mind what has been learned.
Unlearnly adv In a manner unlearned, untaught, uninstructed.
Un-learned-ness n Condition of being unlearned, wanting of learning, ignorancy.
Unleast adj Not the smallest in size, amount, degree or slightest. 2. not the lowest in consideration, position or importance.
Unleave vb To strip of leaves. 2. to lose or shed leaves. 3. to defoliate.
Unleaved adj Defoliated, stripped (of leaves); unfurnished of leaves or foliage.
Unled adj Without leadership or direction. 2. not guided.
Unlede n A foreign or hostile people.
Unlede adj Unhappy, miserable. 2. evil, dreadful, wicked. 3. vile, detestable; foriegn (of persons or things).
Unleeful adj Not permissible or allowed. 2. illicit, illegal.
Unleefulness n State or quality of being not permitted.
Unleese vb To unfasten, undo, open.
Unlefted adj Touched, contacted, affected.
Unlength n Shortness.
Unlengthened adj Not lengthened or increased in length.
Unless conj That, that is, in less, in a less case. 2. upon any less condition than (the fact or thing stated in the sentence or clause which follows); if not; that not; if it be not; were it not that; except; as, we shall fail unless we are industrious. 3. aside from, bar, barring, beside, besides, but, except, if not, leaving out, let alone, outside of, save, save and except, saving, than, unless that, were it not, without.
Unless prp By the omission of the verb in the dependent clause, unless was frequently used as preposition, 'here nothing breeds unless the nightly owl'
Unlessen vb To not decrease in size, extent, or range, not diminish, not lessen, not fall. 2. to not make smaller. 3. not wear off or die down; not subside or mitigate. 4. to not make less; to reduce; not decrease in size, or become fewer.
Unlest conj Not in order that.. not; not so that..; not for fear that.
Unletting adj Of a property receiving no rent.
Unlicked adj Not licked into shape, as a new born animal by its mother. 2. not licked into shape; rough, crude (from the old idea that that the she-bear licks her cubs into shape)
Unlidden adj Not furnished or covered with a lid.
Unlie n Truth, truthfulness
Unlife n The state or being that is not life (but may resemble it).
Unlife-like adj Of a non-living or deathly image. 2. resembling something or someone no longer living. 3. giving a representation of something without life.
Unlighted adj Unfired, unkindled; not bright or clear, dark.
Unlightened ppl Not having or producing light. 2. not lighted, unbrightened, unlighted.
Unlightsome adj Not full of, uncharacterised by, or not causing light.
Unlike adv Unevenly, unequally. 2. differently, diversely. 3. in a manner differently from that (of a specified person). 4. improbably
Unlike n (Also adj): not like or resembling, different from. 2. not like each other, dissimilar. 3. dissimilar to the thing or person in question. 4. not uniform or even; improbable. 5. a person unlike or similar to others or another.
Unlike phr "How Unlike From" - how diffrernt from. 2. how unlike some, possibly idealized ,satndard of civilized home life, behavior, business, practice, etc.
Unliked adj Not liked or fondly or affectionately thought of.
Unlikelihood n The improbability of a specified outcome; unlikeliness, long shot. 2. absence of likelihood; dark horse, faint likelihood, fighting chance, hardly a chance, hundred-to-one shot, improbability, little expectation, long odds, off chance, outside chance, slim chance, small chance.
Unlikeliness n The improbability of a specified outcome; unlikelihood. 2. the quality or state of being unlikely.
Unlikely adj Not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred; improbable. 2. has little chance of being the case or coming about. 3. having a probability too low to inspire belief; improbable, unbelievable, unconvincing. 4. not to be reasonably expected; as, an unlikely event. 5. not holding out a prospect of success; likely to fail; unpromising; as, unlikely means. 6. not such as to inspire liking; unattractive; disagreeable.
Unlikely adv In an unlikely manner.
Unliken vb To make unlike; to dissimilate. (obs)
Unlikeness n Strangeness, dissimilarity. 2. the quality of being dissimilar. 3. a bad or poor likeness.
Unlikening n The making of something or somebody unlike; or dissimilar.
Unliking adj Want of liking; dislike; dissatisfaction. 2. unpleasant, disagrreable.
Unlimb vb To dismember.
Unline vb To divest a garment of lining.
Unlined adj Of a paper without lines. 2. of the face:wrinkles.
Unlink vb Undo the links of a chain. 2. detach or set free by undoing or unfastening a link or chain.
Unlistening n The state of not listening or being prepared to listening.
Unlit adj Not lit.
Unlittle adj Not little, samall or tiny.
Unlive vb To deprive of life. 2. to reverse, undo by living or annul (a past life or experience). 2. to live so as to wipe out the effects of (a former period of life). 3. to live down.
Unlived adj Deprived of life. 2. not really or fully lived.
Unlived-in adj Uninhabited, unused by the inhabitants.
Unliveliness n The state or quality of being slothful, inert, unenergetic.
Unlively adv Unliving, lifeless, not lively, unanimated, or bright, dull.
Unliving adj Not living or alive; lifeless; dead.
Unlivingness n The state of not living.
Unload vb To remove the load of cargo from; to discharge freight from. 2. to take of or discharge a cargo from. 3. to relieve of something burdensome or oppressive. 4. to withdraw the charge of ammunition from. 5. to dispose of, esp. by selling in large quantities of.
Unload phr "Unload Onto" - pass a heavy or irksome burden on to somebody else.
Unloaded adj Removed from a load of cargo. 2. unburdened, disposed of, withdraw ammunition from.
Unloader n One who or that which unloads; spec. a contrivance for unloading something, as hay or coal.
Unloading n The act of unloading something.
Unloath vb To not loath; disincline, be not reluctant, angry or be unwilling.
Unloathfulness n State of not being full loathing, unwilling or angry..
Unloathingly adv In a manner not loathing, unwilling or angry.
Unloathfully adv In a manner neither angry or unwilling.
Unloathness n Harmlessness, innocence.
Unlock vb To unfasten something locked. 2. to open, undo, release. 2. to lay open, disclose or reveal. 3. to become unlocked.
Unlocked adj Not locked.
Unlocking adj The act by which something is unlocked.
Unlofty adj Not high or elevated.
Unlonely adj Not lonely.
Unlonged-for adj Not yearned or wished for.
Unlooked adj Not attended to; neglected, unregarded, unheeded, unexamined. 2. unexpected; unlooked-for, unanticipated.
Unlooked-for adj Unexpected, not anticipated.
Unlord vb To deprive of the position or rank of a lord.
Unlorded adj deprived of the rank of a lord. 2. not raised to the rank of a lord.
Unlordly adv Not lordly.
Unlost adj Not lost or misplaced.
Unlove n The absence of love.
Unlove vb To cease to love a person.
Unloved adj Not loved, not held in affection. 2. unrequited in love. 3. not pursued or felt as love.
Unloveliness n Unlovely. 2. not evoking a feeling of love or affection. 3. unattractive in appearance, unpleasantly, uncomeliness, unhandsome, ugly, repellent.
Unlovely adj Without beauty or charm. 2. not lovely; not amiable; possessing qualities that excite dislike; disagreeable; displeasing; unpleasant. 2. beautiless, blemished, defaced, disfigured, homely, inelegant, marred, plain, short on looks, ugly, ugly as hell, unaesthetic, unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely, unpretty,

unhandsome, unpleasing, unsightly.

Unloverlike adj Not in a manner expected of a lover: "Shocked at someone unloverlike speech".
Unloving adj Not giving or reciprocating affection. 2. affectless, chilly, coldhearted, emotionless, frigid, frosty, heartless, icy, passionless, soulless, spiritless, unaffectionate, unamiable, unbenign, uncordial, unemotional, unfeeling, ungenial, unkind, unpassionate, unresponsive, unsympathetic, untouchable.
Unlovingly adv In a manner or way without love or affection. 2. unkindly, uncordial, cold-heartedly.
Unlovingness n A kind of unlovingness and hate against another or others.
Unlust n Absence of pleasure, distress, 2. want of appetite; nausea. 3. the disinclination to be active or bestir oneself. 4. slothness, laziness, idleness. 5. unpleasantness, repulsiveness.
Unlustiness n Lack of health or strength. 2. physical weakness or debilitation. 3. lack of cheerfulness or readiness. 4. dullness, disinclination.
Unlusty adj Indisposed to activity or exertion. 2. slothful, lazy, dull, listless. 3. unyielding, very fat. 4. lacking in bodily vigour; deficient in health. 5. Of land: not in good condition or "heart". 6. having an unattractive or ill-favoured look. 7. unpleasant, undesirable, objectionable.
Unlying adj Honest, trustworthy, truthful.