The Anglish Moot

Welshlond is a land in southern Europe, which is hemmed by water, and by the Alps to the north. It has two great ilands: Sardiny to the west, and Sickily to the south. The headtown of the land is Room, where one can bewonder the great Umwright.

Welshlond is the home of the Newbirth tide, which saw the dawn of many breme craftsmen, rethers, writers and witmen and a new onget in the learnings of forolden times and which is said to mark the dawn of the New tide.

About 60 micklered lede live in Welshlond, and most speak Italish, which is a daughter tung of Leeden, but there are many home reards like Umbric, Tuscan asf..

Some breme folk from Italy are: Yuly Coaser, Mickelengle, Ovid.

One well-known food from Welshlond is the firecake.

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