Staff R of the Old English Wordbook.
For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Forshortenings.
Quickened | Old English | Kind | Meaning |
railthane | hrægelþegn | n | robekeeper |
rain | regnian | vb | to prepare, arrange, regulate |
raked | ræced | n | palace |
rakedly | ræcedlīc | adj | palatine, palatial |
ram | hramma | n | cramp, spasm |
ran/ron | hran/hron | n | whale |
randbigh | randbēag | n | boss of a shield |
ranroad | hranrād | n | the sea or ocean (poetic) |
raw | ragu | n | lichen |
ray | rǣge | n | wild she-goat |
readingbook | rǣdingbōc | n | lesson book, lectionary |
reardbearer | reordberend | n | one gifted with speech or voice, a person |
reasow | rǣswan | vb | to suspect, to suppose, to conjecture |
reasower | rǣswa | n | a counsellor, chief, one who thinks for the public good |
reasowing | rǣswung | n | supposition, conjecture |
reat | rēotan | vb | to lament, to wail in grief |
redebaner | rǣdbana | n | one who contrives a person's death, but is not the actual perpetrator |
redeyift | rǣdgift | n | senate, consulate |
reef | gehrēfan | vb | to roof, to cover |
reeklebouk | rēcelsbūc | n | bulging vessel for holding incense |
reeklevat | rēcelsfæt | n | censer (ornamental container for burning incense) |
reet | rētan | vb | to cheer, gladden, comfort |
reeth | hrēþ | n | triumph |
Reethmonth | hrēþmōnaþ | n(p) | March |
reethy | hrēþig | adj | triumphant, exultant |
rem | hremman | vb | to hinder, obstruct, cumber, block progress |
ren | gerennan | vb | to coagulate (trans.) |
renk | renc | n | pride, pomp, vanity |
Restday | restendæg | n | the Hebrew Sabbath (Saturday by extension) |
richdom | rīcedōm | n | power, rule, dominion |
richen | rīcen | n | woman endowed with power, female magnate |
richer | rīca | n | ruler, magnate |
rideheer | rīdehere | n | a mounted force, a troop of cavalry |
rightframed | rihtgefremed | adj | rightly constituted, orthodox |
rightledge | rihtlǣcan | vb | to rectify, correct, amend |
rightliefful | rihtgelēaffull | adj | holding a true belief, orthodox |
rightwiseness | rihtwīsness | n | righteousness, justice |
rightwising | gerihtwīsung | n | justification |
rimebook | gerīmbōc | n | calendar |
rimecraft | rīmcræft | n | arithmetic, mathematics, maths, math |
rimer | rīmere | n | computer, counter, calculator |
ringsettle | hringsetl | n | circus |
rissle | rysel | n | soft fat, suet, axle grease |
rith | hriþ | n | fever |
rith | ryþþa | n | mastiff, bloodhound, large dog |
roan | hrān | n | reindeer, caribou |
rochet | rocettan | vb | to eructate, belch, burp |
roodfasten | rōdfæstnian | vb | to crucify |
roof | rōf | adj | vigorous, strong, stout; valiant |
room | hrūm | n | soot |
Roomanish | Rōmānisc | adj(p) | Roman |
rother | rodor | n | heavens, firmament |
rotherly | rodorlīc | adj | of the firmament, celestial |
rootfast | rōtfæst | adj | firmly established, firmly rooted |
rose | rāsian | vb | to explore, to journey |
rure | hryre | n | fall, destruction, ruin, decay |