The Anglish Moot

Northern Ireland (Irish: Tuaisceart Éireann, Ulster Scots: Norlin Airlann) is a land belonging to the Banded Kingdom. In 1921 Ireland became a selfstanding land untied to the Banded Kingdom, but since the shires which today make up Northern Ireland had a greater share of Gainsayer Christians (Protestants), it was chosen that they would keep being in the Banded Kingdom.

Even to this day there is struggle between the Band-backers (Unionists), those who want Northern Ireland to stay in the Banded Kingdom, and the Land-backers (Nationalists), those who want it to be linked back to Ireland. Most Band-backers are Gainsayer Christians and most Land-backers are Catholic Christians. From the 60s to the 90s both gangs have betrothed in small-war, noting (using) ways such as dread-spreading (terrorism). Lately they have mostly given up such behavings, although not fully.
