The Theedish kindred of the Sicambers (sundrinesses Sicambri, Sicambres, Sigambrer, Sugumbrer, Sugambri) kithe in eretide umb 55 BC, bewhile the time of greatwins of Gaul by Julius Caesar and his spreading of the Romish kyserdom. Caesar wrote in his known Commentarii de Bello Gallico that at the watersmeet of the eas Rhine and Meuse a clash befell in the land of the Menapis with Tencters and Usipetes. When these two folks were lead by him their horsemen fled and found haven north of the ea with the Sicambers. Caesar then built a bridge over the ea to scold the Sicambers. Claudius Ptolemy put the Sicambers, together with the Lesser Bructers, at the most northern part of the Rhine and south of the Frish who wone on the coast north of the ea. Strabo laid the whereabouts of the Sicambri next to the Menapis, “who dwell on both sides of the ea Rhine near its mouth, in marshes and woods. It is overright to these Menapis that the Sicambers are set". So the Sicambers must have lived at the lower Rhine in what is now called the Netherlands, most likely in greatshire of Utrecht.
When Caesar overcame the Eburones he welcomed all of the folks that wanted to smite and end their outlasters. The Sicambers answered to Caesars call. They nabbed a great share of livestock, made many slaves and a lot of booty. Caesar said that "these men are born for war and raids", "No swamp or marsh will hold them". After the raid on Eburones they moved on against the Romers. They smote some of Caesars warbands, to strike back for his war against them and when the outlasters of the warteam withdrew into the town Atuatuca the Sicambers went back over the Rhine.
In 16 BC their leader, Melo, brother of Baetorix, led a raid and overcame a Romish warband under the behest of Marcus Lollius, which sparked an answer from the Roman Kyserdom and helped start the Teutonish Wars. Later the Sicambers under Deudorix, son of Baetorix, fitted to the uprising of Arminius with whom they ended the 3 Roman warteams of Publius Quinctilius Varus.
In 11 BC, a deal of this folk was made by Nero Claudius Drusus to move to the south side of the lower Rhine, where they seemingly made a deal of the Franks. The head share of the Sicambers "wandered deep into the land foreseeing the Romers" by Strabo.