The Anglish Moot

MýnÆnglishTáwk MýnÆnglishTáwk 12 May 2021

Becoming an Overseer of the Moot

Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing good. I'm writing today to say, that I've signed up to be an admin/overseer of the Moot! This is great news and has been a long time coming, as we've been lacking any kind of true leadership for a great deal of five years, which has let for a lot of bloat, a little vandalism, and some locked write-ups in strong need of updating. Soon that can all be undone, and a thorough clean-up can begin.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to write down your thoughts. -MýnÆnglishTáwk (talk) 19:33, 12 May 2021 (UTC)

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MýnÆnglishTáwk MýnÆnglishTáwk 9 July 2018

Making Anglish words that have the same shortenings as what they are taking the stead of

One thing that I think is great to do, is to make new clean English words that have the same shortenings as the ones that they are taking the stead of. As a byspel, I have lately come up with a clean English word for the word "BIOS" - the new clean word that I have come up with, is "BIOS". Yous might be asking, "What switches between them? They both look the same to me." The answer to that, is what they are short for; the everyday, not clean one, is short for "Basic Input Output System" - whilst my new, clean English one, is short for "Bottom Input Output Setup". This way, the new word fits right into the hole left by the old one, thanks to it having both the same meaning ond spelling! That is pretty good that, i'n't it?

Tell me what you th…

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MýnÆnglishTáwk MýnÆnglishTáwk 1 May 2018

Getting Anglish to be written ond spoken more

I think that we need to be writing ond speaking in our clean Germanish English more outside of this webside. To help to spread it further, I have been writing in it. Whenever I have had to write something, I have done it in clean English. I think that this is a good way of spreading it in the true world, since then others will read these words ond then end up speaking them more.

It would be good to know how all of you are helping to get it outside of the Moot, so feel free to write about how you are doing it as an answer to this blog write-up.

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MýnÆnglishTáwk MýnÆnglishTáwk 7 January 2018

Wiktionary only lets in words that they like

There has been a lot of talk about Wiktionary not liking Anglish. I did not know what that meant, until today.

"Hi. Wiktionary only accepts words that are actually in use by many people (see WT:ATTEST for our exact requirements). Words that you wish were used because they're "Anglish", or "more pure", or anything else, do not belong here. Similarly, etymologies may mention cognate words where useful, but rare or dialectal descendants of already listed cognates are not particularly useful. Thanks!"

The thing is, none of the words that I put into Wiktionary were only Anglish words! They could be Anglish as they are Germanish. But they are words that are already in main English!

So it seems that the folks at Wiktionary only let in things that they…

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