The Anglish Moot
Anglo-Saxon Influence This article is written in a dialect of Anglish that is heavily swayed by Old English. Some words may not be understood.

For ðe Mean Angliſh Leaf, ſeeth James VI and I.

Yacom VI and I
King of Shotland
Þurs., 24 Hay GÆ 1567-Sun., 27 Mere GÆ 1625
(N.K.: Þurs., 3 Weed GÆ 1567-Sun., Eaſt GÆ 1625)
Kinhelming Tuesday, 29 Haymonth GÆ 1567
(N.K.: Tuesday, 8 Weedmonth GÆ 1567)
Foreganger Muire I
Afterganger Churl I
Byredes Dèisard Failfheartach, Earl of Moray (GÆ 1567-1570)
Matthew Failfheartach, Earl of Levon (GÆ 1570-1571)
Iain Erskine, Earl of Mar (GÆ 1571-1572)
Dèisard Dhùbhghlas, Earl of Morton (GÆ 1572-1581)
King of England and Ireland
Þurs., 24 Mere GÆ 1603-Sun., 27 Mere GÆ 1625
(N.K.: Þurs., 3 Eaſt GÆ 1603-Sun., 6 Eaſt GÆ 1625)
Kinhelming Monday, 25 Haymonth GÆ 1603
(N.K.: Monday, 4 Weedmonth GÆ 1603)
Foreganger Elsbit I
(moðerly 1ſt ſwoor 2x withdrawn)
Afterganger Churl I
Wightly insight
Birth Wednesday, 19 Solmonth GÆ 1566
(N.K.: 29 Solmonth)
Woðenburgh Burgh, Woðenburgh, Kingdom of Scotland
Death Sunday, 27 Meremonth GÆ 1625
(N.K.: 6 Eaſtermonth)
Tewbalds House, Hertfordſhire, Kingrich of England
Begraving Lyeday, 7 Merrymonth GÆ 1625
(N.K.: 17 Merrymonth)
Weſtmonſted Attey, Burgh of Weſtloneſted, Kingrich of England
Ymete Ann of Denmark (w. GÆ 1589; died GÆ 1619)
Offspring Misbearand
Hamrich Atheling, First of Wales
Elsbit, Queen of Buhomen
Churl I of England
Marry Stuart
Sephie Stuart
Full name
Scots Gelish: Eughaoidhainn Gèarallach Failfheartach
Scots Engliſh: Yacom Carl Stewart
Greater Angliſh: Yacom Carl Stewart
Welſh: Eigeiden Gwârellog Gwaliwerth
Corniſh: Aballeuv Guârellog Gualiwerth
Iriſh Gelish: Eaghaoidhainn Géarallach Failbheartach
House Stuart
Faðer Caoimhrìgh Failfheartach, Lord Darnley
Moðer Muire I, Queen of Scotland
Ewefastneſs Eretowiſhneſs

Yacom VI and I (Yacom Churl Stuart; 19 Solmonth GÆ 1566-27 Meremonth GÆ 1625) was King of Shotland as Yacom VI from 24 Solmonth GÆ 1567 and King of England and Ireland as Yacom I from ðe foroning of ðe Scottiſh and Engliſh wreaths on 24 Meremonth GÆ 1603 until his death in GÆ 1625. Ðe kingdoms of Scotland and England were onlepy oroverreding riches, with heir own wittingmoots, lawſets and laws, ðough both were rixed by Yacom in wightly foroning.

Yacom was ðe ſon of Marry I of Scotland and a great-great-youngson of Hamrich VII ⟨and VI⟩, King of England and Lord of Ireland (and, by tofallend, was also a þorouȝ may of Redrich, King of Wiverland - who was mootedly ðe erſt-ever unbickered full king of Ireland as well as ðe only Waðelish one), and ðus an acumend afterganger to all þree breaſtools.

English: King Quall VI and I
Scots: Keeng Quall VI an I
