The Anglish Moot

Hi, Ive put a few words into the writing here. Words with a stronger Old English frume(origin)and anewed likelihood, they are also likelier wyes(contenders). Anyway, see what you think.

Bergh/berrow= this is a swithly hard word to stonelay(make a final decision about)as it could have so many sunderly outcomes in spelling and outspeech. I have tagged an 'h' to the end of bergh so as to sunder it a little from Theedish, stopping it from looking borrowed and linking it to words (although a slightly sunderly meaning) with a spell-likeness such as 'borough'(beorg - though this became 'bury' at the end of many town names) 'Edinburgh'. However, looking at words such as 'folgian'/ 'borgian'(follow/borrow) these words shifted to take on an '-ow' ending, thus I've given 'berrow' as another outspeech mightlihood(posibility). Suchnessly(naturally), 'bery' would also have to be underthought(considered)... Hill, though, was afoldly(simply) too small for the awending of 'Mont-' in 'Montenegro'.

Hild = war (aliken the name 'Hilda' meaning 'of war')

Guth = battle

Ferd = army

Hera = (Great) army

blastclewn = -ball, I like the blast bit, but OE had 'cliewen' for sphere or ball.

Heratower = this wordly(literally) means 'hera(army) + tow(pull)+er' and was in OE as the inland word for 'duke/count'

--Gallitrot 21:02, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

The "Monte" in Montenegro comes from Romish "Mons", which can either mean berg (mountain), or hill. It seems that it was named after "Mount Lovcen". I can't make sure yet if it is a hill or a berg. Take a look for yourself (

If we make up our mind to call it Black Berg/Bergh/Berrow, I choose berg. Berrow I took out because the word "barrow" is still noted, but its meaning is of a small hill noted for burial. You say you'd rather note "Bergh" to sunder it from High Dutch, but even in middle English both Berg and Bergh (and Bargh and Barg) were noted. So both are right, but I'd choose Berg because it looks better :-D Of course, since both are right, anyone can pick his own.

As for ferd, thanks for that! I already knew the word fyrd, but since it means the bit of the "army" made from the earm (poor) folk, I chose another, not knowing that up to middle English it was noted for the whole "army". Also for Hild.

The nowaday's offspring of "cliewen" is "clew". It's still noted but not with the meaning of "sphere". My thought (idea) is that we note clew for sphere (I had been thing for a word for sphere for some time!), and ball for ball (it is unknown for sure whence ball comes from. Could be from O.N. bøllr or from O.E. beall. It is from a P.I.E root which has many offsprings).

As for Heretower, I looked into it and found that the O.E. was "Heretoga". To which word it would shift into I don't know, although it's likely heretower indeed. Better note it then.

Morgoth Bauglir 23:03, November 20, 2010 (UTC)
