The Anglish Moot

Scorelorish evenwrits are often written on a blackboard.

Telcraft (scorelore, rimecraft or reckonlore) (English: Mathematics) is the smeying of scorings, or the recking of begrips such as score, room, shift, and forebuilding. Benjamin Peirce called it "the cunning which draws needful outcomes".

Through foredeeming and wordlock mulling, scorelore arose from notching, reckoning, deeming, and the learning of sheathes and shapes.

Knowledge and note of fern scorelore have always been a spanning and a needful lifetool, as can be witnessed from orshafts of Egypt, Bearithland, Indland, China and Frodland. Furthermore, the Ishango bone is more than 20 thousand years old.

There was a stepmeal unfolding until the H16th, when the first sarely reckoners were built.

Today, scorelore is noted throughout the world in many fields, inholding kindlore and wealthlore, often neeting new scoreloreish infinding and sometimes leads to the upcropping of whole new fields. Scorelorers are also bound to shire scorelore, or scorelore for its own sake, without having any broader goal in mind, although besettings for what began as shire scorelore are often found later.


Among the leading offshoots of scorelore are shapelore, stowlore, frotherer reckoning, flowreckoning, threenooklore.

  • Shapelore - An early shapeloreman was Euclid.
  • Stowlore - the smeying of the marks of shapelorish rooms or wares that are akept under singale warpings.
  • Frotherer reckoning - the smeying of shapesome tokens (x, y, z, and so forth) and the buildings they ashapen under sundry fremmings.
  • Flowreckoning - the smeying of things happening right now, and how fast, among other things. It was first made by Isaac Newton in England, and at the same time, but less well-known, by G.W. Leibniz on the Europish mainland.
  • Threenooklore - an early threenook reckonloreman was Pythagoras.