The Anglish Moot
Boundland of Theechland
Flag of Sleswick-Holstone
Ethel Theechland
Headstead Keel
Revetung Allmean Theech
Other tungs Low Saxish, North Frish
Inwonername Sleswick-Holstoner
- Body
- Rede-Foresitter

Landday of Sleswick-Holstone
Daniel Günther
Landswathe 6,244 miles²
Befolking (2015)
- Overall
- Huddlemete

470 miles²

Sleswick-Holstone (Theech & English: Schleswig-Holstein, Danish: Slesvig-Holsten,) is the northernmost of the 16 boundlands of Theechland, making up most of the sheedly heretog of Holstone and the southern bit of the former Heretog of Sleswick. Its headstead is Keel; other outstanding steads are Lübeck and Flensborough.

Also known in more dealmarked English as Sleswick-Holsatia, the Danish name is Slesvig-Holsten, the Low Saxish name is Sleswig-Holsteen, and the North Frish name is Slaswik-Holstiinj. Sheedly, the name can also forwise to a bigger field, holding both today Sleswick-Holstone and the former South Jutland Shire (Northern Sleswick) in Denmark.


The name "Holstone" comes from from Old Saxish Holseta Land, (Holz and Holt mean wood in newfangled Allmeanen Theech and in written English, eachownly). At first, it referred to the middle of the three Saxish stem north of the Ea Elb: Tedmarsgoi(Dithmarschen), Holstone and Sturmarii (Stormarn). The swathe of the stem of the Holsts was between the Stör Ea and Hamborough, and after Christening, their main church was in Reedfield. Saxish Holstone became a part of the Holy Romish Rich after Carl the Great's Saxish axfares in the late eighth yearhundred. Since 811, the northern backlands of Holstone (and thus the Rich) was marked by the Ea Eider.

The name Sleswick comes from the stead of Sleswick. The name comes from from the Schlei inlet in the east and vik meaning inlet in Old Norse or settlement in Old Saxish, and tonguely alike (kinword) with the "-wick" or "-wich" shaftroot in stow-names in Briten.

The Heretog of Sleswick or Southern Jutland was at first an whole bit of Denmark, but was in middle eld times began as a fief under the Kingdom of Denmark, with the same dealing to the Danish wreathe as for byspell Brandenborough or Bayers as for the Holy Romish Highkiser. Around 1100, the Heretog of Saxes gave Holstone, as it was his own Ethel, to Earl Adolf I of Shewborough.
