Staff O of the Old English Wordbook.
For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Forshortenings.
Quickened | Old English | Kind | Meaning |
o | ā | n | always |
oad | ād (cf. OS ēd) | n | pile (especially for fire or funeral), funeral pyre |
oal | āl | n | a fire, a flame |
oar | ār | n | honor, grace, kindness, mercy |
oathom | āþum | n | son-in-law, brother-in-law |
oathstaff | āþstæf | n | oath, oath-making |
offarm | ofearmian | vb | to pity |
offgalth | æfgælþ | n | a superstition |
oldbaken | ealdbacen | adj | stale |
onalike | ongelīc | adj | similar |
onalikeness | ongelīcness | n | a formula, a pattern |
onblow | onblāwian | vb | to inspire |
onbow | onbúgan | vb | to submit, yield to |
onbright | onbyrhtan | vb | to illuminate |
onburn | onbærnan | vb | to kindle, excute, inspire |
onclive | onclifian | vb | to persist |
ondeal | ondǣlan | vb | to infuse |
ondy | andig | adj | envious, jealous, malicious, spiteful |
onearth/oneard | oneardian | vb | to inhabit |
ondfang | on(d)fōn | vb | to receive, accept |
oneborn | ānboren | adj | only-begotten |
oneganger | āngenga | n | lone traveller, lone-goer |
onehend | ānhende | adj | one-handed, having one hand, lame, imperfect |
onehorn | ānhorn | n | unicorn |
oneleap | ānhlēap | adj | unmarried, single |
onemood | ānmōd | adj | unanimous, of one mind |
onenight | ānnihte | adj | one night old |
oneread | ānrǣd | adj | agreed, resolute, unanimous, prompt, vehement |
onewield | ānweald | n | an autocracy, a monocracy; dictatorship |
onewye | ānwīg | n | a duel |
onfind | onfindan | vb | to discover |
onfly | onflyge | n | infectious disease |
onkithe | oncȳðan | vb | to make known, reveal |
onkithey | oncydig | adj | conscious |
onmarking | onmearcung | n | inscription |
onrease | onrǣs | n | onrush, assault, attack; violent motion |
onstell | onstellan | vb | to institute, create, originate, establish, give the example of |
onwryness | onwrignes | n | revelation, exposure |
oom | ōm | n | rust |
oose | ōs | n | a god of the Germanic pantheon |
oost | ōst | n | tree knot |
ore | ār | n | boder, messenger, angel, herald, envoy |
ore | ārian | vb | to give honor, to honor; to regard, to have mercy, to treat mercifully |
orefast | ārfæst | adj | honourable |
oretship | orretscipe | n | infamy, disgrace |
oreworthy | ārweorþig | adj | venerable |
orlay | orlæg | n | fate, destiny |
ormete | ormǣte | adj | immense, excessive, limitless, boundless |
ormood | ormōd | adj | hopeless, despairing, without courage |
ormoodness | ormōdness | n | desperation, despair |
orped | orped | adj | stout-hearted, bold, valiant, strong in battle |
orping | orpung | n | respiration |
orth | orþ/oroþ | n | breath, breathing |
orthank | orþanc | n | intelligence, skill, cunning |
oster | ostre | n | oyster |
oth | ōþ | pp/c | until, as far as, up to, down to |
oth- | ōþ | pfx | usually gives meaning of outfare (departure) or toshedness (seperation) |
othbear | ōþberan | vb | to bear away, carry off |
othburst | ōþberstan | vb | to break away, escape |
otheach | ōþécan | vb | to add to |
othfast | ōþfæstan | vb | to inflict upon |
othfare | ōþfaran | vb | to flee from, escape |
othfall | ōþfeallan | vb | to decline |
othquell | ōþcwelan | vb | to die |
othshake | ōþsceacan | vb | to escape |
othshoot | ōþscéotan | vb | to shoot away, escape, turn aside, hurry off |
othstand | ōþstandan | vb | to stop in one's course, to remain standing, to cease |
othstill | ōþstillan | vb | to put a stop to, to stop |
othswear | ōþswerian | vb | to abjure, deny an oath |
oththring | ōþþringan | vb | to deprive of |
othwend | ōþwendan | vb | to divert |
othwite | ōþwítan | vb | to blame, charge with |
othwork | ōþwyrcan | vb | to harm (?) |
ought | ōht | n | persecution |
outcund | ūtacund | adj | foreign, alien, strange |
outfare | ūtfaru | n | going out |
outgang | ūtgang | n | egress, exit, evacuation |
outh- | ūð- | pfx | intensifying prefix |
outhwit | ūðwita | n | scholar, scribe, philosopher, specialist, expert |
outhwit(ty)ing | ūðwitegung | n | philosophy |
outwark | ūtwærc | n | dysentery |
overbebid | oferbebédan | vb | to rule |
overbecome | oferbecuman | vb | to supervene |
overbreak | oferbrecan | vb | to transgress, violate |
overeke | oferēaca | n | surplus, remainder; addition, augmentation |
overfall | oferfeallan | vb | to fall upon, to attack |
overfare | oferfaran | vb | to traverse |
overfathom | oferfæðman | vb | to envelop |
overfight | oferfeohtan | vb | to conquer |
overfollow | oferfygan | vb | to pursue |
overhew | oferhíwian | vb | to transfigure |
overitimber | ofergetimbran | vb | to erect |
overiwrit | ofergewrit | n | superscription, inscription |
overlive | oferlibban | vb | to survive |
overmood | ofermōd | n | pride, arrogance, overconfidence, hubris, insolence |
overmoody | ofermōdig | adj | proud, arrogant, saucy, wanton |
overnim | oferniman | vb | to take by violence, to violate, to take away, to carry off, to overtake |
oversend | ofersendan | vb | to transmit |
oversit | ofersittan | vb | to occupy, possess |
overslay | ofersléan | vb | to subdue, to overcome |
overspeech | ofersprǣc | n | excessive language, loquacity, exaggeration |
oversty | oferstīgan | vb | to surmount, to surpass, to transcend, to exceed, to overcome |
overswithe | oferswíðan | vb | to overcome, conquer, vanquish |
overtale/overtell | ofertalian | vb | to convince |
ovest | ōfost | n | speed, haste |
ovestly | ōfostlīce | adv | speedily, hastily |
owe | āge | n | property, possessions |
ower | āga | n | owner, possessor |
ownspeech | āgenspræc | n | an idiom, the peculiarity of a language |