See also: Starcraft
Here are oversettings of the names of the Starmoots.
English | Anglish | Ord |
Andromeda | Tied Maiden | nickname of Andromeda |
Antlia | Loftpump | |
Apus | Heavenbird | |
Aquarius | Water Bearer | |
Aquila | Ern | |
Ara | Giftboard | The constellation is named after a an altar |
Argo Navis | Goldenship | the boat that brought back the golden fleece to Greece |
Aries | Ram | |
Auriga | Steerer | |
Boötes | Herdsman | |
Caelum | Cutter | |
Camelopardalis | Longneck | camelopardalis = giraffe |
Cancer | Crab | |
Canes Venatici | Twinhound | Canes Venatici shows the two GREYHOUNDS held on a tether by Bootes. |
Canis Major | Motherhound | |
Canis Minor | Star Whelps | |
Capricornus | Sea-Goat | |
Cassiopeia | Night Queen | the queen of Aethiopia in Greek mythology |
Centaurus | Horseman | |
Cepheus | Night King | the king of Aethiopia in Greek mythology |
Cetus | Whale | cetus = sea-monster, but constellation was also depicted as a whale |
Chamaeleon | Wristlehue athex | |
Circinus | Drawing stick | |
Columba | Dove | |
Coma Berenices | Fairhair | |
Corona Australis | Southern Wreath | |
Corona Borealis | Northern Wreath | |
Corvus | Crow | |
Crater | Mug | |
Crux | Sky Rood | Southern cross |
Cygnus | Swan | |
Delphinus | Tumbler | German: Tümmler (dolphin) |
Dorado | Golden fish | |
Draco | Sky wyrm | |
Equuleus | Horseling | |
Eridanus | Ea | |
Fornax | Burner | |
Gemini | Twins | |
Grus | Cranebird | |
Hercules | Herkle | |
Horlogium | Beambell | |
Hydra | Nine-headed Nicker | nicker = monster |
Hydrus | Fen Snake | |
Indus | Indish | |
Lacerta | Athex | |
Leo | Lewcat | |
Leo Minor | Star Kittens | |
Lepus | Hare | |
Libra | Meter | Scales |
Lupus | Fenrir | |
Lynx | Lightcat | |
Lyra | Harp | |
Mensa | Flat Berg | from the Table Mountain in South Africa |
Microscopium | Tinylook | |
Monoceros | Onehorn | from Unicorn |
Musca | Fly | |
Norma | Flak | |
Octans | Eightnook | sea measuring tool of a 45° arc (one eigth of 360) |
Ophiuchus | Snake Carrier | |
Orion | — | |
Pavo | Peacock | |
Pegasus | Sleipnir | |
Perseus | — | |
Phoenix | Firebird | |
Pictor | Mealer | mealer = painter |
Pisces | Fishes | |
Piscis Austrinus | Southern Fish | |
Puppis | Stern | |
Pyxis | Northteller | Compass |
Reticulum | Eyeglass | |
Sagitta | Arrow | |
Sagittarius | Sky shooter | |
Scorpius | Throwend | <OE þrowend |
Sculptor | Buildhewer | |
Scutum | Shield | |
Sextans | Sixnook | sea measuring tool of 60° (one sixth of 360) |
Taurus | Bull | |
Telescopium | Sky glass | From Telescope (Spy glass) |
Triangulum | Threenook | |
Triangulum Australis | Southern Threenook | |
Tucana | — | |
Ursa Major | Mother bear | |
Ursa Minor | Star Bearcubs | |
Virgo | Maiden | |
Volans | Flying Fish | |
Vulpecula | Fox |