The Anglish Moot
Meanwealth of SouthernlandCommonwealth of Australia (English)
1920px-Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Saying"Forward Australia" (Unreeve)
Landsong"Advance Australia Fair"

"Forward Australia Fair"

"God Save The King" (Royal)

Headstead Mootstead
Biggest stead Sydney
Revetung English
Landtung English
Inwonername Australian, New Hollander

- Queen

- Highthane-Hereteme

- First Rede

Outfander First Rede

- Wealthoarder

- High Deemster

Kernelish Allthingly Forfastening Kingship

Carl III

David Hurley

Anthony Albanese

Richard Marles

James Chalmers

Susan Kiefel

Lawmaking Body- Upper House

- Lower House


Witansmoot Folkmoot

Freedom from the Oned Kingdom:

- Rikeband, Forfastening

- Setness of Westminster Fostering Astight

- Australia Astight

1 Afterlith 1901

9 Harvestmonth 1942

3 Ruthmonth 1986

Landswathe 7,692,024 km2(2,969,907 fs me)
Befolking- In full

- Huddlemete

(2022 guessing)

25,978,935 3.3/km2

Full Homeland Output- In full

- By fellow

2018 guessing:

$1.553 Foursand


Yield Australish Dollar (AUD)

Southernland (Greater Anglish: Andland), reevely the Meanwealth of Southernland and formerly New Holland, is an ethel and iland in the southern halftrindle and makes up most of the Sealand Landeal. Australia is a land in the Meanwealth that lies between the Indish Highsea and Frithful Ocean.

Before 20th Yearhundred[]


The Beginner-folk came to the Great Southern Land between 80,000 and 160,000 years ago, where they lived by hunting and gathering. Throughout the many thousands of years of the Beginner-folks' adwelling, they have followed a way of life friendly to the Earth. Their knowledge of the land and landcare, know-how in hunting and food gathering let them live-on, even in the harshest, almost rainless, sandy stretches where day-to-day life was always a struggle. And before the coming of the Europeans it is fair to say that wherever they lived, from the sandy steads of the hinterland to the green, food-rich fields and streams of the eastern seaboard, their life was even and eadish. Kindred ways and set-up let each folk have a feeling of worth and might with the right to share in all things.

By the 1900s some folks began to listen to the First Dweller's tale of their way of life throughout some seventy thousand years adwelling in the Land. Their holy lore tells us that their world was made in the Dreamtime, when a body of godly beings lived on the Earth and made all the shapes of the landscape and gave souls to all living beings. These godly beings were the forebears of the First Folk and all livings things, as well. Sometime manlife, sometime wightlife, they had the might to work wonders. Their eldtime deeds, and folkways have been come down from kith-end to kith-end by word of mouth in folktale, skip'n step and song from a time beyond the mind and underpinned by hallowed ways of worship.

The First Dwellers were not a thede as we would understand the meaning of the word, but rather a manifold of folk made up of many kindreds. Each adwelled in "homelands" and each spoke a tongue and had a set of folkways that were not wholly the same as those of its neighbour. A kindred could have as few as a hundred folk or as many as fifteen hundred. A kindred could break-up furtherly into two or four smaller sibsets who lived, hunted and gathered food together.

Not only men and women were kindred. Wights, birds, fish also were believed to be by the First-dwellers ghostly kin. Each kindred and sibset (clan) had two or more tokens and shown on them might be a wight, a wort or something of the worldly landscape such as the Moon, while each sibling had their own token. Hard to understand kinship laws set out ways and rights of wedlocking and kithships deeds.

A wayfaring folk they had few worldly belongings. They did not live in europish-kind houses, but instead built makeshift shieldings from lowly wind breaks of boughs, bark and stone to a fairly strong, long hut sitting on poles, overlaid with sheets of bark, and an uplifted floor, where underneath a fire could be lit to keep away gnats and bloodflies.

Their kind of food would have been well-rounded and healthful, held in sway only by the reach of food brought forth by the earth in their kindred landships. Folk meeting was a time of great happiness with merrymaking, mongering, worship, singing old and new songs, welcoming old friends and settling old scores.

The First-folk had great know-how as huecrafters, and were outstanding folk-gleeman and folktellers. Huecrafting on bark, rocks, or godkindly tokens were all linked to worship, song, gleedream and skip'n step( sealt?). They spoke many tongues, and a tongue might have many by-tongues, more so if it was spoken over a wide landstretch Speechlorers believe that there were some 250 unsame tongues spoken by mainland First Folk. They had no written leide, although word was passed between faraway kindreds by markings on twigs.

Unearthing and Settling[]

The Beginner-folks came to the  Great Southern Land between 80,000 and 160,000 years ago, where they lived by hunting and gathering.

In the mid 1600s, Eveish seafarer's ships ran along the Great Southern Land's north-west landedge while on the way to their settlings in Sunriseland (Asia). However Dutch, Portugalish and English alike were sadly let down at what they saw. Dutchman Abel Tasman, while on his far-reaching seafarings, saw little that would bring wealth to his backers. And William Dampier later wrote thoughtlessly of  Great Southern Land, " barely yielding enough to keep alive Earth's most wretched folk."

In 1770, Head Shipman James Cook and the wiscraftmen aboard "Endeavour" were less scathing. Amazed at the sight of such odd wight-life and wort-life there on the New Holland's eastern seaboard's green, seemingly endless fields, Cook went on to say that he believed it to be a land ready to bear, in time, a thriving folkdom. And of the First-folk Cook also had some kind words, "They may seem to some to be Earth's most wretched folk, but in truth they are happier than we Europeans." Cook took ownership of the New Holland's eastern seaboard landbulk in the name of England's King George III, on many a score, but for more than less to thwart the will of other European kingdoms thinking of setting up their own settlings there.

In 1788 the First Fleet, with its leader Arthur Philip, came from England to build a settling to hold the unwanted lawbreakers of Great Britain and Ireland. The 750 lags and their 252 warders, harmen of the newly named New South Wales Fighting Body, who were there to see that law and frith was kept and, if need be, by the harshest methes (means), made landfall near nowadays Sydney on 26 January 1788. Of the some 500,000 First Folk already living there, in the mind of settling's Helmsman, Arthur Phillip, they had all but lost their right to the land. Whether this was within the law did not weigh heavily on his mind; it could be dealt with later. However, it was settled some twenty years later by a wont for land, by a steady stream of newcomers flowing into the young settling.

Settling Clashes[]

The newcomers, those with say-so or those in shackles, thought that their way of life was far better than that of the erd-folk barely out of the Stone Eldth. Yet there were times together of words fairspoken, and friendly meeting with some thought for each other's life ways. But it was not long before misunderstanding grew, misgivings about one another's wonts welled-up and with bad-will and reckoning feeding the balefire of bitterness, the wilds of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land, by the 1830s, saw the Firstfolk dying in their thousands

The coming of the White Man upset their hunting ways by shutting them out of their hunting grounds, and their sheep and cattle fouled the waterholes. The Beginner-folk's answers to the unwanted incoming and over-running of their land were sundry. Some were willing to try to learn more of the ways of the weird newcomer, trying new food like bread and sugar; others hunted new wights such as cows and sheep; a few tried to fight back, and many sought freedom from harm by fleeing into the bush.

Overall the Beginner-folk  tried to take the White Man into their way of life in trading of goods, hunting, wayfaring and guestliness. But they seemed to have little wish to become like or live like white folk. Instead they looked to a time when the outborners would move on or begin to follow their way of life. It soon dawned upon them that the newcomers wanted to own the land, not share it. There was little hope of getting a fair deal from them. The chawn between the two folks' life ways was too great, and the newcomers had the might and the weapon-hoard needed to win any fight-out. They were here to stay.

British Settling[]

With the loss of her settlings in North America, Great Britain had to find a new overseas lock-up for its lawbreakers. In 1788 with the landing of the First Fleet near nowen Sydney, Great Britain had found it. Between 1788 and 1868 more than 160,000 lawbreakers were sent to the Great Southern Land. Theft was their most often lawbreaking deed in a Britain and Ireland where the unevenness of wealth, and neediness made the do-wells uneathly of even lesser deeds of unlawfulness. Other wrongdoers had lead folk-gatherings in "The Shires" calling for a better deal in life, and some had even had the boldness to set up workers' guilds. Many were Irish folk seeking to throw off the yoke of the accursed Saxon from their homeland, and were unwilling to bow down meekly, but ready to stand and fight for the freedom of the "Green". After a while in Great southern Land many misdoers began to see themselves only as short-time bondfolk, not lifelong serfs. Freedom for many brought a new beginning in a settling feeding itself, and gave them a gleam of hope for a better life. Once free they could work for fee, or even till their own land. But for scofflaws there was greater dretch to undergo, such as unsparing flogging and further outcasting to "Earthly Heavens of Utmost Dread" at Norfolk Iland in the Great Sea of Frith", Port Arthur in Van Dieman's Land, or Moreton Bay at nowaday Brisbane. And the outcome of a lag-woman's further, oft-time wrongdoings brought work-wearying toil in the "Workhouse" at Parramatta, some 25 miles from Sydney.

With a folk blend of lag and free settler, qualms and fears saw the settling's folksettish weave, at times, become a little tattered in the early days, seeing its Helmsman Phillip soon asking for more free settlers to come and live in New South Wales. In between time freed lags were being let land to till and, also finding work in many other fields. The rights of children's born to lags was another thing needing a quick and straightforward answer. More farsighted fellows like John Macarthur, rose to wealthiness and lasting good standing through his setting-up of the sheep business. It was Macarthur, and his wife Elizabeth, who brought the first merino sheep to New Holland.

The first great mootish ordeal in the young settling life arose with a test of strength between the headmen of the NSW Fighting Body, more so John Macarthur and the Land's Helmsman William Bligh. Bligh had dealt strongly with the harmen of the Body and their dealings; above all in their hindering the folkdom's fee-flow by paying workers in rum, rather than fee, and the sending lags to do work mostly tilling fields belonging to the settling's better known do-wells. The step taken by Bligh in 1808 to have Macarthur put in the town's lock-up led to an uprising by some harmen. The happening is known as the Rum Uprising.

A leading player in the settling's folkbinding, building boom and overall growth was Helmsman Lachlan Macquarie. Coming to New South Wales in 1810, his sway saw a wending of the settling from a lagstead to one for free folk also; a step most weighty in the shaping of the after-time folkdom. Notwithstanding harsh forsaying of his leadership by reeves in London, his good name went on growing even after his death, more so amongst freed lags and their afterbears. On the headstone of his grave on Scotland's Isle of Mull are carved the words, "Father of  the Great Southern Land".

In 1813 Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth found a way through the Blue Fells and, quickly, an unhindered flow of folk followed seeking land to till and stock with sheep. The Folksteer could do little to stop squatters from settling upon the land and tilling it.

New settlings were founded at Hobart (1803), Brisbane (1823), Perth (1829), Melbourne (1835), and Adelaide (1836). The Adelaide and Perth settlings were founded by free settlers, although from 1846 to 1868 the settling on the Swan Ea in Western Southland rested heavily on lags to do most of the burdensome work. In these settlings the hope for a fairer and even deal for the First Folk lasted only until settlers hungry for land found them in the way.

By the 1840s  the  settlings were wending otherwisely. The calling for the incoming of free settlers only, spoke of  an New Holland with a fairer and more even folkset than that of Britain. For those of the well-to-do kind, a new way forward brought uneathliness in a Land of lags and their bairns.

British reevedom's thoughts about the Great Southern Land settlings were shaping anewly. In 1819 its reeve, John Bigge,  sent to the Great Southern Land to find out about the standing of things in N.S.W., had put a great deal of weight in his write-up upon the need to keep a stark asunder between the right of the freeman and lag. For lags, he said, a much tighter handling and fuller and better use of their work-time was needed to offset the outlay for their upkeep. Bigge dressed Macquarie down for his leadership shortcomings and his ill-founded step to bring back into the folkset's fellowship former lawbreakers, by giving to them work of standing with some rights and say in the folkset. Furthermore Bigge seethed at Macquarie's welcoming of former lags to gatherings at Folksteer House. Yet some twenty years afterwards, a British Find-out Body said that lagship had lessened the worth of freeman and lag alike, and called for the forthwith ending of outcasting of lawbreakers to the settlings in New Holland.

However any fear of going forth that the folk of the settlings might have had, stemmed not from some unworthy laggish blackmark, but from the high-handed deeds of the British Folksteer in London. Drawn to mind is its call in 1848, without talking to the settlers in Sydney, to start-up once more the outcasting of lawbreakers to N.S.W.

Gold Seeking[]

In 1851 the finding of gold firstly in New South Wales and shortly after in Victoria, turned the settlings upside down. As gold seekers from all over the world streamed into Victoria, it became a lawless folkset with bigger towns such as Melbourne emptying of folk, and men living in cloth-huts and makeshift dwellings without the soothing thereabouts of kith and kin. About 2% of the indwellers of Britain and Ireland sailed to NSW and Victoria. Also tens of thousands of folk from China came. Their being on the goldfields sparked mistrust and saw them set upon at times by white gold diggers.

Gold brought sudden wealth for a few, and some of New Holland's nowaday's wealthiest folk, mark the Gold Rush years as the beginning of their kinsfolk's thrivedom.

Many of the gold seekers stayed on, and within a few years there were more free folk than lagfolk in the settlings. Angry at such high fees for a gold-digging letwrit, harsh dealings by law-wardens and the untrustworthy deeds by worthless folksteer reeves, a manifold of diggers from many Lands took a stand for a better deal by building a stronghold near Ballarat in 1854. More than thirty diggers, armed with only small weapons, were killed in a bloody fight when harmen and law-wardens stormed their stronghold in the early hours of the morning of December 3, 1854. In early 1855, in the Head-Lawhouse at Melbourne, they were put before a body of their fellows, who under oath would not and did not deem them guilty of any wrongdoing.

The fight-out at Ballarat, (English: the Eureka Stockade) and the uproar that followed thereafter seems to have helped bring about fairer folk rights. For in 1855 the settlings of NSW, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania were given full rikeling-hood with upper and lower house folkmoots. And within a year, in 1856, New Hollandish workers were the first in the world to win an eight-hour working day.

The Gold Rush brought about a quicker inflow of folk, from almost all the lands on Earth into t, and scoreshe Great Southern Land of new towns and hamlets sprung up throughout Victoria and New South Wales. Almost forgotten throughout all these happenings, and doomed by many as a "dying folk",  were the lands homegrown indwellers who had all but withered away with only some 60,000 living on.

The swift growth which followed the Gold Rushes gave birth to a time of thrivishness, which went on for more than forty years, only coming to an end with the "Land Bust" of the 1880s. Melbourne grew at great speed, becoming the Great Southern's Land biggest town, and for a while was the second most folkfilled town under British wield. This time saw the building of the framework of the land downunder Head Towns. In 1870 arose a deep feeling amongst settlers of an aloneness as a folk living in an Anglo-Saxon outstead -12,000 miles from their ilk in Britain- when fears of a Russian inslaught saw the hasty building of strongholds along New Holland's south eastern shoreline.

Meanwealth Erelore[]

Great Bust and Birth of Meanwealth[]

The "Great Bust", a ten year long wanthriven, brought a lot of worklessness, and the downfall of many worksteads, gave workhirers the opening to drive down pay. Some workhirers tried to undercut worker's rights by bringing in workers from China. The backlash that followed led to all settlings barring the incoming of Asians. This was the grounds upon which the "White Folk Only" laws were made, with the setting up of "The Commonwealth of Great Southern Land" in 1901, forbidding folks of black and yellowish, skin hues from living in New Holland.

The kind of Great Southern Land they wished to live in stirred workers into a struugle for a fairer deal in the 1890s. They looked to a new kind of deal for workers with the sharing of the Land's wealth evenly. Asians were to be feared, and kept out of the Great Southern Land, as their willingness to work long hours for little income, and to be taken on as strikebreakers, it was believed, would threaten the wellbeing of other workers. While some workers pressed on in seeking to build a working-man's heaven in the Great Southern Land; others such as William Lane, believing that this kind of folkset could no longer be set up in Great Southland , along with a band of followers, sailed to Paraguay, and there in the wilderness, went forward seeking to build a Blissland. Furthermore, Workers Guilds banded together to set up their own mootish bodies: many the forerunners of the Southlandish Work Moot (Austalian Labour Party). In the midst of wanthriven, struggle and ill-will, it is a wonder that the sundry rikelings could forge a new folkdom so well as they did but, after much long and often bitter mooting, the Meanwealth of Australia was born on January 1, 1901.

Fear of being overrun by the teeming folkdoms to its near north was an ongoing worry for the new folkdom and strengthened its wilne to welcome more inwandering from Eveland. The mindshattering Dawnlandish win over Russland, only heightened the worry Australians had about their lot and undertakings in Sunriseland. Australish leaders called for a bigger and better weaponed sea-fleet in the Frithful Highsea to fend off any threat, but with the hub of British wield faraway in London, Australians could do little but hope that an Anglo-Saxon steadfastness would never let their well-being and on-going fettle as a folk be threatened.

There was an underlying likemindness to keep a fairblooded folkstock, and the new kithdom's folkmoot first key business was a oneness to build a "White Australia". There would be no more incoming by dark or yellow-huers and there was a call to harry and hurry out the likes of those already in Australia. And almost forgotten, the thede's homegrown folk were locked away in drear sunderstows and still thought by most to be a doomed folk.

Great Wye[]

In 1914 at the outbreak of World War One in Eveland, it was well thought that Australia would fultum Great Britain - doing its bit quickly by overrunning Theechland's nearby settlings in the Frithful Highsea, Samoa, Nauru and Papualand. To get ready for war 20,000 Australish fyrdmen landed in Egypt for war drilling and, together with the New Sealanders, and the ANZAC tale was born.

Landing alongside British, French and Indish wyemen at Gallipoli to harry the Turks and alease the heavily burdened Russland, these fighting men would come to stand for the ordeal wrought by war and even the Australish kithdom itself. It was seen as a tale, with boldness and steadfastness amidst death and dree hindered greatly by witless British leadership in London and their herathanes at Gallipoli. War writers haled the Australians and New Zealanders for driving forward through withering fire and their doggedness in holding back their foes' forward thrusts. It was a tale born not from a sweeping win - Gallipoli was a crushing loss - but more for their deeds when with little likelihood of winning or even living-on they stood firm under withering fire. Also it is a tale of freeminded and standalone souls whose rootfastness came not from mindless warway drills, but out of the bonds of mateship and canniness under fire.

More than seven thousand Anzacs were killed in only eight months, before British leaders came to understand that it was a hopeless plight. By the end of the war 58,000 Australians had been killed in the fighting. Australish indwellers at this time topped little more than five micklered, and few homes throughout the folkdom were spared by the loss of a loved-one.

If the Anzac tale seems to bring to mind a feeling of thedehood in the kithdom's war-running, that is not all true - for the bid by Folkdom's leader, Billy Hughes, to bring in a call-up of men to fight in the war overseas was the true yardstick. In two yea-or-nay run-offs Australians were wholly withered to Hughes' thoughts, naysaying any call-up bid. Moreso there was a feeling amongst Australians of Irish stock that they might be called upon by the British to quell any uprising for freedom in Ireland should the call-up bid be onled - though still, at yield, even with the folks' wont being swotely spelt out, the nay-casts seems hollow when meetings of those against the call-up were broken up and Rome worshipers, mostly Irish Australians, brought to book for a lack of arlandlove. But for some, still, those not fully behind Australia's fighting to the last man, side by side with Britain, had to be Sinn Feiners or Bolsheviks.

After the War Australians shrunk back from any thought of un-one-ness, and from a world full of threats. Well into the 1930s, reeves and beadles sought to ward the land against the latest thing in writing, film or huecrafting. Many books from abroad were banned, and some films forbidden, and fear of inbrought and outborners was rife.

1920s and 1930s[]

The 1920s were unwealsome times. Tillerman, fieldfolk, and the working man were struggling barely to make a living. Worry was deepening over falling livelihood and the ongoing struggle between worker and workhirer seethed with ill-will, bloody-mindness and, often stand-up fighting in the worksteads and ways. When the Australish Work Moot took over Folkreve in 1929, the kithdom's wealthful outlook was waning, and the jobless flack was rising.

As Australia's weal hinged heavily on European and American's thriving, the steep world-wide downwend in 1929 hit the folkset heavily. Australia cunned to shield itself behind higher and higher geldish walls, but by 1931 nearly one fourth of all men were without work, and others were working for a far lower weekly income.

The thennish kith were wounded deeply by the harshness of the wanthriven and this sad time would sit uneathly in their minds well into the 1960s. The wanthriven picked off the frail and neediest folk firstly, and brought a true armth back into homes. Some wrayed the needy for their wanhap, and called for the weaning of babies from mothers and fathers who taught them to be needy. But others were mostly ongot by the neediness of many by a downwend in world wealth and geldwarded frameworks, rather by their own way of life. Many Australians believed that such sad times should never happen again.

Second World Wye[]

The need to shape Australish folkset otherwisely was brought home starkly by coming of War in late 1939 with the Theech onslaught of Poland. Australish wyemen left to fight in Eveland, the Middle East and North Africa. By war's end more than ten thousand had lost their lives. And war came to Australish shores itself in late 1941 when Japan's land war-band scythed a wield through South East Asia to be on Australia's northern threshold. In Filibrook 1942 Japanese warbirds bombed Darwin and many other towns in the north. An earlier undertaking from Britain to come to help in time of war, could not be fulfilled. Furthermore, the forethinking of Churchill of "beating Hitler first" did little to still the fears of Australians without their fighting men, away in Europe. The coming of thousands of gouthmen from the B.F.A., led Douglas Macarthur, greatly helped the thede in withstanding the Japanese. The seagouth in the Coral Sea in May 1942, and its throwing back of the Japanish Sea Fleet, saw a lessening of the then-and-now threat to Australia. Some ten thousand Australish wyemen lost their lives in fighting the Japanese in Asia and New Guinea, and another ten thousand of illness, starved, and worked to death under stone-hearted unyieldingness by the Japanese in their war lock-ups. For the homegrown Southlander, their wartime deeds raised hope that in the aftermath they might, for the first time, be taken into the mainstream of the thede whose ongoing they fought for.

The closeness of the Japanish drive forward through Asia awakened old fears of Australians having to fight off foes trying to take over their almost undwelt-in land. Among the most often-heard ways put forward to overcome this worry, was the need for them to bear more bairns, to build towns in the thede's northern hinterland, and folkfill them with hardworking newcomers from Europe. Mighty undertakings, such as the building of the ettenish Snowy High-hills Wattflow Network in NSW began in 1947 to give greater wattflow to Victoria and NSW. Seeking a better life folks in thousands came to Australia after the War, and in the 1950s from war-torn eastern Europe, Theechland, The Netherlands, Italy, Greekland and other Lands to work on its building.

After-Wye Eld and Cold Wye[]

In 1949 Australians seeking steadiness and freedom from outside threat, rather than making better every day living, aye-casted into mootish power a right-wing folksteer headed by Sir Robert Menzies. As a canny wheeler and dealer in mootish things, Menzies put great worth upon the gift women had made in bettering the Austalian way of life. Also he carefully picked out some, so-called "fiendish devils" as threats to the folkdom's way of life; even more so amongst his mootish foes whom he set upon loudly and often, blackening them as marxish backers.

In the mood of the Cold Wye, the folk stayed fearful throughout the 1950s and 1960s, and held dearly to steadiness in a world that could quickly turn threatening. In the 1950s Australia sent a warband, under the shield of the UNO, to Korea, and also helped the British put down a Marxish uprising in Malaya to foster near-to-home steadfastness and a stronger, forward thinking for warding off the Marxish threat.

By the mid 1960s, the Australish folkweld had shaped itself otherwisely. It was time of better everyday living, but a sharp downturn in wealth in 1962, once more brought back starkly to older folks the bounds of wealth and thrivedom. The newcomers of the 1950s were working and bringing up their children alongside working-folk Australians and together were making a more manifold and many-sided folkweld. The children born after World War 11 were nearing full bloom. They were better learned, and more thriving than their elders and could get work more eathly.

Menzies sticking steadfastly to the friendship bond with the B.F Ameriksland sent an Australish warband to fight in the war in Vietnam. Australia's fighting in Vietnam, and even more so his later step of calling-up the kithdom's youth to fight in the war, lead to bitter uproar and upheaval with folks willingly gathering in thousands in the ways of towns throughout the Land to call out loudly against Australia's going to war in Vietnam. Instead of meekingly followed the say-so of so-called wise, white-haired elders, the youth stood up for the right to speak freely and not follow sheepishly the thinking and deeds of their leadership.

1960s to now[]

Full rights for the homegrown first-folk were at last acknowledged by the almost all folks of the thede in 1967. This awakened anewly the thringing need for a fair outcome on their land rights askings. The call for a more even deal for women was also growing louder, and sat high on the list of mootish must-does. At the same time the folkweld began to shift from one where only white folk lived, to one where folk of any skin hue were welcome.

The Labor Party (ALP), under Gough Whitlam's leadership, came to be in 1972, bringing in sweeping shifts in health care, a new shaping of wedlock laws, fairer dealing with the first Southlanders over land right askings and free learning for all. For some, Labor did not have the Know-how to handle the folkdom's wealth soundly. Others felt that the whole thrust of a new way forward for the thede was lost to an out-of-date law which let the British Queendom's headman in Australia throw out a folk-chosen folksteer in 1975.

Over the past thirty years the seeking an Australish selfness in a folkdom fostering manifold kithships has stirred-up great ado, at times a little bitter and often heated. Manifold kithshipness gives newcomers the right to keep their own homeland's folkways, their godkindly beliefs, their tungs and by-tongues. They must abide by the land"s laws, give worth to the other's rights, and acknowledge English as the thede's everyday and business tung. However noble its ettle may be, and whilst there is much wedlocking between folks of unsame kithships, it has put a heavy burden upon a folkdom seeking folkweldish oneness, amid folks of sundry kinds. In the English tung, this way is known as "Multiculturism" It is fair to say that there are many Australians whose forebears have been in the Land over many kith-ends, and even not unfew Australians whose forebears came in the 1950s, who feel that when newcomers choose to live in Australia they should heed the saying, "When in Rome do as the Romans do; and, when in Australia do as the Australians do."

Australia still holds a token link with Briten: the British Queen is also the Queen of the Great Southern land. Since the 1980s the once gainful trade of goods between Australia and Great Briten has lessened. Nowadays Australia trades with the whole world, but overseas dealings are mostly with Asian lands, with Australia's foremost fellow traders being China and Japan.

New laws have given the First-folk never before had rights, but they still fall a long way behind their fellow Australians in many ways and hundredths-wise are struck down by sickness, earlier death, worklessness and lock-upness far greater than other Australians.

Throughout their time in the Great Southland, white folk have had qualms and fears for their well-being as a folk faraway from their forebears' wellspring in Eveland. Furthermore, much mooting has gone on about what kind of folkdom it should be. In the nowaday times of dreadwreck, many old feelings of uneathiness about its stead in the World, and even more so its stead in Sunriseland are still left unanswered. The kind of weld, and its standing as a folkdom on Japan's rim, may yet, in the coming fifty years, be its greatest becalling.

Great Fires[]

Formarkedly, the 2019–20 bush fire tide was the worst known in its erelore, with about 10.7 micklered tenthousandtals being burned and more than 2,500 buildings being fordone, while 29 and counting are acknowledged as dead. As of now, the fires are still ongoing and many have been scattered, while half of the ethel's deer said to be wiped out. Firemen from sundry lands have been called forth to mend these happenings.

Links to leaves about lands (list of lands - write anew)
Mainland Lands
Eveland AlbanlandAndorraBelglandBlackbarrowBosland and HeretogslandBulgarlandCroatlandChecklandCyprusDenmarkEastrichEstlandFinland (Aland Ilands) • FrankricGreeklandIcelandIrelandItalyKosovoLettlandLightenstoneLithowenLittleboroughMaltaMoldovaMonacoNetherlandsNorth MacedonNorwayOned Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) • PolandPortugalRomishlandRusslandSerblandSlovaklandSlovenlandSelf Standing Campdom of MaltaSwedenSwitzerlandSan MarinoSpainTheechlandTurklandUkraineUngerlandVatickish SteadWhite Russland
Africa AlgierlandAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoCameroonChadComorosCongoland (FLC)Congoland (LotC)DjiboutiEgyptElpsbone ShoreEritreaEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGreen HeadlandGuineaHoly Thomas and FirstslandKenyaLewhillsLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMiddle AfricaMoroccoMozambiqueMunneylandNamibiaNigerNigeriaRundilandRwandaSenegalSeychellesSomaliaSotholandSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanSwazilandTanzaniaTogoTunislandUgandaWest GuineaWestern SaharaZambiaZimbabwe
Eastland AfghanlandArmenlandAzerbaijanBahrainBengallandBhutanBruneiCambolandMidlandGeorgelandIndlandIndonesiaIranIsraelDawnlandJordanKazakhlandKoreaKuwaitKyrgyzlandLebanonLaolandMalaylandMeen IlandsMongollandMyanmar (Burma) • NepalOmanOned Arab HeadrichesPaklandPalestinePhilippinesQatarRusslandSaudish ArablandSingaporeSri LankaSumerSyriaTaiwanTajiklandThailandTibetTurklandTurkmenlandUzbeklandVietnamYemen
North Emeryland ArubaBahamasBarbadosBelizeCanadaCuracaoDominicaDominican LedewealthForeoldenland and BeardedlandGuatemalaHaitiHoly Kitts and SnowsHoly LucyHoly Vincent and the Little SeedapplelandsHondurasJamaicaMexicoNicaraguaOned Riches of AmericaPanamaRich ShoreSeedapplelandSeven MootfiresThe HeilandYieldingland
South Emeryland ArgentinaBolivarslandBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorGuyanaParaguayPeruWilloughbylandTrinidad and TobagoUruguayVenezuela
Sealand Cook IlandsEaster IlandFijiMarshall IlandsNauruNew SealandPalauPapua LandSamoaSolomon IlandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu
Unacknowledged/No longer bestanding (& offhangly lands) LandlingsAbkhazlandAgade Riches of AmericaBand of Soviet Fellowship LedewealthsCheckslovaklandEast TheechlandFirelandish KingdomFirstendom of WalesHeronland RichdomKashmirRomish RichSiberland- RhodesiaYugoslavia
