Shapelore is the lore and meting of nibs, threads, boards, and shapes, and how they can be reckoned and scored along each other. The kinship between and among the many deals of shapelore is also learned of and reckoned by those wise men who teach this lore.
Shapelore is one of the oldest boughs of scorelore, and for a great deal of time, it was thought of as its own witcraft. One of its most nameknown thinkers was Euclid, an oldtide Greek scoreloreman, whose thoughts on the bough still shape the groundwork of today's shapelore. In truth, he even has his own underbough of shapelore, fittingly named after him: Euclidish Shapelore.
After some time went by, others found out that there were more ways to reckon in shapelore, though they were not seen as being true by others. It was not till the 19th Yearhundred that such other shapelore boughs were seen as being true. Some of the makers of new shapelore boughs and reckonways were Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky and Bernhard Riemann.
Groundwork Outtelling[]
The most bare thing of shapelore is a nib, which is marked by a small dot. Between two nibs a thread, which is either straight or bowed and can have other nibs along its path. When there are at least three nibs, they can be bound together by three threads, which then make a shape. A shape is unwaveringly bemarked as a sideling, or a thing that has sides.
Another bare thing of shapelore is a nook. A nook is where two threads spread from one nib outward. The bowlength between the two threads, often called the sides of the nook, is meted to find the nookspan. As aforesaid, bowlength is the length between two sides of a nook as it is meted along a bow, always the same length away from the main nib of the nook.
The nookspan is marked in three ways: a right nookspan, as shown in the layout, an inward nookspan, which is less in bowlength than a right nook, and a outward nookspan, which is greater in bowlength than a right nook. A bowlengthworth is a given worth of bowlength, and 90 of such makes a right nook.
When a nook spans beyond the length of 180 bowlengthworth, all the way so that its foreside meets that other side, it makes a umbeling. An umbeling is bemarked as having straight 360 bowlengthworth. The length of the outering of an umbeling can be known as its bowlength (as it is for a nook), but it is more widely and more rightly known as its girth (sometimes also known as ring-girth).
The straight middle of the umbeling is known as the midnook. When a thread is drawn between two nibs along the outering of the umbeling without going through the midnib, then this thread is known as a string. However, if a thread is drawn between the midnook and the outering, then that thread is known as a spoke. The whole length of a umbeling from one end to the other (which would mean drawing two spokes so that they form one thread) is known as its throughspoke. When two spokes are drawn, then the span of the outering that lies between the outer endnibs of those two spokes is known as a bow. It too has a bowlength, and is measured in bowlengthworth. When this is done, a sideling with the two spokes and the bow as its three sides is made, which is known as a share of a umbeling.