The Anglish Moot
Old English sb English
Yule n In December and January heathen festivities lasting 12 days. Lammas Yule: the yearly festival of Lammas on the first day of August. Old English gēol(a) ‘Christmas Day’; compare with Old Norse jól, originally applied to a heathen festival lasting twelve days, later to Christmas.
Yule-candle n A large candle previously used in Christmas festivities.
Yule-day n Christmas day
Yule even n Christmas eve
Yule-fare n Christmas food
Yule-grith n The peace of Christmas
Yuling n The keeping of Christmas.
Yulemonth n The month of December.
Yuletide n The season of Christmas
Yule-song n Christmas carol.
Yule-tree n Chrismas tree.
Yule-wreath n The wreath placed on the front door at Christmas time.