Freedom - From Spain - From Greater Colombland - Nowen Forfastening
5 Afterlith 1811 13 Afteryule 1830
15 Ereyule 1999
353,841 miles²
Befolking - In full - Huddlemete
(2016) 31,568,179 87.4/mi²
Full Homeland Output - In full - By fellow
2019 guessing: $87 thrisand $3,100
Bs. (Selfstanding Bolívar) (VES)
Venezuela, acknowledgedly Bolivarish Ledward of Venezuela (B.L.V.)(Spanish: República Bolivariana de Venezuela (R.B.V.), Chancery English: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (B.R.V.) , Greater Anglish: Bolivarish Ledward of Venetle (B.L.V.) is a South Nightland ethel.
Home of "The Rotherer Falls" (Spanish: Salto Ángel;Pemon: Kerepakupai Merú or Churún Merú, meaning "waterfall of the deepest lay", or Parakupá Vená, meaning "the fall from the highest tip".) are the world's highest.
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