The Anglish Moot

Staff T of the Old English Wordbook.

terve OE 'tyrfan' 'vb' 'afflict'
thave OE 'þafian' 'vb' 'allow, suffer, tolerate'
thavesome OE 'þafsum' 'adj' 'consenting, aloowing'
tharf OE 'þearf' 'n' 'need necessity'
tharve OE 'þearfian' 'vb' 'need'
tharl OE 'þearl' 'adj' 'severe, vigourous'
thaving OE 'þafung' 'n' 'permission'
theed OE 'þéod' 'n' 'people'
theedend OE 'þéodend' 'n' 'translator'
theeder OE 'þéode' 'n' 'language'
theedly OE 'þéodlic' 'adj' 'social, intimate'
theedship OE 'þéodscipe' 'n' 'community, tribe, nation'
theedsteven OE 'þéodstefn' 'n' 'tribe, nation'
theght OE 'þeahtian' 'vb' 'ponder, consider'
theght OE 'þeaht' 'n' 'counsel, advice'
thester OE 'þéostre' 'adj' dark, gloomy
thester OE 'þéostru' 'n' darkness, gloom
thew OE 'þéaw' 'n' 'custom, moral, virtue'
thewed OE 'þéawod' 'adj' 'well-mannered, moral'
thewfast OE 'þéawfaest' 'adj' 'moral, virtuous'
thewly OE 'þéawlic' 'adj' 'customary'
thickfold OE 'þicfeald' 'adj' 'dense'
thickle OE 'þiccol' 'adj' corpulent
thieffee OE 'þíefefeoh' 'n' stolen goods
thige OE 'þicgan' 'vb' 'receive'
thight OE 'þíht' 'adj' tight, strong, firm
thinkle OE 'þancol' 'adj' 'prudent, wise'
thinklemooded OE 'þancolmód' 'adj' 'prudent, wise, attentive'
thinkth OE 'þyncðu' 'n' honor, rank
thire OE 'þír' 'n' 'female servant'
thister OE 'þéostrian' or 'ðystrian' 'n' darken, make gloomy, obscure, dim the lights
thitherleedish OE 'þiderléodisc' 'adj' native ("of that people/nation")
thole OE 'þolian' 'vb' 'endure'
tholebirthed OE 'þolbyrde' 'adj' 'patient, enduring'
tholemooded OE 'þolmód' 'adj' 'patient, forbearing, enduring'
tholing OE 'þolung' 'n' 'passion'
thother OE 'þóðor' or 'þóðer' 'n' ball, sphere
thraf OE 'þrafu' 'n' 'urge, urgency, compulsion'
thrave OE 'þrafian' 'vb' 'urge, compel'
three or theeg OE 'þréagan' 'vb' 'rebuke, chastise'
threel OE 'þréal' 'n' 'discipline, punishment'
threep OE 'þréapian' 'vb' 'reprove, correct'
thrithe OE 'þrýð' 'n' 'might, power, strength, majesty, splendor'
thritheful OE 'þrýðful' 'adj' 'strong, powerful, majestic'
thrithely OE 'þrýðlic' 'adj' 'strong, powerful, majestic'
thritheword OE 'þrýðword' 'adj' 'lofty speech, noble/eloquent discourse'
thrithy OE 'þrýðig' 'adj' 'strong, powerful, majestic'
throght OE 'þroht' 'n' 'exertion, labour, endurance'
throghty OE 'þrohtic' 'adj' 'enduring, persistent'
throughfare OE 'þurhfaran' 'vb' penetrate, pierce, go through
throughwoneness OE 'þurhwunenes' 'n' perseverence
thware OE 'þwǽre' 'adj' united, harmonious
tite OE 'tytan' 'vb' 'sparkle, shine'
toamarc or toamark OE 'tōámearcian' 'vb' 'assign'
toateak OE 'tōaétýcan' 'vb' 'increase'
tobeget OE 'tōbegietan' 'vb' 'acquire, purchase'
tochare OE 'tōcyrran' 'vb' 'part'
todeal OE 'tōdaélan' 'vb' 'divide'
todrese OE 'tōdréosan' 'vb' 'perish, decay'
toeethe OE 'tōéðian' 'vb' 'inspire'
tofare OE 'tōfaran' 'vb' 'disperse'
toforlet OE 'tōforlaétan' 'vb' 'dismiss'
toished OE 'tōgescéadan' 'vb' 'interpret, expound'
toitheed OE 'tōgeðéodan' 'vb' 'adhere, adjoin'
tolay OE 'tōlicgan' 'vb' 'separate, part'
toleese OE 'tōlýsan' 'vb' 'dissolve, loosen'
tolet OE 'tōlaétan' 'vb' 'relax, release'

'or 'tomarc

OE 'tōmarcian' 'vb' 'distinguish'
tonim OE 'tōniman' 'vb' 'take part, seperate'
tosend OE 'tōsendan' 'vb' 'disperse'
toset OE 'tōsettan' 'vb' 'dispose'
toseeth or tosooth OE 'tōséðan' 'vb' 'prove, test'
toshed OE 'tōscéadan' 'vb' 'separate'
toshend OE 'tōscendan' 'vb' 'destroy'
tospeak OE 'tōspraéc' 'n' 'conversation'
tostand OE 'tōstandan' 'vb' 'differ, stand apart'
tostick OE 'tōstician' 'vb' 'pierce'
totell OE 'tōtellan' 'vb' 'distinguish'
totheen OE 'tōþénian' 'vb' 'minister to, attend upon'
tothwine OE 'tōþwínan' 'vb' 'disappear'
towardness OE 'tōwearndnes' 'n' 'future'
towder OE 'túdor' 'n' 'offspring'
towderfast OE 'túdorfaest' 'adj' 'fertile'
towderspeed OE 'túdorspéd' 'n' 'fertility'
towird OE 'tōwyrd' 'n' 'opportunity'
towite OE 'tōwítan' 'vb' 'depart, pass away'
towrite OE 'tōwrītan' 'vb' 'describe'
towrithe OE 'tōwríðan' 'vb' 'distort, twist apart'
treg OE 'tregian' 'vb' 'trouble, harass'
trendle OE 'trendel' 'n' 'sphere'
trendleness OE 'trendelnes' 'vb' 'circuit,surrounding space'
trog OE 'trág' 'adj' 'evil, bad'
trimth OE 'trymð' 'n' 'stength, support'
trow, trew OE 'tréow' 'n' 'trust'
truefast OE 'tréowfaest' 'adj' 'faithful, loyal'
trum OE 'trum' 'adj' 'firm, secure'
tungle OE 'tungol' 'n' 'star'
tunglecraft OE 'tungolcraeft' 'n' 'astronomy'
tunglespeech OE 'tungolspraéc' 'n' 'astrology'
twee OE 'twéo' 'vb' 'doubt ambiguity'
tween OE 'twéonian' 'vb' 'doubt, hesitate, be uncertain'
tweenle OE 'twéonel' 'adj' 'doubtful'
twifold OE 'twifeald' 'adj' 'ambiguous'