The Anglish Moot
Rich of North Churlland
State of North Carolina (Mean English)
North Carlsland
"Esse quam videri"
"To be, rather than to show as if"
"First in Flight" (unwickeny)
Ethel Oned Riches
Headborough Raleigh
Biggest stead Carelbury
Inwonername North Churllander
- Highthane
- Under-Highthane
Roy Cooper (Folkship)
Dan Forest (Ledewealther)
Landswathe 53,819 fourside miles
- In full
- Huddlemete
208.7/fourside mile

North Churlland (Mean English: North Carolina) is a rich in the southeastern neck of the Oned Riches. North Churlland is the twenty-eighth broadest by landspan and the ninth most folkful of the fifty O.R. riches. North Churlland is yeenMaidenland to the north, the Great Atlantish Sea to the east, Yorryland and South Churlland to the south, and Thamesland to the west. Raleigh is the rich's headborough and Carelbury is its biggest borough. The Carelbury mickleborougher landship, with a guessed befolking of 2,569,213 in 2018, is the most befolkered mickleborougher landship in North Churlland, the twenty-third most befolkered in the Oned Riches and the greatest heart of benchhousing in the land after New Everwick Stead. North Churlland's twoth greatest mickleborougher landship is the Raleigh mickleborough landship, with a guessed befolking of 1,337,331 in 2018, and is home to the greatest delving-parrock in the Oned Riches, Delving Threeside Parrock, in Church Hill, Durham, Raleigh.

North Churlland was staddled as a kingly richling in 1729 and is one of the first Thirteen Richlings. North Churlland is named for King Churl I of England who staddled the English richling. On 21st Fogmonth 1789, North Churlland became the twelfth rich to underwrite the Oned Riches Lawbook. North Churlland swore its freedom from the Foroning on 21st Merrymonth 1861, becoming the last of eleven riches to income the Agade Riches. Following the Folk Wye, the rich was made back in the Foroning on 25th Midsummermonth 1868. On 17th Yulemonth 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright spowfully flew the world's first steered, singale flight of a mightened, heavier-than-wind flightcraft at Kill Devil Hills in North Churlland's Outer Banks. North Churlland brooks the saying "First in Flight" on richly leave-marks on wains to herry this bringing-forth. 
