The Anglish Moot

Deer are those living things that English would call animals. Below is a set of lists showing the different deer and their names in Anglish. They are organized by the larger group to which they belong, such as birds and fish. Not all deer are listed below, but the list holds both those whose existing name is Anglish, and those whose name needs to be overset.

For leaves on bestevened deer, click here



English Craftspeak name Anglish
bird-of-paradise family Paradisaeidae bird of heaven, bird of narxenwong
blue jay Cyanocitta cristata hewn hier (<OE higera)
booby genus Sula thorple (cf. NHG Tölpel)

John-o'-Ghent (cf. Du. jan-van-gent)

budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus house bleefowl (domestic parakeet)

grassbleefowl (cf. Du. grasparkiet)

buzzard (excluding turkey vulture) several members of the family Accipitridae mousehawk (<OE mūshāfoc)
canary some species of Serinus genus Houndeysbird
cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis (tufted) redbird
cassowary genus Casuarius helmstrutter (cf. NHG Helmkasuar)
cockatoo family Cacatuidae combed bleefowl
cormorant genus Phalacrocorax shrab (<OE scræb)
cuckoo family Cuculidae yeke(straight from OE), gawk(from ON)
curlew genus Numenius whaup
eagle several members of the family Accipitridae erne
emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Andlandstrutter
falcon genus Falco fealk (<OE fealca)
flamingo family Phoenicopteridae firefeather (greek calque)


grebe family Podicipedidae lapdiver (cf. NHG Lappentaucher)
gull subfamily Larinae mew
harpy eagle Harpia harpyja king's hawk (calque of Portuguese gavião-real)
heron family Ardeidae ragger (<OE hragra)
hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazin stinkbird
jabiru Jabiru mycteria entstork (cf. Du. reuzenooievaar)
kakapo Strigops habroptilus owl bleefowl
kea Nestor notabilis barrow bleefowl
kestrel several species of genus Falco windhover
kiskadee genus Pitangus swaveltharlreder (cf. NHG Schwefeltyrann)
kiwi genus Apteryx snipestrutter (cf. NHG Schnepfenstrauße)
kookaburra genus Dacelo hunter kingfisher (cf. NHG Jägerliest)
lyrebird genus Menura mockingfowl, shieldharpbird
macaw tribe Arini great bleefowl
osprey genus Pandion seahawk
ostrich genus Struthio strite (<OE strýta)
parakeet certain species of order Psittaciformes little bleefowl
parrot order Psittaciformes bleefowl
partridge several members of family Phasianidae winebeamfowl, winebeamhen (cf. NHG Rebhuhn)
pelican genus Pelecanus divedopper (<OE dūfedoppa - dūfe)
penguin family Spheniscidae fatgoose (cf. Du. vatgans)

southauk, swimbird, southern auk, great [white-headed] auk

peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus duckhawk
pheasant several members of family Phasianidae wildfowl, wildhen (<OE wildhænn)

woorfowl, woorhen (<OE wōrhana)

pigeon/dove family Columbidae dove
ratite infraclass Palaeognathae strutterfowl, runfowl (cf. Du. Loopvogel)
rhea genus Rhea Nightlandstrutter
robin (European) Erithacus rubecula ruddock
seriema family Cariamidae combraiser (calque of Tupi çaria am)
thrush family Turdidae shreech (<OE scric)
toucan family Rhamphastidae peppereater (cf. Sw. pepparätare)
tropicbird genus Phaethon wendringbird (cf. Du. keerkringvogel)
turaco family Musophagidae moonappleeater (cf. Du. bananeneter)
turkey genus Meleagris trootbird, trootfowl, troothen (calque of NHD Truthahn, "Trut" being of imitative origin)
vulture subfamilies Gypaetinae and Aegypiinae and family Cathartidae gue (<OE giw)

neefowl (<OE nēfugol)

gyer (rhymes with fryer: cf. Du. gier; NHG Geier)


English Binomial name Anglish
anaconda genus Eunectes easnake
basilisk genus Basiliscus waterstrider
boa constrictor Boa constrictor wrapsnake


family Chamaeleonidae wrixlehue ask; earthlion (calque of Greek Chameleon)
cobra genus Naja hoodsnake
crocodile family Crocodylidae nicker (cf. OHG nihhus); pebbleworm (calque of Greek crocodile);
frill-necked lizard Chlamydosaurus kingii frillneckask
gliding lizard genus Draco glidask; glideft
iguana family Iguanidae combask; combeft (cf. Du. kamhagedis)
Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis landnicker (calque of native buaya darat)
lizard order Squamata − suborder Serpentes − Amphisbaenia ask (<OE áðexe), eft (<OE efte, efeta)
monitor lizard genus Varanus watchask; watcheft
python genus Python tiesnake
saurischian order Saurischia askhip Thrien, Jurish, Chalken, Orbirthing, Newbirthing & Fourth
sea turtle superfamily Chelonioidea shieldback
tuatara Sphenodon punctatus bridgeask; bridgeft
turtle order Testudines

shieldpaddock (cf. Du. schildpadde)

rover (contr. of 'roofer' or 'roofpod', akin to stegosaurus, meaning 'roofed lizard')


English Binomial name Anglish
bony fish class Osteichthyes − superclass Tetrapoda bony fish; bonefish
burbot Lota lota alepout (<OE ælepūte)
cartilaginous fish class Chondrichthyes gristley fish, gristlefish
coelacanth order Coelacanthiformes quistfin; cwistfin
flounder suborder Pleuronectoidei fluke
flukefish (to differentiate from a flukeworm)


genus Pterois flinder-cod
manta ray genus Manta mantlereagh
mullet family Mugilidae hake (<OE hacod)
parrotfish family Scaridae bleefowlfish
perch genus Perca barse (<OE bærs)
piranha Characidae spp. cutterfish (calque of Old Tupi pira nya)
ray superorder Batoidea reagh (<OE reohhe)
regal blue tang Paracanthurus hepatus king's blue tang/healerfish
salmon Salmo salar lax
shark superorder Selachimorpha haye
trout subfamily Salmoninae forn, shoat

Lurrows (Amphibians)[]

English Binomial name Anglish
axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum moonsnavelish walkingfish

moonsnavelish taillurrow

caecilian order Apoda creeplurrow (cf. NHG Schleichenlurche)
cane toad Rhinella marina reedtoad
poison dart frog family Dendrobatidae atter arrow frog; gallarrow frog
salamander order Urodela taillurrow (cf. NHG Schwanzlurche)

Suckledeer (Mammals)[]

English Binomial name Anglish
aardvark Orycteropus afer earthpig, earthswine, earthfarrow
aardwolf Proteles cristata earthwolf
addax Addax nasomaculatus whitebuck; screwhornbuck
African wild dog Lycaon pictus Highsun wild dog; Highsun hunting dog; Highsunland fayed dog; fayed hunting dog; fayed wolf
Amazon river dolphin, boto Inia geoffrensis pink eatumbler
American bison Bison bison Americkish/Marklandish/Nightlandish wisent, wesend (<OE, cf. OHG wisunt, ON visundr)
antelope family Bovidae − tribe Bovini − subfamily Caprinae buck (cf. Arf. bok)
ape superfamily Hominoidea mennishape (cf. Du. mensaap; NHG Menschenaffe)
arctic wolf Canis lupus arctos snowwolf
armadillo order Cingulata shieldling, girdledeer (liken with NHG Gürteltier)
aye-aye Daubentonia madagascariensis fingerdeer (cf. Du. vingerdier, NHG Fingertier)
baboon genus Papio muzzle-ape, dog-ape
badger Meles meles brock
bandicoot order Peramelemorphia purseshrew
bat (<ON) order Chiroptera reremouse, fluttermouse (cf. NHG Fledermaus)
beluga Delphinapterus leucas white whale/whitewhale
bilby genus Macrotis bunny-purseshrew
binturong Arctictis binturong bearcat
bison genus Bison wisent, wesend (<OE, cf. OHG wisunt, ON visundr)
black bear (asian)

Ursus thibetanus

Selenarctos thibetanus

moon bear
bonobo Pan paniscus dwarf-mockman
bontebok Damaliscus pygargus mottlegoat (cf. Du. bontebok)
buffalo (excluding bison) subtribe Bubalina southrother
camel Camelus spp. olvend (<ME olfend), drylander
capuchin subfamily Cebinae hoodsmanape (cf. NHG Kapuzineraffen)
capybara genus Hydrochoerus waterswine (cf. NHG Wasserschwein)
caribou Rangifer tarandus Americkish/Marklandish/Nightlandish reindeer
carnivoran order Carnivora reavedeer (cf. Du. roofdier)
cattle Bos taurus steer, rotherfee (cf. Du. rundvee)
cetacean infraorder Cetacea whaledeer, whalefish (cf. Du. walvis; NHG Wale)
chamois Rupicapra rupicapra gems (singular, pl. gemses/gemsen) (cf. Du. gems; NHG Gämse)
cheetah Acinonyx jubatus rathcat, hunterspotlee (cf. Du. jachtluipaard)
chimpanzee Pan troglodytes mockman (calque of Tshiluba kivili-chimpenze)
chinchilla genus Chinchilla mousebunny
chipmunk Tamius striatus ground aquern/ground acwern, striped aquern/striped acwern
clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa clouded lee
coati genus Nasua and Nasuella nosebear (cf. NHG Nasenbär)
colugo family Cynocephalidae entglider (cf. NHG Riesengleiter)
cougar Puma concolor berghlee, bergh manecat
coyote Canis latrans Americkish/Marklandish/Nightlandish Howler
dingo Canis lupus dingo Andlander wild dog
dhole Cuon alpinus whistling dog; red dog; barrowwolf (cf. Eng. mountain wolf)
dolphin several families of parvorder Odontoceti

tumbler (c.f. NHG Tümmler)

seapig, seawolf, werewhale

dormouse family Gliridae sisemouse (<OE sisemūs) (comes from Latin dormire, "to sleep", not door + mouse)
deer family Cervidae hart (<OE heorot)
echidna family Tachyglossidae thorny anteater (cf. Eng. spiny anteater)
eland genus Taurotragus elkbuck (cf. NHG Elenantilopen)
elephant family Elephantidae elp (<OE elpend)
European bison Bison bonasus Europish wisent, wesend (<OE, cf. OHG wisunt, ON visundr)
gazelle genus Gazella heldbuck
gemsbok Oryx gazella gemsbuck (cf. Du. gemsbok)

spitbuck (cf. NHG Spießbock; see Oryx)

giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla ant bear; antbear; entish anteater
giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca catbear; great catbear
giraffe family Giraffidae reachneck
gorilla genus Gorilla brawn ape
grizzly bear Ursus arctos horribilis greybear; graybear

silvertip bear

guinea pig Cavia porcellus sackrat-bunny (calque of Nahuatl tozantochtli)
hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius eahorse, floodhorse (cf. NHG Flusspferd)

knucker (<OE nicor)

hominid family Hominidae great apes
hominine subfamily Homininae greater apes
hominin tribe Hominini highapes
howler monkey genus Alouatta howlape
human Homo sapiens man, leed (<ME lēd)
hyena family Hyaenidae laughdog; laughwolf
hyrax order Hyracoidea shrewmouse (Greek calque), brockie (cf. Eng. dassie)
ibex genus Capra stonebuck (cf. NHG steinbock; Du. steenbock)
impala Aepyceros melampus redbuck (cf. Afr. rooibok)
indri Indri indri boyfather (calque of Malagasy babakoto)
jackal several species of subtribe Canina howler
jaguar Panthera onca mottlelee
kangaroo genera Macropus and Osphranter boomer
kinkajou Potos flavus honey bear/honeybear (warning: may be confused with sun bear and sloth bear)

rolltailbear (cf. Du. rolstaartbeer)

wrapbear (cf. NHG wickelbär)

koala Phascolarctos cinereus pursebear
lemur suborder Strepsirrhini nightghost
leopard Panthera pardus spotted lee, spotlee
lion Panthera leo lee, leecat


lion tamarin genus Leontopithecus leeape
llama Lama glama sheepolvend (cf. Du. schaapkameel)
loris subfamily Lorinae foulape (cf. NHG Faulaffen)
mandrill Mandrillus sphinx manthrill
markhor Capra falconeri shrowhorngoat (cf. Du. schroefhoorngeit), shrowgoat (cf. NHG Schraubenziege)
marsupial infraclass Marsupialia pursedeer
marten genus Martes mearth (<OE mearþ, originally meaning shrew)
mastiff (dog) breed of Canis lupus familiaris rythe (<OE ryðða)
meerkat Suricata suricatta earthmankin (cf. NHG Erdmännchen)

stocktailling (cf. Du. stokstaartje)

mercat (misidentification)

monkey infraorder Simiiformes − superfamily Hominoidea ape (Eng. ape -> mennishape)
monotreme order Monotremata nebdeer (cf. Du. snaveldieren)

forkdeer (cf. NHG Gabeltiere)

egglaying suckledeer

moose Alces alces great elk

Americkish/Marklandish/Nightlandish elk

narwhal Monodon monoceros lichwhale
vervet monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus southern green seacat
Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana purserat
okapi Okapia johnstoni wood reachneck (cf. NHG Waldgiraffe)
olingo genus Bassaricyon thinbear (cf. Du. skankbeer)

apebear (cf. NHG Makibär)

olinguito Bassaricyon neblina kitty bear/kittibear

little thinbear; little apebear (calque)

orangutan genus Pongo rutherwere
orca Orcinus Orca killer whale (misleading)

swordwhale (cf. NHG Schwertwal; Du. zwaardwalvis)

oryx genus Oryx spitbuck (cf. Du. spiesbok)
pangolin family Manidae shaledeer
panther genus Panthera (melanistic) bigcat; lee (when using lee for panther, use manelee for lion)
pika genus Ochotona pipehare; whistlehare (cf. Du. fluithaas)
pilosa order Pilosa tootharm (cf. NHG Zahnarme)
placentals infraclass Placentalia highsuckledeer (cf. NHG Höheren Säugetiere)
platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus watermole, duckbill, duckmole (early colonial names); billdeer (calque of NHG schnabeltier); flatfoot (calque of Greek platypus); birdneb (calque of Latin ornithorhynchus)
pocket gopher family Geomyidae spp. sackrat (calque of NHG Taschenratte)
polar bear Ursus maritimus snowbear
porcupine families Hystricidae and Erethizontidae prickleswine (cf. Du. stekelvarken)
porpoise family Phocoenidae merswine
primate order Primates upperdeer (cf. Du. opperdieren)
pronghorn genus Antillocapra forkhorn
quoll genus Dasyurus pursecat
raccoon Procyon lotor washbear
red panda Ailurus fulgens firefox, red catbear
rhinoceros family Rhinocerotidae nosehorn (cf. NHG Nashorn)
sea lion subfamily Otariinae sea lee/sealee
serval Leptailurus serval fussbushcat (cf. Afr. tierboskat)
shih-tzu Canis lupus familiaris leesondog, leedog, littleleedog
skunk family Mephitidae stinkdeer (cf. Du. stinkdier), stinkbrock, stink-cat, hencat, addlefox
snow leopard Panthera uncia snowspotlee
sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus potwhale (cf. NHG pottwal; Du. potvis)
springbok Antidorcas marsupialis springbuck
spider monkey genus Ateles spiderape
squirrel family Sciuridae aquern/acwern (<OE acweorna)
squirrel monkey genus Saimiri aquernape/acwernape
sugar glider Petaurus breviceps sweetglider
tamandua genus Tamandua wood anteater (cf. Du. boommiereneter)
tamarin genus Saguinus kempape (kemp = moustache)
tapir genus Tapirus slurfswine (cf. Du. slurf; Fr. sloarf + swine)
tarsier family Tarsiidae

soulape (cf. NHG Koboldmakis)
ankledeer (cf. Sw. vristdjur)

tasmanian devil Sarcophilus harrisii tasmanland fiend, tasmanland dog, pursedog
(bengal) tiger Panthera tigris (sunnaland) stripecat
wallaby a bit of family Macropodidae dwarf-leapdeer
walrus Odobenus rosmarus whalehorse (cf. Dan. hvalros)
wildebeest genus Connochaetes wildwight
wombat family Vombatidae pursebrock (early colonizers referred to wombats as badgers)
wolverine Gulo gulo fellcat (cf. NHG vielfraß <ON fjellfräs), stinkbear (cf. Eng. skunkbear)
xenarthra superorder Xenarthra nighlithdeer (cf. NHG Nebengelenktier)
zebra subgenus Equus (Hippotigris) stripehorse,

wildass, wildhorse (calque of Greek equiferus)

Ridgeless (Invertebrates)[]

English Binomial name Anglish
aphid superfamily Aphidoidea leaflouse (cf. NHG Blattläuse)
arthropod phylum Arthropoda lithfoot (cf. NHG Gliederfüße)
brachiopod phylum Brachiopoda lampshell, armfoot
caterpillar order Lepidoptera (larva) cawlworm (<OE cawelwyrm); leafworm (<OE lēafwyrm); malesheaf (<OE mælsceafa)
centipede class Chilopoda thousandfoot (cf. Du. duizendpoot; NHG Tausendfüße)
cicada superfamily Cicadoidea hillhoam (<OE hyllehāma)
cockroach order Blattodea − infraorder Isoptera millbeetle, shave (cf. NHG Schabe)
copepod subclass Copepoda oarfoot (calque)
cricket family Gryllidae fiddlebug, fiddlewig, midgefiddler, hoam (<OE hama)
damselfly suborder Zygoptera ladyfly
insect class Insecta bug, smallcreep
mig (<OE mygg, mycg)
wig (<OE wicga, cf. earwig)
isopod order Isopoda bedstepper; lousebug; evenfoot (calque)
jerusalem cricket genus Stenopelmatus earth suckling
leaf insect family Phylliidae leaf-bug; walking leaf
lobster family Nephropidae crevet (cf. Du. kreeft)
mantis order Mantodea beadbug
millipede class Diplopoda mickleredfoot (cf. Du. miljoenpoot)
mosquito family Culicidae stickwig; stickmig (cf. Du. stikmyg; NHG Stechmücke)
octopus order Octopoda armfish, bleckfish (narrow meaning)

crookfish; crankfish (cf. NHG Kraken); eightfoot (calque of Greek octopus)

scorpion order Scorpiones stingtail

taildrake (cf. IC sporðdreki)

throwend (<OE þrowend)

sea urchin class Echinoidea sea hedgehog
stick insect order Phasmatodea stick-bug; walking stick
tarantula family Theraphosidae birdspider (cf. Du. Vogelspinne; NHG Vogelspinne)
termite infraorder Isoptera wood ant; white ant (both from early English)
tsetse fly genus Glossina stickfly



English Craftspeak name Anglish Tide
dodo Raphus cucullatus wallowbird (cf. Du. walgvogel) Fourth
elephant bird family Aepyornithidae elpbird Fourth
moa order Dinornithiformes entfowl Newbirthing & Fourth

Creepdeer, besides dreadasks[]

English Binomial name Anglish Tide
adamantinasuchus genus Adamantinasuchus adamantinenicker Chalken
deinosuchus genus Deinosuchus dreadnicker Chalken
dimetrodon genus Dimetrodon sailask; saileft; twitoothmete (calque) Permish
dimorphodon genus Dimorpohodon twitoothshape Jurish
drepanosaurus genus Drepanosaurus sickleask Thrien
ichthyosaurus genus Ichthyosaurus fishask Thrien & Jurish
kuehneosaurus genus Kuehneosaurus kuehnesask Thrien
liopleurodon genus Liopleurodon smoothsidetooth Jurish
longisquama genus Longisquama longshale Thrien
lycaenops genus Lycaenops wolfleer (calque) Permish
moschops genus Moschops calfleer (calque) Permish
plesiosaurus genus Plesiosaurus nearask Jurish
pteranodon genus Pteranodon wingtooth Chalken
pterodactyl; pterosaur order Pterosauria wingfinger (calque); wingask Trien, Jurish & Chalken
sarcosuchus genus Sarcosuchus fleshnicker Chalken
tanystropheus genus Tanystropheus longneckbone Trien
titanoboa genus Titanoboa ettinwrapsnake Orbirthing
tupandactylus genus Tupandactylus thorwing; thorfinger (calque) Chalken


English Binomial name Anglish Tide
albertosaurus genus Albertosaurus albertsask Chalken
allosaurus genus Allosaurus elask Jurish
ankylosaurus genus Ankylosaurus meldedask Chalken
apatosaurus genus Apatosaurus swikefulask Jurish
archaeopteryx genus Archaeopteryx orfowl (cf. NHG Urvogel); eldwing (calque) Jurish
argentinosaurus genus Argentinosaurus silverlandask Chalken
austroraptor genus Austroraptor southgriper Chalken
brachiosaurus genus Brachiosaurus armask Jurish
brontosaurus genus Brontosaurus thunderask Jurish
camarasaurus genus Camarasaurus roomask Jurish
camptosaurus genus Camptosaurus bentask Jurish
carcharodontosaurus genus Carcharodontosaurus sharptoothask Chalken
carnotaurus genus Carnotaurus meatbullask Chalken
caudipteryx genus Caudipteryx tailfeatherask Chalken
centrosaurus genus Centrosaurus prickask Chalken
ceratops genus Ceratops hornleer Chalken
ceratopsia suborder Ceratopsia hornleerkin Jurish & Chalken
ceratopsid family Ceratopsidae truehornleerkin Chalken
ceratopsin subfamily Ceratopsinae highhornleerkin Chalken
chasmosaurus genus Chasmosaurus openingask Chalken
coelophysis genus Coelophysis hollowshape Thrien & Jurish
compsognathus genus Compsognathus rekenjaw Jurish
concavenator genus Concavenator humpbackhunter Chalken
corythosaurus genus Corythosaurus helmask Chalken
dakotaraptor genus Dakotaraptor knifelandgriper Chalken
deinonychus genus Deinonychus dreadclaw Chalken
dilong genus Dilong highkingdrake; cazerdrake Chalken
dilophosaurus genus Dilophosaurus twicombask Jurish
diplodocus genus Diplodocus twibeam Jurish
dromaeosaurus genus Dromaeosaurus runningask Chalken
dryosaurus genus Dryosaurus treeask Jurish
edmontosaurus genus Edmontosaurus edmondsask Chalken
eoraptor genus Eoraptor dawngriper Thrien
euhelopus genus Euhelopus truemarshfoot Chalken
gallimimus genus Gallimimus chickentwin Chalken
giganotosaurus genus Giganotosaurus greatsouthask Chalken
giraffatitan genus Giraffatitan reachneckettin Jurish
gorgosaurus genus Gorgosaurus dreadfulask Chalken
herrerasaurus genus Herrerasaurus herrerasask Thrien
iguanodon genus Iguanodon combasktooth; combefttooth Chalken
juravenator genus Juravenator jurahunter Jurish
kentrosaurus genus Kentrosaurus prickleask Jurish
kulindadromeus genus Kulindadromeus kulindarunner Jurish
lambeosaurus genus Lambeosaurus lambesask Chalken
megalosaurus genus Megalosaurus greatask Jurish
microraptor genus Microraptor littlegriper Chalken
montanoceratops genus Montanoceratops barrowlandhornleer Chalken
ornithischian order Ornithischia birdhip Thrien, Jurish & Chalken
oviraptor genus Oviraptor egg-griper Chalken
pachycephalosaurus genus Pachycephalosaurus thickheadask Chalken
pachyrhinosaurus genus Pachyrhinosaurus thicknoseask Chalken
parasaurolophus genus Parasaurolophus bycombask Chalken
plateosaurus genus Plateosaurus broadask Thrien
protarchaeopteryx genus Protarchaeopteryx foreorfowl; foreeldwing Chalken
protoceratops genus Protoceratops forehornneb Chalken
psittacosaurus genus Psittacosaurus bleefowlask Chalken
sauropod clade Sauropoda askfoot Thrien, Jurish & Chalken
shantungosaurus genus Shantungosaurus eastbarrowask Chalken
sinosauropteryx genus Sinosauropteryx midricaskwing Chalken
spinosaurus genus Spinosaurus sailask; backboneask (calque) Chalken
stegosaurus genus Stegosaurus roofask Jurish
styracosaurus genus Styracosaurus thornask Chalken
tarbosaurus genus Tarbosaurus frighteningask Chalken
tenontosaurus genus Tenontosaurus sinewask Chalken
therizinosaurus genus Therizinosaurus sytheask Chalken
theropod clade Theropoda wightfoot Thrien, Jurish, Chalken, Orbirthing, Newbirthing & Fourth
titanosaurus genus Titanosaurus ettinask Chalken
triceratops genus Triceratops thrihornleer Chalken
tyrannosaurus genus Tyrannosaurus tharlrederask (partial calque) Chalken
utahraptor genus Utahraptor highfolkgriper Chalken
velociraptor genus Velociraptor quickgriper/cwickgriper Chalken
yi qi genus Yi Qi weirdwing Jurish
yutyrannus genus Yutyrannus feathertharlreder Chalken


English Binomial name Anglish Tide
dunkleosteus genus Dunkleosteus dunklebone(fish) Devonish
helicoprion genus Helicoprion whirlsaw Permish
leedsichthys Leedsichthys problematicus leedsfish Jurish
megalodon Carcharocles megalodon mickletooth(haye) Newbirthing
onchopristis genus Onchopristis bulksawfish Chalken
placoderms class Placodermi shieldskins Silurish & Devonish
stethacanthus genus Stethacanthus chestthorn (calque); anvilhaye Devonish & Coalbearing

Lurrows (Amphibians)[]

English Binomial name Anglish Tide
diplocaulus genus Diplocaulus twifoldskinkin (calque) Permish
koolasuchus Koolasuchus cleelandi koolsnicker (calque)




Suckledeer (Mammals)[]

English Binomial name Anglish
aceratherium genus Aceratherium hornlesswight Newbirthing
basilosaurus genus Basilosaurus kingwhale (unwhole, more swotle calque)

kingask (calque)

dire wolf Canis dirus fearsome wolf; entwolf Fourth
macrauchenia genus Macrauchenia longsheepolf (calque); slurfreachneck (trunk giraffe) Newbirthing & Fourth
mammoth genus Mammuthus furelp (calque of Ic. loðfíll and Far. loðfílur); shaggy-elp Newbirthing & Fourth
mastodon genus Mammut breasttooth Newbirthing & Fourth

giant ground sloth

genus Megatherium micklewight (calque); greatsloth, great ground sloth Newbirthing & Fourth
paraceratherium genus Paraceratherium byhornlesswight Orbirthing
quagga Equus quagga quagga headland stripehorse (cape zebra) Fourth
saber-toothed tiger/sabre-toothed tiger genus Smilodon sword-toothed lee (calque); knifetooth; knifetoothlee Newbirthing & Fourth
thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus tasmanland wolf, pursewolf, stripewolf Fourth
warrah Dusicyon australis Falkland Ilands wolf/fox/dog Fourth

Ridgeless (Invertebrates)[]

English Binomial name Anglish
anomalocaris genus Anomalocaris weirdshrimp Welsh
arthropleura genus Arthropleura lithrib Coalbearing
hallucigenia genus Hallucigenia mindwandererworm Welsh
meganeura genus Meganeura micklesinew Coalbearing
opabinia genus Opabinia opabinfish; rockypeakfish Welsh
pikaia genus Pikaia pipehareworm Welsh
pulmonoscorpius genus Pulmonoscorpius lungstingtail


trilobite class Trilobita thrilap (calque) Welsh, Ordowickish, Silurish, Devonish, Coalbearing & Permish
wiwaxia genus Wiwaxia wiwaxyfish; windypeakfish Welsh