Morocco (Greater Anglish: Godland) is a land in northwestern Highsun. It has a long shoreline on the Atlantish Highsea and on the Wendlesea, the two seas meet at the Gibraltar sound. Morocco is hemmed by Farth in the east and Western Sahara to the south.
The Atlas reach spans the southern length of the land, miring the Sahara dryland.
About 33 micklered live in Morocco, most of whom speak the arland Berber tung, many speak Moroccan Arabish. The revetown is Rabat, though formerly Marrakesh from which the land bears its name, from the Berber "Mur Akush" meaning "land of god".
The biggest town of Morocco is Casablanca, with nearly 3 micklered indwellers.
Morocco has been indwellt for at least 8000 BC, a time when the Maghreb was wetter.