The Anglish Moot

Staff W of the Old English Wordbook.

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Forshortenings.


Quickened Old English Kind Meaning
wad wæd n ford, shallow water, water that may be traversed
warrily wearglíc adj criminal, vile, wretched
warry/warrow wearg/wearh n criminal, outlaw
warry werigan vb curse, execrate, abuse
warrying wirgung, wergung n curse, cursing
warryqueddle weargcwedol adj prone to cursing, maledictive
warryqueddle weargcwedolian vb to curse, speak evil
warryqueath weargcweþan vb to curse, speak evil
warryrood weargród n gallows, gibbet
warritree weargtréow n gallows, gibbet, cross
wayfare wegfōr n journey, travel
wallstone weallstan n mortar, cement
wead/weved wigbéod, wéofod n altar
weaponed wǣpned adj male
weaponedkin wǣpnedcynn n the male sex
weaponedwifester wǣpnedwīfestre n hermaphrodite
weathe wǣþan/wēþan vb to hunt, pursue, chase
westal (wighstall) wéohsteall, wígsteall n altar-stand
whalve hwealf adj concave
wharve hweorfan vb to turn
wharveful hwurful adj fickle, mutable
wharvely hwearflic adj changing, transitory
wharft hwearft n revolution
wharftle hwearftlian vb to revolve
whate hwat, hwatu n omen, augury
whate hwata n augur, diviner, fortune teller, psychic
wheed hwǣde adj slight, insignificant
wheester hwǣstrian vb murmur, mutter
whem hwemm n corner, angle
whem hwemman vb to angle, slope, incline
what hwæt adj quick, bold, vigorous, active
whetly hwætlíce adv quickly, boldly, vigorously
whilestitch hwílsticce n interval
whilewendly hwílwendlic adj transitory, temporary
whirftway hwyrftweg n escape
whoop hwōpan vb to threaten
whooze hwōsan vb to cough
whother hwoðerian vb to foam, surge
wigh wig/wēoh adj holy, consecrated
wigh wīh n idol, fetish
wighbede wīggebed n prayer to an idol (?)
wighsmith wīgsmiþ n maker of idols
wighgild wīggild n an idol
wighstall wīgsteall n altar-stand
wighworth *wīgweorþan vb to worship an idol
wighworthing wīgweorþung n idol worship, fetishism
wike wīcan vb to yield, give way
wilder wilddéor n wild animal, beast, savage
wilderly wilddéorlíc adj bestial, brutal, brutish, savage
willreethy wilhréþig adj satisfied, exultant
willsome wilsum adj desirable
Wind Wined n Slav
Windland Wineda land n Slavia
wirm/werm wyrm n dragon, serpent
wirth/wirrowth wyrgþu n condemnation, curse, punishment; evil
wise wīsian vb to direct, show, guide
withqueath wiþcweðan vb to speak against, contradict
witherling wiþerling n adversary, opponent
withermerse wiþmærsian vb proclaim, broadcast, make popular throughout, spread abroad, celebrate
witherstead wiþerstede n substitution
withfare wiþfaran vb to escape
withhave wiþhabban vb to oppose, resist
withhaft wiþhæftan vb to restrain
withhuy wiþhycgan vb to reject
withledge wiþlǣcan vb to deprive
withlead wiþlǣdan vb to abduct
withlie wiþlicgan vb to object, oppose, resist
withmete wiþmetan vb to compare
withsake wiþsacan vb to renounce
withsay wiþsecgan vb to renounce
withspeak wiþsprecan vb to contradict
wolderbeigh wuldorbéag n crown
wyand wígend n fighter, warrior, soldier
wye/wie wíg n war, battle
wye wíga n fighter, warrior
wyefrom wígfruma n war-leader, chieftain, commander
wyegar wíggár n lance, war-spear
wyehard wígheard adj battle-hardy, tough
wyehaw wíghaga n phalanx, army wall
wyehouse wíghús n military tower, defensive building, arx, turris
wyeleeth wígléoþ n war-song
wyely wíglíc adj martial, warlike
wyered wígrǣden n warfare
wyestall wígsteall n defensive position, bulwark, bastion
wyethrake wígþracu n warfare, violence
wyethreat wígþréat n military troop
wyewain wīgwǣgn n war chariot, tank