The Anglish Moot
Maiden Ilands of the Oned Riches
Virgin Islands of the United States (Mean English)
Oned Rikes Maiden Ilands
"United in Pride and Hope"
Oned in Pride and Hope
Ethel Oned Riches
Headborough Charlotte Amalie
Wickeny tung Mean English
Wonnername Maiden Ilander
Lawmoot Landdealship Foresitterly Forfastening Ledewealth
Landswathe 346.36 fourside-thousandtals
Befolking (2018) 104,914

The Oned Riches Maiden Ilands (Mean English: United States Virgin Islands), shortened to ORMI, also named the OR Maiden Ilands or Americkish Maiden Ilands, reevely the Maiden Ilands of the Oned Riches (Mean English: Virgin Islands of the United States), is a cluster of ilands in the Caribish Sea and an unmelded and dighted theedland of the Oned Riches. The ilands are earthlorely a share of the Maiden Ilands ilandset and are found in the Leeward Ilands of the Lesser Antillies to the east of Rich Harbour and to the west of the British Maiden Ilands.

The O.R. Maiden Ilands is made up of the main ilands of Holy Rood, Holy Yon and Holy Tom, and many other nearby lesser ilands. The theedland's headborough of Charlotte Amalie is found on the iland of Holy Tom.

Once known as the Danish West Indies of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway, they were sold to the Oned Riches by Denmark in the Truce of the Danish West Indies in 1917. They are tagged by the Oned Lands as an unselfstanding theedland, and are now a dighted unmelded theedland of the Oned Riches. The O.R. Maiden Ilands are dighted under the 1954 Edhewn Dighting Deed of the Maiden Ilands and have since held five lawbook-redemoots.
