The Anglish Moot

See also: Starcraft

Here are oversettings of the names of the Starmoots.

English Anglish Ord
Andromeda Tied Maiden nickname of Andromeda
Antlia Loftpump
Apus Heavenbird
Aquarius Water Bearer
Aquila Ern
Ara Giftboard The constellation is named after a an altar
Argo Navis Goldenship the boat that brought back the golden fleece to Greece
Aries Ram
Auriga Steerer
Boötes Herdsman
Caelum Cutter
Camelopardalis Longneck camelopardalis = giraffe
Cancer Crab
Canes Venatici Twinhound Canes Venatici shows the two GREYHOUNDS held on a tether by Bootes.
Canis Major Motherhound
Canis Minor Star Whelps
Capricornus Sea-Goat
Cassiopeia Night Queen the queen of Aethiopia in Greek mythology
Centaurus Horseman
Cepheus Night King the king of Aethiopia in Greek mythology
Cetus Whale cetus = sea-monster, but constellation was also depicted as a whale
Chamaeleon Wristlehue athex
Circinus Drawing stick
Columba Dove
Coma Berenices Fairhair
Corona Australis Southern Wreath
Corona Borealis Northern Wreath
Corvus Crow
Crater Mug
Crux Sky Rood Southern cross
Cygnus Swan
Delphinus Tumbler German: Tümmler (dolphin)
Dorado Golden fish
Draco Sky wyrm
Equuleus Horseling
Eridanus Ea
Fornax Burner
Gemini Twins
Grus Cranebird
Hercules Herkle
Horlogium Beambell
Hydra Nine-headed Nicker nicker = monster
Hydrus Fen Snake
Indus Indish
Lacerta Athex
Leo Lewcat
Leo Minor Star Kittens
Lepus Hare
Libra Meter Scales
Lupus Fenrir
Lynx Lightcat
Lyra Harp
Mensa Flat Berg from the Table Mountain in South Africa
Microscopium Tinylook
Monoceros Onehorn from Unicorn
Musca Fly
Norma Flak
Octans Eightnook sea measuring tool of a 45° arc (one eigth of 360)
Ophiuchus Snake Carrier
Pavo Peacock
Pegasus Sleipnir
Phoenix Firebird
Pictor Mealer mealer = painter
Pisces Fishes
Piscis Austrinus Southern Fish
Puppis Stern
Pyxis Northteller Compass
Reticulum Eyeglass
Sagitta Arrow
Sagittarius Sky shooter
Scorpius Throwend <OE þrowend
Sculptor Buildhewer
Scutum Shield
Sextans Sixnook sea measuring tool of 60° (one sixth of 360)
Taurus Bull
Telescopium Sky glass From Telescope (Spy glass)
Triangulum Threenook
Triangulum Australis Southern Threenook
Ursa Major Mother bear
Ursa Minor Star Bearcubs
Virgo Maiden
Volans Flying Fish
Vulpecula Fox