The Anglish Moot
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Oned Riches of Ameryland United States of America (English)
800px-Flag of the United StatesFlag
Saying"In God We Trust"

"Out of many, one" (olden)

Landsong"The Star-Spangled Banner"

"The Star-Spangled Streamer"

Headborough Washington, C.S.
Biggest stead New Everwick
Wickeny tung None
Landtung English
Folks Sundered
Folkname Amerier, Marklander, Nightlander, Vinlander

- Foresitter

- Underforesitter

- Wittensmoots Moreness Leader

- Speaker of the Hof


Bound Foresitterly Forefastening Ledewealth

Joe Biden Kamala Harris Chuck Schumer Kevin McKarthy John Roberts

Reeving Body- Upper Hof

- Lower Hof


Wittensmoot Folks Hof

Freedom from the Oned Kingdom

- Forsaid

- Band

- Fordraw of Paris

- Forefastening

4th of Meadowmonth 17761st of Miremonth 17813rd of Harvestmonth 178321st of Midsummersmonth 1788
Landswathe 3,796,742 miles²
Befolking- In full

- Huddlemete


325,719,178 85/miles²

Full Homeland Output- In full

- By fellow

2018 guessing:

$19.390 Foursand


Shat Oned Riches' Dollar (USD)

The Oned Riches of Ameryland (Naminglore: Amery + land, Amery being kinned with Anward English "Amerigo", as in Amerigo Vespucci, a foregoer and the namesake of it, see more here) (O.R.A.; Anward English: United States of America, USA), mainly called the Oned Riches (O.R.; US), is a bound groundlawful folkwealth made up of fifty riches and a bound shire. The land is dwelt in midmost North Ameryland, where its forty-eight linked riches and Washington, C.S. (Columborough Shire), the headtown shire, lie between the Great Frithful and Western Seas, landlinked to Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The rich of Shoulderland is in the northwest of the landstretch, with Canada to the east and Russland to the west across the Bering Narrow. The rich of the Firelands is an ilandcluster in the mid-Great Frithful Sea. The O.R. also holds a few landstocks in the Great Frithful and Caribish Seas. The O.R. is one of the world's most heathenly sundry and manibreeding folklands, the outcome of great incomings from many riches. The earthlore and weather of the Oned Riches is also sundry Inlanders incame from Asey to what is now the Oned Riches mainland about 15,000 years ago. After 1500, Old World sicknesses brought by Europers greatly lowered their befolking. Europish besettling began about 1600 and came mostly from England. The Oned Riches forthcame from thirteen British richlings befound along the Even seaboard, which made their own wealthships and folkrich trade networks. Fightings between Great Britten and the Amerish richlings led to the Amerish Uprising. On 4th of Meadowmonth 1776, chosenmen from the 13 richlings onereardly outputted the Forthsaying of Selfhood, which grounded the Oned Riches of Ameryland. The new land, with French help, overcame Britten in the Uprising Wye, which became the first outcome-worthy wye of selfdom against a Europish richdom. The Groundlaw of today was taken in on 17th of Harvestmonth 1787; a few boots were later put forth on the Groundlaw, anewing its outcomes but not wending the old writ. The first ten boots, named the Gathering of Rights, which behested many grounding rights and freedoms of boroughers, were put in log in 1791.

The Oned Riches went forth on a strong spreading across NorthAmeryland throughout the 19th yearhundred, logging hereborn folkstems, getting new landstock, and slowly inputting new riches. The Amerish Borougherwye ended lawful bondmanship in the Oned Riches. By the end of the nineteenth yearhundred, the Amerish folkwealthship was the world's biggest The Spanish–Amerish Wye and World Wye I soothed the land's standing as a worldly wyeband might. The Oned Riches forthcame from World Wye II as the first land with kernelmight weapons and a long-time belonger of the Oned Folklands Sickerhood Moot. The end of the Cold Wye and the fall of the Band of Workermootly Kithish Folkrich left the Oned Riches as the lone overmight.

The land's upmake is that of an evenly oned rich, with three boughs of rich: the Leaderly, Lawmootly, and Rightly boughs. The land's foremost tung is English, though Spanish and many other inlandish tungs are spoken there also.

The O.R. was oned with England until the Amerish Uprising, which began with the Oned Riches' Forthsaying of Selfhood in 1776. The O.R. has since fought other wyes, namely: the Wye of 1812, its wye with Mexico, the Amerish Borougherwye, its wye with Spain, and the two World Wyes.

The leader of the O.R. is Foresitter Joe Biden of the Folkrichers Mootband. The Folkrichers hold the High Hof (The Wittensmoot) and the Meanwealthers hold the Low Hof (The Folks Hof) although they only lead by a slim edge. The Ledewealthers are the O.R.'s mootband of the right, whilst the Folkrichers are the O.R.'s mootband of the left.


In 1507, Theech landdrawer Martin Waldseemüller made a world landdrawing on which he named the lands of the Western Halffield "America" after Italish farer and landdrawer Amerigo Vespucci.

The first written truth of the wordline "Oned Riches of Ameryland" was in an onereardly writing setforth in the Maidenland Newssheet newssheet in Williamsburg, Maidenland on 6th of Eastermonth 1776. In Midsummersmonth 1776, Thomas Jefferson input the wordline "ONED RICHES OF AMERYLAND" in all big bookstaves in the headline of his "Ur-Rough draught" of the Acknowledgehood of Selfdom. In the last Fourth of Meadowmonth likeness of the Acknowledgehood, the main cutting of the headline was changed to read, "The onereard Acknowledgehood of the thirteen oned Riches of Ameryland". In 1777 the Writlimbs of Withboundness beared, "The Stile of this Withbinding shall be 'The Oned Riches of Ameryland'".

The short form "Oned Riches" is also grounded. Other main shapes are "O.R.", the "O.R.A.", and "Ameryland". Spoken names input the "O.R. of A." and, in the neightung, the "Riches". "Columboland", a name popular in leeths and songs of the late 1700s, from Cristover Columbus; it is found in the name "Columborough Shire".

The grounded way to call a landfolk of the Oned Riches is as an "American". "Oned Riches", "Ameryland" and "O.R." are noted to call to the land throwbily ("American worths", "O.R. strengthenings"). "American" is seldsomely noted in Anglish to call the underlings not linked with the Oned Riches.

The wordline "Oned Riches" was firstly noted as manifold, a short-telling of a gathering of selfdom riches—for byspel, "the Oned Riches are"—also in the Thirteenth Boot to the Oned Riches Groundlaw, put in log in 1865. It became main to treat it as onefold—as a byspel, "the Oned Riches is"—after the end of the Borougherwye. The onefold shape is now grounded; the manifold shape is kept in the saying "these Oned Riches".

In un-Anglish tungs, the name is always crosstunged as the crosstung of either the "Oned Riches" or "Oned Riches of Ameryland", and spoken as "Ameryland".


The Oned Riches of Ameryland stretches from the Evensea (Atlantish Sea) in the east to the Great Frithful Sea in the west, from the Bearish Sea along Alaska's shores, to the Caribbean and Searm of Mexico along the southern riches. Being made of fifty riches, 48 of these have landlines with at least one other. Only Alaska and Hawaii's landlines do not meet those of any other rich.

Manifold is its landship with high barrows along the Appalachish and Rockies, to green dales, thick in growth, grasslands, and mighty highlands. Elsewhere freshseas abound, and broad drylands are also found. Wetlands can be found in Worted and Lewisland, while woodlands grow on big swaths of land throughout the O.R.A..


When settlers from England began to settle in Ameryland in the 1580s, living there were many greatthousands of homeborn indwellers. It is thought that they had been living there up to thirty thousand years. The settling of the Land by the English almost wiped out these First Ameriers and threatened to wholly tear down their kithship. Driven out of their homelands, they were shut-up in steads of sorrow without rights, even that of afare. For many, between the 1500s and the 1900s, their lives ended early: struck down by sickness, gloom, and torn asunder by wye. Loremen reckon that 90 of 100 First Ameriers died of sickness brought by the English settlers by 1620.

In 1607 a town was set up by Englishmen at what is now Jamestown, Virginia. At first the settlers underwent great hardship, but with the coming of a new Town Head, De La War, the town blossomed. The year 1620 saw the Pilgrim Fathers' coming to nowaday New Plymouth, near Boston. They came from England, some hundreds, on the ship Mayflower seeking freedom to worship and freedom from reevish hounding.

In the first winter almost half died through hunger and cold. At a sundry mass they spoke blessedly of God and thanked Him for their living, and the ninety First Ameriers helped them to belive alive in that first grim winter. That was the first Thanksgiving's Day in Ameryland. At New Plymouth they set up a folkright rule, staddled on freedom and godly belief in Massachusetts, freedom from hounding by beadledom in Rhodesealand, and settled upon it in a written handfast in Connecticut, which some think was the first written groundlaw of rich anywhere in the world.

In time up sprung new towns begun by Dutchmen (1624) and Swedish folks (1638). A town with bearing on Manhattan iland, New Amsterdam, nowaday New York, was bought from the First Ameriers for a small wite by the Dutch. They built wharves and a landing, but cared little for the town's look and pigs wandered freely on its badly made, barely lit and untended roads.

By the middle 1700s years, thirteen richlings had been set up. As they grew in wealth, there arose a call for freedom and sundriness from Britten, a call to overthrowing. However, Britten's masters answered their call for lonestance with tougher geldish and reevish laws. At first that brought misunderstanding and goodwill loss; then unrest and wroth; afterwards bitter gainsayings and then in 1775 uprising and the fight for lonestance. As a token of overthrowing, the settlers wrote the Forthsaying of Selfhood and spokesmen from each of the thirteen richlings signed it on 4th of Meadowmonth 1776, a writing that set out birth rights for most folks. That time is now known as Selfhood Day.

A young tillman and afterwards Headman, George Washington, brought about a welding of men of many kinds into a true landfyrd. In one of the last great fight-outs of the wye, the Ameriers, with help from the French, made the besetted British fighting-men at Yorktown yield fully, hastening lonestance's coming for the thirteen richlings. By the frithwrit put together inwriting in Paris 1783 Britten acknowledged the right to selfhood for the Oned Riches of Ameryland. The rich's written groundlaw, drafted in 1789, with a few wends is still sound today. At selfhood's coming there were thirteen richlings and, as time went on, into the Rich came new richlings.

The more well-to-do folks began to build big homes along the Atlantish shoreline. But others, seeking a better way of life set out westward seeking thrivedom. Some found happiness and richness - others did not - and, in going westward through wilderness and over fells thousands were killed by First Ameryland fighters, illness and mishap brought death to others, or were lost in wicked weather. In 1849, gold was found in California and from all over the world came men in droves hoping to "strike it rich" and to find a better life.

In the 1860s years, seven richlings not wishing to lose a rich's right to hold thralls un-oned from the Oned Riches of Ameryland, a grim and bloody wye between kith followed. Sadly, more Ameriers died in this homeland infighting than in any other wye they have fought elsewhere. At last, after five years of fighting, the Northern riches won. In 1867 Ameryland bought Alaska from Russland for $7.2 million. Many folks thought that to be unwise and unthrifty, but with the finding thereafter of a great deal of gold and rock eal, it is now eath to see that the Land was bought indeed for a small wite.

The 1870s years saw the forshaping of the O.R.A. into a workcraft, skillcraft, and wyefaring power. Europe's downtrodden came in droves to share by tilth the Land's boon and good tiding. Free-believers and others hounded by the "Old World reevedoms" sought and found freedom there. Therewhile many homegrown folk buried their loved ones and their hearts on long walks through snowy fields to out-of-way wretchsteads. By the 1900s years only some 250,000 lived on.

The winning of the wye with Spain in 1898 saw the Oned Riches rise to a world meathstead. Straight away they wrenched from Spain hir outposts in Asey and in the Frithful Haff.

The early 1900s was a sad time for mankind. Millions died in the first World Wye and wyefaring burden fell heavily upon the Ameriers. In the 1900s years New York had become world business' heart and wealth. In 1929 a swift downturn from thriving times to neediness and even hunger was felt in homes by millions throughout the Riches.

The 1950s and 1960s years saw the Cold Wye's heating-up with wyes in Korea and Vietnam, unrest in the Middle East, the Yieldinglandish showdown alongside the Band of Workermootly Kithish Commonwealths. Thosand-upon-thousand Ameriers fighting-men quole in these wyes.

At home the drive for a fairer deal for Afro-Ameriers or Black Ameriers moved along a little more quickly. A time of greater hope for a new way forward in the stand for even rights came at Washington in 1963 with Dr. Martin Luther King's soul-stirring speech, "I Have a Dream".

On 20th of Meadowmonth 1969, the Oned Riches brought off mayhaps the onefold greatest skill craft wonder when starfarer Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk upon the Moon, a world other than his own.

In 1991 the Workermootly Kithish Gathering (WKG) break-up saw the the Cold's Wye, and a seemingly sounder world. But with the bitterness spreading between Palestinish and Israeli folks; the Harvestmonth 2001 strikes against some of the O.R.'s great towns and wyes in Afghanland and Iraqland, a far less sounder world has come about.

Awhile the yester 400 years much good and bad has befallen the Oned Riches' folk and set-backs, whilst at times ill-boding and dreadful, have not stopped them from going forth and showing hemselves to be world leaders in so many fields, such as starfaring, healcraft and witcraft.

Even in today's world where Americans are up against a bitter foe brooking dreadful weapons without warning; the wye in Iraq; and folks in droves unthewfully overstepping over its thresholds, the Oned Riches is still, for most, a boonful and good tidings land. For newcomers, even in these worrisome days, it is not hard to take up folkship: thousands upon thousands do so each year. There a man can buy a home; his mind can become learnt; his kithship and speechship background is yiven worth; freedom is his right, and his freedom to worship is in law enshrined; he is free to put into written and spoken words his thoughts and beliefs without fear; he has the right to gather together freely with others, and find his own pathway to happiness.

Links to leaves about lands (list of lands - write anew)
Mainland Lands
Eveland AlbanlandAndorraBelglandBlackbarrowBosland and HeretogslandBulgarlandCroatlandChecklandCyprusDenmarkEastrichEstlandFinland (Aland Ilands) • FrankricGreeklandIcelandIrelandItalyKosovoLettlandLightenstoneLithowenLittleboroughMaltaMoldovaMonacoNetherlandsNorth MacedonNorwayOned Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) • PolandPortugalRomishlandRusslandSerblandSlovaklandSlovenlandSelf Standing Campdom of MaltaSwedenSwitzerlandSan MarinoSpainTheechlandTurklandUkraineUngerlandVatickish SteadWhite Russland
Africa AlgierlandAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoCameroonChadComorosCongoland (FLC)Congoland (LotC)DjiboutiEgyptElpsbone ShoreEritreaEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGreen HeadlandGuineaHoly Thomas and FirstslandKenyaLewhillsLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMiddle AfricaMoroccoMozambiqueMunneylandNamibiaNigerNigeriaRundilandRwandaSenegalSeychellesSomaliaSotholandSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanSwazilandTanzaniaTogoTunislandUgandaWest GuineaWestern SaharaZambiaZimbabwe
Eastland AfghanlandArmenlandAzerbaijanBahrainBengallandBhutanBruneiCambolandMidlandGeorgelandIndlandIndonesiaIranIsraelDawnlandJordanKazakhlandKoreaKuwaitKyrgyzlandLebanonLaolandMalaylandMeen IlandsMongollandMyanmar (Burma) • NepalOmanOned Arab HeadrichesPaklandPalestinePhilippinesQatarRusslandSaudish ArablandSingaporeSri LankaSumerSyriaTaiwanTajiklandThailandTibetTurklandTurkmenlandUzbeklandVietnamYemen
North Emeryland ArubaBahamasBarbadosBelizeCanadaCuracaoDominicaDominican LedewealthForeoldenland and BeardedlandGuatemalaHaitiHoly Kitts and SnowsHoly LucyHoly Vincent and the Little SeedapplelandsHondurasJamaicaMexicoNicaraguaOned Riches of AmericaPanamaRich ShoreSeedapplelandSeven MootfiresThe HeilandYieldingland
South Emeryland ArgentinaBolivarslandBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorGuyanaParaguayPeruWilloughbylandTrinidad and TobagoUruguayVenezuela
Sealand Cook IlandsEaster IlandFijiMarshall IlandsNauruNew SealandPalauPapua LandSamoaSolomon IlandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu
Unacknowledged/No longer bestanding (& offhangly lands) LandlingsAbkhazlandAgade Riches of AmericaBand of Soviet Fellowship LedewealthsCheckslovaklandEast TheechlandFirelandish KingdomFirstendom of WalesHeronland RichdomKashmirRomish RichSiberland- RhodesiaYugoslavia
