The Anglish Moot
The Anglish Moot

This is an oversetting of the first leeth by Baha'u'llah. I am not a man to overset names.

"‘Tis from Our snarement that the clouds of orlds above are raining down;

‘Tis from Our stocksong that the wonders of troth are raining down.

Upon the Eastern wind Cathay’s enyondering must doth waft;

This sweetly weffed breeze from Our curling locks is raining down.

The day-star of bedecking hath dawned forth above the leer of God;

Behold that wonderlike truth from which His Shore is raining down.

The most cleansing sea hath from the wave of true regrouping streamwhelmed;

This dear, lucky bestowal from Our snarement is raining down.

The hoarderns of love lay hid within the same heart of Fárs;

From out this hoard befallen the seahursts of trothfulness are raining down.

The greatness of the lovebloom doth bring the ensnarement of the most outstanding wine;

This hushed song from the ringing keys of Lordship is raining down.

The horn-blast of The Day of Reckoning, the gleeful bliss of heaven’s call -

Both at a lonesome breath are from the rother now raining down.

The Day of “I am He” is made to shine brightly from Our leer;

The Tide of “He is He” from out Our flowing cup is raining down.

From out the spring of Our heart hath God’s heavenly stream flowed;

This cup of honeydew from Our redhurst lips is raining down.

The Day of God hath been fulfilled, for lo, the Lord hath been unhidden;

This wonderful word given from the lin of Ṭá’ is raining down.

Behold Baha’s overflowing kindness, the good gift of the clouds above,

Which, blended into one song, in God’s own steven is raining down.

Behold the Lord’s wyrm, behold His hallowed shore;

Behold the blessings of the heart that from His great seat are raining down.

Behold the Palm of Heaven, behold the warbling of the Dove;

Behold the heavenly worthsong, that in the sheerest light are raining down.

Behold the Shore of God! Behold the Maid of Heaven!

Behold the kindness upon the world from Our own atness raining down.

Behold the everlasting Leer! Behold the great cup-bearer’s draw!

Behold the hursty draught that from Our brimming cup is raining down.

Behold the fire of Moses, see His hand that shineth white;

Behold the heart of Sinai - from Our hand all is raining down.

Hear ye the sotted lovers’ sighs, behold the garden blooming fair;

Behold the bliss that from His atness in your midst is raining down.

Behold the shining leer of Há’, behold the fair robe of Bá’;

Behold the Lordly kindness that from Our Quill is raining down.

The holder of the Onset is this, the clouds of rithe waters these;

The warbling of songbirds this, from Our fleeting Wellspring raining down."

