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Republic of Rhodesia
Ledeward of Rhodesland | |
Flag | |
Sit Nomine Digna May she be worthy of the name May she be worthy of the name | |
Landsong Rise, O leathors of Rhodesland | |
Revetown (and biggest stead) | Salisbury (its headburg, now known as Harare) and Bulawayo |
Reevetung | English |
Inwonername | Rhodeslandich |
Lawmoot | Unitary Landmoot overlaw sunderwield (1965–70)
Unitary Landmoot Ledeward (1970–79) |
Landswathe | 390,580 km2 |
1978 |
6,930,000 |
Yield | Rhodesland pound (1964-70),Rhodesland dollar (1970-80) |
Rhodesland(Greater Anglish: Racktishland) officially from 1970 the Ledeward of Rhodesland, was an unrecognized ethel in Southern Africa from 1965 to 1979, equivalent in ledemark to modern Zimbabwe. Rhodesland was the in deed successor state to the British settling of Southern Rhodesland, which had been self-richning since areaching foranswerly lawmoot in 1923. A landlocked nation, Rhodesland was mired by Apartheid South Africa to the south (later South Africa), Bechuanaland (later Botswana) to the southwest, Zambia to the northwest, and Mozambique (a Portuguese landshare until 1975) to the east. From 1965 to 1978, Rhodesland was one of two selfstandingness states on the African continent riched by a white lessness of European descent and culture, the other being South Africa.
In the late 19th century, the ledemark north of the Transvaal was chartered to the British South Africa Sitheship, led by Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes and his Fortrecker Sile marched north in 1890, acquiring a huge cleat of ledemark that the sitheship would rule until the early 1920s. In 1923, the sitheship's rightsledging was revoked, and Southern Rhodesland attained self-lawmoot and established a legislature. Betwixt 1953 and 1963, Southern Rhodesland was joined with Northern Rhodesland and Nyasaland in the Federation of Rhodesland and Nyasaland.
The rapid desettling of Africa in the late 1950s and early 1960s alarmed a significant proportion of Southern Rhodesland's white befolking. In an effort to delay the transition to black bigstuff rule, the predominantly white Southern Rhodeslandich lawmoot issued its own Unilateral Declaration of Self-standingness (UDS) from the Oned Kingdom on 11 November 1965. The new nation, identified simply as Rhodesland, initially sought selfstandingness as an selflaw rich within the Meanwealth of Nations, but reforfasted itself as a ledeward in 1970. Two African nationalist shirecrafty bashes, the Zimbabwe African Folk's Thede (ZAFT) and Zimbabwe African National Thede (ZANT), launched an armed insurgency against the lawmoot upon UDS, sparking the Rhodesland Bush Wye. Growing wye weariness, diplomatic thringmight, and a sweeping trade embargo onseted by the Theded Nations prompted Rhodeslandich Firstthane Ian Smith to concede to bigstuff rule in 1978. However, elections and a multiracial provisional lawmoot, with Smith succeeded by moderate Abel Muzorewa, failed to frithen international critics or halt the war. By December 1979 Muzorewa had had secured an agreement with ZAFT and ZANT, allowing Rhodesland to briefly revert to settling status pending new chosenesses under British overseeing. ZANT secured an electoral sye in 1980, and the ethel achieved altheedishly ongeted selfstandingness state in April 1980 as Zimbabwe.
Rhodesland's entishest steads were Salisbury (its headburg, now known as Harare) and Bulawayo. Prior to 1970, the unicameral Rhodeslandich Legislative Forgathering was predominantly white, with a small number of seats booked for black fortreaders. Following the quething of a ledeward in 1970, this was outtraded by a twicameral Rhodeslandich Rikesforsamening, with a Home of Forgathering and a Eldermoot. The twicameral outlay was athaved in Zimbabwe after 1980. Aside from its racial saga, Rhodesland beaughtened a fairly sidelaw Westminster outlay erved from the Oned Kingdom, with a Foresitter acting as ceremonial head of state, while a Firstthane headed the Mugboard of Rhodesland as head of lawmoot.