Compounds: Meldings
Elements: Ormotes
Another wharve: Board of Firststuffs
Chemical Piths or Unblent Chemicals or Sheer Chemicals or Underlying chemicals
Chemical Series of the Periodic Table
metal | bloom, orestuff |
alkali metals | limecleavers, ashblomen |
alkaline earth metals | ashmolds |
lanthanides | mickledrive ores |
actinides | kernel ores |
transition metals | blendmotes |
post-transition metals | soft motes |
metalloids | halfblomen |
nonmetals | unblomen |
halogens | oreblomen |
noble gases | athel lofts |
The table
English | Atom No | Anglish | Notes |
Hydrogen | 1 | Watermote, Allmote, Lifemote, Waterstuff, Waterlift/Waterloft, Watershaft* | most widespread gas in the universe; *calque |
Helium | 2 | Floatmote, Sunmote, Sunstuff, Sunlift/Sunloft, Sunshaft* | used for hot air balloons; *calque |
Lithium | 3 | Blockmote, Lightstone, Stonesilver, Stoneshaft*, Stonestuff | used for batteries; Lithium is the lightest stone; *calque |
Beryllium | 4 | Blurmote, Sweetshaft, Greenhirststuff/blome, Greenyimstuff/blome | - |
Boron | 5 | Gearmote, Boraxshaft, Whitestonestuff* | used for sports equipment; *whitestone indicates borax |
Carbon | 6 | Chark, Wortloft, Coalstuff, Coalshaft | calque; gas absorbed by plants |
Nitrogen | 7 | Brawnmote, Chokestuff, Stickshaft | protein element |
Oxygen | 8 | Breathmote, Breathloft, Sourstuff, Sourshaft* | essential to humans; *calque |
Fluorine | 9 | Blendmote, Thrillstuff, Flowlift/Flowloft, Flowshaft* | reactive element used in alloys; *calque |
Neon | 10 | Bookred, Newlift/Newloft* | used for red light in neons - <OE bōcred; *calque |
Sodium | 11 | Brine ore, Saltstuff, Saltshaft, Glasswortstuff/blome* | found in salt; *glasswort indicates a kind of plant whose Arabic is the wordroot for soda, which is the wordroot for sodium |
Magnesium | 12 | Soapstone ore, Epsomblom, Lodeshaft, Whiteburnstuff/blome | The metal in soap stone; based on origins of discovery in England |
Aluminium | 13 | Claysilver, Bittersalt, Evenshaft* | Dutch expression ‘het zilver in klei’. Calque.; *see OE efne "alum" |
Silicon | 14 | Sindle, Sandchark, Flintstuff, Flintshaft | I-mutation of "sand" + -le, The "carbon" in sand (Silicon Dioxide), Calque (from Romish silex: flintstone). |
Phosphorus | 15 | Light-bearer, Blikeshaft, Glowstuff* | Calque; *phosphorus comes from Greekish phos "light" |
Sulfur | 16 | Swevel, Brimstone | English |
Chlorine | 17 | Bleachlift, Greenling, Greenlift/Greenloft | 1. Calque of High Icelandic bleikiloft; 2. and 3. Half-calque. |
Argon | 18 | Idlelift, Idling, Lonelift, Lazylift/Lazyloft | Half-calques |
Potassium | 19 | Potash, Pot ash, Potashstuff/blome* | English; *calque |
Calcium | 20 | Limestuff, Limeshaft* | English; *calque |
Scandium | 21 | Scandish Silver, Shedshaft*, Northlandstuff | Anglicized; "Northland" indicates Scandinavia, a Latish term; *calque |
Titanium | 22 | Ettin ore, Ettinshaft | Half-calque |
Vanadium | 23 | Freyastuff, Freya ore, Fryshaft | English for "Vanadis" (Goddess) |
Chromium | 24 | Shieldshine, Shinestone, Hueshaft* | A metal known for its high lustre, half calques; *calque |
Manganese | 25 | Lady lodestone, Glass-stone, Glass Makers' ore | 1. Magnesium and manganese were from the same spot, but are believed to have different genders. 2. and 3. For its note in glassmaking. |
Iron | 26 | Iron | English |
Cobalt | 27 | Cobalt, Puckshaft*, Elfblome | English; *cobalt comes from NHG Kobold, which means "puck, goblin" |
Nickel | 28 | Nickel | English |
Copper | 29 | Copper, Ore* | English; <OE ār |
Zinc | 30 | Zinc, Spelter, Tindshaft* | English; *half-calque |
Gallium | 31 | French zinc, Outlanderzinc*, Gallshaft | Half-calque; *"Outlander" was what Gaul means |
Germanium | 32 | Dutch tin, Theechshaft*, Theechstuff | Half-calque, *calque |
Arsenic | 33 | Cup-fiend, Bowl-sprite, Yellowshaft, Yellowdyestuff | Medieval English |
Selenium | 34 | Moon Stone, Moon ore, Moonshaft*, Moonstuff | Half-calque; *full calque |
Bromine | 35 | Stink water, Stinkstuff, Stenchshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Krypton | 36 | Hiddenloft, Hidling, Dernlift | Half-calques |
Rubidium | 37 | Deepest Red, Red ore, Redshaft, Darkredstuff/blome | Calques |
Strontium | 38 | Red Silver, Strontian Stone/Ore, Strontianshaft | Strontium salts emit red light when burned; after town of Strontian in Scotland (where the element is found) |
Yttrium | 39 | Outsilver, Outstone, Out Ore, Outershaft | 'Ytter' is cognate to English 'outer/utter'; Lanthanum group element, period of silver |
Zirconium | 40 | Goldbleesilver, Fake gold, Goldock* | "goldblee" < OE goldbléoh "golden-hued," a calque of the original Persian زرگون zargun "gold-like"; half calque; *means "little gold" |
Niobium | 41 | Columbus' Stone/Ore, Snowy Stone/Ore, Sigynstuff, Niobeshaft | Columbium (other name), half-calque; Sigyn is the Norse mythology correspondence of Niobe |
Molybdenum | 42 | Lifesilver, Greek lead, leadlike, Bylead | ?, molybdos means "lead" in Greek, calque |
Technetium | 43 | Fake Silver, Manmade Silver, Craftshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Ruthenium | 44 | Ruthen, Rethenford's Stone/Ore, Russhaft* | Anglicised; *calque |
Rhodium | 45 | Rose Silver, Rose stone/ore, Bloomshaft, Bawsepinksilver | Half-calque; "bawsepink" might be the alternative for the rather Latish word "rose" |
Palladium | 46 | New Silver, Maidenling, Pallasshaft | English(early name), calque |
Argentum | 47 | Silver | English |
Cadmium | 48 |
Attersilver, Wednesiron, Kelmis Ore/Stone, Cademshaft |
<OE átor "poison;" Cadmium is highly poisonous, cf. High Icelandic eitursilfur; Cf. 'Wodan,' early Name in German (God Wodan, English Wooden, as in Wednesday, Norse Odin). From calamine, after town of Kelmis is Belgium. |
Indium | 49 | Brawling Silver, Hindish Stone/Ore, Woadshaft* | This metal emit a high pitched cry when bent; *calque |
Tin | 50 | Tin | English |
Stibium/Antimony | 51 | Nebsalve, Greyshaft | <OE nebsealf |
Tellurium | 52 | Foldsilver, Earthstuff, Earthshaft | Calque (with "fold" <OE folde "earth, ground"), Calques |
Iodine | 53 | Woadstone, Baseshaft* | <OE wǽden 'blue, purple'; *<OE basu/baso 'purple, crimson' |
Xenon | 54 | Fremdlift/Fremdloft, Outlift/Outloft, Oddlift/Oddloft, Walenlift | Half-calques |
C[a]esium | 55 | Sky stone/ore, Blue stone/ore, Hewenshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Barium | 56 | Heavy earth, Heavy stone/ore, Swereshaft* | From old Dutch ‘zwaaraarde-metaal’ (heavy-earth metal), half-calque; *full calque |
Lanthanum | 57 | Hush stone/ore, Lying stone/ore, Hiddenshaft*, Sheathedstuff | Half-calque; *full calque |
Cerium | 58 | Growling, Walkirryshaft* | Ceres was the goddess of growing plants; *see OE wælcyrge |
Praseodymium | 59 | Green twin, Greentwinshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Neodymium | 60 | New twin, Newtwinshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Promethium | 61 | Forethought ore/blome, Lightbearendshaft | Prometheus means "forethought" in Greek |
Samarium | 62 | Samarsky's Stone/Ore, Samarskystuff, Samarskyshaft* | Anglicised; *calque |
Europium | 63 | Eveland stone/ore, Evelandstuff/blome, Evelandshaft* | Half-Calque; *full calque |
Gadolinium | 64 | Gadolin's Stone/Ore/blome | After finder Johan Gadolin |
Terbium | 65 | Uttersilver, Utterstone, Utter Ore, Upplandshaft* | From Swedish town Ytterby: Outer/Utter town; *Ytterby is found in the shire of Uppland |
Dysprosium | 66 | Seldomstone, Seldom ore, Arvethshaft* | Half-calque; *see ME arveð- "hard to do", liken with δυσπρόσιτος "hard to get" |
Holmium | 67 | Ilandstone, Iland ore, Holmshaft* | Holm comes from Stockholm, and means iland; *calque |
Erbium | 68 | Utsilver, Utstone, Sweeshaft* | From Swedish town Ytterby: Outer/Utter town; *from Sweeland < OE Swēoland |
Thulium | 69 | Thulestone/stuff, Thule ore, Thileshaft* | Anglicised; *calque |
Ytterbium | 70 | Outersilver, Outerstone, Outer Ore, Ytterbyshaft | From Swedish town Ytterby: Outer/Utter town. |
Lutetium | 71 | Paris stone/ore, Mudling, Mudtownstuff, Parisshaft | Lutatia is Romish for Paris, comes from ‘mud-hovels’, from ‘lutum’ (mud) |
Hafnium | 72 | Copenhagenstone/ore, Sellhaven Ore, Havenstuff, Havenshaft* | Copenhagen comes from Kjøbmandehavn, "selling man (merchant) harbor"; *calque |
Tantalum | 73 | Gladstone/Ore, Tantalshaft | Tantalizing means pleasing, gladdening |
Tungsten | 74 | Heavystone, Wolfsoot, Wolfream, Wolfraven* | Calque of Swedish/Danish tungsten, Calque of High Dutch Wolfram; *if the word's root is the OHG given name Wolfhraban |
Rhenium | 75 | Runling, Rhinestone, Rhine ore, Rineshaft | Rhine comes from Middle High German Rin, from the Proto-Indo-European root *reie- ("to flow, run") |
Osmium | 76 | Stink ore, stinkstone, Smellshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Iridium | 77 | Rainbowstone, Rainbow Gold/Ore, Rainbowshaft* | Half-calque; *full calque |
Platinum | 78 | White Gold, Pinto Silver, Bysilver | English, half-calque (of the full name platina del pinto). |
Aurum | 79 | Gold | English |
Mercury | 80 | Quicksilver | English |
Thallium | 81 | Twigling, Twigstone, Twig ore, Twigshaft* | Half calque; *full calque |
Plumbum | 82 | Lead | English |
Bismuth | 83 | Tinglass, Whitestone | Early New English, Half-calque |
Polonium | 84 | Fieldling, Fieldlandstuff, Polishstone, Polish Ore, Poleshaft | Etymology of Poland eventually refers to "field" |
Astatine | 85 | Ficklestuff, Dor, Unmaking Stone/Ore, Taltershaft* | Calque for "unstable". Initial, rejected name, from German for "do". Half-calque for "unstable"; *<OE tealtrian "to shake, to stagger, to be unsteady" + -shaft |
Radon | 86 | Beamlift/loft, Shinelift/loft, Gleamlift* | 1. Half-calque; 2. Calque of old name niton; *half-calque |
Francium | 87 | Moldova, Frankstone/ ore, Frenchstone/ ore, Frankshaft | Anglicisation of early name: Moldavium; Calques |
Radium | 88 | Glowing Stone/Ore, Streelshaft* | From note as a glowing dye; *calque |
Actinium | 89 | Beaming Ore/Stone, Beamshaft* | Half-calque, see that this has the same word root as Radium; *calque |
Thorium | 90 | Thunor Stone/Ore, Thundershaft* | (Old) Anglicised; *calque |
Protactinium | 91 | Firstbeam Stone/ore, Orbeamshaft* | Half-calque with actinium; *calque |
Uranium | 92 | Tuestone, Pitchblend, Yellowcake, Ymirstuff, Liftshaft* |
Tue is the nearest Anglo-Saxon matching for Greek Uranus (c.f. Latin Deus and Greek Theos); 2 and 3: Noted nowadays; *lift (<OE lyft) shares meanings with οὐρανός |
Neptunium | 93 | Sealing, Seastone, Sea Ore, Aegirstuff, Wadeshaft* | Half-calque; *The father of Wayland, Wade (<OE Wada) of Old English folklore is strongly linked to the sea or water |
Plutonium | 94 | Wealthstone, Wealth Ore, Helstuff, Hellshaft* | Half calque; *from Hel, the Norse evenmatch of Greek-Roomanish Pluto |
Americium | 95 | Americks Ore/Stone, Emmeryshaft | Calques |
Curium | 96 | Curie's Ore/Stone, Curieshaft | Calques |
Berkelium | 97 | Birch Ore, Berkeleyshaft | Half-calques |
Californium | 98 | Californish Ore/Stone, Californshaft | --- |
Einsteinium | 99 | Einstein's Ore/Stone, Anstonshaft* | *calque |
Fermium | 100 | Fermi's Ore/Stone, Fermishaft | --- |
Mendelevium | 101 | Mendeleev's Ore/Stone, Mendelevshaft | --- |
Nobelium | 102 | Nobel's Ore/Stone, Nobelshaft | --- |
Lawrencium | 103 | Lorel Ore, Lawrenceshaft* | Anglicised; *half-calque |
Rutherfordium | 104 | Rutherford's Ore/Stone, Rutherfordshaft | --- |
Dubnium | 105 | Dubna Ore/Stone, Hahnshaft* | Anglicised; *from a stricken name for "dubnium" |
Seaborgium | 106 | Seaburg Ore/Stone, Seaborgshaft* | Anglicised; *half-calque |
Bohrium | 107 | Bohr's Ore/Stone, Bohrshaft | --- |
Hassium | 108 | Hessen Ore/Stone, Hesshaft* | Anglicised from Latin; *calque |
Meitnerium | 109 | Meitner's Ore/Stone, Meitnershaft | --- |
Darmstadtium | 110 | Darmstadt Ore/Stone, Darmsteadshaft | --- |
Roentgenium | 111 | Roentgen's Ore/Stone, Roentgenshaft | --- |
Copernicium | 112 | Kopernik's Stone, Copernickshaft | --- |
Nihonium | 113 | Yapanstone/Ore, Dawnstone/Ore, Nihonshaft | Nihon (Japan) means "Dawn land" |
Flerovium | 114 | Flerov's Stone/Ore, Flerovshaft* | *Calque |
Moscovium | 115 | Moscowstone/Ore, Blackfordstone/Ore, Moscowshaft | "Moscow" is taken from a word that means "black ford" or "black stream". |
Livermorium | 116 | Livermore's Stone/Ore, Livermoreshaft | "Livermore" likely comes from "Læfermere", the Old English root of the name "Livermore". |
Tennessine | 117 | Tennessestone/Ore, Tennesseeshaft | "Tennesse" comes from "Tanasi", the Cherokee settlement from which it takes its name. |
Oganesson | 118 | Oganesson, Oganesian's Lift/Loft | --- |