The Anglish Moot
Old English n English
Unwakened pp Sleeping, as "waters sleeping unwakened by the wind". 2. not wakened.
Unwakening adj Not rousing from sleep or awakening. 2. to keep sleeping not waking up. 3. unwatchful, unalert or vigilant.
Unwalked adj Unfulled (of blankets). 2. not traversed by walking. 3. not having been walked; unrambled.
Unwalking adj Not inclined to physical activity, esp. walking; as "I am so unwalking, that prospects are more agreeable to me, when I look at them through the window".
Unwall vb To deprive of, to free from or to demolish a wall.
Unwalled adj Without enclosing walls.
Unwallowed adj Not rolling about or from side to side. 2. not plunged or in degraded living.
Unwandered pp Of persons : not travelled or undertaken voyaging. 2. stable, settled, not wandering aimlessly about.
Unwaning adj Not growing less or decreasing. 2. remaining the same: not shrinking or growing smaller.
Unward adj Unprotected, unguarded, undefended.
Unwarded adj Unguarded, unprotected.
Unware adj Unaware: not conscious, lacking caution. 2. not on guard.
Unwary adj Incautious, not careful of actions: done incautiously. 2. unaware, ignorant. 3. without knowing it, in ignorance, innocently. 4. unforeseen, unknown.
Unware adj Giving no heed, not cognisant, as of something not specified. 2. carelessly, unmindful, in attentive, heedless. 3. without warning, unexpectedly.
Unwares adv Unexpectedly. 2. without premeditation; unwittingly. 3. suddenly.
Unwarely adv Incautiously, without taking heed. 2. without warning, unexpectedly.
Unwareness n Unwariness, incautiousness.
Unwarily adv Without heed or caution; not warily; in an unwary manner.
Unwariness n The quality or state of being unwary or taking no precaution against danger.
Unwarlike adj Peaceful; peace-loving; not warlike.
Unwarm adj Lukewarm, tepid, not cold or not warm.
Unwarm vb To grow cold; become lukewarm or tepid.
Unwarmed adj Not warmed.
Unwarming adj That not giving warmth.
Unwarn vb To fail to give warning to another or others.
Unwarned adj Not warned or fore-warned. 2. unannounced. 3. not guarded or protected.
Unwarning adj Without warning or premeditation.
Unwarp vb To uncoil, straighten out. 2. to restore from being warped or prejudiced.
Unwary adj Taking no precautions against accident or danger; esp. not realizing the necessity of such precautions; incautious. 2. incautious, not careful of actions: done incautiously. 3. unaware, ignorant. 4. without knowing it, in ignorance, innocently. 5. unforeseen, unknown.
Unwash vb To not wash or keep oneself clean. 2. to not launder one's clothes.
Unwashed adj Not washed; dirty. 2. not reached by the sea.
Unwashed phr "The Great Unwashed" - usually a derogatory reference to the lower classes (the mob) of former days or to less hygenic habits of our ancestors. 2. university students in western democracies of the 1960s and 1970s.
Unwashness n Condition of not being washed or washing oneself.
Unwatched adj Not watched.
Unwatchful adj Not vigilant, not wakeful, unalert.
Unwatchfully adv In an watchful manner.
Unwatchfulness n The state or condition of being unwatchful.
Unwater vb To drain of water. 2. to carry off water from.
Unwatered adj Not sprinkled, moistened or supplied with water. 2. not mixed with water; undiluted. 3. of land or a district: not provided with a natural spring of water.
Unwatery adj Not supplied with or containing water.
Unwaver vb Not to move one way or another. 2. to be certain and undecisive; show resolution; not vaccilate. 3. to not show signs of falling back or giving in. 4. to not flicker or gleam.
Unwavering adj Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakeable; firm, unbending, persevering"; steadfast, steady, even, unbendable, unfaltering, stiff, unshakable. 2. not showing abrupt or uneven variations.
Unwaving adj Not fluttering, moving up and down or side to side in the wind. 2. not having undulating shape or form. 3. flat, level, calm of a body of water. 4. not making a sweeping or undulating motion, as with a hand or flag.
Unway n A place without a way or ways.
Unwayed adj Not furnished with paths, ways or roads. 2. of horses: not accustomed to ways or roads, hence: restive, intractable.
Unweakened adj Not weakened or made less strong. 2. standing firm, resolute, steadfast.
Unweal n Unhappiness, distress.
Unwealful adj Unhappy, causing misfortune or distress, unhappiness.
Unwealfulness n Unhappiness, sadness, distressfulness.
Unwealsome adj Unhappy, distressed, misfortunate.
Unwealthy adj Not wealthy or rich, needy, struggling.
Unwealy adj Poor, unwealthy, needy, indigent.
Unweaned adj Not weaned, immature.
Unweapon vb To deprive of a weapon or weapons.
Unweaponed adj Not equipped with or bearing a weapon(s); unarmed.
Unwearied adj Not wearied or tired, or not tired out; also, not becoming weary, indefatigable. 2. quality, action, condition etc: marked by absence or abatement, unremittance.
Unweariedly adv In a manner indefatigably, unwearly, or not tired out.
Unwearily adv Without weariness. 2. in a manner weary.
Unwearying adj Not wearying or tiring. 2. that does not give or become weary, unremitting, untiring.
Unwearyingly adv Pursued tirelessly, sedulously, as "scientific research pursued in studious retirement.
Unweary adj Not weary, free from weary, unweariness, unwearied.
Unweary vb To restore from unweariness; to refresh or rest. 2. to relieve or ease oneself from something.
Unweather n Bad, inclement, rough or stormy weather.
Unweathered adj Not exposed to, or unaffected by the action of the weather or atmosphere.
Unweatherly adj Inclement.
Unweave vb To take out of a woven, intertwined or entangled state or condition; esp. to unravel or undo (a woven fabric). 2. to unintertwine the fingers. 3. to make clear by exposition; to expose, to disclose. 4. to become disentangled (fig)- " how wonderfully strange my fate unweaves".
Unweaving adj Disentangled, intertwined, unravelled. 2. "the sleep inducing unweavings. 3 "the unweavings of political combination".
Unweb vb To unweave, disentangle, unravel.
Unwebbed adj Unwoven, unweaved.
Unwed adj Of persons: not wedded, unmarried, single.
Unweddedness n The state of being unmarried or single.
Unweeded Adj Of ground: having or being covered in weeds.
Unweened adj Not thought of or imagined; unexpected.
Unweenly adv Unexpectedly, not imagined.
Unweeping adj Of person: tearless, without tears or sorrow "death days of unweeping eyes".
Unweeting adj Not knowing.
Unweetingly adv Unwittingly.
Unweft adj Unwoven, unweaved, not intertwined.
Unweighed adj Not weighed. 2. fig. not considered carefully.
Unweighing adj Thoughtless, inconsiderate.
Unweighingly adv "Frivolous and unweightingly business" - not full of thought, lacking depth and profundity.
Unweighted adj Remove the weight from (esp. a ski, by ceasing to press)
Unwelcome adj Not welcome or acceptable; unpleasing; unwelcoming.
Unwelcome vb To receive uncordially or accepting.
Unwelcomed adj Not welcomed or accepted with warmth or cordiality.
Unwelcomely adv Not with acceptance, with some fear or trepidation: "a rare moccasin was seen unwelcomely close to a school".
Unwelcomeness n State or quality of not accepting or greeting someone cordially.
Unwelcoming adj Having an inhospitable atmosphere; not welcoming; unfriendly.
Unwell adj Not well or in good health; somewhat ill, indisposed. 2. (euph): having menstrual discharge.
Unwellness n State or condition of being unwell or not in good health.
Unwemmed adj Spotless, pure, immaculate of persons, body, qualities. 2. not injured, hurt or scarred. 3. not physically spotted or stained; unblemished, flawless.
Unwemmedness n The state or quality of being spotless, pure, immaculate. 2. of condition: not injured, hurt, harmed or scarred.
Unwept adj Not weeping for; not mourned for; unlamenrted, as for a dead person. 2. of tears: unshed or not wept.
Unwet adj Dry, not wet, waterless or moisture-free. 2. of the eye: not suffused, tearless.
Unwetted adj Not wetted.
Unwhetted adj Not sharpened. 2. inactive, unbold, lacking courage.
Unwhited pp Unbleached or whitened.
Unwhitened adj Not whitened, as in "the unwhitened and unwhite-washed, mud and rough stone cottages of England".
Unwhole adj Not in good health, unsound, unhealthly, diseased, sick. 2. spiritually or manually unsure; of unsound. 3. of food: unwholesome.
Unwholeness adj Entireness, completeness.
Unwholesome j Detrimental to physical or moral well-being; "unwholesome food"; "unwholesome habits like smoking" bad for, baneful, diseased, disgusting, foul, harmful, hurtful, loathsome, polluted, sickly, unhealthful, unhealthy, unsound.
Unwholesomeness n The state or condition of being unwholesome.
Unwide adj Narrow, confined.
Unwield n Feebleness, unwealness, impotence.
Unwield vb To manipulate or handle unskilfully.
Unwield adj Feeble, weak, impotent. 2. difficult, cumbrous.
Unwieldiness n State or quality of being feeble, weak, impotent. 2. difficulty in handling, unskilfulness, cumbersomeness.
Unwieldly adv Not wieldy; wielded with difficulty; not readily handled or managed in use or action, as from size, shape, or weight; awkward; ungainly. 2. bulky, unmanageable, clumsy.
Unwieldy adj Awkward to handle or move. 2. bulky, unmanageable.
Unwife vb To deprive a person of a wife.
Unwife-like adj Not like or resembling a wife.
Unwifely adv Not in the manner of a wife, as "unwifely frame of mind".
Unwight n An evil being or spirit: a fiend or monster; spec. the devil.
Unwild vb To tame.
Unwilful adj Not bent on having one's own way; not self-willed. 2. not resulting from the exercise of one's will. 3. not involuntary or intentional.
Unwill n To do against one's will. 2. something displeasing or undesired. 3. that which is against one's will or wishes. 4. one's dislikes or aversions. 5. the fact or condition of being displeased or offended; displeasure, unwillness. 6. to will or reverse of something one has willed.
Unwilled adj Displeased, undesired. 2. disliked, offended.
Unwilling adj Not willing; reluctant; loath; averse: an unwilling partner in the crime. 2. opposed; offering resistance; stubborn or obstinate; refractory: an unwilling captive.
Unwillingness n The property of being unwilling: reluctant, resaistance, stubborn, averse.
Unwilly adj Unwilling to do something. 2. averse, involuntary.
Unwily adj Not wily, artful or cunning. 2. simple, silly.
Unwimple vb To remove the wimple from; unripple, unfold. 2. smooth out; unplait. 3. to be honest, not hoodwink or deceive.
Unwin n Grief, sorrow, distress.
Unwin adj Grievous,
Unwind vb To wind off; to loose what has been wound. 2. to roll into a ball from a skein of wool, sick, etc. 3. to become unwound.
Unwinding adj Winding loose or being drawn from a thing that has wound.
Unwindow vb To deprive of windows.
Unwindowed adj Without windows, not having windows.
Unwine n Foe, enemy, opponent.
Unwindy adj Without wind, not blowing in a windy manner.
Unwine n An enemy or foe. 2. "The Evil One", the devil, Satan, shuck, the fiend.
Unwinged adj Not having wings; without wing. 2. wingless. 3. marked by an absence of wings;
Unwink vb Of the eye: to open the eye.
Unwinking n Characterized by watchfulness or vigilance. 2. not winking, never closing the eye; unwinkingly.
Unwinly adv Unpleasantly, sadly, sorrowfully.
Unwinning adj Unconciliatory. 2. unattractive.
Unwinnowed adj Of grain: not separated from chaff by means of the wind or current of air. 2. not examined as to separate good (value)from bad (valueless). 3. distinguished, sorted.
Unwire vb To remove the wire from.
Unwinter vb To divest or lose of the quality of winter.
Unwintry adj Not belonging to winter; not cold, frosty, brumal.
Unwiped adj Not wiped; not cleaned by wiping; smeary.
Unwisdom n The lack or absence of wisdom, ignorance, folly, stupidity. 2. an instance of folly. ignorance.
Unwise adj Lacking or deficient in (practical) wisdom, discretion or prudence. 2. indiscreet, imprudent, foolish. 3. not marked, distinguished or prompted by (practical) wisdom. 3. characterised by lack of sound judgement. 4. injudicious, out of one's senses, mad.
Unwisely adv Acting in a manner or way not showing wisdom: injudiciously, foolishly.
Unwiseman n A fool,simpleton, dolt, fool.
Unwiseness n Lack or absence or practical wisdom, foolishness, folly, impudence.
Unwish vb To retract something wished. 2. to stop wishing; to make an end of wishing; to wish not to become something to wish away or annihilate a wish. 3. to retract, cancel or abrogate a wish, choice etc. 4. to wish or desire a circumstance, situation not to be. 5. to seek or remove oneself from a particular class or category by wishing. 6. to unwish for.
Unwished adj Not wished for.
Unwishful adj Not having a wish for; not longing or yearning for.
Unwist adj Unknown to one; without it being known. 2. lacking knowledge or something. 3. unknowing, not knowing how.
Unwistful adj Unwishful, not longing. 2. not musing, pensive. 3. inattentive, unobservant, wistless.
Unwit vb To know not. 2. to be ignorant of something. 3. to deprive of wit or senses.
Unwit n Lack of wit or practical knowledge; ignorance, stupidity, imprudence, foolishness.
Unwithood n Folly, stupidity, foolishness.
Unwitch vb To free from witchcraft; to unchain.
Unwite vb Not to penalize or fine. 2. not to blame or reproach. 3. to not act guilty.
Unwithdrawing adj Not stretching back or away; unreceding.
Unwithdrawn adj Not drawn or taken away, not removed. 2. not taken back as an assertion or a promise, recall. 3. not to keep or abstract for use. 4. not to draw back or retire.
Unwithered adj Not to become limp or dry, as a plant when cut down or deprived of moisture. 2. not to waste, as flesh. 3. not to droop or languish. 4. not to abash, as by a scornful glance.
Unwithering adj Not to become limp or dry, as a plant when cut down or deprived of moisture. 2. not to waste, as flesh. 3. not to droop or languish. 4. not to abash, as by a scornful glance.
Unwithheld adj Not held back or restrained. 2. not kept back, not declined, granted. 3. not refrained or tolerated. 4. divulged
Un-with-it adj Not modern or updated. 2. languid of mind..
Unwithholding n Frankness.
Unwithstood vb Not to withstand or hinder. 2. unopposed; not successfully oppose.
Unwitless adj Senseless, insensible.
Unwitness vb To not see with one's own eyes.
Unwitnessed adj Unobserved, not seen, not encountered.
Unwitship n Folly.
Unwitted adj Witless; unknown.
Unwitterness n Uncertainty.
Unwittily adv Not wittily.
Unwitting adj Having no knowledge or consciousness of a thing in question; unknowing, unconscious. 2. unintentional.
Unwittingly adv In an unwise, ignorant or foolish or unconscious manner; unwisely.
Unwittingness n Lack of knowledge, ignorance, realisation; unconsciousness.
Unwittish adj Ignorant, foolish, stupid, stultific.
Unwitty adj Lacking or deficient in wit; unintelligence, knowledge lacking, unwise, witless. 2. uninexperienced in something. 3. of actions, etc.: having by lack or absent of knowledge, senseless, foolish. 4. not witty or facetious.
Unwived adj Not having a wife or wives. 2. wifeless.
Unwiving adj Pertaining to celibacy; celibate.
Unwlap vb To free or release from a covering.
Unwoeful adj Free from pain, distress, trouble.
Unwoman vb To deprive of the quality or traits of a woman. 2. to remove from the category of a woman. 3. to unsex ( a woman): to remove the ovaries.
Unwomanlike adj Lacking a womanly demeanour, as "she cursed and swore in an unwomanlike manner".
Unwomanliness n In a manner or demeanour unlike a woman.
Unwomanly adv Not befitting a character of a woman. 2. inappropriate to womanly characteristics. 2. lacking the qualities or traits of a woman. 3. in a manner ubecoming a woman.
Unwomb vb To bring into the world, bear, give birth to.
Unwon vb To not abide at, dwell in, or live in.
Unwon adj Of women: not to successfully woo.
Unwonder vb To divest of the qualities of wonder.
Unwondering n A state divested of wonder.
Unwont vb To disappoint.
Unwont adj Unnusual, uncustomary. 2. of persons: strange in manner. 3. not wont, used, or accustomed to do something.
Unwonted adj Not according to wont or custom; unusual, uncommon. 2. not accustomed, unfamiliar. 3. not habitual, not commonly heard, seen, appearing, produced rarely or infrequently. 4. not made familiar by practice; unused or unacustomed to something. 5. going beyond ordinary limits.
Unwontedness n The state or quality of wont.
Unwontedly adv In a strange, unwontedly or unusual manner: unusually, uncommonly.
Unwoo vb To not woo earnestly or fully.
Unwooed adj Courted earnestly.
Unwooded adj Destitute of trees.
Unwoody adj Not made of wood.
Unword vb To deprive of words or speech. 2. to make speechless.
Unworded adj Incapable of being expressed in words; unutterable. 2. lacking words, unsaid.
Unwordy adj Not diffuse, prolixic or verbose,; concise.
Unwork n "The comfortable philosophy is the real life of this city of unwork". 2. not having the desire to work or be employed". 3. lacking the opportunity to work.
Unwork vb To undo or detach from something. 2. to spoil, mar or destroy. 3. to release from an intertwined condition. 4. to undo by contrary action.
Unworked adj Not wrought into shape. 2. not exploited or turned to account.
Unworking adj Something not working or impractical, as in unworking dilettantism.
Unworkmanlike adj Unlike a workman; unworthy of a good workman. 2. badly executed or finished.
Unworkmanly adv In a manner uncharacteristic of a good woman.
Unworld vb To deprive of qualities of the world. 2. to deprive of a share in wordly activities.
Unworldliness n Having an unworldly character.
Unwordly adv Of a type transcending or exceeding what is usually found or experienced in the world. 2. of persons: activated by other than wordly or sordid motives; spiritually minded; not motivated by wordly values or interests; spiritually minded.
Unworn adj Not affected by attrition or any similar continuous action. 2. not exhausted, spent or used up. 3. not showing the affects of anxiety.
Unworried adj Not uneasy in the mind, not anxious of something. 2. to manage or progress despite trails or difficulties.
Unworship n Absence of honour, respect or reverence, dishonour, disgrace. 2. act or instance of disgrace or dishonour, a slight. 3. lack or absence of divine worship.
Unworship vb To deprive of honour or dignity. 2. to treat with indignity, disrespect or irreverence.
Unworshipful adj Unworthy or devoid of esteem or honour. 2. characterised by lack of divine worship.
Unworshiply adv Irreverently.
Unworshipped adj Not worshipped or adored. 2. not held in reverence or esteem.
Unworshipping n The act of treating with disrespect and disrespect. 2. habitually neglecting the worship of God.
Unworth n Wanworth, worthlessness. 2. lack of worth, merit or deserve. 3. unworthiness.
Unworth adj Of persons, things: Undeserved, contemptous.
Unworth vb To treat a person or a thing disparagely or with disdain. 2. to slight, despise. 2. to dishonour something or someone.
Unworth-hood n Contempt.
Unworthily adv Without being fit, worthy or qualified. 2. without having sufficient merit or ability; unmeritedly.
Unworthiness n Contempt, scorn, unworthiness; worthlessness.
Unworthy adj Not worthy or deserving. 2. unmerited, unfit, unqualified.
Unworthy vb To dishonour, do discredit to, asperse, vilify.
Unwound vb To not wound or harm.
Unwounded adj Not wounded, not shot, unhurt, unharmed or injured.
Unwoven adj Not woven, intertwined or thread together. 2. unwebbed, unweaved; not united.
Unwrast adj Of a poor, worthless, or vile quality or condition. 2. miserable, of little account. 3. of persons: addicted to evil, wicked or vice-ridden. 4. of actions: characterised by wickedness, evil, initiquious. 5. untrustworthy, unreliable.
Unwrastness n Wickedness, evil, badness.
Unwrastly adv In a weak or feeble manner. 2. poorly, weakly, ineffectively. 3. basely, wickedly, evilly.
Unwrathful adj Without wrath; calm, placid, lacking rage or vehemence; not angry.
Unwrathfully adv In a manner calm, tranquil; not in rage or vehemence.
Unwreak vb Not to inflict or exact vengeance. 2. to not satiate. 3. to bridle or not give free expression to, as a feeling or passion.
Unwreaked adj Not revenged, avenged, requited or unavenged.
Unwreathe vb To free from a wreathed, writhen or intwined condition; to disentangle, untwist. 2. to divest of a wreathe.
Unwree vb To free a person from accusation; to clear.??????
Unwreathed adj Wreathless.
Unwrench n An evil or base trick; artifice or turn. 2. a vice or sin.
Unwrench vb To open or detach by wrenching.
Unwrest vb To undo, detach or dislocate by wresting or wrenching.
Unwried adj Not twisted or wrested.
Unwrinkle vb To smooth out wrinkles from.
Unwry vb To not bend to one side; not contorted or askew. 2. not made by twist-ing or contorting the features, as an unwry smile." 3. not deviating from that which is right or proper; not perverted. 4. not warped: as a course or an interpretation.
Unwrinkle vb To free from wrinkles; make smooth or iron out; take out ripples.
Unwrinkled adj Smooth, flat, even, unincreased, unwavey.
Unwrite vb To cancel or abrogate the writing of (of something). 2. to annul or rescind a writing.
Unwrithe vb To not twist with violence. 2. to not distort the body, face in pain.
Unwriting adj Not able to write; illiterate. 2. not incline to write.
Unwritten adj Not reduced to writing. 2. not written down, oral, traditional. 3. having no writing upon it, blank.
Unwritten phr "An Unwritten Law" - unwritten law refers to the law based upon custom, usage, and judicial decisions. It is distinguished from the enactments of a legislature, orders or decrees in writing. Although an unwritten law is not enacted in the form of statute or ordinance, it has got legal sanction. 2. a long established custom that is difficult to break or disobey.
Unwronged adj Not offending or causing distress, sorrow or disappointment to others, as "unwronged and causing no cause for tears".
Unwrongful adj Not characterized by wrong or injustice. 3. not injurious or unjust. 3. lawful. legal.
Unwrought adj Not beaten or hammered into shape by tools. 2. not yet worked, moulded, made, fashioned or formed. 3. not made with delicacy, not elaborated carefully. 4. not visited upon or afflicted by. 5. of a saw: not planed or wrought.
Unwrung adj Not wrung; not galled.
Unwrung phr "His Withers are Unwrung" - he is unaffected by the accusation.
Unwry vb To uncover oneself, to make naked. 2. to reveal, disclose, make known (some hidden thing, fact, sin. etc.) 3. to coomunicate or divulge a matter.