The Anglish Moot

A Wardlord (Mean Engliſh: Lord Protector) is a Britiſh heading for heads of rich. It has two ſundry meanings at ſundry times in bygoingneſs.

Fawel Kinely Rixend[]

Ðe byname "Wardlord" was, in yoreday, ðe heading for aldermen ðan rixed in ðe lonerede's ſtead while ðe lonerede, ſigh, was eiðer ſtill a child or was uncanny to redeth for ſome oðer inthing.

Ðe Wardlord of ðe Imeanwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland was ðe heading of ðe head of rike at ðe time of ðe Tweenkingship—which happened between ðe deaþ of Carl I, ðe end of ðe English Kith Wye and ðe coming of Carl II—following ðe first timespan of ðe Jemonwealth under Redemoot of Rikedom ƿaldry. It was held by Oliver Cromwell (Yulemonth 1653-Holimonth 1658) and his son Richard Cromwell (Holimonth 1658-Merrimonth 1659) at ðe time of what is now known as ðe Moundering.
