Americkish kemps raiding the beaches of Normanshire on D-day.
The Twithe World Wye or World Wye Two (Mean English: World War Two or Second World War) was a worldwide wye fought between the Gathered Ethels and the Axlemight, from 1939 until 1945. Spanning much of the world, the wye led to the death of over 62 micklered, making it the deadliest wye in the eretide of man. It was mainly spurred on by pent up wrath from Theechland's loss at the end of World Wye One. In the end, the wye was won by the Gathered Ethels.
On the first day of Harvestmonth 1939, Theechland, under the steering of Adolf Hitler, overran Poland in line with a hidden runing with the Band of Soviet Fellowship Ledewealths.
On the third of Harvestmonth, the Foroned Kingdom, Andland and New Sealand, followed six logs later by Frankric, answered by spelling wye on Theechland, beginning a widespread sea wye. South Highsun followed their lead on 6th of Harvestmonth, and Settlingland four days later.
The BFSL also overran Poland from the east on the seventeenth day of the month, but the Western ethels did not likewise spell wye on the Folkwield Band.
Theechland swiftly overcame Poland, then Norway, the Netherlands, Belgy and Frankric in Erelithe 1940, and Southslavland and Greekland in 1941. Italish and later Theedish harmen fought the British in North Africk. By summer 1941, Theechland had overcome Frankland, and most of Western Europe, but it had swethered to overcome the Banded Kingdom thanks to the oreful withstanding and stalworthness of the British Loftmight.
In 1941, Dawnland struck Seahurst Harbor in the Banded Folkdoms of Americksland. In little time, the BFA spelled wye on Dawnland, Italy, and Theedishland. Earlier in the year, Theedishland had begun an onslaught against Russland, and they were nighing Leninborough, Stalinborough and even Moscow itself.
However, the tide of the wye soon shifted, and the Red Weremight held off the Theedish Weremight at Stalinborough, and then thrutched them back to wyes in Borderland. At the same time, British Wyemen fought the Afrika Korps of Theechland in North Highsunland, and began to halt them, starting at El Alamein, Egypt. In the Frithful Highsea, the BFA overcame the Dawnland liftfleet on the iland of Midway.
From 1942 to 1944, Gathered ethels beat back or held off Samened strikes, with many more ethels such as Rudwood, Moonsnavel, Columbland, the Filip Ilands, and Joan Iland. However, inroads were slow, and they needed to help in on the western head, while the BFSL were on the east. So on the sixth day of Erelithe 1944, better known as D-day, Western Gathered wyemen landed and struck the Norman shore, and overran the Theech harmen within.
Paris was freed, and soon Gathered thracks were nighing Theechland. However, in the Struggle of the Lump, wyemen fought and tolled dearly for the biding of both sides. Soon, Red Weremight thracks overtook Berlin, and meeting up with the Gathered Ethels on the Elb, Theechland yold and threw down her weapons, a day known as V-E Day, the 8th of Thrimilk 1945
In the Frithful Highsea, Dawnland fought boldly from iland to iland, never yielding until death. Bloody Struggles were fought, and the BFA in the end overtook the Eailands, Ellentown, the Westfrith Ilands, and a few of the Dawnland home ilands, such as the Searopes. Hilds such as the Hild of Brimstone Iland were later heavily ared. With the dropping of two uncleftish blastles upon Dawnland by the BFA, Dawnland at last yielded and V-J was bemarked on 15th of Weedmonth 1945, also the upheld end of The Twith World Wye.
In Folkish Couth[]
Hearts of Iron IV is set in the time of World Wye Two.