Sri Lanka (Greater Anglish: Holiholm) is an iland ethel in the northern Indish Fivelway off the southeast warth of the Indish mainland in South Sunriseland. Known until 1972 as Ceylon, Sri Lanka has sea mires with Indland to the northwest and the Maldives to the southwest.
Sri Lanka has a leafwritten foretide that spans over 3,000 years, but there are beliefs that Sri Lanka had folk settlings going back to at least 125,000 years. Its earthly whereabouts and deep harbours made it of great lushness from the time of the orold Silk Road through to World War Two. Sri Lanka is home to many liefhoods, folkstocks and tungs. It is the land of the Sinhalese, Sri Lankish Tamils, Moors, Indish Tamils, Burghers, Malays, Kaffirs and the inborn Vedda. Sri Lanka has a rich Buddhish folklore, and the first known Buddhish writings of Sri Lanka, the Pali Canon ord back to the Fourth Buddhish Gathering in 29 BC. The ethel's late foretide has been marred by a thirty-year ethel war which outright ended when Sri Lankan axfaring yielded, befreeing Tigers of Tamil Eelam in 2009.
Sri Lanka is a ledewealth, run by a foresitter. The reving stow, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, is on the outskirts of the biggest town, Colombo. A yielding ethel of tea, coffee, hursts, coconuts, rubber, and cinnamon, Sri Lanka is known as "the Seahurst of the Indish Fivelway" forof its sightliness, shape and whereabouts, and "the land of smiling folk".